#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Devel::Peek; use Time::Local; print "\n===== GS Hadoop Report =====\n"; print "Generate a report (CSV) from the output of a parallel processing Green-\n"; print "stone import, suitable for feeding into the Gantt chart generator.\n"; print "============================\n\n"; # Configuration if (!defined $ARGV[0] || !-d $ARGV[0]) { die("usage: hadoop_report.pl \n"); } my $results_path = $ARGV[0]; # Read in hadoop.log and parse top level record print ' * Reading and parsing "hadoop.log"... '; my $job_record = {'host'=>'', 'job'=>'', 'start'=>0, 'end'=>0, 'cpu_time'=>0}; my $hadoop_log_path = $results_path . '/hadoop.log'; if (open(HLIN, '<:utf8', $hadoop_log_path)) { while (my $line = ) { if ($line =~ /host:(.+)/) { $job_record->{'host'} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /Running job: job_(\d+_\d+)/) { $job_record->{'job'} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /CPU time spent \(ms\)=(\d+)/) { $job_record->{'cpu_time'} = $1; } elsif ($job_record->{'start'} == 0 && $line =~ /(\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/) { $job_record->{'start'} = timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, ($2 - 1), $1); } elsif ($line =~ /(\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/) { my $end = timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, ($2 - 1), $1); if ($end > $job_record->{'end'}) { $job_record->{'end'} = $end; } } } close(HLIN); if ($job_record->{'start'} == 0 || $job_record->{'end'} == 0) { die('Error! Failed to parse timing information from log: ' . $hadoop_log_path); } } else { die('Error! Failed to open file for reading: ' . $hadoop_log_path); } print "Done!\n"; # Read in data_locality.csv (will be matched to task logs) print ' * Reading and parsing "data_locality.csv"... '; my $data_was_local = {}; my $data_locality_csv_path = $results_path . '/data_locality.csv'; if (open(DLIN, '<:utf8', $data_locality_csv_path)) { while (my $line = ) { if ($line =~ /(\d+),\d,(\d)/) { $data_was_local->{$1} = $2; } } close(DLIN); } else { die('Error! Failed to open file for reading: ' . $data_locality_csv_path); } print "Done!\n"; # Read in all task logs and parse task records my $task_records; print " * Locating task logs...\n"; if (opendir(DH, $results_path)) { my @files = readdir(DH); foreach my $file (sort @files) { if ($file =~ /import-hadoop-(\d+_\d+)_m_(\d+)_\d+\.log/) { my $job_no = $1; my $task_no = $2; my $is_data_local = $data_was_local->{$task_no}; my $task_record = {'host'=>'', 'cpu'=>0, 'job' => $job_no, 'task' => $task_no, 'start'=>0, 'end'=>0, 'cpu_time'=>0, 'data_locality'=>$is_data_local, 'file'=>''}; print ' - Reading and parsing "' . $file . '"... '; my $task_log_path = $results_path . '/' . $file; my $io_time = 0; if (open(TIN, '<:utf8', $task_log_path)) { my $io_start_time = 0; while (my $line = ) { if ($line =~ /\[Started:(\d+)\]/) { $task_record->{'start'} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /\[Host:([^\]]+)\]/) { $task_record->{'host'} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /\[CPU:(\d+)\]/) { $task_record->{'cpu'} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /\[Map:([^\]]+)=>1\]/) { $task_record->{'file'} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /\[IOS:(\d+)\]/) { $io_start_time = $1; } elsif ($io_start_time > 0 && $line =~ /\[IOE:(\d+)\]/) { $io_time += ($1 - $io_start_time); $io_start_time = 0; } elsif ($line =~ /\[Completed:(\d+)\]/) { my $end_time = $1; $task_record->{'end'} = $end_time; if ($io_start_time > 0) { $io_time += ($end_time - $io_start_time); } } } close(TIN); # Calculate CPU time (total time - IO time) $task_record->{'cpu_time'} = $task_record->{'end'} - $task_record->{'start'} - $io_time; # Store this record $task_records->{$task_no} = $task_record; } else { die('Error! Failed to open file for reading: ' . $task_log_path); } print "Done!