source: extensions/gsdl-video/trunk/installed/cmdline/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb@ 18425

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2# date.rb - date and time library
4# Author: Tadayoshi Funaba 1998-2006
6# Documentation: William Webber <[email protected]>
9# $Id: date.rb,v 2.30 2006-12-30 21:43:41+09 tadf Exp $
12# == Overview
14# This file provides two classes for working with
15# dates and times.
17# The first class, Date, represents dates.
18# It works with years, months, weeks, and days.
19# See the Date class documentation for more details.
21# The second, DateTime, extends Date to include hours,
22# minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second. It
23# provides basic support for time zones. See the
24# DateTime class documentation for more details.
26# === Ways of calculating the date.
28# In common usage, the date is reckoned in years since or
29# before the Common Era (CE/BCE, also known as AD/BC), then
30# as a month and day-of-the-month within the current year.
31# This is known as the *Civil* *Date*, and abbreviated
32# as +civil+ in the Date class.
34# Instead of year, month-of-the-year, and day-of-the-month,
35# the date can also be reckoned in terms of year and
36# day-of-the-year. This is known as the *Ordinal* *Date*,
37# and is abbreviated as +ordinal+ in the Date class. (Note
38# that referring to this as the Julian date is incorrect.)
40# The date can also be reckoned in terms of year, week-of-the-year,
41# and day-of-the-week. This is known as the *Commercial*
42# *Date*, and is abbreviated as +commercial+ in the
43# Date class. The commercial week runs Monday (day-of-the-week
44# 1) to Sunday (day-of-the-week 7), in contrast to the civil
45# week which runs Sunday (day-of-the-week 0) to Saturday
46# (day-of-the-week 6). The first week of the commercial year
47# starts on the Monday on or before January 1, and the commercial
48# year itself starts on this Monday, not January 1.
50# For scientific purposes, it is convenient to refer to a date
51# simply as a day count, counting from an arbitrary initial
52# day. The date first chosen for this was January 1, 4713 BCE.
53# A count of days from this date is the *Julian* *Day* *Number*
54# or *Julian* *Date*, which is abbreviated as +jd+ in the
55# Date class. This is in local time, and counts from midnight
56# on the initial day. The stricter usage is in UTC, and counts
57# from midday on the initial day. This is referred to in the
58# Date class as the *Astronomical* *Julian* *Day* *Number*, and
59# abbreviated as +ajd+. In the Date class, the Astronomical
60# Julian Day Number includes fractional days.
62# Another absolute day count is the *Modified* *Julian* *Day*
63# *Number*, which takes November 17, 1858 as its initial day.
64# This is abbreviated as +mjd+ in the Date class. There
65# is also an *Astronomical* *Modified* *Julian* *Day* *Number*,
66# which is in UTC and includes fractional days. This is
67# abbreviated as +amjd+ in the Date class. Like the Modified
68# Julian Day Number (and unlike the Astronomical Julian
69# Day Number), it counts from midnight.
71# Alternative calendars such as the Chinese Lunar Calendar,
72# the Islamic Calendar, or the French Revolutionary Calendar
73# are not supported by the Date class; nor are calendars that
74# are based on an Era different from the Common Era, such as
75# the Japanese Imperial Calendar or the Republic of China
76# Calendar.
78# === Calendar Reform
80# The standard civil year is 365 days long. However, the
81# solar year is fractionally longer than this. To account
82# for this, a *leap* *year* is occasionally inserted. This
83# is a year with 366 days, the extra day falling on February 29.
84# In the early days of the civil calendar, every fourth
85# year without exception was a leap year. This way of
86# reckoning leap years is the *Julian* *Calendar*.
88# However, the solar year is marginally shorter than 365 1/4
89# days, and so the *Julian* *Calendar* gradually ran slow
90# over the centuries. To correct this, every 100th year
91# (but not every 400th year) was excluded as a leap year.
92# This way of reckoning leap years, which we use today, is
93# the *Gregorian* *Calendar*.
95# The Gregorian Calendar was introduced at different times
96# in different regions. The day on which it was introduced
97# for a particular region is the *Day* *of* *Calendar*
98# *Reform* for that region. This is abbreviated as +sg+
99# (for Start of Gregorian calendar) in the Date class.
101# Two such days are of particular
102# significance. The first is October 15, 1582, which was
103# the Day of Calendar Reform for Italy and most Catholic
104# countries. The second is September 14, 1752, which was
105# the Day of Calendar Reform for England and its colonies
106# (including what is now the United States). These two
107# dates are available as the constants Date::ITALY and
108# Date::ENGLAND, respectively. (By comparison, Germany and
109# Holland, less Catholic than Italy but less stubborn than
110# England, changed over in 1698; Sweden in 1753; Russia not
111# till 1918, after the Revolution; and Greece in 1923. Many
112# Orthodox churches still use the Julian Calendar. A complete
113# list of Days of Calendar Reform can be found at
116# Switching from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar
117# involved skipping a number of days to make up for the
118# accumulated lag, and the later the switch was (or is)
119# done, the more days need to be skipped. So in 1582 in Italy,
120# 4th October was followed by 15th October, skipping 10 days; in 1752
121# in England, 2nd September was followed by 14th September, skipping
122# 11 days; and if I decided to switch from Julian to Gregorian
123# Calendar this midnight, I would go from 27th July 2003 (Julian)
124# today to 10th August 2003 (Gregorian) tomorrow, skipping
125# 13 days. The Date class is aware of this gap, and a supposed
126# date that would fall in the middle of it is regarded as invalid.
128# The Day of Calendar Reform is relevant to all date representations
129# involving years. It is not relevant to the Julian Day Numbers,
130# except for converting between them and year-based representations.
132# In the Date and DateTime classes, the Day of Calendar Reform or
133# +sg+ can be specified a number of ways. First, it can be as
134# the Julian Day Number of the Day of Calendar Reform. Second,
135# it can be using the constants Date::ITALY or Date::ENGLAND; these
136# are in fact the Julian Day Numbers of the Day of Calendar Reform
137# of the respective regions. Third, it can be as the constant
138# Date::JULIAN, which means to always use the Julian Calendar.
139# Finally, it can be as the constant Date::GREGORIAN, which means
140# to always use the Gregorian Calendar.
142# Note: in the Julian Calendar, New Years Day was March 25. The
143# Date class does not follow this convention.
145# === Time Zones
147# DateTime objects support a simple representation
148# of time zones. Time zones are represented as an offset
149# from UTC, as a fraction of a day. This offset is the
150# how much local time is later (or earlier) than UTC.
151# UTC offset 0 is centred on England (also known as GMT).
152# As you travel east, the offset increases until you
153# reach the dateline in the middle of the Pacific Ocean;
154# as you travel west, the offset decreases. This offset
155# is abbreviated as +of+ in the Date class.
157# This simple representation of time zones does not take
158# into account the common practice of Daylight Savings
159# Time or Summer Time.
161# Most DateTime methods return the date and the
162# time in local time. The two exceptions are
163# #ajd() and #amjd(), which return the date and time
164# in UTC time, including fractional days.
166# The Date class does not support time zone offsets, in that
167# there is no way to create a Date object with a time zone.
168# However, methods of the Date class when used by a
169# DateTime instance will use the time zone offset of this
170# instance.
