########################################################################### # # parse2.pm -- # # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 2005-2010 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### #Last: Keeping doing the processArg for handing different type of arguments #parse2(\@_,$arguments,$self ) package parse2; BEGIN { die "GSDLHOME not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; die "GSDLOS not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLOS'}; my $current_library_paths = join(":",@INC); my $gsdl_perllib_path = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'} . '/perllib'; if ($current_library_paths !~ /$gsdl_perllib_path/) { unshift (@INC, $gsdl_perllib_path); # [jmt12] } my $gsdl_cpan_path = $gsdl_perllib_path . '/cpan'; if ($current_library_paths !~ /$gsdl_cpan_path/) { unshift (@INC, $gsdl_cpan_path); # [jmt12] } } use strict; use util; #--Local Util Functions---------------------------- #----------------------------------------- # Name: transformArg # Parameters: 1.(Array pointer of plugin pre-defined argument list) # Pre-condition: Call this function and pass a array pointer of argument list. # Post-condition: This function will transform the array to a hash table # with "Argument name" as its key # Return value: Return a hash table of plugin pre-defined argument # list with "argument name" as the key #----------------------------------------- sub transformArg { my ($aryptSysArguList) = @_; my %hashArg; foreach my $hashOneArg (@{$aryptSysArguList}) { if(!(defined $hashArg{$hashOneArg->{"name"}})) { $hashArg{$hashOneArg->{"name"}} = $hashOneArg; } } return %hashArg; } sub checkRange { my ($strRange,$intInputArg,$strArgName) = @_; my @aryRange = split(",",$strRange); if(defined $aryRange[0]) { if($intInputArg < $aryRange[0]) { print STDERR " Parameter Parsing Error (Incorrect Range): when parse argument parameter for \"-$strArgName\"\n"; return 0; } else { if(scalar(@aryRange) == 2) { if($intInputArg > $aryRange[1]) { print STDERR " Parameter Parsing Error (Incorrect Range): when parse argument parameter for \"-$strArgName\"\n"; return 0; } } } } else{ die " System error: minimum range is not defined. Possible mistyping in Argument list for $strArgName\n";} return 1; } sub checkCharLength { my ($intCharLength,$intInputArg,$strArgName) = @_; if($intCharLength =~ m/\d/) { if(length($intInputArg) != $intCharLength) { print STDERR " Parameter Parsing Error (Incorrect Char_Length): when parse argument parameter for \"-$strArgName\"\n"; return 0; } } else { die " System error: incorrect char_length. Possible mistyping in Argument list for $strArgName\n"; } return 1; } #----------------------------------------- # Name: processArg # Parameters: 1.(Hash pointer of one argument) # 2.(Array pointer of the user given argument) # 3.(Hash pointer of user given arguments' values) # Pre-condition: Given a argument ($hashOneArg) # Post-condition: System will check whether it need to get parameter # from $aryptInputArguList or not, and also check the # given parameter is following the argument description # Return value: 1 is parsing successful, 0 is failed. #----------------------------------------- sub processArg { my ($hashOneArg,$aryptInputArguList,$hashInputArg) = @_; # Since these two variables are going to be # used a lot, store them with some better names. my $strArgName = $hashOneArg->{"name"}; my $strArgType = $hashOneArg->{"type"}; # If the argument type is "flag" then # set it to 1(which is "true") if($strArgType eq "flag") { $hashInputArg->{$strArgName} = 1; } # If the argument type is "int" then # gets the next argument from $aryptInputArguList # and check whether it is a digit # TODO: check its "range" and "char_length" elsif($strArgType eq "int") { my $intInputArg = shift(@{$aryptInputArguList}); if ($intInputArg =~ /\d+/) { $hashInputArg->{$strArgName} = $intInputArg; } else { print STDERR " Error: occur in parse2.pm::processArg()\n Unmatched Argument: -$strArgName with type $strArgType\n"; return 0; } } # If the argument type is "enum" then elsif($strArgType eq "enum") { if(defined $hashOneArg->{"list"}) { my $aryptList = $hashOneArg->{"list"}; my $blnCheckInList = "false"; my $strInputArg = shift(@{$aryptInputArguList}); foreach my $hashEachItem (@$aryptList) { if($strInputArg eq $hashEachItem->{"name"}) { $blnCheckInList = "true"; } last if($blnCheckInList eq "true"); } if($blnCheckInList ne "true") { print STDERR " Error: occur in parse2.pm::processArg()\n Unknown Enum List Type: -$strArgName with parameter: $strInputArg\n"; return 0; } else { $hashInputArg->{$strArgName} = $strInputArg; } } else { print STDERR " Error: occur in parse2.pm::processArg(2)\n Unknown Type: -$strArgName with type $strArgType\n"; return 0; } } # If the argument type is "string" or "metadata" or "quotestr" then # just shift the next argument from $aryptInputArguList # TODO: make sure if there is any checking required for this two types elsif($strArgType eq "string" || $strArgType eq "enumstring" || $strArgType eq "quotestr" || $strArgType eq "metadata" || $strArgType eq "regexp" || $strArgType eq "url") { $hashInputArg->{$strArgName}= shift(@{$aryptInputArguList}); } # Report any undefined types else { print STDERR " Error: occur in parse2.pm::processArg(3)\n Unknown Type: -$strArgName with type $strArgType\n"; return 0; } return 1; } #--Main Parsing Function---------------------------- #----------------------------------------- # Name: parse # Parameters: 1.