########################################################################### # # TimedHTMLPlug.pm -- # # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### package TimedHTMLPlugin; use videoconvert; use HTMLPlugin; sub BEGIN { @TimedHTMLPlugin::ISA = ('HTMLPlugin'); } use strict; # every perl program should have this! no strict 'refs'; # make an exception so we can use variables as filehandles my $arguments = [ { 'name' => "video_excerpt_duration", 'desc' => "{VideoPlug.video_excerpt_duration}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "no" } ]; my $options = { 'name' => "TimedHTMLPlugin", 'desc' => "{TimedHTMLPlugin.desc}", 'abstract' => "no", 'inherits' => "yes", 'args' => $arguments }; sub new { my ($class) = shift (@_); my ($pluginlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists) = @_; push(@$pluginlist, $class); if(defined $arguments){ push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"ArgList"}},@{$arguments});} if(defined $options) { push(@{$hashArgOptLists->{"OptList"}},$options)}; my $self = (defined $hashArgOptLists) ? new HTMLPlugin($pluginlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists) : new HTMLPlugin($pluginlist,$inputargs); my $collect_dir = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}; my $collect_bin = &util::filename_cat($collect_dir,"bin"); my $collect_script = &util::filename_cat($collect_bin,"script"); $ENV{'PATH'} .= ":" if (defined $ENV{'PATH'}); $ENV{'PATH'} .= "$collect_bin:$collect_script"; return bless $self, $class; } sub html_to_text { my ($self, $text) = @_; $text =~ s/<\/?[^>]*>//g; $text =~ s/ / /g; $text =~ s/\s+/ /gs; $text =~ s/^\s+//; $text =~ s/\s+$//; return $text; } sub extract_metadata_table { my ($self, $textref) = @_; my $metatable_store = {}; my $metatable_re = "]*)>(.*?

.*?)<\\/table>"; if ($$textref =~ m/$metatable_re/gsi) { my $metatable_attr = $1; my $metatable_body = $2; my @tr_list = ($metatable_body =~ m/(]*>.*?<\/tr>)/gsi); my @filtered_tr_list = (); foreach my $tr (@tr_list) { my $in_filtered_tr = 1; my @td_list = ($tr =~ m/]*>(.*?)<\/td>/gsi); my $td_list_num = scalar(@td_list); if ($td_list_num == 2) { my $meta_name = $self->html_to_text($td_list[0]); my $meta_value = $self->html_to_text($td_list[1]); $meta_name =~ s/\s*//g; if ($meta_value =~ m/^(\s*|\?+)$/) { $in_filtered_tr = 0; } else { my $meta_name_label = $meta_name; $meta_name_label =~ s/\s+//g; $metatable_store->{$meta_name_label} = $meta_value; if ($meta_name_label =~ m/^GS\./) { # even though we want to store this as metadata, we # don't want this going into table presented at top of document $in_filtered_tr = 0; } } } else { print STDERR "Warning: Metadata table does not consist of two cells (metadata name : metadata value)\n"; print STDERR " Skipping\n"; } if ($in_filtered_tr) { push(@filtered_tr_list,$tr); } } my $filtered_tr_block = join("\n",@filtered_tr_list); my $filtered_table = "$filtered_tr_block"; ### my $metatable_re = "]*>.*?

