source: gsdl/trunk/perllib/cpan/Image/ExifTool/ 16842

Last change on this file since 16842 was 16842, checked in by davidb, 16 years ago

ExifTool added to cpan area to support metadata extraction from files such as JPEG. Primarily targetted as Image files (hence the Image folder name decided upon by the ExifTool author) it also can handle video such as flash and audio such as Wav

File size: 180.7 KB
2# File:
4# Description: ExifTool write routines
6# Notes: Also contains some less used ExifTool functions
8# URL:
10# Revisions: 12/16/2004 - P. Harvey Created
13package Image::ExifTool;
15use strict;
17use Image::ExifTool::TagLookup qw(FindTagInfo TagExists);
18use Image::ExifTool::Fixup;
20sub AssembleRational($$@);
21sub LastInList($);
22sub CreateDirectory($);
23sub RemoveNewValueHash($$$);
24sub RemoveNewValuesForGroup($$);
26my $loadedAllTables; # flag indicating we loaded all tables
28# the following is a road map of where we write each directory
29# in the different types of files.
30my %tiffMap = (
31 IFD0 => 'TIFF',
32 IFD1 => 'IFD0',
33 XMP => 'IFD0',
34 ICC_Profile => 'IFD0',
35 ExifIFD => 'IFD0',
36 GPS => 'IFD0',
37 SubIFD => 'IFD0',
38 GlobParamIFD => 'IFD0',
39 PrintIM => 'IFD0',
40 IPTC => 'IFD0',
41 Photoshop => 'IFD0',
42 InteropIFD => 'ExifIFD',
43 MakerNotes => 'ExifIFD',
45my %jpegMap = (
46 JFIF => 'APP0',
47 CIFF => 'APP0',
48 IFD0 => 'APP1',
49 XMP => 'APP1',
50 ICC_Profile => 'APP2',
51 FlashPix => 'APP2',
52 Meta => 'APP3',
53 MetaIFD => 'Meta',
54 RMETA => 'APP5',
55 Ducky => 'APP12',
56 Photoshop => 'APP13',
57 IFD1 => 'IFD0',
58 EXIF => 'IFD0', # to write EXIF as a block
59 ExifIFD => 'IFD0',
60 GPS => 'IFD0',
61 SubIFD => 'IFD0',
62 GlobParamIFD => 'IFD0',
63 PrintIM => 'IFD0',
64 IPTC => 'Photoshop',
65 InteropIFD => 'ExifIFD',
66 MakerNotes => ['ExifIFD', 'CIFF'], # (first parent is the default)
67 Comment => 'COM',
69my %dirMap = (
70 JPEG => \%jpegMap,
71 TIFF => \%tiffMap,
72 ORF => \%tiffMap,
73 RAW => \%tiffMap,
76# groups we are allowed to delete
77# Notes:
78# 1) these names must either exist in %dirMap, or be translated in InitWriteDirs())
79# 2) any dependencies must be added to %excludeGroups
80my @delGroups = qw(
81 AFCP CanonVRD CIFF Ducky EXIF ExifIFD File FlashPix FotoStation GlobParamIFD
82 GPS ICC_Profile IFD0 IFD1 InteropIFD IPTC JFIF MakerNotes Meta MetaIFD MIE
83 PhotoMechanic Photoshop PNG PrintIM RMETA SubIFD Trailer XMP
85# other group names of new tag values to remove when deleting an entire group
86my %removeGroups = (
87 IFD0 => [ 'EXIF', 'MakerNotes' ],
88 EXIF => [ 'MakerNotes' ],
89 ExifIFD => [ 'MakerNotes', 'InteropIFD' ],
90 Trailer => [ 'CanonVRD' ], #(because we can add back CanonVRD as a block)
92# related family 0/1 groups in @delGroups (and not already in %jpegMap)
93# that must be removed from delete list when excluding a group
94my %excludeGroups = (
95 EXIF => [ qw(IFD0 IFD1 ExifIFD GPS MakerNotes GlobParamIFD InteropIFD PrintIM SubIFD) ],
96 IFD0 => [ 'EXIF' ],
97 IFD1 => [ 'EXIF' ],
98 ExifIFD => [ 'EXIF' ],
99 GPS => [ 'EXIF' ],
100 MakerNotes => [ 'EXIF' ],
101 InteropIFD => [ 'EXIF' ],
102 GlobParamIFD => [ 'EXIF' ],
103 PrintIM => [ 'EXIF' ],
104 CIFF => [ 'MakerNotes' ],
105 # technically correct, but very uncommon and not a good reason to avoid deleting trailer
106 # IPTC => [ qw(AFCP FotoStation Trailer) ],
107 AFCP => [ 'Trailer' ],
108 FotoStation => [ 'Trailer' ],
109 CanonVRD => [ 'Trailer' ],
110 PhotoMechanic=> [ 'Trailer' ],
111 MIE => [ 'Trailer' ],
113# group names to translate for writing
114my %translateWriteGroup = (
115 EXIF => 'ExifIFD',
116 File => 'Comment',
117 MIE => 'MIE',
119# names of valid EXIF directories:
120my %exifDirs = (
121 gps => 'GPS',
122 exififd => 'ExifIFD',
123 subifd => 'SubIFD',
124 globparamifd => 'GlobParamIFD',
125 interopifd => 'InteropIFD',
126 makernotes => 'MakerNotes',
128# min/max values for integer formats
129my %intRange = (
130 'int8u' => [0, 0xff],
131 'int8s' => [-0x80, 0x7f],
132 'int16u' => [0, 0xffff],
133 'int16s' => [-0x8000, 0x7fff],
134 'int32u' => [0, 0xffffffff],
135 'int32s' => [-0x80000000, 0x7fffffff],
137my $maxSegmentLen = 0xfffd; # maximum length of data in a JPEG segment
139# value separators when conversion list is used (in SetNewValue)
140my %listSep = ( PrintConv => '; ?', ValueConv => ' ' );
143# Set tag value
144# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
145# 1) tag key, tag name, or '*' (optionally prefixed by group name),
146# or undef to reset all previous SetNewValue() calls
147# 2) new value (scalar, scalar ref or list ref), or undef to delete tag
148# 3-N) Options:
149# Type => PrintConv, ValueConv or Raw - specifies value type
150# AddValue => true to add to list of existing values instead of overwriting
151# DelValue => true to delete this existing value value from a list
152# Group => family 0 or 1 group name (case insensitive)
153# Replace => 0, 1 or 2 - overwrite previous new values (2=reset)
154# Protected => bitmask to write tags with specified protections
155# Shift => undef, 0, +1 or -1 - shift value if possible
156# NoShortcut => true to prevent looking up shortcut tags
157# CreateGroups => [internal use] createGroups hash ref from related tags
158# Returns: number of tags set (plus error string in list context)
159# Notes: For tag lists (like Keywords), call repeatedly with the same tag name for
160# each value in the list. Internally, the new information is stored in
161# the following members of the $self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo} hash:
162# TagInfo - tag info ref
163# DelValue - list ref for values to delete
164# Value - list ref for values to add
165# IsCreating - must be set for the tag to be added. otherwise just
166# changed if it already exists
167# CreateGroups - hash of all family 0 group names where tag may be created
168# WriteGroup - group name where information is being written (correct case)
169# WantGroup - group name as specified in call to function (case insensitive)
170# Next - pointer to next newValueHash (if more than one)
171# Self - ExifTool object reference
172# Shift - shift value
173# MAKER_NOTE_FIXUP - pointer to fixup if necessary for a maker note value
174sub SetNewValue($;$$%)
176 local $_;
177 my ($self, $tag, $value, %options) = @_;
178 my ($err, $tagInfo);
179 my $verbose = $self->Options('Verbose');
180 my $out = $self->Options('TextOut');
181 my $protected = $options{Protected} || 0;
182 my $numSet = 0;
183 unless (defined $tag) {
184 # remove any existing set values
185 delete $self->{NEW_VALUE};
186 $self->{DEL_GROUP} = { };
187 $verbose > 1 and print $out "Cleared new values\n";
188 return 1;
189 }
190 # allow value to be scalar or list reference
191 if (ref $value) {
192 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
193 foreach (@$value) {
194 my ($n, $e) = SetNewValue($self, $tag, $_, %options);
195 $err = $e if $e;
196 $numSet += $n;
197 delete $options{Replace}; # don't replace earlier values in list
198 }
199ReturnNow: return ($numSet, $err) if wantarray;
200 $err and warn "$err\n";
201 return $numSet;
202 } elsif (ref $value eq 'SCALAR') {
203 $value = $$value;
204 }
205 }
206 # make sure the Perl UTF-8 flag is OFF for the value if perl 5.6 or greater
207 # (otherwise our byte manipulations get corrupted!!)
