/* * GS2SolrSearch.java * Copyright (C) 2006 New Zealand Digital Library, http://www.nzdl.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package org.greenstone.gsdl3.service; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; // Greenstone classes import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer.RemoteSolrException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CoreAdminRequest; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.CoreAdminResponse; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField; import org.apache.solr.common.params.CoreAdminParams.CoreAdminAction; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; import org.greenstone.LuceneWrapper4.SharedSoleneQueryResult; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.FacetWrapper; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSFile; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSXML; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.SolrFacetWrapper; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.SolrQueryResult; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.SolrQueryWrapper; import org.greenstone.util.GlobalProperties; import org.greenstone.util.ProtocolPortProperties; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer.RemoteSolrException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CoreAdminRequest; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.CoreAdminResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.params.CoreAdminParams.CoreAdminAction; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; public class GS2SolrSearch extends SharedSoleneGS2FieldSearch { protected static final String SORT_ORDER_PARAM = "sortOrder"; protected static final String SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING = "1"; protected static final String SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING = "0"; static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.gsdl3.service.GS2SolrSearch.class.getName()); protected String solr_servlet_base_url; protected HashMap solr_core_cache; protected SolrQueryWrapper solr_src = null; protected ArrayList _facets = new ArrayList(); protected HashMap _facet_display_names = new HashMap(); public GS2SolrSearch() { paramDefaults.put(SORT_ORDER_PARAM, SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING); does_faceting = true; does_highlight_snippets = true; does_full_field_highlighting = true; // Used to store the solr cores that match the required 'level' // of search (e.g. either document-level=>didx, or // section-level=>sidx. The hashmap is filled out on demand // based on 'level' parameter passed in to 'setUpQueryer()' solr_core_cache = new HashMap(); this.solr_src = new SolrQueryWrapper(); // Create the solr servlet url on GS3's tomcat. By default it's "http://localhost:8383/solr" // Don't do this in configure(), since the tomcat url will remain unchanged while tomcat is running try { Properties globalProperties = new Properties(); globalProperties.load(Class.forName("org.greenstone.util.GlobalProperties").getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("global.properties")); /* String host = globalProperties.getProperty("tomcat.server", "localhost"); //String port = globalProperties.getProperty("tomcat.port.http", "8383"); //String protocol = globalProperties.getProperty("server.protocol", "http"); ProtocolPortProperties protocolPortProps = new ProtocolPortProperties(globalProperties); // can throw Exception String protocol = protocolPortProps.getProtocol(); String port = protocolPortProps.getPort(); String solrContext = globalProperties.getProperty("solr.context", "solr"); String portStr = port.equals("80") ? "" : ":"+port; solr_servlet_base_url = protocol+"://"+host+portStr+"/"+solrContext; */ // The solr servlet is only accessible locally (from "localhost", specifically // for security reasons, as we don't want non librarian users // to go to the solr servlet and delete solr cores or something. // The security Valve element in the tomcat solr.xml context file restricts // access to, but here we ensure that the solr URL is the local http one // and not any https with domain name and https port. // Note that we use instead of literally "localhost" since localhost is unsafe ProtocolPortProperties protocolPortProps = new ProtocolPortProperties(globalProperties); // can throw Exception String solrContext = globalProperties.getProperty("solr.context", "solr"); solr_servlet_base_url = protocolPortProps.getLocalHttpBaseAddress()+"/"+solrContext; } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Error reading greenstone's tomcat solr server properties from global.properties", e); } } /** configure this service */ public boolean configure(Element info, Element extra_info) { boolean success = super.configure(info, extra_info); // clear the map of solr cores for this collection added to the map upon querying solr_core_cache.clear(); if(!success) { return false; } if(solr_servlet_base_url == null) { logger.error("Unable to configure GS2SolrSearch - solr_servlet_base_url is null because of issues with port/protocol in global.properties"); return false; } // Setting up facets // the search element from collectionConfig Element searchElem = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(extra_info, GSXML.SEARCH_ELEM); Document owner = info.getOwnerDocument(); // for each facet in buildConfig NodeList facet_list = info.getElementsByTagName("facet"); for (int i=0; i chosenFacets = new ArrayList(); // for (int i = 0; i < configIndexElems.getLength(); i++) // { // Element current = (Element) configIndexElems.item(i); // if (current.getAttribute(GSXML.FACET_ATT).equals("true")) // { // chosenFacets.add(current.getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT)); // } // } // Element indexListElem = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(info, GSXML.INDEX_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); // NodeList buildIndexElems = indexListElem.getElementsByTagName(GSXML.INDEX_ELEM); // for (int j = 0; j < buildIndexElems.getLength(); j++) // { // Element current = (Element) buildIndexElems.item(j); // for (int i = 0; i < chosenFacets.size(); i++) // { // if (current.getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT).equals(chosenFacets.get(i))) // { // _facets.add(current.getAttribute(GSXML.SHORTNAME_ATT)); // } // } // } return true; } public void cleanUp() { super.cleanUp(); this.solr_src.cleanUp(); // clear the map keeping track of the SolrServers in this collection solr_core_cache.clear(); } /** add in the SOLR specific params to TextQuery */ protected void addCustomQueryParams(Element param_list, String lang) { super.addCustomQueryParams(param_list, lang); /** Add in the sort order asc/desc param */ createParameter(SORT_ORDER_PARAM, param_list, lang); } /** add in SOLR specific params for AdvancedFieldQuery */ protected void addCustomQueryParamsAdvField(Element param_list, String lang) { super.addCustomQueryParamsAdvField(param_list, lang); createParameter(SORT_ORDER_PARAM, param_list, lang); } /** create a param and add to the list */ protected void createParameter(String name, Element param_list, String lang) { Document doc = param_list.getOwnerDocument(); Element param = null; String param_default = paramDefaults.get(name); if (name.equals(SORT_ORDER_PARAM)) { String[] vals = { SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING, SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING }; String[] vals_texts = { getTextString("param." + SORT_ORDER_PARAM + "." + SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING, lang), getTextString("param." + SORT_ORDER_PARAM + "." + SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING, lang) }; param = GSXML.createParameterDescription(doc, SORT_ORDER_PARAM, getTextString("param." + SORT_ORDER_PARAM, lang), GSXML.PARAM_TYPE_ENUM_SINGLE, param_default, vals, vals_texts); } if (param != null) { param_list.appendChild(param); } else { super.createParameter(name, param_list, lang); } } /** methods to handle actually doing the query */ /** do any initialisation of the query object */ protected boolean setUpQueryer(HashMap params) { this.solr_src.clearFacets(); this.solr_src.clearFacetQueries(); for (int i = 0; i < _facets.size(); i++) { this.solr_src.addFacet(_facets.get(i)); } String index = "didx"; if (this.default_level.toUpperCase().equals("SEC")) { index = "sidx"; } String physical_index_language_name = null; String physical_sub_index_name = null; String docFilter = null; int maxdocs = 100; int hits_per_page = 20; int start_page = 1; // set up the query params Set entries = params.entrySet(); Iterator i = entries.