(Array pointer of the user given argument) # 2.(Array pointer of plugin pre-defined argument list) # 3.(Hash pointer, where we store all the argument value) # Pre-condition: Plugin gives the parameters to parse function in parse2 # Post-condition: Store all the default or user given values to the hash->{$ArgumentName}. # Since hash may be a plugin $self, plugin will have every values we set. # 4. Optional "allow_extra_options" argument. If this is set, then # its ok to have arguments that are not in the predefined list # Return value: -1 if parsing is unsuccessful # other value for success. This will be 0 unless "allow_extra_options" is set, in which case it will be the number of extra arguments found. #----------------------------------------- sub parse { # Get the user supplied arguments pointer "\@_" my $aryptUserArguList = shift; # Check if allow extra arguments my $blnAllowExtraOptions = "false"; if(scalar(@_) == 3) { my $strAllowExtraOptions = pop @_; if ($strAllowExtraOptions eq "allow_extra_options") { $blnAllowExtraOptions = "true"; } } my ($aryptSysArguList,$self) = @_; my %hashArg; my %hashInputArg; my @ExtraOption; # Transform the system argument (predefined the code) # from array to hash table for increasing performance %hashArg = &transformArg($aryptSysArguList); # Process each User input argument and store the # information into hashInputArg while (my $strOneArg = shift(@{$aryptUserArguList})) { # Check whether it start with a "-" sign if ($strOneArg =~ /^-+\w/) { # If it is start with a "-" sign then take it off $strOneArg =~ s/^-+//; # If the inputed argument is defined in the argument # list from this plugin then process if(defined $hashArg{$strOneArg}) { #$%^ #print "($strOneArg) is processed\n"; # Process this argument and store the related # information in %hashInputArg if(processArg($hashArg{$strOneArg},$aryptUserArguList,\%hashInputArg) == 0){ print STDERR "\n"; return -1;} } # Else check if it allows extra options, if yes # then push it to a new array, else return fault else { if($blnAllowExtraOptions eq "true") { push(@ExtraOption,"-$strOneArg"); } else { print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR " Error: occur in parse2.pm::parse()\n Extra Arguments: $strOneArg\n"; return -1; } } } # This part follow the previous parsing system. # It doesn't return error message even user # gave a invalid argument. else { if($blnAllowExtraOptions eq "true") { push(@ExtraOption,$strOneArg); } else { print STDERR " Error: occur in parse2.pm::parse()\n Invalid Argument: $strOneArg\n"; return -1; } } } # Store the extra option back # to the user given argument list. @$aryptUserArguList = @ExtraOption; # Now we go through all the pre defined arguments, # if the user has specified the arguments then just # set to whatever they set. Otherwise use the default value foreach my $hashOneArg (@{$aryptSysArguList}) { my $strArgName = $hashOneArg->{"name"}; # If the strArgName has defined in the %hashInputArg, # this means users has give this argument, store the # user given to self->{"$strArgName"} if(defined $hashInputArg{$strArgName}) { if(defined $hashOneArg->{"range"}) { if(checkRange($hashOneArg->{"range"},$hashInputArg{$strArgName},$strArgName) == 0){ return -1;} } if(defined $hashOneArg->{"char_length"}) { if(checkCharLength($hashOneArg->{"char_length"},$hashInputArg{$strArgName},$strArgName) == 0){ return -1;} } $self->{"$strArgName"} = $hashInputArg{"$strArgName"}; } elsif (!defined $self->{$strArgName}) { # don't want to override default with superclass value # Else use the default value of the arguments, # if there is no default value, then it must be a flag, # then set it to 0 (which is false) if(defined $hashOneArg->{"deft"}) { $self->{"$strArgName"} = $hashOneArg->{"deft"}; } else { if($hashOneArg->{"type"} eq "flag"){ $self->{"$strArgName"} = 0; } else { # all other cases, use "" as default $self->{"$strArgName"} = ""; } } } } # If allow_extra_options is set, then return the number of arguments left in the argument list. if($blnAllowExtraOptions eq "true") { return scalar(@$aryptUserArguList); } else { return 0; } } 1;