208 if ($] >= 5.006 and defined $value) {
209 if (eval 'require Encode; Encode::is_utf8($value)' or $@) {
210 $value = pack('C*', unpack('C*', $value));
211 }
212 }
213 # set group name in options if specified
214 if ($tag =~ /(.+?):(.+)/) {
215 $options{Group} = $1 if $1 ne '*' and lc($1) ne 'all';
216 $tag = $2;
217 }
218 # ignore leading family number if 0 or 1 specified
219 if ($options{Group} and $options{Group} =~ /^(\d+)(.*)/ and $1 < 2) {
220 $options{Group} = $2;
221 }
223# get list of tags we want to set
225 my $wantGroup = $options{Group};
226 $tag =~ s/ .*//; # convert from tag key to tag name if necessary
227 my @matchingTags = FindTagInfo($tag);
228 until (@matchingTags) {
229 if ($tag eq '*' or lc($tag) eq 'all') {
230 # set groups to delete
231 if (defined $value) {
232 $err = "Can't set value for all tags";
233 } else {
234 my (@del, $grp);
235 my $remove = ($options{Replace} and $options{Replace} > 1);
236 if ($wantGroup) {
237 @del = grep /^$wantGroup$/i, @delGroups;
238 # remove associated groups when excluding from mass delete
239 if (@del and $remove) {
240 # remove associated groups in other family
241 push @del, @{$excludeGroups{$del[0]}} if $excludeGroups{$del[0]};
242 # remove upstream groups according to JPEG map
243 my $dirName = $del[0];
244 my @dirNames;
245 for (;;) {
246 my $parent = $jpegMap{$dirName};
247 if (ref $parent) {
248 push @dirNames, @$parent;
249 $parent = pop @dirNames;
250 }
251 $dirName = $parent || shift @dirNames or last;
252 push @del, $dirName; # exclude this too
253 }
254 }
255 # allow MIE groups to be deleted by number
256 push @del, uc($wantGroup) if $wantGroup =~ /^MIE\d+$/i;
257 } else {
258 # push all groups plus '*', except IFD1 and a few others
259 push @del, (grep !/^(IFD1|SubIFD|InteropIFD|GlobParamIFD)$/, @delGroups), '*';
260 }
261 if (@del) {
262 ++$numSet;
263 my @donegrps;
264 foreach $grp (@del) {
265 if ($remove) {
266 exists $self->{DEL_GROUP}->{$grp} or next;
267 delete $self->{DEL_GROUP}->{$grp};
268 } else {
269 $self->{DEL_GROUP}->{$grp} = 1;
270 # remove all of this group from previous new values
271 $self->RemoveNewValuesForGroup($grp);
272 }
273 push @donegrps, $grp;
274 }
275 if ($verbose > 1 and @donegrps) {
276 @donegrps = sort @donegrps;
277 my $msg = $remove ? 'Excluding from deletion' : 'Deleting tags in';
278 print $out " $msg: @donegrps\n";
279 }
280 } else {
281 $err = "Not a deletable group: $wantGroup";
282 }
283 }
284 } else {
285 my $origTag = $tag;
286 my $langCode;
287 # allow language suffix of form "-en_CA" or "-<rfc3066>" on tag name
288 if ($tag =~ /^(\w+)-([a-z]{2})(_[a-z]{2})$/i or # MIE
289 $tag =~ /^(\w+)-([a-z]{2,3}|[xi])(-[a-z\d]{2,8}(-[a-z\d]{1,8})*)?$/i) # XMP
290 {
291 $tag = $1;
292 $langCode = lc($2);
293 $langCode .= (length($3) == 3 ? uc($3) : lc($3)) if $3;
294 my @newMatches = FindTagInfo($tag);
295 foreach $tagInfo (@newMatches) {
296 # only allow language codes in tables which support them
297 next unless $$tagInfo{Table};
298 my $langInfoProc = $tagInfo->{Table}->{LANG_INFO} or next;
299 my $langInfo = &$langInfoProc($tagInfo, $langCode);
300 push @matchingTags, $langInfo if $langInfo;
301 }
302 last if @matchingTags;
303 } else {
304 # look for a shortcut or alias
305 require Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts;
306 my ($match) = grep /^\Q$tag\E$/i, keys %Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts::Main;
307 undef $err;
308 if ($match and not $options{NoShortcut}) {
309 if (@{$Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts::Main{$match}} == 1) {
310 $tag = $Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts::Main{$match}->[0];
311 @matchingTags = FindTagInfo($tag);
312 last if @matchingTags;
313 } else {
314 $options{NoShortcut} = 1;
315 foreach $tag (@{$Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts::Main{$match}}) {
316 my ($n, $e) = $self->SetNewValue($tag, $value, %options);
317 $numSet += $n;
318 $e and $err = $e;
319 }
320 undef $err if $numSet; # no error if any set successfully
321 goto ReturnNow; # all done
322 }
323 }
324 }
325 if (not TagExists($tag)) {
326 $err = "Tag '$origTag' does not exist";
327 $err .= ' or has a bad language code' if $origTag =~ /-/;
328 } elsif ($langCode) {
329 $err = "Tag '$tag' does not support alternate languages";
330 } elsif ($wantGroup) {
331 $err = "Sorry, $wantGroup:$origTag doesn't exist or isn't writable";
332 } else {
333 $err = "Sorry, $origTag is not writable";
334 }
335 $verbose > 2 and print $out "$err\n";
336 }
337 goto ReturnNow; # all done
338 }
339 # get group name that we're looking for
340 my $foundMatch = 0;
341 my ($ifdName, $mieGroup);
342 if ($wantGroup) {
343 # set $ifdName if this group is a valid IFD or SubIFD name
344 if ($wantGroup =~ /^IFD(\d+)$/i) {
345 $ifdName = "IFD$1";
346 } elsif ($wantGroup =~ /^SubIFD(\d+)$/i) {
347 $ifdName = "SubIFD$1";
348 } elsif ($wantGroup =~ /^MIE(\d*-?)(\w+)$/i) {
349 $mieGroup = "MIE$1" . ucfirst(lc($2));
350 } else {
351 $ifdName = $exifDirs{lc($wantGroup)};
352 if ($wantGroup =~ /^XMP\b/i) {
353 # must load XMP table to set group1 names
354 my $table = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::XMP::Main');
355 my $writeProc = $table->{WRITE_PROC};
356 $writeProc and &$writeProc();
357 }
358 }
359 }
361# determine the groups for all tags found, and the tag with
362# the highest priority group
364 my (@tagInfoList, %writeGroup, %preferred, %tagPriority, $avoid, $wasProtected);
365 my $highestPriority = -1;
366 foreach $tagInfo (@matchingTags) {
367 $tag = $tagInfo->{Name}; # set tag so warnings will use proper case
368 my ($writeGroup, $priority);
369 if ($wantGroup) {
370 my $lcWant = lc($wantGroup);
371 # only set tag in specified group
372 $writeGroup = $self->GetGroup($tagInfo, 0);
373 unless (lc($writeGroup) eq $lcWant) {
374 if ($writeGroup eq 'EXIF') {
375 next unless $ifdName;
376 $writeGroup = $ifdName; # write to the specified IFD
377 } elsif ($writeGroup eq 'MIE') {
378 next unless $mieGroup;
379 $writeGroup = $mieGroup; # write to specific MIE group
380 # set specific write group with document number if specified
381 if ($writeGroup =~ /^MIE\d+$/ and $tagInfo->{Table}->{WRITE_GROUP}) {
382 $writeGroup = $tagInfo->{Table}->{WRITE_GROUP};
383 $writeGroup =~ s/^MIE/$mieGroup/;
384 }
385 } else {
386 # allow group1 name to be specified
387 my $grp1 = $self->GetGroup($tagInfo, 1);
388 unless ($grp1 and lc($grp1) eq $lcWant) {
389 # must also check group1 name directly in case it is different
390 $grp1 = $tagInfo->{Groups}->{1};
391 next unless $grp1 and lc($grp1) eq $lcWant;
392 }
393 }
394 }
395 $priority = 1000; # highest priority since group was specified
396 }
397 ++$foundMatch;
398 # must do a dummy call to the write proc to autoload write package
399 # before checking Writable flag
400 my $table = $tagInfo->{Table};
401 my $writeProc = $table->{WRITE_PROC};
402 # load parent table if this was a user-defined table
403 if ($table->{PARENT}) {
404 my $parent = GetTagTable($table->{PARENT});
405 $writeProc = $parent->{WRITE_PROC} unless $writeProc;
406 }
407 next unless $writeProc and &$writeProc();
408 # must still check writable flags in case of UserDefined tags
409 my $writable = $tagInfo->{Writable};
410 next unless $writable or ($table->{WRITABLE} and
411 not defined $writable and not $$tagInfo{SubDirectory});
412 # don't write tag if protected
413 if ($tagInfo->{Protected}) {
414 my $prot = $tagInfo->{Protected} & ~$protected;
415 if ($prot) {
416 my %lkup = ( 1=>'unsafe', 2=>'protected', 3=>'unsafe and protected');
417 $wasProtected = $lkup{$prot};
418 next;
419 }
420 }
421 # set specific write group (if we didn't already)
422 if (not $writeGroup or $translateWriteGroup{$writeGroup}) {
423 # use default write group
424 $writeGroup = $tagInfo->{WriteGroup} || $tagInfo->{Table}->{WRITE_GROUP};
425 # use group 0 name if no WriteGroup specified
426 my $group0 = $self->GetGroup($tagInfo, 0);
427 $writeGroup or $writeGroup = $group0;
428 # get priority for this group
429 unless ($priority) {
430 $priority = $self->{WRITE_PRIORITY}->{lc($writeGroup)};
431 unless ($priority) {
432 $priority = $self->{WRITE_PRIORITY}->{lc($group0)} || 0;
433 }
434 }
435 }
436 $tagPriority{$tagInfo} = $priority;
437 if ($priority > $highestPriority) {
438 $highestPriority = $priority;
439 %preferred = ( $tagInfo => 1 );
440 $avoid = 0;
441 ++$avoid if $$tagInfo{Avoid};
442 } elsif ($priority == $highestPriority) {
443 # create all tags with highest priority
444 $preferred{$tagInfo} = 1;
445 ++$avoid if $$tagInfo{Avoid};
446 }
447 push @tagInfoList, $tagInfo;
448 $writeGroup{$tagInfo} = $writeGroup;
449 }
450 # don't create tags with priority 0 if group priorities are set
451 if ($highestPriority == 0 and %{$self->{WRITE_PRIORITY}}) {
452 undef %preferred;
453 }
454 # avoid creating tags with 'Avoid' flag set if there are other alternatives
455 if ($avoid and %preferred) {
456 if ($avoid < scalar(keys %preferred)) {
457 # just remove the 'Avoid' tags since there are other preferred tags
458 foreach $tagInfo (@tagInfoList) {
459 delete $preferred{$tagInfo} if $$tagInfo{Avoid};
460 }
461 } elsif ($highestPriority < 1000) {
462 # look for another priority tag to create instead
463 my $nextHighest = 0;
464 my @nextBestTags;
465 foreach $tagInfo (@tagInfoList) {
466 my $priority = $tagPriority{$tagInfo} or next;
467 next if $priority == $highestPriority;
468 next if $priority < $nextHighest;
469 next if $$tagInfo{Avoid} or $$tagInfo{Permanent};
470 next if $writeGroup{$tagInfo} eq 'MakerNotes';
471 if ($nextHighest < $priority) {
472 $nextHighest = $priority;
473 undef @nextBestTags;
474 }
475 push @nextBestTags, $tagInfo;
476 }
477 if (@nextBestTags) {
478 # change our preferred tags to the next best tags
479 undef %preferred;
480 foreach $tagInfo (@nextBestTags) {
481 $preferred{$tagInfo} = 1;
482 }
483 }
484 }
485 }
487# generate new value hash for each tag
489 my ($prioritySet, $createGroups);
490 # sort tag info list in reverse order of priority (higest number last)
491 # so we get the highest priority error message in the end
492 @tagInfoList = sort { $tagPriority{$a} <=> $tagPriority{$b} } @tagInfoList;
493 # loop through all valid tags to find the one(s) to write
494 SetTagLoop: foreach $tagInfo (@tagInfoList) {
495 my $writeGroup = $writeGroup{$tagInfo};
496 my $permanent = $$tagInfo{Permanent};
497 $writeGroup eq 'MakerNotes' and $permanent = 1 unless defined $permanent;
498 my $wgrp1;
499 if ($writeGroup eq 'MakerNotes' or $writeGroup eq 'XMP') {
500 $wgrp1 = $self->GetGroup($tagInfo, 1);
501 } else {
502 $wgrp1 = $writeGroup;
503 }
504 $tag = $tagInfo->{Name}; # get proper case for tag name
505 my $shift = $options{Shift};
506 if (defined $shift) {
507 if ($tagInfo->{Shift}) {
508 unless ($shift) {
509 # set shift according to AddValue/DelValue
510 $shift = 1 if $options{AddValue};
511 $shift = -1 if $options{DelValue};
512 }
513 } elsif ($shift) {
514 $err = "$wgrp1:$tag is not shiftable";
515 $verbose > 2 and print $out "$err\n";
516 next;
517 }
518 }
519 my $val = $value;
520 if (defined $val) {
521 # check to make sure this is a List or Shift tag if adding
522 if ($options{AddValue} and not ($shift or $tagInfo->{List})) {
523 $err = "Can't add $wgrp1:$tag (not a List type)";
524 $verbose > 2 and print $out "$err\n";
525 next;
526 }
527 } else {
528 # can't delete permanent tags, so set value to empty string instead
529 $val = '' if $permanent;
530 }
531 # convert the value
532 my $type;
533 if ($shift) {
534 # add '+' or '-' prefix to indicate shift direction
535 $val = ($shift > 0 ? '+' : '-') . $val;
536 # check the shift for validity
537 require 'Image/ExifTool/';
538 my $err2 = CheckShift($tagInfo->{Shift}, $val);
539 if ($err2) {
540 $err = "$err2 for $wgrp1:$tag";
541 $verbose > 2 and print $out "$err\n";
542 next;
543 }
544 } else {
545 $type = $options{Type};
546 $type or $type = $self->Options('PrintConv') ? 'PrintConv' : 'ValueConv';
547 }
548Conv: while (defined $val and not $shift) {
549 my $conv = $tagInfo->{$type};
550 my $convInv = $tagInfo->{"${type}Inv"};
551 my (@valList, $index, $convList, $convInvList);
552 # handle conversion lists
553 if (ref $conv eq 'ARRAY' or ref $convInv eq 'ARRAY') {
554 @valList = split /$listSep{$type}/, $val;
555 $val = $valList[$index = 0];
556 if (ref $conv eq 'ARRAY') {
557 $convList = $conv;
558 $conv = $$conv[0];
559 }
560 if (ref $convInv eq 'ARRAY') {
561 $convInvList = $convInv;
562 $convInv = $$convInv[0];
563 }
564 }
565 # loop through multiple values if necessary
566 for (;;) {
567 if ($convInv) {
568 # capture eval warnings too
569 local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = \&SetWarning;
570 undef $evalWarning;
571 if (ref($convInv) eq 'CODE') {
572 $val = &$convInv($val, $self);
573 } else {
574 #### eval PrintConvInv/ValueConvInv ($val, $self)
575 $val = eval $convInv;
576 $@ and $evalWarning = $@;
577 }
578 if ($evalWarning) {
579 $err = CleanWarning() . " in $wgrp1:$tag (${type}Inv)";
580 $verbose > 2 and print $out "$err\n";
581 undef $val;
582 last Conv;
583 } elsif (not defined $val) {
584 $err = "Error converting value for $wgrp1:$tag (${type}Inv)";
585 $verbose > 2 and print $out "$err\n";
586 last Conv;
587 }
588 } elsif ($conv) {
589 if (ref $conv eq 'HASH') {
590 my $multi;
591 if ($$conv{BITMASK}) {
592 my $lookupBits = $$conv{BITMASK};
593 my ($val2, $err2) = EncodeBits($val, $lookupBits);
594 if ($err2) {
595 # ok, try matching a straight value
596 ($val, $multi) = ReverseLookup($val, $conv);
597 unless (defined $val) {
598 $err = "Can't encode $wgrp1:$tag ($err2)";
599 $verbose > 2 and print $out "$err\n";
600 last Conv;
601 }
602 } elsif (defined $val2) {
603 $val = $val2;
604 } else {
605 delete $$conv{BITMASK};
606 ($val, $multi) = ReverseLookup($val, $conv);
607 $$conv{BITMASK} = $lookupBits;
608 }
609 } else {
610 ($val, $multi) = ReverseLookup($val, $conv);
611 }
612 unless (defined $val) {
613 $err = "Can't convert $wgrp1:$tag (" .
