source: gli/trunk/src/org/greenstone/gatherer/cdm/ 14587

Last change on this file since 14587 was 14587, checked in by qq6, 17 years ago

fill in the file name of the icon image if it is in the GS3 mode

  • Property svn:keywords set to Author Date Id Revision
File size: 18.3 KB
2 *#########################################################################
3 *
4 * A component of the Gatherer application, part of the Greenstone digital
5 * library suite from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the
6 * University of Waikato, New Zealand.
7 *
8 * Author: John Thompson, Greenstone Digital Library, University of Waikato
9 *
10 * Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project
11 *
12 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 * (at your option) any later version.
16 *
17 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 * GNU General Public License for more details.
21 *
22 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
25 *########################################################################
26 */
27package org.greenstone.gatherer.cdm;
29import java.awt.*;
30import java.awt.event.*;
32import java.util.regex.*;
33import javax.swing.*;
34import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
35import javax.swing.event.*;
36import org.greenstone.gatherer.Configuration;
37import org.greenstone.gatherer.DebugStream;
38import org.greenstone.gatherer.Dictionary;
39import org.greenstone.gatherer.Gatherer;
40import org.greenstone.gatherer.collection.CollectionManager;
41import org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.DesignPaneHeader;
42import org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.EmailField;
43import org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.GLIButton;
44import org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.GUIUtils;
45import org.greenstone.gatherer.remote.RemoteGreenstoneServer;
46import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.StaticStrings;
47import org.greenstone.gatherer.Gatherer;
49/** This class provides a graphical interface for editing general metadata for the collection, such as name, description, icons etc.
51public class GeneralManager {
53 /** The controls used to modify the general options. */
54 private Control controls;
55 /** Constructor. */
56 public GeneralManager() {
57 }
59 /** Destructor. */
60 public void destroy() {
61 if (controls != null) {
62 controls.destroy();
63 controls = null;
64 }
65 }
67 public void loseFocus() {
68 }
70 public void gainFocus() {
72 }
73 /** This class is resposible for generating the controls for the editing of general options.
74 * @return the Control for editing the general options
75 */
76 public Control getControls() {
77 if (controls == null) {
78 controls = new GeneralControl();
79 }
80 return controls;
81 }
84 /** Called when the detail mode has changed which in turn may cause several design elements to be available/hidden
85 * @param mode the new mode as an int
86 */
87 public void modeChanged(int mode) {
89 }
91 /** This class represents the visual component of the general options stored in the CollectionDesignManager. */
92 private class GeneralControl
93 extends JPanel
94 implements Control {
96 private boolean ready = false;
97 private CollectionMeta collection_extra_collectionmeta;
98 private CollectionMeta collection_name_collectionmeta;
99 private CollectionMeta creator_collectionmeta;
100 private CollectionMeta icon_collection_collectionmeta;
101 private CollectionMeta icon_collection_small_collectionmeta;
102 private CollectionMeta maintainer_collectionmeta;
103 private CollectionMeta public_collectionmeta;
104 /** The creators email. */
105 private EmailField creator_emailfield;
106 /** The maintainers email. */
107 private EmailField maintainer_emailfield;
108 /** Button to browse for the collection about page icon. */
109 private JButton browse_about_icon_button;
110 /** Button to browse for the collection home page icon. */
111 private JButton browse_home_icon_button;
112 /** The checkbox controlling public access to the collection. */
113 private JCheckBox public_checkbox;
114 private JLabel creator_label;
115 private JLabel description_label;
116 private JLabel icon_label;
117 private JLabel maintainer_label;
118 private JLabel name_label;
119 private JLabel small_icon_label;
120 /** The text field used to edit the file name of the collections icon. */
121 private JTextField icon_textfield;
122 /** The text field used to edit the collections title. */
123 private JTextField name_textfield;
124 /** The text field used to edit the file name of the collections small icon. */
125 private JTextField small_icon_textfield;
126 /** A text area used to modify the collection description. */
127 private JTextArea description_textarea;
128 /** Constructor. */
129 public GeneralControl() {
130 super();
131 // Retrieve some of the model elements, those we know aren't language dependant
132 public_collectionmeta = new CollectionMeta(CollectionDesignManager.collect_config.getPublic());
134 // Creation
135 JPanel header_panel = new DesignPaneHeader("CDM.GUI.General", "generalsettings");
137 JPanel all_details_panel = new JPanel();
138 JPanel details_panel = new JPanel();
139 JPanel fields_panel = new JPanel();
141 creator_label = new JLabel(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Email.Creator"));
143 creator_emailfield = new EmailField(Configuration.getColor("coloring.error_background", false));
144 creator_emailfield.setToolTipText(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Email.Creator_Tooltip"));
146 maintainer_label = new JLabel(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Email.Maintainer"));
148 maintainer_emailfield = new EmailField(Configuration.getColor("coloring.error_background", false));
149 maintainer_emailfield.setToolTipText(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Email.Maintainer_Tooltip"));
