package org.greenstone.gsdl3.action; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.core.ModuleInterface; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.*; //XML classes import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import java.util.HashMap; import; import org.apache.log4j.*; public class PageAction extends Action { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.gsdl3.action.PageAction.class.getName()); public static final String HOME_PAGE = "home"; public static final String ABOUT_PAGE = "about"; public static final String PREFS_PAGE = "pref"; public static final String GLI4GS3_PAGE="gli4gs3"; public Node process (Node message_node) { Element message = this.converter.nodeToElement(message_node); Element request = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(message, GSXML.REQUEST_ELEM); // the page name is the subaction String page_name = request.getAttribute(GSXML.SUBACTION_ATT); if (page_name.equals("")) { // if no page specified, assume home page page_name = HOME_PAGE; } Element result = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element response; if (page_name.equals(HOME_PAGE)) { response = homePage(request); //} else if (page_name.equals(ABOUT_PAGE)) { } else if (page_name.equals(ABOUT_PAGE) || page_name.equals(PREFS_PAGE)) { response = aboutPage(request); //}else if (page_name.equals(PREFS_PAGE)) { //response = prefsPage(request); } else if (page_name.equals(GLI4GS3_PAGE)){ response = gli4gs3Page(request); }else { // unknown page logger.error("unknown page specified!"); response = unknownPage(request); } result.appendChild(this.doc.importNode(response, true)); logger.debug("page action result: "+this.converter.getPrettyString(result)); return result; } protected Element homePage(Element request) { String lang = request.getAttribute(GSXML.LANG_ATT); String uid = request.getAttribute(GSXML.USER_ID_ATT); // first, get the message router info Element info_message = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element coll_list_request = GSXML.createBasicRequest(this.doc, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_DESCRIBE, "", lang, uid); info_message.appendChild(coll_list_request); Element info_response_message = (Element); if (info_response_message==null) { logger.error(" couldn't query the message router!"); return null; } Element info_response = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(info_response_message, GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); if (info_response==null) { logger.error("couldn't query the message router!"); return null; } // second, get the metadata for each collection - we only want specific // elements but for now, we'll just get it all Element collection_list = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(info_response, GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM+GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER);; if (collection_list != null) { NodeList colls = GSXML.getChildrenByTagName(collection_list, GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM); if (colls.getLength()>0) { sendMultipleRequests(colls, null, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_DESCRIBE, lang, uid); } } // get metadata for any services Element service_list = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(info_response, GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM+GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (service_list != null) { NodeList services = GSXML.getChildrenByTagName(service_list, GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); if (services.getLength() > 0) { sendMultipleRequests(services, null, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_DESCRIBE, lang, uid); } } // get metadata for service clusters Element cluster_list = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(info_response, GSXML.CLUSTER_ELEM+GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (cluster_list != null) { NodeList clusters = GSXML.getChildrenByTagName(cluster_list, GSXML.CLUSTER_ELEM); if (clusters.getLength() > 0) { sendMultipleRequests(clusters, null, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_DESCRIBE, lang, uid); } } // all the components have been merged into info_response return info_response; } // homePage protected Element aboutPage(Element request) { String lang = request.getAttribute(GSXML.LANG_ATT); String uid = request.getAttribute(GSXML.USER_ID_ATT); // extract the params from the cgi-request, Element cgi_paramList = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM+GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(cgi_paramList, false); String coll_name = (String)params.get(GSParams.COLLECTION); if (coll_name == null || coll_name.equals("")) { logger.error("about page requested with no collection or cluster specified!"); // return an empty response return this.doc.createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); } // get the collection or cluster description Element coll_about_message = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element coll_about_request = GSXML.createBasicRequest(this.doc, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_DESCRIBE, coll_name, lang, uid); coll_about_message.appendChild(coll_about_request); Element coll_about_response = (Element); // add collection type attribute to paramList String col_type = ""; NodeList collect_elem = coll_about_response.getElementsByTagName(GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM); if(collect_elem.getLength() != 0) { for (int i=0; i < collect_elem.getLength(); i++) { Element e = (Element) collect_elem.item(i); col_type = e.getAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT); } } else { logger.error(GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM + " element is null"); } NodeList paramList = request.getElementsByTagName(GSXML.PARAM_ELEM+GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if(paramList.getLength() != 0) { for (int i=0; i 0) { sendMultipleRequests(services, coll_name, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_DESCRIBE, lang, uid); } Element response = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(coll_about_response, GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); return response; } //protected Element prefsPage(Element request) { // return null; //} /** if we dont know the page type, use this method */ protected Element unknownPage(Element request) { String lang = request.getAttribute(GSXML.LANG_ATT); String uid = request.getAttribute(GSXML.USER_ID_ATT); String page_name = request.getAttribute(GSXML.SUBACTION_ATT); // extract the params from the cgi-request, Element cgi_paramList = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM+GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(cgi_paramList, false); String coll_name = (String)params.get(GSParams.COLLECTION); if (coll_name == null || coll_name.equals("")) { // just return an empty response return this.doc.createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); } // else get the coll description - actually this is the same as for the about page - should we merge these two methods?? // if there is a service specified should we get the service description instead?? // get the collection or cluster description Element coll_about_message = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element coll_about_request = GSXML.createBasicRequest(this.doc, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_DESCRIBE, coll_name, lang, uid); coll_about_message.appendChild(coll_about_request); Element coll_about_response = (Element); Element response = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(coll_about_response, GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); return response; } protected boolean sendMultipleRequests(NodeList items, String path_prefix, String request_type, String lang, String uid) { // we will send all the requests in a single message Element message = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); for (int i=0; i