.*?<\\/table>"; ### print STDERR "*** filtered table = $filtered_table\n"; $$textref =~ s/$metatable_re/$filtered_table/si; } return $metatable_store; } my $only_num = 0; my $only_limit = 100; sub hms_to_secs { my $self = shift @_; my ($hh,$mm,$ss) = @_; return $hh*3600 + $mm*60 + $ss; } sub timed_event { my $self = shift (@_); my ($front, $tape, $hh, $mm, $ss, $back) = @_; my $time_encoded = "$hh:$mm:$ss"; my $time_encoded_file = "$hh$mm$ss"; my $time_pos = $self->{'time_pos'}; my $time_num = scalar(@{$self->{'time_seq'}}); my $videoconvert = $self->{'videoconvert'}; # excerpt from tim_pos -> time_pos + 2; my $adv_time_pos = $time_pos+2; $adv_time_pos = $time_num-1 if ($adv_time_pos>=$time_num); my $adv_time_elem = $self->{'time_seq'}->[$adv_time_pos]; # print STDERR "*** ", substr($adv_time_elem,0,800), "\n"; my ($atape,$ah,$am,$as) = ($adv_time_elem =~ m/(T\d+:) ?(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:\:\d\d)?/); my $excerpt_len = undef; my $time_in_secs = $self->hms_to_secs($hh,$mm,$ss); if (!defined $tape) { if (defined $self->{'ptape'}) { $tape = $self->{'ptape'}; } else { print STDERR "Warning: First time offset does not define tape side\n"; print STDERR " Defaulting to 1\n"; $tape = "T1:"; } } if (!defined $atape) { $atape = "T1"; } # print STDERR "**** atape = $atape\n"; # print STDERR "*** tape = $tape\n"; if ($atape eq $tape) { my $adv_time_in_secs = $self->hms_to_secs($ah,$am,$as); $excerpt_len = $adv_time_in_secs - $time_in_secs; } my $collect_dir = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}; my $media_type = $self->{'media_type'}; my $media_dir = $self->{'media_dir'}; my $media_root = $self->{'media_root'}; my $media_base_dir = $self->{'media_base_dir'}; my $mp3_html; my $avi_html; my $tape_num = "1"; if (defined $media_type) { my $src_file; my $src_filename; if ($media_type eq "video") { $src_file = "$media_root\_01_$tape_num.VOB"; $src_filename = &util::filename_cat($media_base_dir, $src_file); } elsif ($media_type =~ m/^audio$/) { $src_file = "$media_root\_Tape$tape_num.mp3"; $src_filename = &util::filename_cat($media_base_dir, $src_file); } else { print STDERR "Warning: Unrecognised media type: $media_type\n"; } if ($media_type eq "video") { # video excerpt my $encoded_file = "$media_dir\_$time_encoded_file.avi"; my $ve_filename = &util::filename_cat($collect_dir,"media","video_excerpt",$encoded_file); if ($only_num < $only_limit) { if (! -e $ve_filename) { # my $args = "-vcodec mpeg2video"; my $args = "-vcodec msmpeg4"; my $ve_cmd = "gsmpeg.sh -v 1 -i $src_filename $args -ss $time_encoded "; if (defined $excerpt_len) { $ve_cmd .= "-t $excerpt_len "; } $ve_cmd .= $ve_filename; ## print STDERR "$ve_cmd\n"; ## `$ve_cmd`; } ## my $avi_url = "http://mcgonagall.cs.waikato.ac.nz:8201/gsdl/collect/hauraki2/media/video_excerpt/$media_dir\_$time_encoded_file.avi"; my $avi_url = "_httpprefix_/collect/hauraki2/media/video_excerpt/$media_dir\_$time_encoded_file.avi"; ## $avi_html = ""; ## my $stream_url = "_httpstreamserver_/$local_root.asf"; ## my $stream_url = "http://mcgonagall.cs.waikato.ac.nz:8090/$local_root.avi"; ## $avi_html .= "Stream"; ## $avi_html .= ""; $avi_html .= ""; # save 'time-stamp' as metadata??? } else { $avi_html = ""; } } if ($media_type =~ m/^(video|audio)$/) { # audio excerpt # my $encoded_file = "$media_dir\_$time_encoded_file.mp3"; # ## my $src_file = "$media_root\_Tape$tape_num.avi"; # #my $src_filename # # = &util::filename_cat($collect_dir,"media",$media_type ,$media_dir, $src_file); # my $ae_filename # = &util::filename_cat($collect_dir,"media","audio_excerpt",$encoded_file); if ($only_num < $only_limit) { $excerpt_len = 120 if (!defined $excerpt_len); ####### my ($ae_cmd,$omp3_filename,$omp3_file) = $videoconvert->audio_excerpt_cmd($src_filename, $hh,$mm,$ss,$excerpt_len); my $ae_options = { @{$videoconvert->{'ffmpeg_monitor'}}, 'message_prefix' => "Audio Excerpt", 'message' => "Generating audio excerpt: $omp3_file" }; my ($ae_regenerated,$ae_result,$ae_had_error) = $videoconvert->run_cached_general_cmd($ae_cmd,$omp3_filename,$ae_options); push(@{$self->{'mp3_excerpts'}}, { 'omp3_file' => $omp3_file, 'omp3_filename' => $omp3_filename} ); } # if (! -e $ae_filename) { if ($only_num < $only_limit) { # if (! -e $ae_filename) { # my $args = "-acodec mp3"; # ## my $src_filename = "media/video/mirth/VTS_01_1.avi"; # my $ae_cmd = "gsmpeg.sh -v 1 -i $src_filename $args -ss $time_encoded "; # if (defined $excerpt_len) { # $ae_cmd .