614 ($multi ? 'matches more than one' : 'not in') . " $type)";
615 $verbose > 2 and print $out "$err\n";
616 last Conv;
617 }
618 } elsif (not $$tagInfo{WriteAlso}) {
619 $err = "Can't convert value for $wgrp1:$tag (no ${type}Inv)";
620 $verbose > 2 and print $out "$err\n";
621 undef $val;
622 last Conv;
623 }
624 }
625 last unless @valList;
626 $valList[$index] = $val;
627 if (++$index >= @valList) {
628 $val = join ' ', @valList;
629 last;
630 }
631 $conv = $$convList[$index] if $convList;
632 $convInv = $$convInvList[$index] if $convInvList;
633 $val = $valList[$index];
634 }
635 # cycle through PrintConv, ValueConv
636 if ($type eq 'PrintConv') {
637 $type = 'ValueConv';
638 } else {
639 # validate the value with WriteCheck and CHECK_PROC if they exist
640 my $err2;
641 if ($tagInfo->{WriteCheck}) {
642 #### eval WriteCheck ($self, $tagInfo, $val)
643 $err2 = eval $tagInfo->{WriteCheck};
644 $@ and warn($@), $err2 = 'Error evaluating WriteCheck';
645 }
646 unless ($err2) {
647 my $table = $tagInfo->{Table};
648 if ($table and $table->{CHECK_PROC} and not $$tagInfo{RawConvInv}) {
649 my $checkProc = $table->{CHECK_PROC};
650 $err2 = &$checkProc($self, $tagInfo, \$val);
651 }
652 }
653 if ($err2) {
654 $err = "$err2 for $wgrp1:$tag";
655 $verbose > 2 and print $out "$err\n";
656 undef $val; # value was invalid
657 }
658 last;
659 }
660 }
661 if (not defined $val and defined $value) {
662 # if value conversion failed, we must still add a NEW_VALUE
663 # entry for this tag it it was a DelValue
664 next unless $options{DelValue};
665 $val = 'xxx never delete xxx';
666 }
667 $self->{NEW_VALUE} or $self->{NEW_VALUE} = { };
668 if ($options{Replace}) {
669 # delete the previous new value
670 $self->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo, $writeGroup, 'delete');
671 # also delete related tag previous new values
672 if ($$tagInfo{WriteAlso}) {
673 my $wtag;
674 foreach $wtag (keys %{$$tagInfo{WriteAlso}}) {
675 my ($n,$e) = $self->SetNewValue($wtag, undef, Replace=>2);
676 $numSet += $n;
677 }
678 }
679 $options{Replace} == 2 and ++$numSet, next;
680 }
682 # set value in NEW_VALUE hash
683 if (defined $val) {
684 # we are editing this tag, so create a NEW_VALUE hash entry
685 my $newValueHash = $self->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo, $writeGroup, 'create');
686 $newValueHash->{WantGroup} = $wantGroup;
687 # save maker note information if writing maker notes
688 if ($$tagInfo{MakerNotes}) {
689 $newValueHash->{MAKER_NOTE_FIXUP} = $self->{MAKER_NOTE_FIXUP};
690 }
691 if ($options{DelValue} or $options{AddValue} or $shift) {
692 # flag any AddValue or DelValue by creating the DelValue list
693 $newValueHash->{DelValue} or $newValueHash->{DelValue} = [ ];
694 if ($shift) {
695 # add shift value to list
696 $newValueHash->{Shift} = $val;
697 } elsif ($options{DelValue}) {
698 # don't create if we are replacing a specific value
699 $newValueHash->{IsCreating} = 0 unless $val eq '';
700 # add delete value to list
701 push @{$newValueHash->{DelValue}}, $val;
702 if ($verbose > 1) {
703 my $verb = $permanent ? 'Replacing' : 'Deleting';
704 my $fromList = $tagInfo->{List} ? ' from list' : '';
705 print $out "$verb $wgrp1:$tag$fromList if value is '$val'\n";
706 }
707 }
708 }
709 # set priority flag to add only the high priority info
710 # (will only create the priority tag if it doesn't exist,
711 # others get changed only if they already exist)
712 if ($preferred{$tagInfo} or $tagInfo->{Table}->{PREFERRED}) {
713 if ($permanent or $shift) {
714 # don't create permanent or Shift-ed tag but define IsCreating
715 # so we know that it is the preferred tag
716 $newValueHash->{IsCreating} = 0;
717 } elsif (not ($newValueHash->{DelValue} and @{$newValueHash->{DelValue}}) or
718 # also create tag if any DelValue value is empty ('')
719 grep(/^$/,@{$newValueHash->{DelValue}}))
720 {
721 $newValueHash->{IsCreating} = 1;
722 # add to hash of groups where this tag is being created
723 $createGroups or $createGroups = $options{CreateGroups} || { };
724 $$createGroups{$self->GetGroup($tagInfo, 0)} = 1;
725 $newValueHash->{CreateGroups} = $createGroups;
726 }
727 }
728 if (%{$self->{DEL_GROUP}} and $newValueHash->{IsCreating}) {
729 my ($grp, @grps);
730 foreach $grp (keys %{$self->{DEL_GROUP}}) {
731 next if $self->{DEL_GROUP}->{$grp} == 2;
732 # set flag indicating tags were written after this group was deleted
733 $self->{DEL_GROUP}->{$grp} = 2;
734 push @grps, $grp;
735 }
736 if ($verbose > 1 and @grps) {
737 @grps = sort @grps;
738 print $out " Writing new tags after deleting groups: @grps\n";
739 }
740 }
741 if ($shift or not $options{DelValue}) {
742 $newValueHash->{Value} or $newValueHash->{Value} = [ ];
743 if ($tagInfo->{List}) {
744 # we can write a list of entries
745 push @{$newValueHash->{Value}}, $val;
746 } else {
747 # not a List tag -- overwrite existing value
748 $newValueHash->{Value}->[0] = $val;
749 }
750 if ($verbose > 1) {
751 my $ifExists = $newValueHash->{IsCreating} ? '' : ' if tag exists';
752 my $verb = ($shift ? 'Shifting' : ($options{AddValue} ? 'Adding' : 'Writing'));
753 print $out "$verb $wgrp1:$tag$ifExists\n";
754 }
755 }
756 } elsif ($permanent) {
757 $err = "Can't delete $tag";
758 $verbose > 1 and print $out "$err\n";
759 next;
760 } elsif ($options{AddValue} or $options{DelValue}) {
761 $verbose > 1 and print $out "Adding/Deleting nothing does nothing\n";
762 next;
763 } else {
764 # create empty new value hash entry to delete this tag
765 $self->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo, $writeGroup, 'delete');
766 my $newValueHash = $self->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo, $writeGroup, 'create');
767 $newValueHash->{WantGroup} = $wantGroup;
768 $verbose > 1 and print $out "Deleting $wgrp1:$tag\n";
769 }
770 ++$numSet;
771 $prioritySet = 1 if $preferred{$tagInfo};
772 # also write related tags
773 my $writeAlso = $$tagInfo{WriteAlso};
774 if ($writeAlso) {
775 my $wtag;
776 foreach $wtag (keys %$writeAlso) {
777 #### eval WriteAlso ($val)
778 my $v = eval $writeAlso->{$wtag};
779 $@ and warn($@), next;
780 my ($n,$e) = $self->SetNewValue($wtag, $v, Type => 'ValueConv',
781 Protected => $protected | 0x02,
782 CreateGroups => $createGroups);
783 print $out "Not writing $wtag ($e)\n" if $e and $verbose > 1;
784 $numSet += $n;
785 }
786 }
787 }
788 # print warning if we couldn't set our priority tag
789 if ($err and not $prioritySet) {
790 warn "$err\n" unless wantarray;
791 } elsif (not $numSet) {
792 my $pre = $wantGroup ? "$wantGroup:" : '';
793 if ($wasProtected) {
794 $err = "Tag '$pre$tag' is $wasProtected for writing";
795 } elsif ($foundMatch) {
796 $err = "Sorry, $pre$tag is not writable";
797 } else {
798 $err = "Tag '$pre$tag' does not exist";
799 }
800 $verbose > 2 and print $out "$err\n";
801 warn "$err\n" unless wantarray;
802 } elsif ($err and not $verbose) {
803 undef $err;
804 }
805 return ($numSet, $err) if wantarray;
806 return $numSet;
810# set new values from information in specified file
811# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) source file name or reference, etc
812# 2) List of tags to set (or all if none specified)
813# Returns: Hash of information set successfully (includes Warning or Error messages)
814# Notes: Tag names may contain group prefix and/or leading '-' to exclude from copy,
815# and the tag name '*' may be used to represent all tags in a group.
816# Also, a tag name may end with '>DSTTAG' to copy the information to a
817# different tag, or a tag with a specified group. (Also allow 'DSTTAG<TAG'.)
