#!/bin/bash if [ "x$GSDLHOME" = "x" ] ; then # This extension needs to have the main GSDL setup.bash sourced echo "Greenstone environment variable GSDLHOME not set." echo "Have you sourced the main installation's setup file, e.g. setup.bash?" exit -1 fi if [ ! -d "$GSDLHOME/apache-httpd" ] ; then # ... and it also needs to have been configured with --enable-apache-httpd # This is because the entension needs to add mod_flvx to the web server echo "Could not find the directory \"$GSDLHOME/apache-httpd\"" echo "Has the main Greenstone been configure for this? " echo "e.g. ./configure --enable-apache-httpd [... other options]" exit -1 fi source bin/script/test-setup.bash source lib/cascade-lib.bash # Ensure that the necessary directories exist within the 'installed' area dirlist="cmdline server" if [ -e packages/devel ] ; then dirlist="$dirlist devel" fi for d in $dirlist ; do if [ ! -e $GEXTVIDEO_INSTALLED/$d ] ; then echo "Creating $GEXTVIDEO_INSTALLED/$d" mkdir $GEXTVIDEO_INSTALLED/$d fi done for d in packages ; do echo "Running $d/CASCADE-MAKE.sh $*" (cd $d ; ./CASCADE-MAKE.sh $*) if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Error encountered running $d/CASCADE-MAKE.sh" exit 1 fi done if [ ! -e $GEXTVIDEO_INSTALLED/server/htdocs/gsdl ] ; then ( cd $GEXTVIDEO_INSTALLED/server/htdocs/ ; \ if [ ! -e gsdl ] ; then ln -s $GSDLHOME gsdl ; fi ) if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Error encountered configuring lighttpd server 'htdocs' to have symbolic link to gsdl home" echo "Is GSDLHOME set?" exit 1 fi fi