#!/bin/bash package=zlib version=-1.2.7 progname=$0 source ../cascade-make/lib/cascade-lib.bash GEXT_XPDFTOOLS ../.. $* prefix=$GEXTXPDFTOOLS_INSTALLED if [ "x$CROSSCONFIGURE_ARGS" != "x" ] ; then if [ "x$crossOS" = "xwindows" ] ; then export LDSHAREDLIBC=-lcrtdll fi # zlib configure does not support '--host' export CROSSCONFIGURE_ARGS= fi opt_run_untar $force_untar $auto_untar $package $version #opt_run_configure $force_config $auto_config $package $version $prefix if [ $auto_config = "1" ] ; then if [ ! -f $package$version/configure.log ] ; then force_config=1 fi fi # We don't want the generated .so/.dylibs on linux and mac, just the .a static libs # According to https://github.com/luvit/zlib/blob/master/configure # "Normally configure builds both a static and a shared library. # If you want to build just a static library, use: ./configure --static" if [ $force_config = "1" ] ; then echo "[pushd $package$version]" ( cd $package$version ; \ echo $CROSSCONFIGURE_VARS ./configure --static --prefix="$prefix" $CROSSCONFIGURE_ARGS $@ ; \ eval $CROSSCONFIGURE_VARS ./configure --static --prefix="$prefix" $CROSSCONFIGURE_ARGS $@ ) if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo " Error encountered running *configure* stage of $progname" exit 1 fi echo "[popd]" else if [ $auto_config = "1" ] ; then echo "Found top-level for ${progname%.*} => no need to run ./configure" fi fi opt_run_make $compile $package $version opt_run_make $install $package $version "install" opt_run_make $clean $package $version "clean" opt_run_make $distclean $package $version "distclean" opt_run_tarclean $tarclean $package $version