/* * Binary Ajax 0.1.10 * Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, cupboy@gmail.com, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/ * Licensed under the MPL License [http://www.nihilogic.dk/licenses/mpl-license.txt] */ var BinaryFile = function(strData, iDataOffset, iDataLength) { var data = strData; var dataOffset = iDataOffset || 0; var dataLength = 0; this.getRawData = function() { return data; } if (typeof strData === "string") { dataLength = iDataLength || data.length; this.getByteAt = function(iOffset) { return data.charCodeAt(iOffset + dataOffset) & 0xFF; } this.getBytesAt = function(iOffset, iLength) { var aBytes = []; for (var i = 0; i < iLength; i++) { aBytes[i] = data.charCodeAt((iOffset + i) + dataOffset) & 0xFF }; return aBytes; } } else if (typeof strData === "unknown") { dataLength = iDataLength || IEBinary_getLength(data); this.getByteAt = function(iOffset) { return IEBinary_getByteAt(data, iOffset + dataOffset); } this.getBytesAt = function(iOffset, iLength) { return new VBArray(IEBinary_getBytesAt(data, iOffset + dataOffset, iLength)).toArray(); } } this.getLength = function() { return dataLength; } this.getSByteAt = function(iOffset) { var iByte = this.getByteAt(iOffset); if (iByte > 127) return iByte - 256; else return iByte; } this.getShortAt = function(iOffset, bBigEndian) { var iShort = bBigEndian ? (this.getByteAt(iOffset) << 8) + this.getByteAt(iOffset + 1) : (this.getByteAt(iOffset + 1) << 8) + this.getByteAt(iOffset) if (iShort < 0) iShort += 65536; return iShort; } this.getSShortAt = function(iOffset, bBigEndian) { var iUShort = this.getShortAt(iOffset, bBigEndian); if (iUShort > 32767) return iUShort - 65536; else return iUShort; } this.getLongAt = function(iOffset, bBigEndian) { var iByte1 = this.getByteAt(iOffset), iByte2 = this.getByteAt(iOffset + 1), iByte3 = this.getByteAt(iOffset + 2), iByte4 = this.getByteAt(iOffset + 3); var iLong = bBigEndian ? (((((iByte1 << 8) + iByte2) << 8) + iByte3) << 8) + iByte4 : (((((iByte4 << 8) + iByte3) << 8) + iByte2) << 8) + iByte1; if (iLong < 0) iLong += 4294967296; return iLong; } this.getSLongAt = function(iOffset, bBigEndian) { var iULong = this.getLongAt(iOffset, bBigEndian); if (iULong > 2147483647) return iULong - 4294967296; else return iULong; } this.getStringAt = function(iOffset, iLength) { var aStr = []; var aBytes = this.getBytesAt(iOffset, iLength); for (var j=0; j < iLength; j++) { aStr[j] = String.fromCharCode(aBytes[j]); } return aStr.join(""); } this.getCharAt = function(iOffset) { return String.fromCharCode(this.getByteAt(iOffset)); } this.toBase64 = function() { return window.btoa(data); } this.fromBase64 = function(strBase64) { data = window.atob(strBase64); } } var BinaryAjax = (function() { function createRequest() { var oHTTP = null; if (window.ActiveXObject) { oHTTP = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { oHTTP = new XMLHttpRequest(); } return oHTTP; } function getHead(strURL, fncCallback, fncError) { var oHTTP = createRequest(); if (oHTTP) { if (fncCallback) { if (typeof(oHTTP.onload) != "undefined") { oHTTP.onload = function() { if (oHTTP.status === "200") { fncCallback(this); } else { if (fncError) fncError(); } oHTTP = null; }; } else { oHTTP.onreadchange = function() { if (oHTTP.readyState === 4) { if (oHTTP.status === "200") { fncCallback(this); } else { if (fncError) fncError(); } oHTTP = null; } }; } } oHTTP.open("HEAD", strURL, true); oHTTP.send(null); } else { if (fncError) fncError(); } } function sendRequest(strURL, fncCallback, fncError, aRange, bAcceptRanges, iFileSize) { var oHTTP = createRequest(); if (oHTTP) { var iDataOffset = 0; if (aRange && !bAcceptRanges) { iDataOffset = aRange[0]; } var iDataLen = 0; if (aRange) { iDataLen = aRange[1]-aRange[0]+1; } if (fncCallback) { if (typeof(oHTTP.onload) != "undefined") { oHTTP.onload = function() { if (oHTTP.status === "200" || oHTTP.status === "206" || oHTTP.status === "0") { oHTTP.binaryResponse = new BinaryFile(oHTTP.responseText, iDataOffset, iDataLen); oHTTP.fileSize = iFileSize || oHTTP.getResponseHeader("Content-Length"); fncCallback(oHTTP); } else { if (fncError) fncError(); } oHTTP = null; }; } else { oHTTP.onreadchange = function() { if (oHTTP.readyState === 4) { if (oHTTP.status === "200" || oHTTP.status === "206" || oHTTP.status === "0") { // IE6 craps if we try to extend the XHR object var oRes = { status : oHTTP.status, // IE needs responseBody, Chrome/Safari needs responseText binaryResponse : new BinaryFile( typeof oHTTP.responseBody === "unknown" ? oHTTP.responseBody : oHTTP.responseText, iDataOffset, iDataLen ), fileSize : iFileSize || oHTTP.getResponseHeader("Content-Length") }; fncCallback(oRes); } else { if (fncError) fncError(); } oHTTP = null; } }; } } oHTTP.open("GET", strURL, true); if (oHTTP.overrideMimeType) oHTTP.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); if (aRange && bAcceptRanges) { oHTTP.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + aRange[0] + "-" + aRange[1]); } oHTTP.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"); oHTTP.send(null); } else { if (fncError) fncError(); } } return function(strURL, fncCallback, fncError, aRange) { if (aRange) { getHead( strURL, function(oHTTP) { var iLength = parseInt(oHTTP.getResponseHeader("Content-Length"),10); var strAcceptRanges = oHTTP.getResponseHeader("Accept-Ranges"); var iStart, iEnd; iStart = aRange[0]; if (aRange[0] < 0) iStart += iLength; iEnd = iStart + aRange[1] - 1; sendRequest(strURL, fncCallback, fncError, [iStart, iEnd], (strAcceptRanges === "bytes"), iLength); } ); } else { sendRequest(strURL, fncCallback, fncError); } } }()); /* document.write( "\r\n" ); */ document.write( "\r\n" );