@echo off if "%GSDLHOME%" == "" goto EnvNotSet REM test if we have write permission on the greenstone install directory echo Checking if GSDLHOME is writable.. echo This is a temporary file. It is safe to delete it. > "%GSDLHOME%\etc\testing.tmp" if not exist "%GSDLHOME%\etc\testing.tmp" goto CantWrite del "%GSDLHOME%\etc\testing.tmp" echo Writable goto TheEnd :CantWrite echo. echo. echo. echo ----------------------------------- echo WARNING: CANNOT WRITE TO GSDLHOME echo ----------------------------------- echo Greenstone needs write-permission on the GSDLHOME directory, echo but we have detected that this is not present. echo Please grant 'Full Control' to the current user (%username%) echo on the GSDLHOME directory, plus all subfolders and files, and try again. echo. echo Alternatively, re-install Greenstone to a location where you have Full echo Control already, such as a your home folder or 'My Documents'. echo. echo GSDLHOME is: echo %GSDLHOME% echo. echo. echo. goto TheEnd :EnvNotSet echo GSDLHOME not set :TheEnd