172# == Examples of use
174# === Print out the date of every Sunday between two dates.
176# def print_sundays(d1, d2)
177# d1 +=1 while (d1.wday != 0)
178# d1.step(d2, 7) do |date|
179# puts "#{Date::MONTHNAMES[date.mon]} #{}"
180# end
181# end
183# print_sundays(Date::civil(2003, 4, 8), Date::civil(2003, 5, 23))
185# === Calculate how many seconds to go till midnight on New Year's Day.
187# def secs_to_new_year(now = DateTime::now())
188# new_year = + 1, 1, 1)
189# dif = new_year - now
190# hours, mins, secs, ignore_fractions = Date::day_fraction_to_time(dif)
191# return hours * 60 * 60 + mins * 60 + secs
192# end
194# puts secs_to_new_year()
196require 'rational'
197require 'date/format'
199# Class representing a date.
201# See the documentation to the file date.rb for an overview.
203# Internally, the date is represented as an Astronomical
204# Julian Day Number, +ajd+. The Day of Calendar Reform, +sg+, is
205# also stored, for conversions to other date formats. (There
206# is also an +of+ field for a time zone offset, but this
207# is only for the use of the DateTime subclass.)
209# A new Date object is created using one of the object creation
210# class methods named after the corresponding date format, and the
211# arguments appropriate to that date format; for instance,
212# Date::civil() (aliased to Date::new()) with year, month,
213# and day-of-month, or Date::ordinal() with year and day-of-year.
214# All of these object creation class methods also take the
215# Day of Calendar Reform as an optional argument.
217# Date objects are immutable once created.
219# Once a Date has been created, date values
220# can be retrieved for the different date formats supported
221# using instance methods. For instance, #mon() gives the
222# Civil month, #cwday() gives the Commercial day of the week,
223# and #yday() gives the Ordinal day of the year. Date values
224# can be retrieved in any format, regardless of what format
225# was used to create the Date instance.
227# The Date class includes the Comparable module, allowing
228# date objects to be compared and sorted, ranges of dates
229# to be created, and so forth.
230class Date
232 include Comparable
234 # Full month names, in English. Months count from 1 to 12; a
235 # month's numerical representation indexed into this array
236 # gives the name of that month (hence the first element is nil).
237 MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(January February March April May June July
238 August September October November December)
240 # Full names of days of the week, in English. Days of the week
241 # count from 0 to 6 (except in the commercial week); a day's numerical
242 # representation indexed into this array gives the name of that day.
243 DAYNAMES = %w(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday)
245 # Abbreviated month names, in English.
246 ABBR_MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
247 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)
249 # Abbreviated day names, in English.
250 ABBR_DAYNAMES = %w(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)
253 xs.each{|x| x.freeze}.freeze
254 end
256 class Infinity < Numeric # :nodoc:
258 include Comparable
260 def initialize(d=1) @d = d <=> 0 end
262 def d() @d end
264 protected :d
266 def zero? () false end
267 def finite? () false end
268 def infinite? () d.nonzero? end
269 def nan? () end
271 def abs() end
273 def -@ () end
274 def +@ () end
276 def <=> (other)
277 case other
278 when Infinity; d <=> other.d
279 when Numeric; d
280 else
281 begin
282 l, r = other.coerce(self)
283 return l <=> r
284 rescue NoMethodError
285 end
286 end
287 nil
288 end
290 def coerce(other)
291 case other
292 when Numeric; return -d, d
293 else
294 super
295 end
296 end
298 end
300 # The Julian Day Number of the Day of Calendar Reform for Italy
301 # and the Catholic countries.
302 ITALY = 2299161 # 1582-10-15
304 # The Julian Day Number of the Day of Calendar Reform for England
305 # and her Colonies.
306 ENGLAND = 2361222 # 1752-09-14
308 # A constant used to indicate that a Date should always use the
309 # Julian calendar.
310 JULIAN =
312 # A constant used to indicate that a Date should always use the
313 # Gregorian calendar.
316 UNIXEPOCH = 2440588 # 1970-01-01 :nodoc:
318 # Does a given Julian Day Number fall inside the old-style (Julian)
319 # calendar?
320 #
321 # +jd+ is the Julian Day Number in question. +sg+ may be Date::GREGORIAN,
322 # in which case the answer is false; it may be Date::JULIAN, in which case
323 # the answer is true; or it may a number representing the Day of
324 # Calendar Reform. Date::ENGLAND and Date::ITALY are two possible such
325 # days.
327 def self.julian? (jd, sg)
328 case sg
329 when Numeric
330 jd < sg
331 else
332 if $VERBOSE
333 warn("#{caller.shift.sub(/:in .*/, '')}: " \
334"warning: do not use non-numerical object as julian day number anymore")
335 end
336 not sg
337 end
338 end
340 # Does a given Julian Day Number fall inside the new-style (Gregorian)
341 # calendar?
342 #
343 # The reverse of self.os? See the documentation for that method for
344 # more details.
345 def self.gregorian? (jd, sg) !julian?(jd, sg) end
347 def self.fix_style(jd, sg) # :nodoc:
348 if julian?(jd, sg)
349 then JULIAN
350 else GREGORIAN end
351 end
353 private_class_method :fix_style
355 # Convert an Ordinal Date to a Julian Day Number.
356 #
357 # +y+ and +d+ are the year and day-of-year to convert.
358 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
359 #
360 # Returns the corresponding Julian Day Number.
361 def self.ordinal_to_jd(y, d, sg=GREGORIAN)
362 civil_to_jd(y, 1, d, sg)
363 end
365 # Convert a Julian Day Number to an Ordinal Date.
366 #
367 # +jd+ is the Julian Day Number to convert.
368 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
369 #
370 # Returns the corresponding Ordinal Date as
371 # [year, day_of_year]
372 def self.jd_to_ordinal(jd, sg=GREGORIAN)
373 y = jd_to_civil(jd, sg)[0]
374 doy = jd - civil_to_jd(y - 1, 12, 31, fix_style(jd, sg))
375 return y, doy
376 end
378 # Convert a Civil Date to a Julian Day Number.
379 # +y+, +m+, and +d+ are the year, month, and day of the
380 # month. +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
381 #
382 # Returns the corresponding Julian Day Number.
383 def self.civil_to_jd(y, m, d, sg=GREGORIAN)
384 if m <= 2
385 y -= 1
386 m += 12
387 end
388 a = (y / 100.0).floor
389 b = 2 - a + (a / 4.0).floor
390 jd = (365.25 * (y + 4716)).floor +
391 (30.6001 * (m + 1)).floor +
392 d + b - 1524
393 if julian?(jd, sg)
394 jd -= b
395 end
396 jd
397 end
399 # Convert a Julian Day Number to a Civil Date. +jd+ is
400 # the Julian Day Number. +sg+ specifies the Day of
401 # Calendar Reform.
402 #
403 # Returns the corresponding [year, month, day_of_month]
404 # as a three-element array.
