Mad.Error = { NONE : 0x0000, /* no error */ BUFLEN : 0x0001, /* input buffer too small (or EOF) */ BUFPTR : 0x0002, /* invalid (null) buffer pointer */ NOMEM : 0x0031, /* not enough memory */ LOSTSYNC : 0x0101, /* lost synchronization */ BADLAYER : 0x0102, /* reserved header layer value */ BADBITRATE : 0x0103, /* forbidden bitrate value */ BADSAMPLERATE : 0x0104, /* reserved sample frequency value */ BADEMPHASIS : 0x0105, /* reserved emphasis value */ BADCRC : 0x0201, /* CRC check failed */ BADBITALLOC : 0x0211, /* forbidden bit allocation value */ BADSCALEFACTOR : 0x0221, /* bad scalefactor index */ BADMODE : 0x0222, /* bad bitrate/mode combination */ BADFRAMELEN : 0x0231, /* bad frame length */ BADBIGVALUES : 0x0232, /* bad big_values count */ BADBLOCKTYPE : 0x0233, /* reserved block_type */ BADSCFSI : 0x0234, /* bad scalefactor selection info */ BADDATAPTR : 0x0235, /* bad main_data_begin pointer */ BADPART3LEN : 0x0236, /* bad audio data length */ BADHUFFTABLE : 0x0237, /* bad Huffman table select */ BADHUFFDATA : 0x0238, /* Huffman data overrun */ BADSTEREO : 0x0239 /* incompatible block_type for JS */ }; Mad.BUFFER_GUARD = 8; Mad.BUFFER_MDLEN = (511 + 2048 + Mad.BUFFER_GUARD); Mad.Stream = function (stream) { = stream; /* actual buffer (js doesn't have pointers!) */ this.buffer = 0; /* input bitstream buffer */ this.bufend = stream.length; /* input bitstream buffer */ this.skiplen = 0; /* bytes to skip before next frame */ this.sync = 0; /* stream sync found */ this.freerate = 0; /* free bitrate (fixed) */ this.this_frame = 0; /* start of current frame */ this.next_frame = 0; /* start of next frame */ this.ptr = new Mad.Bit(, this.buffer); /* current processing bit pointer */ this.anc_ptr = /* MadBit */ null; /* ancillary bits pointer */ this.anc_bitlen = 0; /* number of ancillary bits */ this.main_data = /* string */ Mad.Storage.newBuffer(Mad.BUFFER_MDLEN); /* Layer III main_data() */ this.md_len = 0; /* bytes in main_data */ var options = 0; /* decoding options (see below) */ var error = Mad.Error.NONE; /* error code (see above) */ }; Mad.Stream.fromFile = function(file, callback) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function (evt) { callback(new Mad.Stream(; }; reader.readAsBinaryString(file); }; Mad.Stream.prototype.readShort = function(bBigEndian) { return; }; Mad.Stream.prototype.readSShort = function(bBigEndian) { return; }; Mad.Stream.prototype.getU8 = function(index) { return; }; Mad.Stream.prototype.readU8 = function() { return; }; Mad.Stream.prototype.readChars = function(length) { return; }; Mad.Stream.prototype.peekChars = function(length) { return; } /* * NAME: stream->sync() * DESCRIPTION: locate the next stream sync word */ Mad.Stream.prototype.doSync = function() { var ptr = this.ptr.nextbyte(); var end = this.bufend; while (ptr < end - 1 && !(this.getU8(ptr) === 0xff && (this.getU8(ptr + 1) & 0xe0) === 0xe0)) { ++ptr; } if (end - ptr < Mad.BUFFER_GUARD) { return -1; } this.ptr = new Mad.Bit(, ptr); return 0; }