818sub SetNewValuesFromFile($$;@)
820 my ($self, $srcFile, @setTags) = @_;
822 # expand shortcuts
823 @setTags and ExpandShortcuts(\@setTags);
824 my $srcExifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
825 my $options = $self->{OPTIONS};
826 # set options for our extraction tool
827 $srcExifTool->Options(
828 MakerNotes => 1,
829 Binary => 1,
830 Duplicates => 1,
831 List => 1,
832 StrictDate => 1,
833 FixBase => $$options{FixBase},
834 DateFormat => $$options{DateFormat},
835 PrintConv => $$options{PrintConv},
836 Composite => $$options{Composite},
837 MissingTagValue => $$options{MissingTagValue},
838 IgnoreMinorErrors => $$options{IgnoreMinorErrors},
839 );
840 # get all tags from source file (including MakerNotes block)
841 my $info = $srcExifTool->ImageInfo($srcFile);
842 return $info if $info->{Error} and $info->{Error} eq 'Error opening file';
843 delete $srcExifTool->{VALUE}->{Error}; # delete so we can check this later
845 # sort tags in reverse order so we get priority tag last
846 my @tags = reverse sort keys %$info;
847 my $tag;
849# simply transfer all tags from source image if no tags specified
851 unless (@setTags) {
852 # transfer maker note information to this object
853 $self->{MAKER_NOTE_FIXUP} = $srcExifTool->{MAKER_NOTE_FIXUP};
855 foreach $tag (@tags) {
856 # don't try to set Warning's or Error's
857 next if $tag =~ /^Warning\b/ or $tag =~ /^Error\b/;
858 # set value for this tag
859 my ($n, $e) = $self->SetNewValue($tag, $info->{$tag}, Replace => 1);
860 # delete this tag if we could't set it
861 $n or delete $info->{$tag};
862 }
863 return $info;
864 }
866# transfer specified tags in the proper order
868 # 1) loop through input list of tags to set, and build @setList
869 my (@setList, $set, %setMatches);
870 foreach (@setTags) {
871 $tag = lc($_); # change tag name to all lower case
872 my ($fam, $grp, $dst, $dstGrp, $dstTag, $expr, $opt);
873 # handle redirection to another tag
874 if ($tag =~ /(.+?)\s*(>|<)\s*(.+)/) {
875 $dstGrp = '';
876 if ($2 eq '>') {
877 ($tag, $dstTag) = ($1, $3);
878 # flag add and delete (ie. '+<' and '-<') redirections
879 $opt = $1 if $tag =~ s/\s*([-+])$// or $dstTag =~ s/^([-+])\s*//;
880 } else {
881 ($tag, $dstTag) = ($3, $1);
882 $opt = $1 if $dstTag =~ s/\s*([-+])$//;
883 # handle expressions
884 if ($tag =~ /\$/) {
885 $tag = $_; # restore original case
886 # recover leading whitespace (except for initial single space)
887 # and flag expression by starting with '@'
888 $tag =~ s/(.+?)\s*(>|<) ?/\@/;
889 $expr = 1; # flag this expression
890 } else {
891 $opt = $1 if $tag =~ s/^([-+])\s*//;
892 }
893 }
894 # translate '+' and '-' to appropriate SetNewValue option
895 $opt and $opt = { '+' => 'AddValue', '-' => 'DelValue' }->{$opt};
896 $dstTag =~ s/\ball\b/\*/g; # replace 'all' with '*'
897 ($dstGrp, $dstTag) = ($1, $2) if $dstTag =~ /(.+?):(.+)/;
898 # ignore leading family number
899 $dstGrp = $2 if $dstGrp =~ /^(\d+)(.*)/ and $1 < 2;
900 }
901 $tag =~ s/\ball\b/\*/g unless $expr; # replace 'all' with '*'
902 my $isExclude = ($tag =~ s/^-//);
903 if ($tag =~ /^([\w-]+?|\*):(.+)/) {
904 ($grp, $tag) = ($1, $2);
905 # separate leading family number
906 ($fam, $grp) = ($1, $2) if $grp =~ /^(\d+)(.+)/ and $1 < 2;
907 } else {
908 $grp = ''; # flag for don't care about group
909 }
910 # redirect, exclude or set this tag (Note: $grp is '' if we don't care)
911 if ($dstTag) {
912 # redirect this tag
913 $isExclude and return { Error => "Can't redirect excluded tag" };
914 if ($tag eq '*' and $dstTag ne '*') {
915 return { Error => "Can't redirect from all tags to one tag" };
916 }
917 # set destination group the same as source if necessary
918 $dstGrp = $grp if $dstGrp eq '*' and $grp;
919 # write to specified destination group/tag
920 $dst = [ $dstGrp, $dstTag ];
921 } elsif ($isExclude) {
922 # implicitly assume '*' if first entry is an exclusion
923 unshift @setList, [ undef, '*', '*', [ '', '*' ] ] unless @setList;
924 # exclude this tag by leaving $dst undefined
925 } else {
926 # copy to same group/tag
927 $dst = [ $grp, $tag ];
928 }
929 $grp or $grp = '*'; # use '*' for any group
930 # save in reverse order so we don't set tags before an exclude
931 unshift @setList, [ $fam, $grp, $tag, $dst, $opt ];
932 }
933 # 2) initialize lists of matching tags for each condition
934 foreach $set (@setList) {
935 $$set[3] and $setMatches{$$set[3]} = [ ];
936 }
937 # 3) loop through all tags in source image and save tags matching each condition
938 my %rtnInfo;
939 foreach $tag (@tags) {
940 # don't try to set Warning's or Error's
941 if ($tag =~ /^Warning\b/ or $tag =~ /^Error\b/) {
942 $rtnInfo{$tag} = $info->{$tag};
943 next;
944 }
945 my @dstList;
946 # only set specified tags
947 my $lcTag = lc(GetTagName($tag));
948 my @grp;
949 foreach $set (@setList) {
950 # check first for matching tag
951 next unless $$set[2] eq $lcTag or $$set[2] eq '*';
952 # then check for matching group
953 unless ($$set[1] eq '*') {
954 # get lower case group names if not done already
955 @grp or @grp = map(lc, $srcExifTool->GetGroup($tag));
956 # handle leading family number
957 if (defined $$set[0]) {
958 next unless $$set[1] eq $grp[$$set[0]];
959 } else {
960 next unless $$set[1] eq $grp[0] or $$set[1] eq $grp[1];
961 }
962 }
963 last unless $$set[3]; # all done if we hit an exclude
964 # add to the list of tags matching this condition
965 push @{$setMatches{$set}}, $tag;
966 }
967 }
968 # 4) loop through each condition in original order, setting new tag values
969 foreach $set (reverse @setList) {
970 # handle expressions
971 if ($$set[2] =~ s/^\@//) {
972 my $val = $srcExifTool->InsertTagValues(\@tags, $$set[2], 'Error');
973 unless (defined $val) {
974 # return warning if one of the tags didn't exist
975 $tag = NextTagKey(\%rtnInfo, 'Warning');
976 $rtnInfo{$tag} = $srcExifTool->GetValue('Error');
977 delete $srcExifTool->{VALUE}->{Error};
978 next;
979 }
980 my ($dstGrp, $dstTag) = @{$$set[3]};
981 my %opts = ( Protected => 1, Replace => 1 );
982 # add or delete value if specified
983 $opts{$$set[4]} = 1 if $$set[4];
984 $opts{Group} = $dstGrp if $dstGrp;
985 my @rtnVals = $self->SetNewValue($dstTag, $val, %opts);
986 $rtnInfo{$dstTag} = $val if $rtnVals[0]; # tag was set successfully
987 next;
988 }
989 foreach $tag (@{$setMatches{$set}}) {
990 my (@values, %opts, $val, $noWarn);
991 # get all values for this tag
992 if (ref $info->{$tag} eq 'ARRAY') {
993 @values = @{$info->{$tag}};
994 } elsif (ref $info->{$tag} eq 'SCALAR') {
995 @values = ( ${$info->{$tag}} );
996 } else {
997 @values = ( $info->{$tag} );
998 }
999 my ($dstGrp, $dstTag) = @{$$set[3]};
1000 if ($dstGrp) {
1001 if ($dstGrp eq '*') {
1002 $dstGrp = $srcExifTool->GetGroup($tag, 1);
1003 $noWarn = 1; # don't warn on wildcard destinations
1004 }
1005 $opts{Group} = $dstGrp;
1006 }
1007 # transfer maker note information if setting this tag
1008 if ($srcExifTool->{TAG_INFO}->{$tag}->{MakerNotes}) {
1009 $self->{MAKER_NOTE_FIXUP} = $srcExifTool->{MAKER_NOTE_FIXUP};
1010 $self->{MAKER_NOTE_BYTE_ORDER} = $srcExifTool->{MAKER_NOTE_BYTE_ORDER};
1011 }
1012 if ($dstTag eq '*') {
1013 $dstTag = $tag;
1014 $noWarn = 1;
1015 }
1016 # add or delete value if specified
1017 $opts{$$set[4]} = 1 if $$set[4];
1018 # allow protected tags to be copied if specified explicitly
1019 $opts{Protected} = 1 unless $$set[2] eq '*';
1020 $opts{Replace} = 1; # replace the first value found
1021 # set all values for this tag
1022 foreach $val (@values) {
1023 my ($rtn, $wrn) = $self->SetNewValue($dstTag, $val, %opts);
1024 if ($wrn and not $noWarn) {
1025 # return this warning
1026 $rtnInfo{NextTagKey(\%rtnInfo, 'Warning')} = $wrn;
1027 $noWarn = 1;
1028 }
1029 last unless $rtn;
1030 $rtnInfo{$tag} = $info->{$tag}; # tag was set successfully
1031 $opts{Replace} = 0;
1032 }
1033 }
1034 }
1035 return \%rtnInfo; # return information that we set
1039# Get new value(s) for tag
1040# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) tag key, tag name, or tagInfo hash ref
1041# 2) optional pointer to return new value hash reference (not part of public API)
1042# or 0) new value hash reference (not part of public API)
1043# Returns: List of new Raw values (list may be empty if tag is being deleted)
1044# Notes: 1) Preferentially returns new value from Extra table if writable Extra tag exists
1045# 2) Must call AFTER IsOverwriting() returns 1 to get proper value for shifted times
1046sub GetNewValues($;$$)
1048 local $_;
1049 my $newValueHash;
1050 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
1051 $newValueHash = shift;
1052 } else {
1053 my ($self, $tag, $newValueHashPt) = @_;
1054 if ($self->{NEW_VALUE}) {
1055 my $tagInfo;
1056 if (ref $tag) {
1057 $newValueHash = $self->GetNewValueHash($tag);
1058 } elsif (defined($tagInfo = $Image::ExifTool::Extra{$tag}) and
1059 $$tagInfo{Writable})
1060 {
1061 $newValueHash = $self->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo);
1062 } else {
1063 my @tagInfoList = FindTagInfo($tag);
1064 # choose the one that we are creating
1065 foreach $tagInfo (@tagInfoList) {
1066 my $nvh = $self->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo) or next;
1067 $newValueHash = $nvh;
1068 last if defined $newValueHash->{IsCreating};
1069 }
1070 }
1071 }
1072 # return new value hash if requested
1073 $newValueHashPt and $$newValueHashPt = $newValueHash;
1074 }
1075 if ($newValueHash and $newValueHash->{Value}) {
1076 my $vals = $newValueHash->{Value};
1077 # do inverse raw conversion if necessary
1078 if ($newValueHash->{TagInfo}->{RawConvInv}) {
1079 my $tagInfo = $$newValueHash{TagInfo};
1080 my $conv = $$tagInfo{RawConvInv};
1081 my $self = $newValueHash->{Self};
1082 my ($val, $checkProc);
1083 my $table = $tagInfo->{Table};
1084 $checkProc = $$table{CHECK_PROC} if $table;
1085 local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = \&SetWarning;
1086 undef $evalWarning;
1087 foreach $val (@$vals) {
1088 if (ref($conv) eq 'CODE') {
1089 $val = &$conv($val, $self);
1090 } else {
1091 #### eval RawConvInv ($self, $val)
1092 $val = eval $conv;
1093 $@ and $evalWarning = $@;
1094 }
1095 if ($evalWarning) {
1096 my $err = CleanWarning() . " in $$tagInfo{Name} (RawConvInv)";
1097 $self->Warn($err);
1098 @$vals = ();
1099 last;
1100 }
1101 # must check value now
1102 next unless $checkProc;
1103 my $err = &$checkProc($self, $tagInfo, \$val);
1104 if ($err or not defined $val) {
1105 $err or $err = 'Error generating raw value';
1106 $self->Warn("$err for $$tagInfo{Name}");
1107 @$vals = ();
1108 last;
1109 }
1110 }
1111 }
1112 # return our value(s)
1113 if (wantarray) {
1114 return @$vals;