405 def self.jd_to_civil(jd, sg=GREGORIAN)
406 if julian?(jd, sg)
407 a = jd
408 else
409 x = ((jd - 1867216.25) / 36524.25).floor
410 a = jd + 1 + x - (x / 4.0).floor
411 end
412 b = a + 1524
413 c = ((b - 122.1) / 365.25).floor
414 d = (365.25 * c).floor
415 e = ((b - d) / 30.6001).floor
416 dom = b - d - (30.6001 * e).floor
417 if e <= 13
418 m = e - 1
419 y = c - 4716
420 else
421 m = e - 13
422 y = c - 4715
423 end
424 return y, m, dom
425 end
427 # Convert a Commercial Date to a Julian Day Number.
428 #
429 # +y+, +w+, and +d+ are the (commercial) year, week of the year,
430 # and day of the week of the Commercial Date to convert.
431 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
432 def self.commercial_to_jd(y, w, d, ns=GREGORIAN)
433 jd = civil_to_jd(y, 1, 4, ns)
434 (jd - (((jd - 1) + 1) % 7)) +
435 7 * (w - 1) +
436 (d - 1)
437 end
439 # Convert a Julian Day Number to a Commercial Date
440 #
441 # +jd+ is the Julian Day Number to convert.
442 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
443 #
444 # Returns the corresponding Commercial Date as
445 # [commercial_year, week_of_year, day_of_week]
446 def self.jd_to_commercial(jd, sg=GREGORIAN)
447 ns = fix_style(jd, sg)
448 a = jd_to_civil(jd - 3, ns)[0]
449 y = if jd >= commercial_to_jd(a + 1, 1, 1, ns) then a + 1 else a end
450 w = 1 + ((jd - commercial_to_jd(y, 1, 1, ns)) / 7).floor
451 d = (jd + 1) % 7
452 d = 7 if d == 0
453 return y, w, d
454 end
456 def self.weeknum_to_jd(y, w, d, f=0, ns=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
457 a = civil_to_jd(y, 1, 1, ns) + 6
458 (a - ((a - f) + 1) % 7 - 7) + 7 * w + d
459 end
461 def self.jd_to_weeknum(jd, f=0, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
462 ns = fix_style(jd, sg)
463 y, m, d = jd_to_civil(jd, ns)
464 a = civil_to_jd(y, 1, 1, ns) + 6
465 w, d = (jd - (a - ((a - f) + 1) % 7) + 7).divmod(7)
466 return y, w, d
467 end
469 private_class_method :weeknum_to_jd, :jd_to_weeknum
471 # Convert an Astronomical Julian Day Number to a (civil) Julian
472 # Day Number.
473 #
474 # +ajd+ is the Astronomical Julian Day Number to convert.
475 # +of+ is the offset from UTC as a fraction of a day (defaults to 0).
476 #
477 # Returns the (civil) Julian Day Number as [day_number,
478 # fraction] where +fraction+ is always 1/2.
479 def self.ajd_to_jd(ajd, of=0) (ajd + of + 1.to_r/2).divmod(1) end
481 # Convert a (civil) Julian Day Number to an Astronomical Julian
482 # Day Number.
483 #
484 # +jd+ is the Julian Day Number to convert, and +fr+ is a
485 # fractional day.
486 # +of+ is the offset from UTC as a fraction of a day (defaults to 0).
487 #
488 # Returns the Astronomical Julian Day Number as a single
489 # numeric value.
490 def self.jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of=0) jd + fr - of - 1.to_r/2 end
492 # Convert a fractional day +fr+ to [hours, minutes, seconds,
493 # fraction_of_a_second]
494 def self.day_fraction_to_time(fr)
495 h, fr = fr.divmod(1.to_r/24)
496 min, fr = fr.divmod(1.to_r/1440)
497 s, fr = fr.divmod(1.to_r/86400)
498 return h, min, s, fr
499 end
501 # Convert an +h+ hour, +min+ minutes, +s+ seconds period
502 # to a fractional day.
503 def self.time_to_day_fraction(h, min, s)
504 h.to_r/24 + min.to_r/1440 + s.to_r/86400
505 end
507 # Convert an Astronomical Modified Julian Day Number to an
508 # Astronomical Julian Day Number.
509 def self.amjd_to_ajd(amjd) amjd + 4800001.to_r/2 end
511 # Convert an Astronomical Julian Day Number to an
512 # Astronomical Modified Julian Day Number.
513 def self.ajd_to_amjd(ajd) ajd - 4800001.to_r/2 end
515 # Convert a Modified Julian Day Number to a Julian
516 # Day Number.
517 def self.mjd_to_jd(mjd) mjd + 2400001 end
519 # Convert a Julian Day Number to a Modified Julian Day
520 # Number.
521 def self.jd_to_mjd(jd) jd - 2400001 end
523 # Convert a count of the number of days since the adoption
524 # of the Gregorian Calendar (in Italy) to a Julian Day Number.
525 def self.ld_to_jd(ld) ld + 2299160 end
527 # Convert a Julian Day Number to the number of days since
528 # the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar (in Italy).
529 def self.jd_to_ld(jd) jd - 2299160 end
531 # Convert a Julian Day Number to the day of the week.
532 #
533 # Sunday is day-of-week 0; Saturday is day-of-week 6.
534 def self.jd_to_wday(jd) (jd + 1) % 7 end
536 # Is a year a leap year in the Julian calendar?
537 #
538 # All years divisible by 4 are leap years in the Julian calendar.
539 def self.julian_leap? (y) y % 4 == 0 end
541 # Is a year a leap year in the Gregorian calendar?
542 #
543 # All years divisible by 4 are leap years in the Gregorian calendar,
544 # except for years divisible by 100 and not by 400.
545 def self.gregorian_leap? (y) y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0 end
547 class << self; alias_method :leap?, :gregorian_leap? end
548 class << self; alias_method :new!, :new end
550 # Is +jd+ a valid Julian Day Number?
551 #
552 # If it is, returns it. In fact, any value is treated as a valid
553 # Julian Day Number.
554 def self.valid_jd? (jd, sg=ITALY) jd end
556 # Do the year +y+ and day-of-year +d+ make a valid Ordinal Date?
557 # Returns the corresponding Julian Day Number if they do, or
558 # nil if they don't.
559 #
560 # +d+ can be a negative number, in which case it counts backwards
561 # from the end of the year (-1 being the last day of the year).
562 # No year wraparound is performed, however, so valid values of
563 # +d+ are -365 .. -1, 1 .. 365 on a non-leap-year,
564 # -366 .. -1, 1 .. 366 on a leap year.
565 # A date falling in the period skipped in the Day of Calendar Reform
566 # adjustment is not valid.
567 #
568 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
569 def self.valid_ordinal? (y, d, sg=ITALY)
570 if d < 0
571 ny, = (y + 1).divmod(1)
572 jd = ordinal_to_jd(ny, d + 1, sg)
573 ns = fix_style(jd, sg)
574 return unless [y] == jd_to_ordinal(jd, sg)[0..0]
575 return unless [ny, 1] == jd_to_ordinal(jd - d, ns)
576 else
577 jd = ordinal_to_jd(y, d, sg)
578 return unless [y, d] == jd_to_ordinal(jd, sg)
579 end
580 jd
581 end
583 # Do year +y+, month +m+, and day-of-month +d+ make a
584 # valid Civil Date? Returns the corresponding Julian
585 # Day Number if they do, nil if they don't.
586 #
587 # +m+ and +d+ can be negative, in which case they count
588 # backwards from the end of the year and the end of the
589 # month respectively. No wraparound is performed, however,
590 # and invalid values cause an ArgumentError to be raised.