= "-t $excerpt_len "; # } # $ae_cmd .= $ae_filename; ## print STDERR "$ae_cmd\n"; ## `$ae_cmd`; # } ## my $mp3_url = "http://mcgonagall.cs.waikato.ac.nz:8201/gsdl/collect/hauraki2/media/audio_excerpt/$media_dir\_$time_encoded_file.mp3"; # my $mp3_url = "_httpprefix_/collect/hauraki2/media/audio_excerpt/$media_dir\_$time_encoded_file.mp3"; my ($voa_root) = ($src_file =~ m/^(.*)\..*?$/); my $mp3_url = "javascript:audioexcerptplay('$voa_root','$hh','$mm','$ss')"; # my $mp3_url = "_httpcollection_/index/assoc/{If}{[assocfilepath],[assocfilepath],[parent(Top):assocfilepath]}/$media_dir\_$time_encoded_file.mp3"; $mp3_html = ""; # my $baseexcerpt_url = "_httpcollection_/index/assoc/{If}{[assocfilepath],[assocfilepath],[parent(Top):assocfilepath]}"; ##### $doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "audioexcerpturl",$mp3_url); } else { $mp3_html = ""; } } } else { print STDERR "Warning: no media type defined.\n"; } $only_num++; $self->{'time_pos'}++; my $table = ""; $table .= "" if (defined $avi_html); $table .= ""; $table .= ""; $table .= "
"; # my $line = "$front$avi_html $mp3_html $time_encoded$back"; my $line = "$front$table$back"; # Remember tape prefix for next call $self->{'ptape'} = $tape; return $line; } sub hyperlink_timing_info { my ($self, $textref) = @_; my $media_type = $self->{'media_type'}; my $media_dir = $self->{'media_dir'}; my $media_root = $self->{'media_root'}; my $front_re = "

"; my $tape_re = "T\\d+:"; my $tt_re = "\\d\\d"; my $back_re = ".*?<\\/span>"; my $time_match_re = "$front_re$tt_re:$tt_re:$tt_re$back_re(?:\:$tt_re)?"; # my $time_sub_re = "($front_re)($tape_re)? ?($tt_re):($tt_re):($tt_re)(?:\:$tt_re)?($back_re)"; my $tape_match_re = "$front_re($tape_re)? ?$tt_re:$tt_re:$tt_re(?:\:$tt_re)?$back_re"; my $tape_sub_re = "($front_re)($tt_re):($tt_re):($tt_re)(?:\:$tt_re)?($back_re)"; my @time_seq = ($$textref =~ m/$time_match_re/sgi); # artifically add tape information into all time indexes my $extrapolate_tape = ""; my $num_seq = scalar(@time_seq); for (my $i=0; $i<$num_seq; $i++) { my ($curr_tape) = ($time_seq[$i] =~ m/$tape_match_re/sgi); if (!defined $curr_tape) { $time_seq[$i] =~ s/$tape_sub_re/$1$extrapolate_tape$2:$3:$4$5/sgi; } else { if ($curr_tape ne $extrapolate_tape) { $extrapolate_tape = $curr_tape; } } } $self->{'time_seq'} = \@time_seq; $self->{'time_pos'} = 0; $$textref =~ s/(

)(T\d+:)? ?(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:\:\d\d)?.*?(<\/span>)/$self->timed_event($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)/sgie; # knock out any div tags as they interfere with document broken up into sections $$textref =~ s/<\/?div.*?>//gi; # Embedded word style infomation is lost by HTMLPlug => make Question # style use HTML italics $$textref =~ s/


$1<\/i><\/p>/gsi; } sub store_block_files { my $self =shift (@_); my ($filename_full_path, $block_hash) = @_; # Would be better if this were tied to particular HTML docs that # this plugin has processed. # For now block all files native to DVD format if (($filename_full_path =~ m/\.(IFO|BUP)$/) # block info and backup-info data || ($filename_full_path =~ m/VIDEO_TS\..*?$/) # block top-level files || ($filename_full_path =~ m/VTS_\d\d_\d\.VOB$/) # ) { $block_hash->{'file_blocks'}->{$filename_full_path} = 1; } } sub read_block { my $self = shift (@_); my ($pluginfo, $base_dir, $file, $metadata, $processor, $maxdocs, $total_count, $gli) = @_; print STDERR "***** TimedHTMLPlugin read_block\n"; my $filename = $file; $filename = &util::filename_cat ($base_dir, $file) if $base_dir =~ /\w/; if (($filename =~ m/\.