1115 } else {
1116 return $$vals[0];
1117 }
1118 }
1119 return () if wantarray; # return empty list
1120 return undef;
1124# Return the total number of new values set
1125# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
1126# Returns: Scalar context) Number of new values that have been set
1127# List context) Number of new values, number of "pseudo" values
1128# ("pseudo" values are those which don't require rewriting the file to change)
1129sub CountNewValues($)
1131 my $self = shift;
1132 my $newVal = $self->{NEW_VALUE};
1133 my $num = 0;
1134 $num += scalar keys %$newVal if $newVal;
1135 $num += scalar keys %{$self->{DEL_GROUP}};
1136 return $num unless wantarray;
1137 my $pseudo = 0;
1138 if ($newVal) {
1139 my $tag;
1140 # (Note: all "pseudo" tags must be found in Extra table)
1141 foreach $tag (qw{FileName Directory FileModifyDate}) {
1142 ++$pseudo if defined $$newVal{$Image::ExifTool::Extra{$tag}};
1143 }
1144 }
1145 return ($num, $pseudo);
1149# Save new values for subsequent restore
1150# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
1151sub SaveNewValues($)
1153 my $self = shift;
1154 my $newValues = $self->{NEW_VALUE};
1155 my $key;
1156 foreach $key (keys %$newValues) {
1157 my $newValueHash = $$newValues{$key};
1158 while ($newValueHash) {
1159 $newValueHash->{Save} = 1; # set Save flag
1160 $newValueHash = $newValueHash->{Next};
1161 }
1162 }
1163 # initialize hash for saving overwritten new values
1164 $self->{SAVE_NEW_VALUE} = { };
1168# Restore new values to last saved state
1169# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
1170# Notes: Restores saved new values, but currently doesn't restore them in the
1171# orginal order, so there may be some minor side-effects when restoring tags
1172# with overlapping groups. ie) XMP:Identifier, XMP-dc:Identifier
1173sub RestoreNewValues($)
1175 my $self = shift;
1176 my $newValues = $self->{NEW_VALUE};
1177 my $savedValues = $self->{SAVE_NEW_VALUE};
1178 my $key;
1179 # 1) remove any new values which don't have the Save flag set
1180 if ($newValues) {
1181 my @keys = keys %$newValues;
1182 foreach $key (@keys) {
1183 my $lastHash;
1184 my $newValueHash = $$newValues{$key};
1185 while ($newValueHash) {
1186 if ($newValueHash->{Save}) {
1187 $lastHash = $newValueHash;
1188 } else {
1189 # remove this entry from the list
1190 if ($lastHash) {
1191 $lastHash->{Next} = $newValueHash->{Next};
1192 } elsif ($newValueHash->{Next}) {
1193 $$newValues{$key} = $newValueHash->{Next};
1194 } else {
1195 delete $$newValues{$key};
1196 }
1197 }
1198 $newValueHash = $newValueHash->{Next};
1199 }
1200 }
1201 }
1202 # 2) restore saved new values
1203 if ($savedValues) {
1204 $newValues or $newValues = $self->{NEW_VALUE} = { };
1205 foreach $key (keys %$savedValues) {
1206 if ($$newValues{$key}) {
1207 # add saved values to end of list
1208 my $newValueHash = LastInList($$newValues{$key});
1209 $newValueHash->{Next} = $$savedValues{$key};
1210 } else {
1211 $$newValues{$key} = $$savedValues{$key};
1212 }
1213 }
1214 $self->{SAVE_NEW_VALUE} = { }; # reset saved new values
1215 }
1219# Set file modification time from FileModifyDate tag
1220# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) file name or file ref
1221# 2) modify time (-M) of original file (needed for time shift)
1222# Returns: 1=time changed OK, 0=nothing done, -1=error setting time
1223# (and increments CHANGED flag if time was changed)
1224sub SetFileModifyDate($$;$)
1226 my ($self, $file, $originalTime) = @_;
1227 my $newValueHash;
1228 my $val = $self->GetNewValues('FileModifyDate', \$newValueHash);
1229 return 0 unless defined $val;
1230 my $isOverwriting = IsOverwriting($newValueHash);
1231 return 0 unless $isOverwriting;
1232 if ($isOverwriting < 0) { # are we shifting time?
1233 # use original time of this file if not specified
1234 $originalTime = -M $file unless defined $originalTime;
1235 return 0 unless defined $originalTime;
1236 return 0 unless IsOverwriting($newValueHash, $^T - $originalTime*(24*3600));
1237 $val = $newValueHash->{Value}->[0]; # get shifted value
1238 }
1239 unless (utime($val, $val, $file)) {
1240 $self->Warn('Error setting FileModifyDate');
1241 return -1;
1242 }
1243 ++$self->{CHANGED};
1244 $self->VPrint(1, " + FileModifyDate = '$val'\n");
1245 return 1;
1249# Change file name and/or directory from FileName and Directory tags
1250# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) current file name (including path)
1251# 2) New name (or undef to build from FileName and Directory tags)
1252# Returns: 1=name changed OK, 0=nothing changed, -1=error changing name
1253# (and increments CHANGED flag if filename changed)
1254# Notes: Will not overwrite existing file. Creates directories as necessary.
1255sub SetFileName($$;$)
1257 my ($self, $file, $newName) = @_;
1258 my ($newValueHash, $doName, $doDir);
1259 # determine the new file name
1260 unless (defined $newName) {
1261 my $filename = $self->GetNewValues('FileName', \$newValueHash);
1262 $doName = 1 if defined $filename and IsOverwriting($newValueHash, $file);
1263 my $dir = $self->GetNewValues('Directory', \$newValueHash);
1264 $doDir = 1 if defined $dir and IsOverwriting($newValueHash, $file);
1265 return 0 unless $doName or $doDir; # nothing to do
1266 if ($doName) {
1267 $newName = GetNewFileName($file, $filename);
1268 $newName = GetNewFileName($newName, $dir) if $doDir;
1269 } else {
1270 $newName = GetNewFileName($file, $dir);
1271 }
1272 }
1273 if (-e $newName) {
1274 # don't replace existing file
1275 $self->Warn("File '$newName' already exists");
1276 return -1;
1277 }
1278 # create directory for new file if necessary
1279 my $result;
1280 if (($result = CreateDirectory($newName)) != 0) {
1281 if ($result < 0) {
1282 $self->Warn("Error creating directory for '$newName'");
1283 return -1;
1284 }
1285 $self->VPrint(0, "Created directory for '$newName'");
1286 }
1287 # attempt to rename the file
1288 unless (rename $file, $newName) {
1289 # renaming didn't work, so copy the file instead
1290 unless (open EXIFTOOL_SFN_IN, $file) {
1291 $self->Warn("Error opening '$file'");
1292 return -1;
1293 }
1294 unless (open EXIFTOOL_SFN_OUT, ">$newName") {
1295 close EXIFTOOL_SFN_IN;
1296 $self->Warn("Error creating '$newName'");
1297 return -1;
1298 }
1299 binmode EXIFTOOL_SFN_IN;
1300 binmode EXIFTOOL_SFN_OUT;
1301 my ($buff, $err);
1302 while (read EXIFTOOL_SFN_IN, $buff, 65536) {
1303 print EXIFTOOL_SFN_OUT $buff or $err = 1;
1304 }
1305 close EXIFTOOL_SFN_OUT or $err = 1;
1306 close EXIFTOOL_SFN_IN;
1307 if ($err) {
1308 unlink $newName; # erase bad output file
1309 $self->Warn("Error writing '$newName'");
1310 return -1;
1311 }
1312 # preserve modification time
1313 my $modTime = $^T - (-M $file) * (24 * 3600);
1314 my $accTime = $^T - (-A $file) * (24 * 3600);
1315 utime($accTime, $modTime, $newName);
1316 # remove the original file
1317 unlink $file or $self->Warn('Error removing old file');
1318 }
1319 ++$self->{CHANGED};
1320 $self->VPrint(1, " + FileName = '$newName'\n");
1321 return 1;
1325# Write information back to file
1326# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference,
1327# 1) input filename, file ref, or scalar ref (or '' or undef to create from scratch)
1328# 2) output filename, file ref, or scalar ref (or undef to edit in place)
1329# 3) optional output file type (required only if input file is not specified
1330# and output file is a reference)
1331# Returns: 1=file written OK, 2=file written but no changes made, 0=file write error
1332sub WriteInfo($$;$$)
1334 local $_;
1335 my ($self, $infile, $outfile, $outType) = @_;
1336 my (@fileTypeList, $fileType, $tiffType);
1337 my ($inRef, $outRef, $closeIn, $closeOut, $outPos, $outBuff, $eraseIn);
1338 my $oldRaf = $self->{RAF};
1339 my $rtnVal = 1;
1341 # initialize member variables
1342 $self->Init();
1344 # first, save original file modify date if necessary
1345 # (do this now in case we are modifying file in place and shifting date)
1346 my ($newValueHash, $originalTime);
1347 my $fileModifyDate = $self->GetNewValues('FileModifyDate', \$newValueHash);
1348 if (defined $fileModifyDate and IsOverwriting($newValueHash) < 0 and
1349 defined $infile and ref $infile ne 'SCALAR')
1350 {
1351 $originalTime = -M $infile;
1352 }
1354# do quick in-place change of file dir/name or date if that is all we are doing
1356 if (not defined $outfile and defined $infile) {
1357 my $newFileName = $self->GetNewValues('FileName', \$newValueHash);
1358 my ($numNew, $numPseudo) = $self->CountNewValues();
1359 if ($numNew == $numPseudo) {
1360 $rtnVal = 2;
1361 if (defined $fileModifyDate and (not ref $infile or UNIVERSAL::isa($infile,'GLOB'))) {
1362 $self->SetFileModifyDate($infile) > 0 and $rtnVal = 1;
1363 }
1364 if (defined $newFileName and not ref $infile) {
1365 $self->SetFileName($infile) > 0 and $rtnVal = 1;
1366 }
1367 return $rtnVal;
1368 } elsif (defined $newFileName and length $newFileName) {
1369 # can't simply rename file, so just set the output name if new FileName
1370 # --> in this case, must erase original copy
1371 if (ref $infile) {
1372 $outfile = $newFileName;
1373 # can't delete original
1374 } elsif (IsOverwriting($newValueHash, $infile)) {
1375 $outfile = GetNewFileName($infile, $newFileName);
1376 $eraseIn = 1; # delete original
1377 }
1378 }
1379 }
1381# set up input file
1383 if (ref $infile) {
1384 $inRef = $infile;
1385 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($inRef,'GLOB')) {
1386 seek($inRef, 0, 0); # make sure we are at the start of the file
1387 } elsif (eval 'require Encode; Encode::is_utf8($$inRef)') {
1388 # convert image data from UTF-8 to character stream if necessary
1389 if (defined $outfile) {
1390 my $buff = pack('C*', unpack('U0U*', $$inRef));
1391 $inRef = \$buff;
1392 } else {
1393 $$inRef = pack('C*', unpack('U0U*', $$inRef));
1394 }
1395 }
1396 } elsif (defined $infile and $infile ne '') {
1397 if (open(EXIFTOOL_FILE2, defined $outfile ? $infile : "+<$infile")) {
1398 $fileType = GetFileType($infile);
1399 $tiffType = GetFileExtension($infile);
1400 $self->VPrint(0, "Rewriting $infile...\n");
1401 $inRef = \*EXIFTOOL_FILE2;
1402 $closeIn = 1; # we must close the file since we opened it
1403 } else {
1404 my $forUpdate = (defined $outfile ? '' : ' for update');
1405 $self->Error("Error opening file$forUpdate");
1406 return 0;
1407 }
1408 } elsif (not defined $outfile) {
1409 $self->Error("WriteInfo(): Must specify infile or outfile\n");
1410 return 0;
1411 } else {
1412 # create file from scratch
1413 $outType = GetFileType($outfile) unless $outType or ref $outfile;