591 # A date falling in the period skipped in the Day of Calendar
592 # Reform adjustment is not valid.
593 #
594 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
595 def self.valid_civil? (y, m, d, sg=ITALY)
596 if m < 0
597 m += 13
598 end
599 if d < 0
600 ny, nm = (y * 12 + m).divmod(12)
601 nm, = (nm + 1).divmod(1)
602 jd = civil_to_jd(ny, nm, d + 1, sg)
603 ns = fix_style(jd, sg)
604 return unless [y, m] == jd_to_civil(jd, sg)[0..1]
605 return unless [ny, nm, 1] == jd_to_civil(jd - d, ns)
606 else
607 jd = civil_to_jd(y, m, d, sg)
608 return unless [y, m, d] == jd_to_civil(jd, sg)
609 end
610 jd
611 end
613 class << self; alias_method :valid_date?, :valid_civil? end
615 # Do year +y+, week-of-year +w+, and day-of-week +d+ make a
616 # valid Commercial Date? Returns the corresponding Julian
617 # Day Number if they do, nil if they don't.
618 #
619 # Monday is day-of-week 1; Sunday is day-of-week 7.
620 #
621 # +w+ and +d+ can be negative, in which case they count
622 # backwards from the end of the year and the end of the
623 # week respectively. No wraparound is performed, however,
624 # and invalid values cause an ArgumentError to be raised.
625 # A date falling in the period skipped in the Day of Calendar
626 # Reform adjustment is not valid.
627 #
628 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
629 def self.valid_commercial? (y, w, d, sg=ITALY)
630 if d < 0
631 d += 8
632 end
633 if w < 0
634 ny, nw, nd =
635 jd_to_commercial(commercial_to_jd(y + 1, 1, 1) + w * 7)
636 return unless ny == y
637 w = nw
638 end
639 jd = commercial_to_jd(y, w, d)
640 return unless gregorian?(jd, sg)
641 return unless [y, w, d] == jd_to_commercial(jd)
642 jd
643 end
645 def self.valid_weeknum? (y, w, d, f, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
646 if d < 0
647 d += 7
648 end
649 if w < 0
650 ny, nw, nd, nf =
651 jd_to_weeknum(weeknum_to_jd(y + 1, 1, f, f) + w * 7, f)
652 return unless ny == y
653 w = nw
654 end
655 jd = weeknum_to_jd(y, w, d, f)
656 return unless gregorian?(jd, sg)
657 return unless [y, w, d] == jd_to_weeknum(jd, f)
658 jd
659 end
661 private_class_method :valid_weeknum?
663 # Do hour +h+, minute +min+, and second +s+ constitute a valid time?
664 #
665 # If they do, returns their value as a fraction of a day. If not,
666 # returns nil.
667 #
668 # The 24-hour clock is used. Negative values of +h+, +min+, and
669 # +sec+ are treating as counting backwards from the end of the
670 # next larger unit (e.g. a +min+ of -2 is treated as 58). No
671 # wraparound is performed.
672 def self.valid_time? (h, min, s)
673 h += 24 if h < 0
674 min += 60 if min < 0
675 s += 60 if s < 0
676 return unless ((0..23) === h &&
677 (0..59) === min &&
678 (0..59) === s) ||
679 (24 == h &&
680 0 == min &&
681 0 == s)
682 time_to_day_fraction(h, min, s)
683 end
685 # Create a new Date object from a Julian Day Number.
686 #
687 # +jd+ is the Julian Day Number; if not specified, it defaults to
688 # 0.
689 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
690 def self.jd(jd=0, sg=ITALY)
691 jd = valid_jd?(jd, sg)
692 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
693 end
695 # Create a new Date object from an Ordinal Date, specified
696 # by year +y+ and day-of-year +d+. +d+ can be negative,
697 # in which it counts backwards from the end of the year.
698 # No year wraparound is performed, however. An invalid
699 # value for +d+ results in an ArgumentError being raised.
700 #
701 # +y+ defaults to -4712, and +d+ to 1; this is Julian Day
702 # Number day 0.
703 #
704 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
705 def self.ordinal(y=-4712, d=1, sg=ITALY)
706 unless jd = valid_ordinal?(y, d, sg)
707 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
708 end
709 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
710 end
712 # Create a new Date object for the Civil Date specified by
713 # year +y+, month +m+, and day-of-month +d+.
714 #
715 # +m+ and +d+ can be negative, in which case they count
716 # backwards from the end of the year and the end of the
717 # month respectively. No wraparound is performed, however,
718 # and invalid values cause an ArgumentError to be raised.
719 # can be negative
720 #
721 # +y+ defaults to -4712, +m+ to 1, and +d+ to 1; this is
722 # Julian Day Number day 0.
723 #
724 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
725 def self.civil(y=-4712, m=1, d=1, sg=ITALY)
726 unless jd = valid_civil?(y, m, d, sg)
727 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
728 end
729 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
730 end
732 class << self; alias_method :new, :civil end
734 # Create a new Date object for the Commercial Date specified by
735 # year +y+, week-of-year +w+, and day-of-week +d+.
736 #
737 # Monday is day-of-week 1; Sunday is day-of-week 7.
738 #
739 # +w+ and +d+ can be negative, in which case they count
740 # backwards from the end of the year and the end of the
741 # week respectively. No wraparound is performed, however,
742 # and invalid values cause an ArgumentError to be raised.
743 #
744 # +y+ defaults to 1582, +w+ to 41, and +d+ to 5, the Day of
745 # Calendar Reform for Italy and the Catholic countries.
746 #
747 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
748 def self.commercial(y=1582, w=41, d=5, sg=ITALY)
749 unless jd = valid_commercial?(y, w, d, sg)
750 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
751 end
752 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
753 end
755 def self.weeknum(y=1582, w=41, d=5, f=0, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
756 unless jd = valid_weeknum?(y, w, d, f, sg)
757 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
758 end
759 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
760 end
762 private_class_method :weeknum
764 def self.rewrite_frags(elem) # :nodoc:
765 elem ||= {}
766 if seconds = elem[:seconds]
767 d, fr = seconds.divmod(86400)
768 h, fr = fr.divmod(3600)
769 min, fr = fr.divmod(60)
770 s, fr = fr.divmod(1)
771 elem[:jd] = UNIXEPOCH + d
772 elem[:hour] = h
773 elem[:min] = min
774 elem[:sec] = s
775 elem[:sec_fraction] = fr
776 elem.delete(:seconds)
777 elem.delete(:offset)
778 end
779 elem
780 end
782 private_class_method :rewrite_frags
784 def self.complete_frags(elem) # :nodoc:
785 i = 0
786 g = [[:time, [:hour, :min, :sec]],
787 [nil, [:jd]],
788 [:ordinal, [:year, :yday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
789 [:civil, [:year, :mon, :mday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
790 [:commercial, [:cwyear, :cweek, :cwday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
791 [:wday, [:wday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
792 [:wnum0, [:year, :wnum0, :wday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
793 [:wnum1, [:year, :wnum1, :wday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
794 [nil, [:cwyear, :cweek, :wday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
795 [nil, [:year, :wnum0, :cwday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
796 [nil, [:year, :wnum1, :cwday, :hour, :min, :sec]]].