(IFO|BUP)$/) # block info and backup-info data || ($filename =~ m/VIDEO_TS\..*?$/) # block top-level files || ($filename =~ m/VTS_\d\d_\d\.VOB$/) # ) { $self->{'num_blocked'} ++; return (0,undef); # blocked } ##### || ($filename =~ m/VTS_\d\d_0\.VOB$/) # block menu item for this track if (defined $self->{'file_blocks'}->{$filename} && $self->{'file_blocks'}->{$filename} == 1){ $self->{'num_blocked'} ++; return (0,undef); # blocked } if (defined $self->{'re_file_block'}) { my $re_file_blocks = $self->{'re_file_block'}; foreach my $re_file_block (@$re_file_blocks) { ### print STDERR "**** re file block: $filename =~ m $re_file_block\n"; if ($filename =~ m/$re_file_block/) { ### print STDERR "*** blocking $filename\n"; $self->{'num_blocked'} ++; return (0,undef); # blocked } } } return $self->SUPER::read_block(@_); } sub read_file { my $self = shift @_; my ($filename, $encoding, $language, $textref) = @_; $only_num = 0; $self->SUPER::read_file(@_); my $metatable_store = $self->extract_metadata_table($textref); $self->{'metatable_store'} = $metatable_store; my ($root, $dirname, $suffix) = &File::Basename::fileparse($filename, "\\.[^\\.]+\$"); # media defaults my $media_type = undef; my $media_dir = $root; ## my $media_root = "VTS_%02d_%02d"; my $media_root = "VTS"; if (defined $metatable_store->{'GS.Media'}) { $media_type = $metatable_store->{'GS.Media'}; $media_type = lc($media_type); } if (defined $metatable_store->{'GS.MediaDirectory'}) { $media_dir = $metatable_store->{'GS.MediaDirectory'}; } if (defined $metatable_store->{'GS.MediaRoot'}) { $media_root = $metatable_store->{'GS.MediaRoot'}; } $self->{'media_type'} = $media_type; $self->{'media_dir'} = $media_dir; $self->{'media_root'} = $media_root; my $media_base_dir = &util::filename_cat($dirname,$media_dir); $self->{'media_base_dir'} = $media_base_dir; $self->{'vob_duration_info'} = &videoconvert::vob_durations($media_base_dir,"1",$self->{'outhandle'}); ## $self->hyperlink_timing_info($textref); # Convert entities to their UTF8 equivalents $$textref =~ s/&(lt|gt|amp|quot|nbsp);/&z$1;/go; $$textref =~ s/&([^;]+);/&ghtml::getcharequiv($1,1)/gseo; $$textref =~ s/&z(lt|gt|amp|quot|nbsp);/&$1;/go; } sub streamable_video { my $self = shift (@_); my ($base_dir,$filename,$doc_obj,$section) = @_; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; my $verbosity = $self->{'verbosity'}; my $media_base_dir = $self->{'media_base_dir'}; #--- # Determine size of input video my $collect_dir = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}; my $media_type = $self->{'media_type'}; my $media_dir = $self->{'media_dir'}; my $media_root = $self->{'media_root'}; my $tape_num = "1"; my $src_file; my $src_filename; if ($media_type eq "video") { $src_file = "$media_root\_01_$tape_num.VOB"; $src_filename = &util::filename_cat($media_base_dir, $src_file); } elsif ($media_type =~ m/^audio$/) { $src_file = "$media_root\_Tape$tape_num.mp3"; $src_filename = &util::filename_cat($media_base_dir, $src_file); } else { print STDERR "Warning: Unrecognised media type: $media_type\n"; } if (-e $src_filename) { $self->{'file_blocks'}->{$src_filename} = 1; my $re_file_block = $src_filename; $re_file_block =~ s/_01_$tape_num.VOB$/_\\d+_\\d+.VOB\$/; push(@{$self->{'re_file_block'}},$re_file_block); } my ($video_type, $video_width, $video_height, $video_duration, $video_size, $vcodec,$vfps,$atype,$afreq,$achan,$arate) = &videoconvert::identify($src_filename, $outhandle, $verbosity); if ($vfps eq "unknown") { print $outhandle "Unknown framerate, defaulting to 25 frames per second.\n"; $vfps = 25; } ### print STDERR "*** video duration = $video_duration\n"; my ($dur_hour,$dur_min,$dur_sec) = ($video_duration =~ m/(\d+):(\d+):(\d+\.