1414 if (CanCreate($outType)) {
1415 $fileType = $tiffType = $outType; # use output file type if no input file
1416 $infile = "$fileType file"; # make bogus file name
1417 $self->VPrint(0, "Creating $infile...\n");
1418 $inRef = \ ''; # set $inRef to reference to empty data
1419 } elsif ($outType) {
1420 $self->Error("Can't create $outType files");
1421 return 0;
1422 } else {
1423 $self->Error("Can't create file (unknown type)");
1424 return 0;
1425 }
1426 }
1427 if ($fileType) {
1428 @fileTypeList = ( $fileType );
1429 } else {
1430 @fileTypeList = @fileTypes;
1431 $tiffType = 'TIFF';
1432 }
1434# set up output file
1436 if (ref $outfile) {
1437 $outRef = $outfile;
1438 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($outRef,'GLOB')) {
1439 binmode($outRef);
1440 $outPos = tell($outRef);
1441 } else {
1442 # initialize our output buffer if necessary
1443 defined $$outRef or $$outRef = '';
1444 $outPos = length($$outRef);
1445 }
1446 } elsif (not defined $outfile) {
1447 # editing in place, so write to memory first
1448 $outBuff = '';
1449 $outRef = \$outBuff;
1450 $outPos = 0;
1451 } elsif (-e $outfile) {
1452 $self->Error("File already exists: $outfile");
1453 $rtnVal = 0;
1454 } elsif (open(EXIFTOOL_OUTFILE, ">$outfile")) {
1455 $outRef = \*EXIFTOOL_OUTFILE;
1456 $closeOut = 1; # we must close $outRef
1457 binmode($outRef);
1458 $outPos = 0;
1459 } else {
1460 $self->Error("Error creating file: $outfile");
1461 $rtnVal = 0;
1462 }
1464# write the file
1466 if ($rtnVal) {
1467 # create random access file object
1468 my $raf = new File::RandomAccess($inRef);
1469 # patch for Windows command shell pipe
1470 $raf->{TESTED} = -1 if not ref $infile and ($infile eq '-' or $infile =~ /\|$/);
1471 # $raf->Debug() and warn " RAF debugging enabled!\n";
1472 my $inPos = $raf->Tell();
1473 $raf->BinMode();
1474 $self->{RAF} = $raf;
1475 my %dirInfo = (
1476 RAF => $raf,
1477 OutFile => $outRef,
1478 );
1479 for (;;) {
1480 my $type = shift @fileTypeList;
1481 # save file type in member variable
1482 $dirInfo{Parent} = $self->{FILE_TYPE} = $type;
1483 # determine which directories we must write for this file type
1484 $self->InitWriteDirs($type);
1485 if ($type eq 'JPEG') {
1486 $rtnVal = $self->WriteJPEG(\%dirInfo);
1487 } elsif ($type eq 'TIFF') {
1488 # disallow writing of some TIFF-based RAW images:
1489 if ($tiffType =~ /^(SRF|SR2|ARW|RAW|DCR|K25)$/) {
1490 $fileType = $tiffType;
1491 undef $rtnVal;
1492 } else {
1493 $dirInfo{Parent} = $tiffType;
1494 $rtnVal = $self->ProcessTIFF(\%dirInfo);
1495 }
1496 } elsif ($type eq 'GIF') {
1497 require Image::ExifTool::GIF;
1498 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::GIF::ProcessGIF($self,\%dirInfo);
1499 } elsif ($type eq 'CRW') {
1500 require Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw;
1501 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw::WriteCRW($self, \%dirInfo);
1502 } elsif ($type eq 'MRW') {
1503 require Image::ExifTool::MinoltaRaw;
1504 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::MinoltaRaw::ProcessMRW($self, \%dirInfo);
1505 } elsif ($type eq 'ORF') {
1506 $rtnVal = $self->ProcessTIFF(\%dirInfo);
1507 } elsif ($type eq 'PNG') {
1508 require Image::ExifTool::PNG;
1509 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::PNG::ProcessPNG($self, \%dirInfo);
1510 } elsif ($type eq 'MIE') {
1511 require Image::ExifTool::MIE;
1512 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::MIE::ProcessMIE($self, \%dirInfo);
1513 } elsif ($type eq 'XMP') {
1514 require Image::ExifTool::XMP;
1515 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::XMP::WriteXMP($self, \%dirInfo);
1516 } elsif ($type eq 'PPM') {
1517 require Image::ExifTool::PPM;
1518 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::PPM::ProcessPPM($self, \%dirInfo);
1519 } elsif ($type eq 'PSD') {
1520 require Image::ExifTool::Photoshop;
1521 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::Photoshop::ProcessPSD($self, \%dirInfo);
1522 } elsif ($type eq 'EPS' or $type eq 'PS') {
1523 require Image::ExifTool::PostScript;
1524 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::PostScript::WritePS($self, \%dirInfo);
1525 } elsif ($type eq 'ICC') {
1526 require Image::ExifTool::ICC_Profile;
1527 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::ICC_Profile::WriteICC($self, \%dirInfo);
1528 } elsif ($type eq 'VRD') {
1529 require Image::ExifTool::CanonVRD;
1530 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::CanonVRD::ProcessVRD($self, \%dirInfo);
1531 } elsif ($type eq 'JP2') {
1532 require Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000;
1533 $rtnVal = Image::ExifTool::Jpeg2000::ProcessJP2($self, \%dirInfo);
1534 } elsif ($type eq 'RAW') {
1535 $rtnVal = $self->ProcessTIFF(\%dirInfo);
1536 } else {
1537 undef $rtnVal; # flag that we don't write this type of file
1538 }
1539 # all done unless we got the wrong type
1540 last if $rtnVal;
1541 last unless @fileTypeList;
1542 # seek back to original position in files for next try
1543 unless ($raf->Seek($inPos, 0)) {
1544 $self->Error('Error seeking in file');
1545 last;
1546 }
1547 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($outRef,'GLOB')) {
1548 seek($outRef, 0, $outPos);
1549 } else {
1550 $$outRef = substr($$outRef, 0, $outPos);
1551 }
1552 }
1553 # print file format errors
1554 unless ($rtnVal) {
1555 if ($fileType and defined $rtnVal) {
1556 $self->{VALUE}->{Error} or $self->Error('Format error in file');
1557 } elsif ($fileType) {
1558 $self->Error("ExifTool does not yet support writing of $fileType files");
1559 } else {
1560 $self->Error('ExifTool does not support writing of this type of file');
1561 }
1562 $rtnVal = 0;
1563 }
1564 # $raf->Close(); # only used to force debug output
1565 }
1566 # don't return success code if any error occurred
1567 $rtnVal = 0 if $rtnVal > 0 and $self->{VALUE}->{Error};
1569 # rewrite original file in place if required
1570 if (defined $outBuff) {
1571 if ($rtnVal <= 0 or not $self->{CHANGED}) {
1572 # nothing changed, so no need to write $outBuff
1573 } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($inRef,'GLOB')) {
1574 my $len = length($outBuff);
1575 my $size;
1576 $rtnVal = -1 unless
1577 seek($inRef, 0, 2) and # seek to the end of file
1578 ($size = tell $inRef) >= 0 and # get the file size
1579 seek($inRef, 0, 0) and # seek back to the start
1580 print $inRef $outBuff and # write the new data
1581 ($len >= $size or # if necessary:
1582 eval 'truncate($inRef, $len)'); # shorten output file
1583 } else {
1584 $$inRef = $outBuff; # replace original data
1585 }
1586 $outBuff = ''; # free memory but leave $outBuff defined
1587 }
1588 # close input file if we opened it
1589 if ($closeIn) {
1590 # errors on input file are significant if we edited the file in place
1591 $rtnVal and $rtnVal = -1 unless close($inRef) or not defined $outBuff;
1592 if ($eraseIn and $rtnVal > 0) {
1593 # erase input file if renaming while editing information in place
1594 unlink $infile or $self->Warn('Error erasing original file');
1595 }
1596 }
1597 # close output file if we created it
1598 if ($closeOut) {
1599 # close file and set $rtnVal to -1 if there was an error
1600 $rtnVal and $rtnVal = -1 unless close($outRef);
1601 # erase the output file if we weren't successful
1602 $rtnVal > 0 or unlink $outfile;
1603 }
1604 # set FileModifyDate if requested (and if possible!)
1605 if (defined $fileModifyDate and $rtnVal > 0 and
1606 ($closeOut or ($closeIn and defined $outBuff)))
1607 {
1608 $self->SetFileModifyDate($closeOut ? $outfile : $infile, $originalTime);
1609 }
1610 # check for write error and set appropriate error message and return value
1611 if ($rtnVal < 0) {
1612 $self->Error('Error writing output file');
1613 $rtnVal = 0; # return 0 on failure
1614 } elsif ($rtnVal > 0) {
1615 ++$rtnVal unless $self->{CHANGED};
1616 }
1617 # set things back to the way they were
1618 $self->{RAF} = $oldRaf;
1620 return $rtnVal;
1624# Get list of all available tags for specified group
1625# Inputs: 0) optional group name
1626# Returns: tag list (sorted alphabetically)
1627# Notes: Can't get tags for specific IFD
1628sub GetAllTags(;$)
1630 local $_;
1631 my $group = shift;
1632 my (%allTags, $exifTool);
1634 $group and $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
1635 LoadAllTables(); # first load all our tables
1636 my @tableNames = ( keys %allTables );
1638 # loop through all tables and save tag names to %allTags hash
1639 while (@tableNames) {
1640 my $table = GetTagTable(pop @tableNames);
1641 my $tagID;
1642 foreach $tagID (TagTableKeys($table)) {
1643 my @infoArray = GetTagInfoList($table,$tagID);
1644 my $tagInfo;
1645 foreach $tagInfo (@infoArray) {
1646 my $tag = $$tagInfo{Name} || die "no name for tag!\n";
1647 # don't list subdirectories unless they are writable
1648 next unless $$tagInfo{Writable} or not $$tagInfo{SubDirectory};
1649 if ($group) {
1650 my @groups = $exifTool->GetGroup($tagInfo);
1651 next unless grep /^$group$/i, @groups;
1652 }
1653 $allTags{$tag} = 1;
1654 }
1655 }
1656 }
1657 return sort keys %allTags;
1661# Get list of all writable tags
1662# Inputs: 0) optional group name
1663# Returns: tag list (sorted alphbetically)
1664sub GetWritableTags(;$)
1666 local $_;
1667 my $group = shift;
1668 my (%writableTags, $exifTool);
1670 $group and $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
1671 LoadAllTables();
1672 my @tableNames = keys %allTables;
1674 while (@tableNames) {
1675 my $tableName = pop @tableNames;
1676 my $table = GetTagTable($tableName);
1677 # attempt to load Write tables if autoloaded
1678 my @path = split(/::/,$tableName);
1679 if (@path > 3) {
1680 my $i = $#path - 1;
1681 $path[$i] = "Write$path[$i]"; # add 'Write' before class name
1682 my $module = join('::',@path[0..($#path-1)]);
1683 eval "require $module"; # (fails silently if nothing loaded)
1684 }
1685 my $tagID;
1686 foreach $tagID (TagTableKeys($table)) {
1687 my @infoArray = GetTagInfoList($table,$tagID);
1688 my $tagInfo;
1689 foreach $tagInfo (@infoArray) {
1690 my $tag = $$tagInfo{Name} || die "no name for tag!\n";
1691 my $writable = $$tagInfo{Writable};
1692 next unless $writable or ($table->{WRITABLE} and
1693 not defined $writable and not $$tagInfo{SubDirectory});
1694 if ($group) {
1695 my @groups = $exifTool->GetGroup($tagInfo);
1696 next unless grep /^$group$/i, @groups;
1697 }
1698 $writableTags{$tag} = 1;
1699 }
1700 }
1701 }
1702 return sort keys %writableTags;
1706# Get list of all group names
1707# Inputs: 1) Group family number
1708# Returns: List of group names (sorted alphabetically)
1709sub GetAllGroups($)