797 collect{|k, a| e = elem.values_at(*a).compact; [k, a, e]}.
798 select{|k, a, e| e.size > 0}.
799 sort_by{|k, a, e| [e.size, i -= 1]}.last
801 d = nil
803 if g && g[0] && (g[1].size - g[2].size) != 0
804 d ||=
806 case g[0]
807 when :ordinal
808 elem[:year] ||= d.year
809 elem[:yday] ||= 1
810 when :civil
811 g[1].each do |e|
812 break if elem[e]
813 elem[e] = d.__send__(e)
814 end
815 elem[:mon] ||= 1
816 elem[:mday] ||= 1
817 when :commercial
818 g[1].each do |e|
819 break if elem[e]
820 elem[e] = d.__send__(e)
821 end
822 elem[:cweek] ||= 1
823 elem[:cwday] ||= 1
824 when :wday
825 elem[:jd] ||= (d - d.wday + elem[:wday]).jd
826 when :wnum0
827 g[1].each do |e|
828 break if elem[e]
829 elem[e] = d.__send__(e)
830 end
831 elem[:wnum0] ||= 0
832 elem[:wday] ||= 0
833 when :wnum1
834 g[1].each do |e|
835 break if elem[e]
836 elem[e] = d.__send__(e)
837 end
838 elem[:wnum1] ||= 0
839 elem[:wday] ||= 0
840 end
841 end
843 if g && g[0] == :time
844 if self <= DateTime
845 d ||=
846 elem[:jd] ||= d.jd
847 end
848 end
850 elem[:hour] ||= 0
851 elem[:min] ||= 0
852 elem[:sec] ||= 0
853 elem[:sec] = [elem[:sec], 59].min
855 elem
856 end
858 private_class_method :complete_frags
860 def self.valid_date_frags?(elem, sg) # :nodoc:
861 catch :jd do
862 a = elem.values_at(:jd)
863 if a.all?
864 if jd = valid_jd?(*(a << sg))
865 throw :jd, jd
866 end
867 end
869 a = elem.values_at(:year, :yday)
870 if a.all?
871 if jd = valid_ordinal?(*(a << sg))
872 throw :jd, jd
873 end
874 end
876 a = elem.values_at(:year, :mon, :mday)
877 if a.all?
878 if jd = valid_civil?(*(a << sg))
879 throw :jd, jd
880 end
881 end
883 a = elem.values_at(:cwyear, :cweek, :cwday)
884 if a[2].nil? && elem[:wday]
885 a[2] = elem[:wday].nonzero? || 7
886 end
887 if a.all?
888 if jd = valid_commercial?(*(a << sg))
889 throw :jd, jd
890 end
891 end
893 a = elem.values_at(:year, :wnum0, :wday)
894 if a[2].nil? && elem[:cwday]
895 a[2] = elem[:cwday] % 7
896 end
897 if a.all?
898 if jd = valid_weeknum?(*(a << 0 << sg))
899 throw :jd, jd
900 end
901 end
903 a = elem.values_at(:year, :wnum1, :wday)
904 if a[2]
905 a[2] = (a[2] - 1) % 7
906 end
907 if a[2].nil? && elem[:cwday]
908 a[2] = (elem[:cwday] - 1) % 7
909 end
910 if a.all?
911 if jd = valid_weeknum?(*(a << 1 << sg))
912 throw :jd, jd
913 end
914 end
915 end
916 end
918 private_class_method :valid_date_frags?
920 def self.valid_time_frags? (elem) # :nodoc:
921 h, min, s = elem.values_at(:hour, :min, :sec)
922 valid_time?(h, min, s)
923 end
925 private_class_method :valid_time_frags?
927 def self.new_by_frags(elem, sg) # :nodoc:
928 elem = rewrite_frags(elem)
929 elem = complete_frags(elem)
930 unless jd = valid_date_frags?(elem, sg)
931 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
932 end
933 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
934 end
936 private_class_method :new_by_frags
938 # Create a new Date object by parsing from a String
939 # according to a specified format.
940 #
941 # +str+ is a String holding a date representation.
942 # +fmt+ is the format that the date is in. See
943 # date/format.rb for details on supported formats.
944 #
945 # The default +str+ is '-4712-01-01', and the default
946 # +fmt+ is '%F', which means Year-Month-Day_of_Month.
947 # This gives Julian Day Number day 0.
948 #
949 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
950 #
951 # An ArgumentError will be raised if +str+ cannot be
952 # parsed.
953 def self.strptime(str='-4712-01-01', fmt='%F', sg=ITALY)
954 elem = _strptime(str, fmt)
955 new_by_frags(elem, sg)
956 end
958 # Create a new Date object by parsing from a String,
959 # without specifying the format.
960 #
961 # +str+ is a String holding a date representation.
962 # +comp+ specifies whether to interpret 2-digit years
963 # as 19XX (>= 69) or 20XX (< 69); the default is not to.
964 # The method will attempt to parse a date from the String
965 # using various heuristics; see #_parse in date/format.rb
966 # for more details. If parsing fails, an ArgumentError
967 # will be raised.
968 #
969 # The default +str+ is '-4712-01-01'; this is Julian
970 # Day Number day 0.
971 #
972 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
973 def self.parse(str='-4712-01-01', comp=false, sg=ITALY)
974 elem = _parse(str, comp)
975 new_by_frags(elem, sg)
976 end
978 class << self
980 def once(*ids) # :nodoc:
981 for id in ids
982 module_eval <<-"end;"
983 alias_method :__#{id.to_i}__, :#{id.to_s}
984 private :__#{id.to_i}__
985 def #{id.to_s}(*args, &block)
986 (@__#{id.to_i}__ ||= [__#{id.to_i}__(*args, &block)])[0]
987 end
988 end;
989 end
990 end
992 private :once
994 end
996 # *NOTE* this is the documentation for the method new!(). If
997 # you are reading this as the documentation for new(), that is
998 # because rdoc doesn't fully support the aliasing of the
999 # initialize() method.
1000 # new() is in
1001 # fact an alias for #civil(): read the documentation for that
1002 # method instead.
1003 #
1004 # Create a new Date object.
1005 #
1006 # +ajd+ is the Astronomical Julian Day Number.
1007 # +of+ is the offset from UTC as a fraction of a day.
1008 # Both default to 0.
1009 #
1010 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform to use for this
1011 # Date object.
1012 #
1013 # Using one of the factory methods such as Date::civil is
1014 # generally easier and safer.
1015 def initialize(ajd=0, of=0, sg=ITALY) @ajd, @of, @sg = ajd, of, sg end
1017 # Get the date as an Astronomical Julian Day Number.
1018 def ajd() @ajd end
1020 # Get the date as an Astronomical Modified Julian Day Number.
1021 def amjd() self.class.ajd_to_amjd(@ajd) end
1023 once :amjd
1025 # Get the date as a Julian Day Number.
1026 def jd() self.class.ajd_to_jd(@ajd, @of)[0] end
1028 # Get any fractional day part of the date.
1029 def day_fraction() self.class.ajd_to_jd(@ajd, @of)[1] end
1031 # Get the date as a Modified Julian Day Number.
1032 def mjd() self.class.jd_to_mjd(jd) end
1034 # Get the date as the number of days since the Day of Calendar
1035 # Reform (in Italy and the Catholic countries).