\d+)/); my $total_dur_secs = $dur_hour*3600 + $dur_min*60 + $dur_sec; $self->{'video-fps'} = $vfps; $self->{'num-total-frames'} = $total_dur_secs * $vfps; # shorten duration prcessed for experimentation purposes my $exp_duration = undef; my $video_excerpt_duration = $self->{'video_excerpt_duration'}; print STDERR "**** video duration (secs) = $total_dur_secs\n"; if ((defined $video_excerpt_duration) && ($video_excerpt_duration ne "")) { $exp_duration = $video_excerpt_duration; my ($hh,$mm,$ss,$ms) = ($exp_duration =~ m/^(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\.?(\d\d)?/); my $excerpt_dur_in_secs = $hh * 3600 + $mm * 60 + $ss; if ($excerpt_dur_in_secs < $total_dur_secs) { $self->{'num-total-frames'} = $excerpt_dur_in_secs * $vfps; # override calculation for full length duration } else { # clip is already shorter than requested video excerpt duration # set exp_duration back to undefined $exp_duration = undef; } } print $outhandle "TimedHTMLPlug: Preparing video files associated with $filename for HTMLPlug\n"; if (defined $exp_duration) { print $outhandle "Only encoding first $exp_duration of video.\n"; $self->{'exp_duration'} = $exp_duration; } my $videoconvert = new videoconvert($base_dir,$src_filename,$verbosity,$outhandle,$exp_duration); $self->{'videoconvert'} = $videoconvert; #--- # Generate the Flash FLV format for streaming purposes my $streaming_bitrate = "256k"; # used to be 192k my $streaming_size = "360"; # used to be 352 (CIF?) my $streaming_achan = "1"; my $streaming_arate = "44100"; my $streaming_quality = "high"; #--- # Convert video to flash #--- my ($stream_cmd,$oflash_filename,$oflash_file) = $videoconvert->stream_cmd($src_filename, $video_width,$video_height, $streaming_quality, $streaming_bitrate, $streaming_size, $streaming_achan, $streaming_arate); my $streamable_options = { @{$videoconvert->{'ffmpeg_monitor'}}, 'message_prefix' => "Stream", 'message' => "Generating streamable video: $oflash_file" }; my ($streamable_regenerated,$streamable_result,$streamable_had_error) = $videoconvert->run_cached_general_cmd($stream_cmd,$oflash_filename,$streamable_options); $self->{'streamable_regenerated'} = $streamable_regenerated; if (!$streamable_had_error) { #--- # Make video seekable #--- my ($streamseekable_cmd,$ostreamseekable_filename) = $videoconvert->streamseekable_cmd($oflash_filename); my $streamseekable_options = { @{$videoconvert->{'flvtool2_monitor'}}, 'message_prefix' => "Stream Seekable", 'message' => "Reprocessing video stream to be seekable by timeline: $oflash_file" }; if ($streamable_regenerated) { $videoconvert->run_general_cmd($streamseekable_cmd,$streamseekable_options); } my $streamable_url = $oflash_file; ## $streamable_url =~ s/ /%20/g; $doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "streamablevideo", $streamable_url); $doc_obj->associate_file($oflash_filename,$oflash_file,"video/flash", $section); } # # FlowPlayer.swf height+22 pixels # FlowPlayerBlack.swf height+16 pixels # FlowPlayerThermo.swf height+16 pixels # FlowPlayerWhite.swf height+26 pixels $doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "flashwidth", $video_width); $doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "flashheight", $video_height + 22 + 100); my $base_url = "_httpstreamserverprefix_/collect/[collection]/index/assoc/{If}{[assocfilepath],[assocfilepath],[parent(Top):assocfilepath]}/"; $doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "baseurl",$base_url); $self->{'oflash_file'} = $oflash_file; $self->{'oflash_filename'} = $oflash_filename; } sub add_cuepoints { my ($self) = shift @_; my ($doc_obj) = @_; my $section = $doc_obj->get_top_section(); my $chapters = $doc_obj->get_children($section); # open file my $output_dir = $self->{'videoconvert'}->{'cached_dir'}; my $cue_filename = &util::filename_cat($output_dir,"on_cue.xml"); open(CUEOUT,">$cue_filename") || die "Unable to open $cue_filename: $!\n"; print CUEOUT "\n"; my $cc = 0; foreach my $chap (@$chapters) { $cc++; my $chap_text = $doc_obj->get_text($chap); my @cuepoints = ($chap_text =~ m/