1711 local $_;
1712 my $family = shift || 0;
1714 LoadAllTables(); # first load all our tables
1716 my @tableNames = ( keys %allTables );
1718 # loop through all tag tables and get all group names
1719 my %allGroups;
1720 while (@tableNames) {
1721 my $table = GetTagTable(pop @tableNames);
1722 my $defaultGroup;
1723 $defaultGroup = $table->{GROUPS}->{$family} if $table->{GROUPS};
1724 $allGroups{$defaultGroup} = 1 if defined $defaultGroup;
1725 foreach (TagTableKeys($table)) {
1726 my @infoArray = GetTagInfoList($table,$_);
1727 my ($tagInfo, $groups, $group);
1728 if ($groups = $$table{GROUPS} and $group = $$groups{$family}) {
1729 $allGroups{$group} = 1;
1730 }
1731 foreach $tagInfo (@infoArray) {
1732 if ($groups = $$tagInfo{Groups} and $group = $$groups{$family}) {
1733 $allGroups{$group} = 1;
1734 }
1735 }
1736 }
1737 }
1738 return sort keys %allGroups;
1742# get priority group list for new values
1743# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
1744# Returns: List of group names
1745sub GetNewGroups($)
1747 my $self = shift;
1748 return @{$self->{WRITE_GROUPS}};
1752# Get list of all deletable group names
1753# Returns: List of group names (sorted alphabetically)
1754sub GetDeleteGroups()
1756 return sort @delGroups;
1760# Functions below this are not part of the public API
1763# convert tag names to values in a string (ie. "${EXIF:ISO}x $$" --> "100x $")
1764# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) reference to list of found tags
1765# 2) string with embedded tag names, 3) Options:
1766# undef - set missing tags to '',
1767# 'Error' - issue minor error on missing tag (and return undef),
1768# 'Warn' - issue minor warning on missing tag (and return undef),
1769# Hash ref - hash for return of tag/value pairs
1770# Returns: string with embedded tag values (or '$info{TAGNAME}' entries with Hash ref option)
1771# Notes: tag names are not case sensitive, uses MissingTagValue option if set
1772sub InsertTagValues($$$;$)
1774 my ($self, $foundTags, $line, $opt) = @_;
1775 my $rtnStr = '';
1776 while ($line =~ /(.*?)\$(\{?[\w-]+|\$)(.*)/s) {
1777 my (@tags, $pre, $var, $group, $family, $val, $tg, @vals);
1778 ($pre, $var, $line) = ($1, $2, $3);
1779 # "$$" represents a "$" symbol
1780 if ($var eq '$') {
1781 $rtnStr .= "$pre$var";
1782 next;
1783 }
1784 # check to see if this is a group name
1785 if ($line =~ /^:([\w-]+)(.*)/s) {
1786 $group = $var;
1787 ($var, $line) = ($1, $2);
1788 $line =~ s/^\}// if $group =~ s/^\{//;
1789 $var = "$group:$var";
1790 } else {
1791 $line =~ s/^\}// if $var =~ s/^\{//;
1792 }
1793 push @tags, $var;
1794 ExpandShortcuts(\@tags);
1795 @tags or $rtnStr .= $pre, next;
1797 for (;;) {
1798 my $tag = shift @tags;
1799 my ($group, $family);
1800 if ($tag =~ /(.+?)(\d+)?:(.+)/) {
1801 ($group, $family, $tag) = ($1, $2, $3);
1802 $group = '*' if lc($group) eq 'all';
1803 # find the specified tag
1804 my @matches = grep /^$tag(\s|$)/i, @$foundTags;
1805 foreach $tg (@matches) {
1806 if ($group ne '*') {
1807 my @groups = $self->GetGroup($tg, $family);
1808 my ($grp) = grep /^$group$/i, @groups;
1809 next unless defined $grp;
1810 }
1811 if (defined $val and $tg =~ / \((\d+)\)$/) {
1812 # take the most recently extracted tag
1813 my $tagNum = $1;
1814 next if $tag !~ / \((\d+)\)$/ or $1 > $tagNum;
1815 }
1816 $val = $self->GetValue($tg);
1817 $tag = $tg;
1818 last unless $tag =~ / /; # all done if we got our best match
1819 }
1820 } else {
1821 # remove trailing bracket if we had a leading one
1822 $val = $self->GetValue($tag);
1823 unless (defined $val) {
1824 # check for tag name with different case
1825 ($tg) = grep /^$tag$/i, @$foundTags;
1826 if (defined $tg) {
1827 $val = $self->GetValue($tg);
1828 $tag = $tg;
1829 }
1830 }
1831 }
1832 if (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') {
1833 $val = join(', ', @$val);
1834 } elsif (ref $val eq 'SCALAR') {
1835 $val = $$val;
1836 } elsif (not defined $val) {
1837 last unless @tags;
1838 next;
1839 }
1840 last unless @tags;
1841 push @vals, $val;
1842 undef $val;
1843 }
1844 if (@vals) {
1845 push @vals, $val if defined $val;
1846 $val = join '', @vals;
1847 }
1848 unless (defined $val or ref $opt) {
1849 $val = $self->{OPTIONS}->{MissingTagValue};
1850 unless (defined $val) {
1851 no strict 'refs';
1852 return undef if $opt and &$opt($self, "Tag '$var' not defined", 1);
1853 $val = '';
1854 }
1855 }
1856 if (ref $opt eq 'HASH') {
1857 $rtnStr .= "$pre\$info{'$var'}";
1858 $$opt{$var} = $val;
1859 } else {
1860 $rtnStr .= "$pre$val";
1861 }
1862 }
1863 return $rtnStr . $line;
1867# Is specified tag writable
1868# Inputs: 0) tag name, case insensitive (optional group name currently ignored)
1869# Returns: 0=exists but not writable, 1=writable, undef=doesn't exist
1870sub IsWritable($)
1872 my $tag = shift;
1873 $tag =~ s/^(.+)://; # ignore group name
1874 my @tagInfo = FindTagInfo($tag);
1875 return undef unless @tagInfo;
1876 my $tagInfo;
1877 foreach $tagInfo (@tagInfo) {
1878 return 1 if $$tagInfo{Writable} or $tagInfo->{Table}->{WRITABLE};
1879 }
1880 return 0;
1884# Create directory for specified file
1885# Inputs: 0) complete file name including path
1886# Returns: 1 = directory created, 0 = nothing done, -1 = error
1887sub CreateDirectory($)
1889 local $_;
1890 my $file = shift;
1891 my $rtnVal = 0;
1892 my $dir;
1893 ($dir = $file) =~ s/[^\/]*$//; # remove filename from path specification
1894 if ($dir and not -d $dir) {
1895 my @parts = split /\//, $dir;
1896 $dir = '';
1897 foreach (@parts) {
1898 $dir .= $_;
1899 if (length $dir and not -d $dir) {
1900 # create directory since it doesn't exist
1901 mkdir($dir, 0777) or return -1;
1902 $rtnVal = 1;
1903 }
1904 $dir .= '/';
1905 }
1906 }
1907 return $rtnVal;
1911# Get new file name
1912# Inputs: 0) existing name, 1) new name
1913# Returns: new file path name
1914sub GetNewFileName($$)
1916 my ($oldName, $newName) = @_;
1917 my ($dir, $name) = ($oldName =~ m{(.*/)(.*)});
1918 ($dir, $name) = ('', $oldName) unless defined $dir;
1919 if ($newName =~ m{/$}) {
1920 $newName = "$newName$name"; # change dir only
1921 } elsif ($newName !~ m{/}) {
1922 $newName = "$dir$newName"; # change name only if newname doesn't specify dir
1923 } # else change dir and name
1924 return $newName;
1928# Reverse hash lookup
1929# Inputs: 0) value, 1) hash reference
1930# Returns: Hash key or undef if not found (plus flag for multiple matches in list context)
1931sub ReverseLookup($$)
1933 my ($val, $conv) = @_;
1934 my $multi;
1935 if ($val =~ /^Unknown\s*\((.+)\)$/i) {
1936 $val = $1; # was unknown
1937 if ($val =~ /^0x([\da-fA-F]+)$/) {
1938 $val = hex($val); # convert hex value
1939 }
1940 } else {
1941 my @patterns = (
1942 "^\Q$val\E\$", # exact match
1943 "^(?i)\Q$val\E\$", # case-insensitive
1944 "^(?i)\Q$val\E", # beginning of string
1945 "(?i)\Q$val\E", # substring
1946 );
1947 my ($pattern, $found, $matches);
1948 foreach $pattern (@patterns) {
1949 $matches = scalar grep /$pattern/, values(%$conv);
1950 next unless $matches;
1951 # multiple matches are bad unless they were exact
1952 last if $matches > 1 and $pattern !~ /\$$/;
1953 foreach (sort keys %$conv) {
1954 if ($$conv{$_} =~ /$pattern/) {
1955 $val = $_;
1956 $found = 1;
1957 last;
1958 }
1959 }
1960 last;
1961 }
1962 unless ($found) {
1963 undef $val;
1964 $multi = 1 if $matches > 1;
1965 }
1966 }
1967 if (wantarray) {
1968 return ($val, $multi);
1969 } else {
1970 return $val;
1971 }
1975# Return true if we are deleting or overwriting the specified tag
1976# Inputs: 0) new value hash reference
1977# 2) optional tag value if deleting specific values
1978# Returns: >0 - tag should be deleted
1979# =0 - the tag should be preserved
1980# <0 - not sure, we need the value to know
1981sub IsOverwriting($;$)
1983 my ($newValueHash, $value) = @_;
1984 return 0 unless $newValueHash;
1985 # overwrite regardless if no DelValues specified
1986 return 1 unless $newValueHash->{DelValue};
1987 # apply time shift if necessary
1988 if (defined $newValueHash->{Shift}) {
1989 return -1 unless defined $value;
1990 my $type = $newValueHash->{TagInfo}->{Shift};
1991 my $shift = $newValueHash->{Shift};
1992 require 'Image/ExifTool/';
1993 my $err = ApplyShift($type, $shift, $value, $newValueHash);
1994 if ($err) {
1995 my $tag = $newValueHash->{TagInfo}->{Name};
1996 $newValueHash->{Self}->Warn("$err when shifting $tag");
1997 return 0;
1998 }
1999 # don't bother overwriting if value is the same
2000 return 0 if $value eq $newValueHash->{Value}->[0];
2001 return 1;
2002 }
2003 # never overwrite if DelValue list exists but is empty
2004 return 0 unless @{$newValueHash->{DelValue}};
2005 # return "don't know" if we don't have a value to test
2006 return -1 unless defined $value;
2007 # return 1 if value matches a DelValue
2008 my $val;
2009 foreach $val (@{$newValueHash->{DelValue}}) {
2010 return 1 if $value eq $val;
2011 }
2012 return 0;
2016# Return true if we are creating the specified tag even if it didn't exist before
2017# Inputs: 0) new value hash reference
2018# Returns: true if we should add the tag
2019sub IsCreating($)
2021 return $_[0]->{IsCreating};
2025# Get write group for specified tag
2026# Inputs: 0) new value hash reference
2027# Returns: Write group name
2028sub GetWriteGroup($)
2030 return $_[0]->{WriteGroup};
2034# Get new value hash for specified tagInfo/writeGroup
2035# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) reference to tag info hash
2036# 2) Write group name, 3) Options: 'delete' or 'create'
2037# Returns: new value hash reference for specified write group
2038# (or first new value hash in linked list if write group not specified)
2039sub GetNewValueHash($$;$$)
2041 my ($self, $tagInfo, $writeGroup, $opts) = @_;
2042 my $newValueHash = $self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo};
2044 my %opts; # quick lookup for options
2045 $opts and $opts{$opts} = 1;
2046 $writeGroup = '' unless defined $writeGroup;
2048 if ($writeGroup) {
2049 # find the new value in the list with the specified write group
2050 while ($newValueHash and $newValueHash->{WriteGroup} ne $writeGroup) {
2051 $newValueHash = $newValueHash->{Next};
2052 }
2053 }
2054 # remove this entry if deleting, or if creating a new entry and
2055 # this entry is marked with "Save" flag
2056 if (defined $newValueHash and ($opts{'delete'} or
2057 ($opts{'create'} and $newValueHash->{Save})))
2058 {
2059 $self->RemoveNewValueHash($newValueHash, $tagInfo);
2060 undef $newValueHash;
2061 }
2062 if (not defined $newValueHash and $opts{'create'}) {
2063 # create a new entry
2064 $newValueHash = {
2065 TagInfo => $tagInfo,