1036 def ld() self.class.jd_to_ld(jd) end
1038 once :jd, :day_fraction, :mjd, :ld
1040 # Get the date as a Civil Date, [year, month, day_of_month]
1041 def civil() self.class.jd_to_civil(jd, @sg) end # :nodoc:
1043 # Get the date as an Ordinal Date, [year, day_of_year]
1044 def ordinal() self.class.jd_to_ordinal(jd, @sg) end # :nodoc:
1046 # Get the date as a Commercial Date, [year, week_of_year, day_of_week]
1047 def commercial() self.class.jd_to_commercial(jd, @sg) end # :nodoc:
1049 def weeknum0() self.class.__send__(:jd_to_weeknum, jd, 0, @sg) end # :nodoc:
1050 def weeknum1() self.class.__send__(:jd_to_weeknum, jd, 1, @sg) end # :nodoc:
1052 once :civil, :ordinal, :commercial, :weeknum0, :weeknum1
1053 private :civil, :ordinal, :commercial, :weeknum0, :weeknum1
1055 # Get the year of this date.
1056 def year() civil[0] end
1058 # Get the day-of-the-year of this date.
1059 #
1060 # January 1 is day-of-the-year 1
1061 def yday() ordinal[1] end
1063 # Get the month of this date.
1064 #
1065 # January is month 1.
1066 def mon() civil[1] end
1068 # Get the day-of-the-month of this date.
1069 def mday() civil[2] end
1071 alias_method :month, :mon
1072 alias_method :day, :mday
1074 def wnum0() weeknum0[1] end # :nodoc:
1075 def wnum1() weeknum1[1] end # :nodoc:
1077 private :wnum0, :wnum1
1079 # Get the time of this date as [hours, minutes, seconds,
1080 # fraction_of_a_second]
1081 def time() self.class.day_fraction_to_time(day_fraction) end # :nodoc:
1083 once :time
1084 private :time
1086 # Get the hour of this date.
1087 def hour() time[0] end
1089 # Get the minute of this date.
1090 def min() time[1] end
1092 # Get the second of this date.
1093 def sec() time[2] end
1095 # Get the fraction-of-a-second of this date. The unit is in days.
1096 # I do NOT recommend you to use this method.
1097 def sec_fraction() time[3] end
1099 private :hour, :min, :sec, :sec_fraction
1101 def zone() strftime('%:z') end
1103 private :zone
1105 # Get the commercial year of this date. See *Commercial* *Date*
1106 # in the introduction for how this differs from the normal year.
1107 def cwyear() commercial[0] end
1109 # Get the commercial week of the year of this date.
1110 def cweek() commercial[1] end
1112 # Get the commercial day of the week of this date. Monday is
1113 # commercial day-of-week 1; Sunday is commercial day-of-week 7.
1114 def cwday() commercial[2] end
1116 # Get the week day of this date. Sunday is day-of-week 0;
1117 # Saturday is day-of-week 6.
1118 def wday() self.class.jd_to_wday(jd) end
1120 once :wday
1123 MONTHNAMES.each_with_index do |n, i|
1124 if n
1125 define_method(n.downcase + '?'){mon == i}
1126 end
1127 end
1129 DAYNAMES.each_with_index do |n, i|
1130 define_method(n.downcase + '?'){wday == i}
1131 end
1134 # Is the current date old-style (Julian Calendar)?
1135 def julian? () self.class.julian?(jd, @sg) end
1137 # Is the current date new-style (Gregorian Calendar)?
1138 def gregorian? () self.class.gregorian?(jd, @sg) end
1140 once :julian?, :gregorian?
1142 def fix_style # :nodoc:
1143 if julian?
1144 then self.class::JULIAN
1145 else self.class::GREGORIAN end
1146 end
1148 private :fix_style
1150 # Is this a leap year?
1151 def leap?
1152 self.class.jd_to_civil(self.class.civil_to_jd(year, 3, 1, fix_style) - 1,
1153 fix_style)[-1] == 29
1154 end
1156 once :leap?
1158 # When is the Day of Calendar Reform for this Date object?
1159 def start() @sg end
1161 # Create a copy of this Date object using a new Day of Calendar Reform.
1162 def new_start(sg=self.class::ITALY)!(@ajd, @of, sg) end
1164 # Create a copy of this Date object that uses the Italian/Catholic
1165 # Day of Calendar Reform.
1166 def italy() new_start(self.class::ITALY) end
1168 # Create a copy of this Date object that uses the English/Colonial
1169 # Day of Calendar Reform.
1170 def england() new_start(self.class::ENGLAND) end
1172 # Create a copy of this Date object that always uses the Julian
1173 # Calendar.
1174 def julian() new_start(self.class::JULIAN) end
1176 # Create a copy of this Date object that always uses the Gregorian
1177 # Calendar.
1178 def gregorian() new_start(self.class::GREGORIAN) end
1180 def offset() @of end
1182 def new_offset(of=0)
1183 if String === of
1184 of = (self.class.zone_to_diff(of) || 0).to_r/86400
1185 end
1186!(@ajd, of, @sg)
1187 end
1189 private :offset, :new_offset
1191 # Return a new Date object that is +n+ days later than the
1192 # current one.
1193 #
1194 # +n+ may be a negative value, in which case the new Date
1195 # is earlier than the current one; however, #-() might be
1196 # more intuitive.
1197 #
1198 # If +n+ is not a Numeric, a TypeError will be thrown. In
1199 # particular, two Dates cannot be added to each other.
1200 def + (n)
1201 case n
1202 when Numeric; return!(@ajd + n, @of, @sg)
1203 end
1204 raise TypeError, 'expected numeric'
1205 end
1207 # If +x+ is a Numeric value, create a new Date object that is
1208 # +x+ days earlier than the current one.
1209 #
1210 # If +x+ is a Date, return the number of days between the
1211 # two dates; or, more precisely, how many days later the current
1212 # date is than +x+.
1213 #
1214 # If +x+ is neither Numeric nor a Date, a TypeError is raised.
1215 def - (x)
1216 case x
1217 when Numeric; return!(@ajd - x, @of, @sg)
1218 when Date; return @ajd - x.ajd
1219 end
1220 raise TypeError, 'expected numeric or date'
1221 end
1223 # Compare this date with another date.
1224 #
1225 # +other+ can also be a Numeric value, in which case it is
1226 # interpreted as an Astronomical Julian Day Number.
1227 #
1228 # Comparison is by Astronomical Julian Day Number, including
1229 # fractional days. This means that both the time and the
1230 # timezone offset are taken into account when comparing
1231 # two DateTime instances. When comparing a DateTime instance
1232 # with a Date instance, the time of the latter will be
1233 # considered as falling on midnight UTC.
1234 def <=> (other)
1235 case other
1236 when Numeric; return @ajd <=> other
1237 when Date; return @ajd <=> other.ajd
1238 end
1239 nil
1240 end
1242 # The relationship operator for Date.
1243 #
1244 # Compares dates by Julian Day Number. When comparing
1245 # two DateTime instances, or a DateTime with a Date,
1246 # the instances will be regarded as equivalent if they
1247 # fall on the same date in local time.
