<xsl:call-template name="siteName"/>

Welcome to your new home page!

A new home page can be created for your Greenstone3 digital library by modifying or replacing the home.xsl file found in the Greenstone3/web/interfaces/default/transform/pages folder.

For this homepage, we first downloaded a free CSS template from FreeCSSTemplates.org, released under a Creative Commons Attributions 2.5 license, so you're pretty much free to do whatever you want with it (even use it commercially) provided you keep the links in the footer intact.

We made a few modifications to the HTML of the index.html page-like removing a navigation bar at the top, changing the main photo, and removing or replacing parts of the text, as well as removing some escape characters (e.g. &nbsp;, &copy;), before including it in this tutorial.

In the tutorial, you create your own home.xsl, and define and call some XSL templates that make it possible to do many things, like include an up-to-date list of collections in your library, have a cross-collection search box, and have links that appear/disappear when you login.

If you want to completely change the layout of your entire library, you probably want to define your very own interface. You can read more about interfaces in the Greenstone3 manual. Tutorial coming soon!

  • Select a Collection:

  • /admin/AccountSettings?s1.username=
  • Register a new user
  • Administration
  • ?logout=Logout
  • Login