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Map.Entry m = (Map.Entry) i.next(); String name = (String) m.getKey(); String value = (String) m.getValue(); ///System.err.println("### GS2SolrSearch.java: name " + name + " - value " + value); if (name.equals(MAXDOCS_PARAM) && !value.equals("")) { maxdocs = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (name.equals(HITS_PER_PAGE_PARAM)) { hits_per_page = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (name.equals(START_PAGE_PARAM)) { start_page = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (name.equals(MATCH_PARAM)) { if (value.equals(MATCH_PARAM_ALL)) { this.solr_src.setDefaultConjunctionOperator("AND"); } else { this.solr_src.setDefaultConjunctionOperator("OR"); } } else if (name.equals(RANK_PARAM)) { if (value.equals(RANK_PARAM_RANK)) { value = SolrQueryWrapper.SORT_BY_RANK; } else if (value.equals(RANK_PARAM_NONE)) { value = SolrQueryWrapper.SORT_BY_INDEX_ORDER; } this.solr_src.setSortField(value); } else if (name.equals(SORT_ORDER_PARAM)) { if (value.equals(SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING)) { this.solr_src.setSortOrder(SolrQueryWrapper.SORT_DESCENDING); } else { this.solr_src.setSortOrder(SolrQueryWrapper.SORT_ASCENDING); } } else if (name.equals(LEVEL_PARAM)) { if (value.toUpperCase().equals("SEC")) { index = "sidx"; } else { index = "didx"; } } // Would facets ever come in through params??? else if (name.equals("facets") && value.length() > 0) { String[] facets = value.split(","); for (String facet : facets) { this.solr_src.addFacet(facet); } } else if (name.equals("facetQueries") && value.length() > 0) { //logger.info("@@@ SOLR FACET VALUE FOUND: " + value); this.solr_src.addFacetQuery(value); } else if (name.equals(INDEX_SUBCOLLECTION_PARAM)) { physical_sub_index_name = value; } else if (name.equals(INDEX_LANGUAGE_PARAM)) { physical_index_language_name = value; } // ignore any others else if (name.equals("docFilter")) { docFilter = value; docFilter = docFilter.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9.]", ""); this.solr_src.setDocFilter(value); } } // set up start and end results if necessary int start_results = 0; if (start_page != 1) { start_results = ((start_page - 1) * hits_per_page) ; } int end_results = hits_per_page * start_page; this.solr_src.setStartResults(start_results); this.solr_src.setEndResults(end_results); this.solr_src.setMaxDocs(maxdocs); if (index.equals("sidx") || index.equals("didx")) { if (physical_sub_index_name != null) { index += physical_sub_index_name; } if (physical_index_language_name != null) { index += physical_index_language_name; } } // now we know the index level, we can dig out the required // solr-core, (caching the result in 'solr_core_cache') String core_name = getCollectionCoreNamePrefix() + "-" + index; SolrServer solr_core = null; //CHECK HERE if (!solr_core_cache.containsKey(core_name)) { solr_core = new HttpSolrServer(this.solr_servlet_base_url+"/"+core_name); solr_core_cache.put(core_name, solr_core); } else { solr_core = solr_core_cache.get(core_name); } this.solr_src.setSolrCore(solr_core); this.solr_src.setCollectionCoreNamePrefix(getCollectionCoreNamePrefix()); this.solr_src.initialise(); return true; } /** do the query */ protected Object runQuery(String query) { try { //if it is a Highlighting Query - execute it this.solr_src.setHighlightField(indexField); if(hldocOID != null) { String rslt = this.solr_src.runHighlightingQuery(query,hldocOID); // Check result if (rslt != null) { return rslt; } //Highlighting request failed. Do standard request. hldocOID = null; } //logger.info("@@@@ Query is now: " + query); SharedSoleneQueryResult sqr = this.solr_src.runQuery(query); return sqr; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception happened in run query: ", e); } return null; } /** get the total number of docs that match */ protected long numDocsMatched(Object query_result) { return ((SharedSoleneQueryResult) query_result).getTotalDocs(); } /** get the list of doc ids */ protected String[] getDocIDs(Object query_result) { Vector docs = ((SharedSoleneQueryResult) query_result).getDocs(); String[] doc_nums = new String[docs.size()]; for (int d = 0; d < docs.size(); d++) { String doc_num = ((SharedSoleneQueryResult.DocInfo) docs.elementAt(d)).id_; doc_nums[d] = doc_num; } return doc_nums; } /** get the list of doc ranks */ protected String[] getDocRanks(Object query_result) { Vector docs = ((SharedSoleneQueryResult) query_result).getDocs(); String[] doc_ranks = new String[docs.size()]; for (int d = 0; d < docs.size(); d++) { doc_ranks[d] = Float.toString(((SharedSoleneQueryResult.DocInfo) docs.elementAt(d)).rank_); } return doc_ranks; } /** add in term info if available */ protected boolean addTermInfo(Element term_list, HashMap params, Object query_result) { Document doc = term_list.getOwnerDocument(); String query_level = (String) params.get(LEVEL_PARAM); // the current query level Vector terms = ((SharedSoleneQueryResult) query_result).getTerms(); for (int t = 0; t < terms.size(); t++) { SharedSoleneQueryResult.TermInfo term_info = (SharedSoleneQueryResult.TermInfo) terms.get(t); Element term_elem = doc.createElement(GSXML.TERM_ELEM); term_elem.