\n"; } } close(DH); } else { die('Error! Failed to open directory for reading: ' . $results_path); } print ' - Processed ' . scalar(keys(%{$task_records})) . " records\n"; # Generate compute-node records print ' * Generating compute node records... '; my $node_records; foreach my $taskno (sort keys %{$task_records}) { my $task_record = $task_records->{$taskno}; my $node_record = {'host'=>'', 'cpu'=>0, 'job' => '', 'start'=>0, 'end'=>0, 'cpu_time'=>0}; # - retrieve any existing record my $worker_id = $task_record->{'host'} . '#' . $task_record->{'cpu'}; if (defined $node_records->{$worker_id}) { $node_record = $node_records->{$worker_id}; } if ($node_record->{'host'} eq '') { $node_record->{'host'} = $task_record->{'host'}; } if ($node_record->{'cpu'} == 0) { $node_record->{'cpu'} = $task_record->{'cpu'}; } if ($node_record->{'job'} eq '') { $node_record->{'job'} = $task_record->{'job'}; } if ($node_record->{'start'} == 0 || $task_record->{'start'} < $node_record->{'start'}) { $node_record->{'start'} = $task_record->{'start'}; } if ($node_record->{'end'} == 0 || $task_record->{'end'} > $node_record->{'end'}) { $node_record->{'end'} = $task_record->{'end'}; } $node_record->{'cpu_time'} += $task_record->{'cpu_time'}; # - store it $node_records->{$worker_id} = $node_record; } print "Done!\n"; # Write out CSV of all information my $report_csv_path = $results_path . '/timing.csv'; if (open(CSVOUT, '>:utf8', $report_csv_path)) { my $row_counter = 1; # Header print CSVOUT "id,name,hostname,start,end,cputime,dl,pid,filename\n"; # Master Record print CSVOUT $row_counter . ',M0,' . $job_record->{'host'} . ',' . $job_record->{'start'} . ',' . $job_record->{'end'} . ',' . ($job_record->{'cpu_time'} / 1000) . ",0,0,NA\n"; $row_counter++; # For each compute node record my $known_workers = {}; foreach my $worker_id (sort keys %{$node_records}) { my $node_record = $node_records->{$worker_id}; my $node_id = $row_counter; $row_counter++; my $csv_worker_id = 'W' . $node_record->{'cpu'}; # Ensure we haven't used this id before - this should never trigger for # multicore CPUs, but will for clusters (as nearly all nodes will report # themselves as 'W0') if (defined $known_workers->{$csv_worker_id}) { # Find a different worker id as this one is already in use my $counter = 0; $csv_worker_id = 'W' . $counter; while (defined $known_workers->{$csv_worker_id}) { $counter++; $csv_worker_id = 'W' . $counter; } } $known_workers->{$csv_worker_id} = 1; print CSVOUT $node_id . ',' . $csv_worker_id . ',' . $node_record->{'host'} . ',' . $node_record->{'start'} . ',' . $node_record->{'end'} . ',' . $node_record->{'cpu_time'} . ",0,1,NA\n"; # List the child task records foreach my $taskno (sort keys %{$task_records}) { my $task_record = $task_records->{$taskno}; if ($task_record->{'host'} . '#' . $task_record->{'cpu'} eq $worker_id) { print CSVOUT $row_counter . ',T' . ($task_record->{'task'} + 0) . ',' . $task_record->{'host'} . ',' . $task_record->{'start'} . ',' . $task_record->{'end'} . ',' . $task_record->{'cpu_time'} . ',' . $task_record->{'data_locality'} . ',' . $node_id . ',' . $task_record->{'file'} . "\n"; $row_counter++; } } } close(CSVOUT); } else { die('Error! Failed to open file for writing: ' . $report_csv_path); } print "Complete!\n\n"; exit;