151 name_label = new JLabel(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Collection_Name"));
152 name_textfield = new JTextField();
153 name_textfield.setToolTipText(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Collection_Name_Tooltip"));
155 JLabel short_name_label = new JLabel(Dictionary.get("NewCollectionPrompt.Collection_Name"));
156 JTextField short_name_textfield = new JTextField(CollectionManager.getLoadedCollectionName());
157 short_name_textfield.setEditable(false);
158 short_name_textfield.setBackground(Configuration.getColor("coloring.collection_tree_background", false));
159 JPanel icon_panel = new JPanel();
160 icon_label = new JLabel(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Icon_Collection"));
161 icon_textfield = new JTextField();
162 icon_textfield.setToolTipText(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Tooltip"));
163 browse_about_icon_button = new GLIButton(Dictionary.get("General.Browse"));
164 JPanel small_icon_panel = new JPanel();
165 small_icon_label = new JLabel(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small"));
166 small_icon_textfield = new JTextField();
167 small_icon_textfield.setToolTipText(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small_Tooltip"));
168 browse_home_icon_button = new GLIButton(Dictionary.get("General.Browse"));
170 // public
171 JPanel box_panel = new JPanel();
172 public_checkbox = new JCheckBox(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Access"), public_collectionmeta.getValue(CollectionMeta.TEXT).equals(StaticStrings.TRUE_STR));
174 JPanel description_panel = new JPanel();
175 description_label = new JLabel(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Collection_Extra"));
177 description_textarea = new JTextArea();
178 description_textarea.setBackground(Configuration.getColor("coloring.editable_background", false));
179 description_textarea.setToolTipText(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Collection_Extra_Tooltip"));
181 // Connection
182 BrowseListener browse_listener = new BrowseListener(StaticStrings.IMAGES_PATH_RELATIVE_TO_GSDL_PREFIX);
183 browse_about_icon_button.addActionListener(browse_listener);
184 browse_home_icon_button.addActionListener(browse_listener);
185 browse_listener = null;
186 public_checkbox.addActionListener(CollectionDesignManager.change_listener);
187 creator_emailfield.getDocument().addDocumentListener(CollectionDesignManager.change_listener);
188 description_textarea.getDocument().addDocumentListener(CollectionDesignManager.change_listener);
189 icon_textfield.getDocument().addDocumentListener(CollectionDesignManager.change_listener);
190 maintainer_emailfield.getDocument().addDocumentListener(CollectionDesignManager.change_listener);
191 name_textfield.getDocument().addDocumentListener(CollectionDesignManager.change_listener);
192 name_textfield.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new CollectionTitleUpdater());
193 small_icon_textfield.getDocument().addDocumentListener(CollectionDesignManager.change_listener);
195 // Layout
196 fields_panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,0,0,0));
197 fields_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(5,2));
199 JPanel fields_label_panel = new JPanel();
200 fields_label_panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1));
202 JPanel fields_box_panel = new JPanel();
203 fields_box_panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1));
205 // creator
206 fields_label_panel.add(creator_label);
207 fields_box_panel.add(creator_emailfield);
209 // maintainer
210 fields_label_panel.add(maintainer_label);
211 fields_box_panel.add(maintainer_emailfield);
213 // title
214 fields_label_panel.add(name_label);
215 fields_box_panel.add(name_textfield);
217 // collection short name
218 fields_label_panel.add(short_name_label);
219 fields_box_panel.add(short_name_textfield);
221 // icon
222 fields_label_panel.add(icon_label);
223 fields_box_panel.add(icon_panel);
225 // small icon
226 fields_label_panel.add(small_icon_label);
227 fields_box_panel.add(small_icon_panel);
229 fields_panel.add(fields_label_panel, BorderLayout.WEST);
230 fields_panel.add(fields_box_panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
232 icon_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
233 icon_panel.add(icon_textfield, BorderLayout.CENTER);
234 icon_panel.add(browse_about_icon_button, BorderLayout.EAST);
236 small_icon_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
237 small_icon_panel.add(small_icon_textfield, BorderLayout.CENTER);
238 small_icon_panel.add(browse_home_icon_button, BorderLayout.EAST);
240 box_panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1,5,2));
241 box_panel.add(public_checkbox);
243 description_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
244 description_panel.add(description_label, BorderLayout.NORTH);
245 description_panel.add(new JScrollPane(description_textarea), BorderLayout.CENTER);
247 details_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
248 details_panel.add(fields_panel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
249 details_panel.add(box_panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
251 all_details_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
252 all_details_panel.add(details_panel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
253 all_details_panel.add(description_panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
255 setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0,5,0,0));
256 setLayout(new BorderLayout());
257 add(header_panel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
258 add(all_details_panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
259 }
261 /** Destructor. */
262 public void destroy() {
263 }
265 /** Called to refresh the components. */
266 public void gainFocus() {
267 // Retrieve all of the elements that are dependant on default language.
268 collection_extra_collectionmeta = CollectionDesignManager.collectionmeta_manager.getMetadatum(StaticStrings.COLLECTIONMETADATA_COLLECTIONEXTRA_STR);
269 collection_name_collectionmeta = CollectionDesignManager.collectionmeta_manager.getMetadatum(StaticStrings.COLLECTIONMETADATA_COLLECTIONNAME_STR);
271 creator_collectionmeta = new CollectionMeta(CollectionDesignManager.collect_config.getCreator());
272 icon_collection_collectionmeta = CollectionDesignManager.collectionmeta_manager.getMetadatum(StaticStrings.COLLECTIONMETADATA_ICONCOLLECTION_STR);
273 icon_collection_small_collectionmeta = CollectionDesignManager.collectionmeta_manager.getMetadatum(StaticStrings.COLLECTIONMETADATA_ICONCOLLECTIONSMALL_STR);
274 maintainer_collectionmeta = new CollectionMeta(CollectionDesignManager.collect_config.getMaintainer());
275 // Make sure the components are up to date
276 creator_emailfield.setText(creator_collectionmeta.getValue(CollectionMeta.TEXT));
277 creator_emailfield.setCaretPosition(0);
278 description_textarea.setText(collection_extra_collectionmeta.getValue(CollectionMeta.TEXT));
279 description_textarea.setCaretPosition(0);
280 icon_textfield.setText(icon_collection_collectionmeta.getValue(CollectionMeta.TEXT));
281 icon_textfield.setCaretPosition(0);
282 maintainer_emailfield.setText(maintainer_collectionmeta.getValue(CollectionMeta.TEXT));
283 maintainer_emailfield.setCaretPosition(0);
284 name_textfield.setText(collection_name_collectionmeta.getValue(CollectionMeta.TEXT));
285 name_textfield.setCaretPosition(0);
286 small_icon_textfield.setText(icon_collection_small_collectionmeta.getValue(CollectionMeta.TEXT));
287 small_icon_textfield.setCaretPosition(0);
288 public_checkbox.setSelected(public_collectionmeta.getValue(CollectionMeta.TEXT).equals(StaticStrings.TRUE_STR));
289 ready = true;
290 }
292 /** Called to store the current value of the components. */
293 public void loseFocus() {
294 // String values. Have to test if this component has actually ever recieved focus anyway.
296 if (!ready) return;
298 public_collectionmeta.setValue((public_checkbox.isSelected() ? StaticStrings.TRUE_STR : StaticStrings.FALSE_STR));
299 String creator_email_str = creator_emailfield.getText();
300 creator_collectionmeta.setValue(creator_email_str);
301 // If the email is currently empty, store this email
302 if(Configuration.getEmail() == null) {
303 Configuration.setEmail(creator_email_str); // Store the email address in the configuration
304 }
305 collection_extra_collectionmeta.setValue(description_textarea.getText());
306 icon_collection_collectionmeta.setValue(icon_textfield.getText());
307 maintainer_collectionmeta.setValue(maintainer_emailfield.getText());
308 icon_collection_small_collectionmeta.setValue(small_icon_textfield.getText());
309 collection_name_collectionmeta.setValue(name_textfield.getText());
312 }
314 /** Listens for a click on either browse button, and when detected opens a file browser window initially pointed at the images folder of the collection. Once a user has selected a path, does it's best to construct the best address to the resource, such as _httpcollection_/images/about.gif */
315 private class BrowseListener
316 implements ActionListener {
318 private String prefix;
320 public BrowseListener(String prefix_raw) {
321 this.prefix = prefix_raw.replaceAll(StaticStrings.COLNAME_PATTERN, CollectionManager.getLoadedCollectionName());
322 }
324 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
325 // Open an almost standard file browser to the images folder of the current collection
326 File images_folder = new File(CollectionManager.getLoadedCollectionImagesDirectoryPath());
327 // If images isn't already there, create it
328 if(!images_folder.exists()) {
329 images_folder.mkdirs();
330 }
331 JFileChooser file_chooser = new JFileChooser(images_folder);
332 file_chooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false);
333 file_chooser.setDialogTitle(Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Browser_Title"));
334 file_chooser.setFileFilter(new ImageFilter());
335 file_chooser.setSize(400,300);
336 GUIUtils.disableRename(file_chooser);
337 int value = file_chooser.showOpenDialog(Gatherer.g_man);
338 // If the user hasn't cancelled, retrieve the file path selected
339 if(value == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
340 // If the file isn't in the images folder, then ask the user if they want to copy it there
341 File file = file_chooser.getSelectedFile();
342 if (!file.getParentFile().equals(images_folder)) {
343 // Copy the file
344 try {
345 File collection_image_file = new File(images_folder, file.getName());
346 Gatherer.f_man.getQueue().copyFile(file, collection_image_file, true);
348 // If we're using a remote Greenstone server, upload the image
349 if (Gatherer.isGsdlRemote) {
350 RemoteGreenstoneServer.uploadCollectionFile(CollectionManager.getLoadedCollectionName(), collection_image_file);
351 }
352 }
353 catch(Exception exception) {
354 DebugStream.printStackTrace(exception);
355 // Show warning
356 String[] args = new String[] {file.getAbsolutePath(), images_folder.getAbsolutePath()};
357 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Gatherer.g_man, Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Image_Copy_Failed", args), Dictionary.get("General.Error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
358 // Nothing else we can do.
359 return;
360 }
361 }
363 // Create the path starting _httpcollection_/images/<filename>
364 String path = prefix + file.getName();
365 if (Gatherer.GS3){
366 path = file.getName();
367 }
368 if(event.getSource() == browse_about_icon_button) {
369 icon_textfield.setText(path);
370 icon_collection_collectionmeta.setValue(icon_textfield.getText());
371 }
372 else {
373 small_icon_textfield.setText(path);
374 icon_collection_small_collectionmeta.setValue(small_icon_textfield.getText());
375 }
376 path = null;
377 }
378 }
380 /** is a 1.4 example used by */
381 private class ImageFilter
382 extends javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter {
384 private Pattern pattern = null;
386 public ImageFilter() {
387 pattern = Pattern.compile(".*\\.(gif|png|jpe?g)");
388 }
390 // Accept all directories and all .col files
391 public boolean accept(File f) {
392 String filename = f.getName().toLowerCase();
393 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(filename);
394 return f.isDirectory() || matcher.matches();
395 }
397 // The description of this filter
398 public String getDescription() {
399 return Dictionary.get("CDM.General.Image_Filter");
400 }
401 }
402 }
404 private class CollectionTitleUpdater
405 implements DocumentListener {
406 /** Gives notification that an attribute or set of attributes changed. */
407 public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
408 setTitle();
409 }
410 /** Gives notification that there was an insert into the document. */
411 public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
412 setTitle();
413 }
414 /** Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed. */
415 public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
416 setTitle();
417 }
419 private void setTitle() {
420 // Set the title
421 String collection_title = name_textfield.getText();
422 String collection_name = CollectionManager.getLoadedCollectionName();
423 Gatherer.g_man.setTitle(collection_title, collection_name);
424 collection_name_collectionmeta.setValue(name_textfield.getText());
425 collection_title = null;
426 collection_name = null;
427 }
428 }
429 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.