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, term_info.term_); term_elem.setAttribute(FREQ_ATT, "" + term_info.term_freq_); term_elem.setAttribute(NUM_DOCS_MATCH_ATT, "" + term_info.match_docs_); term_elem.setAttribute(FIELD_ATT, term_info.field_); term_list.appendChild(term_elem); } Vector stopwords = ((SharedSoleneQueryResult) query_result).getStopWords(); for (int t = 0; t < stopwords.size(); t++) { String stopword = (String) stopwords.get(t); Element stopword_elem = doc.createElement(GSXML.STOPWORD_ELEM); stopword_elem.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, stopword); term_list.appendChild(stopword_elem); } return true; } protected ArrayList getFacets(Object query_result, String lang) { if (!(query_result instanceof SolrQueryResult)) { return null; } SolrQueryResult result = (SolrQueryResult) query_result; List facets = result.getFacetResults(); if (facets == null) { return null; } ArrayList newFacetList = new ArrayList(); for (FacetField facet : facets) { SolrFacetWrapper wrap = new SolrFacetWrapper(facet); String fname = wrap.getName(); String dname = getDisplayText(_facet_display_names.get(fname), GSXML.DISPLAY_TEXT_NAME, lang, "en", "metadata_names"); wrap.setDisplayName(dname); newFacetList.add(wrap); } return newFacetList; } @Override protected Map>> getHighlightSnippets(Object query_result) { if (!(query_result instanceof SolrQueryResult)) { return null; } SolrQueryResult result = (SolrQueryResult) query_result; return result.getHighlightResults(); } protected String getCollectionCoreNamePrefix() { String site_name = this.router.getSiteName(); String coll_name = this.cluster_name; String collection_core_name_prefix = site_name + "-" + coll_name; return collection_core_name_prefix; } private boolean loadSolrCores() { HttpSolrServer solrServer = new HttpSolrServer(solr_servlet_base_url); // Max retries solrServer.setMaxRetries(1); // Connection Timeout solrServer.setConnectionTimeout(3000); //Cores String coreSecName = getCollectionCoreNamePrefix() + "-sidx"; String coreDocName = getCollectionCoreNamePrefix() + "-didx"; if (!checkSolrCore(coreSecName, solrServer)){ if (!activateSolrCore(coreSecName, solrServer)){ logger.error("Couldn't activate Solr core " + coreSecName + " for collection " + cluster_name); return false; } } if (!checkSolrCore(coreDocName, solrServer)){ if (!activateSolrCore(coreDocName, solrServer)){ logger.error("Couldn't activate Solr core " + coreDocName + " for collection " + cluster_name); return false; } } return true; } private boolean checkSolrCore(String coreName, HttpSolrServer solrServer) { CoreAdminRequest adminRequest = new CoreAdminRequest(); adminRequest.setAction(CoreAdminAction.STATUS); adminRequest.setCoreName(coreName); try { CoreAdminResponse adminResponse = adminRequest.process(solrServer); NamedList> coreStatus = adminResponse.getCoreStatus(); NamedList coreList = coreStatus.getVal(0); if (coreList != null) { if (coreList.get("name") == null) { logger.warn("Solr core " + coreName + " for collection " + cluster_name + " not exists."); return false; } } } catch (SolrServerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (RemoteSolrException e1){ logger.error("Check solr core " + coreName + " for collection " + cluster_name + " failed."); e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } private boolean activateSolrCore(String coreName, HttpSolrServer solrServer) { String dataDir = GSFile.collectionIndexDir(site_home, cluster_name) + File.separator + coreName.substring(coreName.length() - 4); String instanceDir = GSFile.collectionEtcDir(site_home, cluster_name); try { CoreAdminRequest.createCore(coreName, instanceDir, solrServer, "", "", dataDir, ""); logger.warn("Solr core " + coreName + " for collection " + cluster_name + " activated."); } catch (SolrServerException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (RemoteSolrException e1){ logger.error("Activation solr core " + coreName + " for collection " + cluster_name + " failed."); e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } }