creator maintainer public true buildtype lucene infodbtype gdbm indexes text dls.Title,ex.Title dls.Subject dls.Organization dls.Keyword defaultindex text levels section document plugin ZIPPlugin plugin GreenstoneXMLPlugin plugin HTMLPlugin -description_tags -OIDtype dirname plugin MetadataXMLPlugin plugin ArchivesInfPlugin plugin DirectoryPlugin classify List -metadata dls.Title -partition_type_within_level constant_size classify Hierarchy -metadata dls.Subject -sort dls.Title classify List -sort_leaf_nodes_using dls.Title -metadata dls.Organization -bookshelf_type always -partition_type_within_level constant_size classify List -metadata dls.Keyword -partition_type_within_level constant_size -buttonname Howto format CL4VList "[link][icon][/link][link][dls.Keyword][/link]" format SearchVList "[link][icon][/link]{If}{[parent(All\': \'):Title],[parent(All\': \'):Title]:}[link][Title][/link]" format VList "[link][icon][/link][highlight]{Or}{[dls.Title],[Title],Untitled}[/highlight]{If}{[Date],
_textsource_[dmsafe:Source]}" format DocumentText "



[Text]" format DocumentImages true format DocumentButtons "Expand Text|Expand Contents|Highlight|Detach|Print" format DocumentSearchResultLinks true format HList "[link][highlight][Title][/highlight][/link]" format DocumentHeading "{Or}{[parent(Top):dls.Title],[parent(Top):Title],[Title],untitled}
" format SearchTypes "plain,form" # strings that use macros # these don't need translating unless you want something different from the # default collectionmeta .text [l=en] "_labeltext_" collectionmeta .dls.Title,Title [l=en] "_labelTitle_" collectionmeta .dls.Subject [l=en] "_labelSubject_" collectionmeta .dls.Organization [l=en] "_labelOrganization_" collectionmeta .dls.Keyword [l=en] "_labelHowto_" collectionmeta .document [l=en] "_textbook_" collectionmeta .section [l=en] "_textchapter_" # -- English strings ---------------- collectionmeta collectionname [l=en] "manifest-demo-e" # -- English Text ------------------- collectionmeta collectionextra [l=en] "This demonstration collection contains the same material as the original Greenstone demo collection. In addition it has some predefined manifest files, to show off their use with incremental building. Uses lucene to do incremental build. Uses OIDtype dirname to make it easy to specify document ids for deletion. import folder and import.extra folder with additional material. manifests folder contains the manifest files. Uses command line building. Run setup/source setup.bash in top level before starting. 1. Build the collection initially: perl -S documented-examples/manifest-demo-e perl -S documented-examples/manifest-demo-e rename building to index Preview the collection. Contains 8 documents, 5 from BOSTID and 3 from EC Courier. 2. Add some new documents into the collection. Copy the three folders fb33fe fb34fe wb34te from import.extra into import. perl -S -keepold -manifest manifests/add-new-files.xml documented-examples/manifest-demo-e perl -S documented-examples/manifest-demo-e Now there should be FAO Better Farming Documents, and one World Bank document. 3. Delete some documents from the collection. perl -S -keepold -manifest manifests/delete-some-files.xml documented-examples/manifest-demo-e perl -S documented-examples/manifest-demo-e Now the EC Courier documents should be gone. 4. Modify some metadata Copy import.extra/fb33fe-metadata.xml to import/fb33fe/metadata.xml Copy import.extra/fb34fe-metadata.xml to import/fb34fe/metadata.xml perl -S -keepold -manifest manifests/new-metadata.xml documented-examples/manifest-demo-e perl -S documented-examples/manifest-demo-e "