1248 def === (other)
1249 case other
1250 when Numeric; return jd == other
1251 when Date; return jd == other.jd
1252 end
1253 false
1254 end
1256 def next_day(n=1) self + n end
1257# def prev_day(n=1) self - n end
1259 private :next_day
1261 # Return a new Date one day after this one.
1262 def next() next_day end
1264 alias_method :succ, :next
1266 # Return a new Date object that is +n+ months later than
1267 # the current one.
1268 #
1269 # If the day-of-the-month of the current Date is greater
1270 # than the last day of the target month, the day-of-the-month
1271 # of the returned Date will be the last day of the target month.
1272 def >> (n)
1273 y, m = (year * 12 + (mon - 1) + n).divmod(12)
1274 m, = (m + 1) .divmod(1)
1275 d = mday
1276 d -= 1 until jd2 = self.class.valid_civil?(y, m, d, fix_style)
1277 self + (jd2 - jd)
1278 end
1280 # Return a new Date object that is +n+ months earlier than
1281 # the current one.
1282 #
1283 # If the day-of-the-month of the current Date is greater
1284 # than the last day of the target month, the day-of-the-month
1285 # of the returned Date will be the last day of the target month.
1286 def << (n) self >> -n end
1289 def next_month(n=1) self >> n end
1290 def prev_month(n=1) self << n end
1292 def next_year(n=1) self >> n * 12 end
1293 def prev_year(n=1) self << n * 12 end
1296# require 'enumerator'
1298 # Step the current date forward +step+ days at a
1299 # time (or backward, if +step+ is negative) until
1300 # we reach +limit+ (inclusive), yielding the resultant
1301 # date at each step.
1302 def step(limit, step=1) # :yield: date
1304 unless block_given?
1305 return to_enum(:step, limit, step)
1306 end
1308 da = self
1309 op = %w(- <= >=)[step <=> 0]
1310 while da.__send__(op, limit)
1311 yield da
1312 da += step
1313 end
1314 self
1315 end
1317 # Step forward one day at a time until we reach +max+
1318 # (inclusive), yielding each date as we go.
1319 def upto(max, &block) # :yield: date
1320 step(max, +1, &block)
1321 end
1323 # Step backward one day at a time until we reach +min+
1324 # (inclusive), yielding each date as we go.
1325 def downto(min, &block) # :yield: date
1326 step(min, -1, &block)
1327 end
1329 # Is this Date equal to +other+?
1330 #
1331 # +other+ must both be a Date object, and represent the same date.
1332 def eql? (other) Date === other && self == other end
1334 # Calculate a hash value for this date.
1335 def hash() @ajd.hash end
1337 # Return internal object state as a programmer-readable string.
1338 def inspect() format('#<%s: %s,%s,%s>', self.class, @ajd, @of, @sg) end
1340 # Return the date as a human-readable string.
1341 #
1342 # The format used is YYYY-MM-DD.
1343 def to_s() strftime end
1345 # Dump to Marshal format.
1346 def _dump(limit) Marshal.dump([@ajd, @of, @sg], -1) end
1348# def self._load(str) new!(*Marshal.load(str)) end
1350 # Load from Marshall format.
1351 def self._load(str)
1352 a = Marshal.load(str)
1353 if a.size == 2
1354 ajd, sg = a
1355 of = 0
1356 ajd -= 1.to_r/2
1357 else
1358 ajd, of, sg = a
1359 end
1360 new!(ajd, of, sg)
1361 end
1365# Class representing a date and time.
1367# See the documentation to the file date.rb for an overview.
1369# DateTime objects are immutable once created.
1371# == Other methods.
1373# The following methods are defined in Date, but declared private
1374# there. They are made public in DateTime. They are documented
1375# here.
1377# === hour()
1379# Get the hour-of-the-day of the time. This is given
1380# using the 24-hour clock, counting from midnight. The first
1381# hour after midnight is hour 0; the last hour of the day is
1382# hour 23.
1384# === min()
1386# Get the minute-of-the-hour of the time.
1388# === sec()
1390# Get the second-of-the-minute of the time.
1392# === sec_fraction()
1394# Get the fraction of a second of the time. This is returned as
1395# a +Rational+. The unit is in days.
1396# I do NOT recommend you to use this method.
1398# === zone()
1400# Get the time zone as a String. This is representation of the
1401# time offset such as "+1000", not the true time-zone name.
1403# === offset()
1405# Get the time zone offset as a fraction of a day. This is returned
1406# as a +Rational+.
1408# === new_offset(of=0)
1410# Create a new DateTime object, identical to the current one, except
1411# with a new time zone offset of +of+. +of+ is the new offset from
1412# UTC as a fraction of a day.
1414class DateTime < Date
1416 # Create a new DateTime object corresponding to the specified
1417 # Julian Day Number +jd+ and hour +h+, minute +min+, second +s+.
1418 #
1419 # The 24-hour clock is used. Negative values of +h+, +min+, and
1420 # +sec+ are treating as counting backwards from the end of the
1421 # next larger unit (e.g. a +min+ of -2 is treated as 58). No
1422 # wraparound is performed. If an invalid time portion is specified,
1423 # an ArgumentError is raised.
1424 #
1425 # +of+ is the offset from UTC as a fraction of a day (defaults to 0).
1426 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
1427 #
1428 # All day/time values default to 0.
1429 def self.jd(jd=0, h=0, min=0, s=0, of=0, sg=ITALY)
1430 unless (jd = valid_jd?(jd, sg)) &&
1431 (fr = valid_time?(h, min, s))
1432 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
1433 end
1434 if String === of
1435 of = (zone_to_diff(of) || 0).to_r/86400
1436 end
1437 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
1438 end
1440 # Create a new DateTime object corresponding to the specified
1441 # Ordinal Date and hour +h+, minute +min+, second +s+.
1442 #
1443 # The 24-hour clock is used. Negative values of +h+, +min+, and
1444 # +sec+ are treating as counting backwards from the end of the
1445 # next larger unit (e.g. a +min+ of -2 is treated as 58). No
1446 # wraparound is performed. If an invalid time portion is specified,
1447 # an ArgumentError is raised.
1448 #
1449 # +of+ is the offset from UTC as a fraction of a day (defaults to 0).
1450 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
1451 #
1452 # +y+ defaults to -4712, and +d+ to 1; this is Julian Day Number
1453 # day 0. The time values default to 0.
1454 def self.ordinal(y=-4712, d=1, h=0, min=0, s=0, of=0, sg=ITALY)
1455 unless (jd = valid_ordinal?(y, d, sg)) &&
1456 (fr = valid_time?(h, min, s))
1457 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
1458 end
1459 if String === of
1460 of = (zone_to_diff(of) || 0).to_r/86400
1461 end
1462 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
1463 end
1465 # Create a new DateTime object corresponding to the specified
1466 # Civil Date and hour +h+, minute +min+, second +s+.
1467 #
1468 # The 24-hour clock is used. Negative values of +h+, +min+, and
1469 # +sec+ are treating as counting backwards from the end of the
1470 # next larger unit (e.g. a +min+ of -2 is treated as 58). No
1471 # wraparound is performed. If an invalid time portion is specified,
1472 # an ArgumentError is raised.
1473 #
1474 # +of+ is the offset from UTC as a fraction of a day (defaults to 0).
1475 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
1476 #
1477 # +y+ defaults to -4712, +m+ to 1, and +d+ to 1; this is Julian Day
1478 # Number day 0. The time values default to 0.
