@echo off SETLOCAL set serverlang=en set java_min_version=1.4.0_00 set PROGNAME="gs2-server" pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" echo Greenstone 2 Server echo Copyright (C) 2009, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato echo This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt echo This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it :: -------- Run the Greenstone 2 Server -------- :: ---- Determine GSDLHOME ---- set gsdl2path= :: Some users may set the above line manually if "%gsdl2path%" == "" ( set GSDLHOME=%CD% set gsdl2path=%CD% ) echo GS2 Home: %GSDLHOME% ::goto autoset_gsdl_home %gsdl2path% :: Setup Greenstone2, unless it has already been done if "%GSDLHOME%" == "" ( pushd "%GSDLHOME%" call setup.bat popd ) :: First test that there is actually something that can be run... :: Exit if the apache-httpd folder doesn't exist for some reason :: (The errors reported when the apache webserver does not exist :: in the correct location are not at all helpful). :: "You cannot use the if command to test directly for a directory, but :: the null (NUL) device does exist in every directory. As a result, you :: can test for the null device to determine whether a directory exists." ::echo %GSDLHOME%\apache-httpd\nul if not exist %GSDLHOME%\apache-httpd\nul ( echo. echo UNABLE TO CONTINUE: There is no apache-httpd directory. echo It does not look like the local apache webserver has been installed. echo Exiting... echo. goto exit ) :: exit 1 :: If there's no llssite.cfg file, copy from the template if exist "%GSDLHOME%\llssite.cfg" goto cfgfile if exist "%GSDLHOME%\llssite.cfg.in" ( copy "%GSDLHOME%\llssite.cfg.in" "%GSDLHOME%\llssite.cfg" ) else ( echo Warning: could not find llssite.cfg.in to create llssite.cfg from. ) :cfgfile :: ---- Determine GSDLHOME ---- :: JRE_HOME or JAVA_HOME must be set correctly to run this program bin\windows\search4j -m %java_min_version% > nul echo. :: In Java code, '...getResourceAsStream("build.properties")' :: needs up to be in the right directory when run if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 pushd %GSDL2PATH% :: http://ss64.com/nt/call.html (and leave in trailing slash) call :isinpath %GSDLHOME%\lib\java :: After the call, we come back here goto chkjava :isinpath :: http://ss64.com/nt/syntax-replace.html and http://ss64.com/nt/syntax-args.html :: (Does not work: section "Finding items within the PATH environment variable") :: Instead, we expand the filepath of parameter 1 to its full path and :: try to subtract it from the classpath. ::call set test_cpath=%%CLASSPATH:%~f1=%% call set test_cpath=%%CLASSPATH:%1=%% :: If there IS a difference in the classpath before and after, :: then the filepath was already on the classpath if not "%CLASSPATH%" == "%test_cpath%" ( echo - CLASSPATH already correct echo %CLASSPATH% goto :eof ) :: If there was NO difference in the classpath before and after, :: then the filepath needs to be added to the classpath set CLASSPATH=%GSDLHOME%\lib\java;%CLASSPATH% :: http://ss64.com/nt/for_r.html and (for call) http://ss64.com/nt/for.html :: http://ss64.com/nt/syntax-args.html FOR /R "%GSDLHOME%\lib\java" %%G IN (*.jar) DO call :putinpath %%G echo - Adjusted CLASSPATH echo. ::echo CLASSPATH:& echo %CLASSPATH% goto :eof :putinpath echo jarfile: %1 set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%1 goto :eof :: ---- Check Java ---- :chkjava :: call the script with source, so that we have the variables it sets ($javapath) set exit_status=0 :: Need to find Java. If found, JAVA_EXECUTABLE will be set :: call findjava.bat %serverlang% %PROGNAME% call findjava.bat if "%JAVA_EXECUTABLE%" == "" echo **** No Java executable found& goto exit :: ---- Run the Greenstone Server Interface ---- echo. "%JAVA_EXECUTABLE%" org.greenstone.server.Server2 "%GSDLHOME%" "%serverlang%" %* goto exit :exit popd ENDLOCAL