(?:T\d+:)? ?(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)(?:\:\d\d)?/gsi); my $count = 0; foreach my $cuepoint (@cuepoints) { my ($hh,$mm,$ss) = ($cuepoint =~ m/(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/); my $cuept_insecs = $self->hms_to_secs($hh,$mm,$ss); if ($cuept_insecs < 2) { $cuept_insecs += 2; } my $cuept_inmsecs = 1000 * $cuept_insecs; $doc_obj->add_metadata($section,"cuepoint",$cuept_inmsecs); my $chap_title = $doc_obj->get_metadata_element($chap,"Title"); # Navigation point (used in seeking) # print CUEOUT " \n"; # print CUEOUT " $chap_title\n"; # print CUEOUT " $cuept_inmsecs\n"; # print CUEOUT " \n"; # print CUEOUT " dummy\n"; # print CUEOUT " $chap\n"; # print CUEOUT " $count\n"; # print CUEOUT " $cuept_inmsecs\n"; # print CUEOUT " \n"; # print CUEOUT " navigation\n"; # print CUEOUT " \n"; # print CUEOUT " \n"; # print CUEOUT " $chap_title\n"; # print CUEOUT " $cuept_inmsecs\n"; # print CUEOUT " \n"; # print CUEOUT " foo.jpg\n"; # print CUEOUT " \n"; # print CUEOUT " navigation\n"; # print CUEOUT " \n"; if ($count==0) { # Event (used to hook in to javascipt callback) # Only do for the first in each chapter print CUEOUT " \n"; ## print CUEOUT " Test $cc\n"; print CUEOUT " $chap_title\n"; print CUEOUT " $cuept_inmsecs\n"; print CUEOUT " \n"; print CUEOUT " $cuept_inmsecs\n"; print CUEOUT " $chap\n"; print CUEOUT " \n"; print CUEOUT " event\n"; ## print CUEOUT " actionscript\n"; print CUEOUT " \n"; } $count++; } } print CUEOUT "\n"; close(CUEOUT); my $videoconvert = $self->{'videoconvert'}; my $oflash_filename = $self->{'oflash_filename'}; my $oflash_file = $self->{'oflash_file'}; my ($streamcuepts_cmd,$ostreamcuepts_filename) = $videoconvert->streamcuepts_cmd($oflash_filename); my $verbosity = $self->{'verbosity'}; my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'}; my $streamcuepts_options = { @{$videoconvert->{'flvtool2_monitor'}}, 'message_prefix' => "Stream Cue Points", 'message' => "Reprocessing video stream to add cuepoints on timeline: $oflash_file" }; my $streamable_regenerated = $self->{'streamable_regenerated'}; if ($streamable_regenerated) { $videoconvert->run_general_cmd($streamcuepts_cmd,$streamcuepts_options); } } sub process { my $self = shift (@_); my ($textref, $pluginfo, $base_dir, $file, $metadata, $doc_obj, $gli) = @_; my $filename = $file; $filename = &util::filename_cat ($base_dir, $file) if $base_dir =~ /\w/; my $top_section = $doc_obj->get_top_section(); $self->streamable_video($base_dir,$filename,$doc_obj,$top_section); $self->hyperlink_timing_info($textref); foreach my $mp3_excerpt (@{$self->{'mp3_excerpts'}}) { my $omp3_file = $mp3_excerpt->{'omp3_file'}; my $omp3_filename = $mp3_excerpt->{'omp3_filename'}; $doc_obj->associate_file($omp3_filename,$omp3_file,"audio/mp3", $top_section); } $self->{'mp3_excerpts'} = undef; my $metatable_store = $self->{'metatable_store'}; foreach my $metaname (keys %$metatable_store) { my $metadata = $metatable_store->{$metaname}; $doc_obj->add_metadata($top_section,$metaname,$metadata); } $self->{'metatable_store'} = undef; my $ret_val = $self->SUPER::process(@_); $self->add_cuepoints($doc_obj); return $ret_val; } sub replace_images { my $self = shift (@_); my ($front, $link, $back, $base_dir, $file, $doc_obj, $section) = @_; if ($link =~ m/^"?_.*?_"?\//) { # variety of greenstone macro, so let through unchanged return $front . $link . $back ; } return $self->SUPER::replace_images(@_); } sub replace_href_links { my $self = shift (@_); my ($front, $link, $back, $base_dir, $file, $doc_obj, $section) = @_; if ($link =~ m/^"?_.*?_"?/) { # variety of greenstone macro, so let through unchanged return $front . $link . $back ; } return $self->SUPER::replace_href_links(@_); } 1;