1479 def self.civil(y=-4712, m=1, d=1, h=0, min=0, s=0, of=0, sg=ITALY)
1480 unless (jd = valid_civil?(y, m, d, sg)) &&
1481 (fr = valid_time?(h, min, s))
1482 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
1483 end
1484 if String === of
1485 of = (zone_to_diff(of) || 0).to_r/86400
1486 end
1487 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
1488 end
1490 class << self; alias_method :new, :civil end
1492 # Create a new DateTime object corresponding to the specified
1493 # Commercial Date and hour +h+, minute +min+, second +s+.
1494 #
1495 # The 24-hour clock is used. Negative values of +h+, +min+, and
1496 # +sec+ are treating as counting backwards from the end of the
1497 # next larger unit (e.g. a +min+ of -2 is treated as 58). No
1498 # wraparound is performed. If an invalid time portion is specified,
1499 # an ArgumentError is raised.
1500 #
1501 # +of+ is the offset from UTC as a fraction of a day (defaults to 0).
1502 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
1503 #
1504 # +y+ defaults to 1582, +w+ to 41, and +d+ to 5; this is the Day of
1505 # Calendar Reform for Italy and the Catholic countries.
1506 # The time values default to 0.
1507 def self.commercial(y=1582, w=41, d=5, h=0, min=0, s=0, of=0, sg=ITALY)
1508 unless (jd = valid_commercial?(y, w, d, sg)) &&
1509 (fr = valid_time?(h, min, s))
1510 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
1511 end
1512 if String === of
1513 of = (zone_to_diff(of) || 0).to_r/86400
1514 end
1515 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
1516 end
1518 def self.weeknum(y=1582, w=41, d=5, f=0, h=0, min=0, s=0, of=0, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
1519 unless (jd = valid_weeknum?(y, w, d, f, sg)) &&
1520 (fr = valid_time?(h, min, s))
1521 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
1522 end
1523 if String === of
1524 of = (zone_to_diff(of) || 0).to_r/86400
1525 end
1526 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
1527 end
1529 private_class_method :weeknum
1531 def self.new_by_frags(elem, sg) # :nodoc:
1532 elem = rewrite_frags(elem)
1533 elem = complete_frags(elem)
1534 unless (jd = valid_date_frags?(elem, sg)) &&
1535 (fr = valid_time_frags?(elem))
1536 raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
1537 end
1538 sf = (elem[:sec_fraction] || 0)
1539 fr += sf/86400
1540 of = (elem[:offset] || 0)
1541 of = of.to_r/86400
1542 new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
1543 end
1545 private_class_method :new_by_frags
1547 # Create a new DateTime object by parsing from a String
1548 # according to a specified format.
1549 #
1550 # +str+ is a String holding a date-time representation.
1551 # +fmt+ is the format that the date-time is in. See
1552 # date/format.rb for details on supported formats.
1553 #
1554 # The default +str+ is '-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00', and the default
1555 # +fmt+ is '%FT%T%z'. This gives midnight on Julian Day Number day 0.
1556 #
1557 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
1558 #
1559 # An ArgumentError will be raised if +str+ cannot be
1560 # parsed.
1561 def self.strptime(str='-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00', fmt='%FT%T%z', sg=ITALY)
1562 elem = _strptime(str, fmt)
1563 new_by_frags(elem, sg)
1564 end
1566 # Create a new DateTime object by parsing from a String,
1567 # without specifying the format.
1568 #
1569 # +str+ is a String holding a date-time representation.
1570 # +comp+ specifies whether to interpret 2-digit years
1571 # as 19XX (>= 69) or 20XX (< 69); the default is not to.
1572 # The method will attempt to parse a date-time from the String
1573 # using various heuristics; see #_parse in date/format.rb
1574 # for more details. If parsing fails, an ArgumentError
1575 # will be raised.
1576 #
1577 # The default +str+ is '-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'; this is Julian
1578 # Day Number day 0.
1579 #
1580 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
1581 def self.parse(str='-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00', comp=false, sg=ITALY)
1582 elem = _parse(str, comp)
1583 new_by_frags(elem, sg)
1584 end
1586 public :hour, :min, :sec, :sec_fraction, :zone, :offset, :new_offset
1590class Time
1592# def to_time() getlocal end
1594 def to_date
1595 jd = Date.civil_to_jd(year, mon, mday, Date::ITALY)
1596!(Date.jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, Date::ITALY)
1597 end
1599 def to_datetime
1600 jd = DateTime.civil_to_jd(year, mon, mday, DateTime::ITALY)
1601 fr = DateTime.time_to_day_fraction(hour, min, [sec, 59].min) +
1602 usec.to_r/86400000000
1603 of = utc_offset.to_r/86400
1604!(DateTime.jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, DateTime::ITALY)
1605 end
1607 private :to_date, :to_datetime
1611class Date
1614 def to_time() Time.local(year, mon, mday) end
1615 def to_date() self end
1616 def to_datetime()!(self.class.jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), @of, @sg) end
1619 # Create a new Date object representing today.
1620 #
1621 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
1622 def .new_start(sg) end
1624 # Create a new DateTime object representing the current time.
1625 #
1626 # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
1627 def (sg=ITALY) end
1629 private_class_method :now
1633class DateTime < Date
1636 def to_time
1637 d = new_offset(0)
1638 d.instance_eval do
1639 Time.utc(year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec,
1640 (sec_fraction * 86400000000).to_i)
1641 end.
1642 getlocal
1643 end
1645 def to_date()!(self.class.jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, @sg) end
1646 def to_datetime() self end
1649 private_class_method :today
1650 public_class_method :now
1654class Date
1656 [ %w(os? julian?),
1657 %w(ns? gregorian?),
1658 %w(exist1? valid_jd?),
1659 %w(exist2? valid_ordinal?),
1660 %w(exist3? valid_date?),
1661 %w(exist? valid_date?),
1662 %w(existw? valid_commercial?),
1663 %w(new0 new!),
1664 %w(new1 jd),
1665 %w(new2 ordinal),
1666 %w(new3 new),
1667 %w(neww commercial)
1668 ].each do |old, new|
1669 module_eval <<-"end;"
1670 def self.#{old}(*args, &block)
1671 if $VERBOSE
1672 warn("\#{caller.shift.sub(/:in .*/, '')}: " \
1673 "warning: \#{self}::#{old} is deprecated; " \
1674 "use \#{self}::#{new}")
1675 end
1676 #{new}(*args, &block)
1677 end
1678 end;
1679 end
1681 [ %w(os? julian?),
1682 %w(ns? gregorian?),
1683 %w(sg start),
1684 %w(newsg new_start),
1685 %w(of offset),
1686 %w(newof new_offset)
1687 ].each do |old, new|
1688 module_eval <<-"end;"
1689 def #{old}(*args, &block)
1690 if $VERBOSE
1691 warn("\#{caller.shift.sub(/:in .*/, '')}: " \
1692 "warning: \#{self.class}\##{old} is deprecated; " \
1693 "use \#{self.class}\##{new}")
1694 end
1695 #{new}(*args, &block)
1696 end
1697 end;
1698 end
1700 private :of, :newof
1704class DateTime < Date
1706 public :of, :newof
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