2066 WriteGroup => $writeGroup,
2067 Self => $self,
2068 };
2069 # add entry to our NEW_VALUE hash
2070 if ($self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo}) {
2071 # add to end of linked list
2072 my $lastHash = LastInList($self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo});
2073 $lastHash->{Next} = $newValueHash;
2074 } else {
2075 $self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo} = $newValueHash;
2076 }
2077 }
2078 return $newValueHash;
2082# Load all tag tables
2083sub LoadAllTables()
2085 unless ($loadedAllTables) {
2086 # load all of our non-referenced tables (first our modules)
2087 my $table;
2088 foreach $table (@loadAllTables) {
2089 my $tableName = "Image::ExifTool::$table";
2090 $tableName .= '::Main' unless $table =~ /:/;
2091 GetTagTable($tableName);
2092 }
2093 # (then our special tables)
2094 GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Extra');
2095 GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Composite');
2096 # recursively load all tables referenced by the current tables
2097 my @tableNames = ( keys %allTables );
2098 my %pushedTables;
2099 while (@tableNames) {
2100 $table = GetTagTable(shift @tableNames);
2101 # call write proc if it exists in case it adds tags to the table
2102 my $writeProc = $table->{WRITE_PROC};
2103 $writeProc and &$writeProc();
2104 # recursively scan through tables in subdirectories
2105 foreach (TagTableKeys($table)) {
2106 my @infoArray = GetTagInfoList($table,$_);
2107 my $tagInfo;
2108 foreach $tagInfo (@infoArray) {
2109 my $subdir = $$tagInfo{SubDirectory} or next;
2110 my $tableName = $$subdir{TagTable} or next;
2111 # next if table already loaded or queued for loading
2112 next if $allTables{$tableName} or $pushedTables{$tableName};
2113 push @tableNames, $tableName; # must scan this one too
2114 $pushedTables{$tableName} = 1;
2115 }
2116 }
2117 }
2118 $loadedAllTables = 1;
2119 }
2123# Remove new value hash from linked list (and save if necessary)
2124# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) new value hash ref, 2) tagInfo ref
2125sub RemoveNewValueHash($$$)
2127 my ($self, $newValueHash, $tagInfo) = @_;
2128 my $firstHash = $self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo};
2129 if ($newValueHash eq $firstHash) {
2130 # remove first entry from linked list
2131 if ($newValueHash->{Next}) {
2132 $self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo} = $newValueHash->{Next};
2133 } else {
2134 delete $self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo};
2135 }
2136 } else {
2137 # find the list element pointing to this hash
2138 $firstHash = $firstHash->{Next} while $firstHash->{Next} ne $newValueHash;
2139 # remove from linked list
2140 $firstHash->{Next} = $newValueHash->{Next};
2141 }
2142 # save the existing entry if necessary
2143 if ($newValueHash->{Save}) {
2144 my $saveHash = $self->{SAVE_NEW_VALUE};
2145 # add to linked list of saved new value hashes
2146 $newValueHash->{Next} = $saveHash->{$tagInfo};
2147 $saveHash->{$tagInfo} = $newValueHash;
2148 }
2152# Remove all new value entries for specified group
2153# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) group name
2154sub RemoveNewValuesForGroup($$)
2156 my ($self, $group) = @_;
2158 return unless $self->{NEW_VALUE};
2160 # make list of all groups we must remove
2161 my @groups = ( $group );
2162 push @groups, @{$removeGroups{$group}} if $removeGroups{$group};
2164 my ($out, @keys, $hashKey);
2165 $out = $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut} if $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose} > 1;
2167 # loop though all new values, and remove any in this group
2168 @keys = keys %{$self->{NEW_VALUE}};
2169 foreach $hashKey (@keys) {
2170 my $newValueHash = $self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$hashKey};
2171 # loop through each entry in linked list
2172 for (;;) {
2173 my $nextHash = $newValueHash->{Next};
2174 my $tagInfo = $newValueHash->{TagInfo};
2175 my $grp0 = $self->GetGroup($tagInfo, 0);
2176 my $wgrp = $newValueHash->{WriteGroup};
2177 if (grep /^($grp0|$wgrp)$/, @groups) {
2178 $out and print $out "Removed new value for $wgrp:$$tagInfo{Name}\n";
2179 # remove from linked list
2180 $self->RemoveNewValueHash($newValueHash, $tagInfo);
2181 }
2182 $newValueHash = $nextHash or last;
2183 }
2184 }
2188# Get list of tagInfo hashes for all new data
2189# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) optional tag table pointer
2190# Returns: list of tagInfo hashes
2191sub GetNewTagInfoList($;$)
2193 my ($self, $tagTablePtr) = @_;
2194 my @tagInfoList;
2195 if ($self->{NEW_VALUE}) {
2196 my $hashKey;
2197 foreach $hashKey (keys %{$self->{NEW_VALUE}}) {
2198 my $tagInfo = $self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$hashKey}->{TagInfo};
2199 next if $tagTablePtr and $tagTablePtr ne $tagInfo->{Table};
2200 push @tagInfoList, $tagInfo;
2201 }
2202 }
2203 return @tagInfoList;
2207# Get hash of tagInfo references keyed on tagID for a specific table
2208# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1-N) tag table pointers
2209# Returns: hash reference
2210sub GetNewTagInfoHash($@)
2212 my $self = shift;
2213 my (%tagInfoHash, $hashKey);
2214 while ($self->{NEW_VALUE}) {
2215 my $tagTablePtr = shift || last;
2216 GenerateTagIDs($tagTablePtr); # make sure IDs are generated
2217 foreach $hashKey (keys %{$self->{NEW_VALUE}}) {
2218 my $tagInfo = $self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$hashKey}->{TagInfo};
2219 next if $tagTablePtr and $tagTablePtr ne $tagInfo->{Table};
2220 $tagInfoHash{$$tagInfo{TagID}} = $tagInfo;
2221 }
2222 }
2223 return \%tagInfoHash;
2227# Get a tagInfo/tagID hash for subdirectories we need to add
2228# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) parent tag table reference
2229# 2) parent directory name (taken from GROUP0 of tag table if not defined)
2230# Returns: Reference to Hash of subdirectory tagInfo references keyed by tagID
2231# (plus Reference to edit directory hash in list context)
2232sub GetAddDirHash($$;$)
2234 my ($self, $tagTablePtr, $parent) = @_;
2235 $parent or $parent = $tagTablePtr->{GROUPS}->{0};
2236 my $tagID;
2237 my %addDirHash;
2238 my %editDirHash;
2239 my $addDirs = $self->{ADD_DIRS};
2240 my $editDirs = $self->{EDIT_DIRS};
2241 foreach $tagID (TagTableKeys($tagTablePtr)) {
2242 my @infoArray = GetTagInfoList($tagTablePtr,$tagID);
2243 my $tagInfo;
2244 foreach $tagInfo (@infoArray) {
2245 next unless $$tagInfo{SubDirectory};
2246 # get name for this sub directory
2247 # (take directory name from SubDirectory DirName if it exists,
2248 # otherwise Group0 name of SubDirectory TagTable or tag Group1 name)
2249 my $dirName = $tagInfo->{SubDirectory}->{DirName};
2250 unless ($dirName) {
2251 # use tag name for directory name and save for next time
2252 $dirName = $$tagInfo{Name};
2253 $tagInfo->{SubDirectory}->{DirName} = $dirName;
2254 }
2255 # save this directory information if we are writing it
2256 if ($$editDirs{$dirName} and $$editDirs{$dirName} eq $parent) {
2257 $editDirHash{$tagID} = $tagInfo;
2258 $addDirHash{$tagID} = $tagInfo if $$addDirs{$dirName};
2259 }
2260 }
2261 }
2262 if (wantarray) {
2263 return (\%addDirHash, \%editDirHash);
2264 } else {
2265 return \%addDirHash;
2266 }
2270# Get localized version of tagInfo hash (used by MIE and XMP)
2271# Inputs: 0) tagInfo hash ref, 1) locale code (ie. "en_CA" for MIE)
2272# Returns: new tagInfo hash ref, or undef if invalid
2273# - sets LangCode member in new tagInfo
2274sub GetLangInfo($$)
2276 my ($tagInfo, $langCode) = @_;
2277 # make a new tagInfo hash for this locale
2278 my $table = $$tagInfo{Table};
2279 Image::ExifTool::GenerateTagIDs($table);
2280 my $tagID = $$tagInfo{TagID} . '-' . $langCode;
2281 my $langInfo = $$table{$tagID};
2282 unless ($langInfo) {
2283 # make a new tagInfo entry for this locale
2284 $langInfo = {
2285 %$tagInfo,
2286 Name => $$tagInfo{Name} . '-' . $langCode,
2287 Description => Image::ExifTool::MakeDescription($$tagInfo{Name}) .
2288 " ($langCode)",
2289 LangCode => $langCode,
2290 };
2291 AddTagToTable($table, $tagID, $langInfo);
2292 }
2293 return $langInfo;
2297# initialize ADD_DIRS and EDIT_DIRS hashes for all directories that need
2298# need to be created or will have tags changed in them
2299# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) file type string (or map hash ref)
2300# 2) preferred family 0 group name for creating tags
2301sub InitWriteDirs($$;$)
2303 my ($self, $fileType, $preferredGroup) = @_;
2304 my $editDirs = $self->{EDIT_DIRS} = { };
2305 my $addDirs = $self->{ADD_DIRS} = { };
2306 my $fileDirs = $dirMap{$fileType};
2307 unless ($fileDirs) {
2308 return unless ref $fileType eq 'HASH';
2309 $fileDirs = $fileType;
2310 }
2311 my @tagInfoList = $self->GetNewTagInfoList();
2312 my $tagInfo;
2313 foreach $tagInfo (@tagInfoList) {
2314 my $newValueHash = $self->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo);
2315 for (;;) {
2316 # are we creating this tag? (otherwise just deleting or editing it)
2317 my $isCreating = $newValueHash->{IsCreating};
2318 # tag belongs to directory specified by WriteGroup, or by
2319 # the Group0 name if WriteGroup not defined
2320 my $dirName = $newValueHash->{WriteGroup};
2321 # remove MIE copy number(s) if they exist
2322 if ($dirName =~ /^MIE\d*(-[a-z]+)?\d*$/i) {
2323 $dirName = 'MIE' . ($1 || '');
2324 }
2325 my @dirNames;
2326 while ($dirName) {
2327 my $parent = $$fileDirs{$dirName};
2328 if (ref $parent) {
2329 push @dirNames, reverse @$parent;
2330 $parent = pop @dirNames;
2331 }
2332 $$editDirs{$dirName} = $parent;
2333 # (if another group is taking priority, only create
2334 # directory if specifically adding tags to this group
2335 # or if this tag isn't being added to the priority group
2336 if ($isCreating and (not $preferredGroup or
2337 $preferredGroup eq $self->GetGroup($tagInfo, 0) or not
2338 $newValueHash->{CreateGroups}->{$preferredGroup}))
2339 {
2340 $$addDirs{$dirName} = $parent;
2341 }
2342 $dirName = $parent || shift @dirNames
2343 }
2344 last unless $newValueHash->{Next};
2345 # cycle through all hashes in linked list
2346 $newValueHash = $newValueHash->{Next};
2347 }
2348 }
2349 if (%{$self->{DEL_GROUP}}) {
2350 # add delete groups to list of edited groups
2351 foreach (keys %{$self->{DEL_GROUP}}) {
2352 my $dirName = $_;
2353 # translate necessary group 0 names
2354 $dirName = $translateWriteGroup{$dirName} if $translateWriteGroup{$dirName};
2355 my @dirNames;
2356 while ($dirName) {
2357 my $parent = $$fileDirs{$dirName};
2358 if (ref $parent) {
2359 push @dirNames, reverse @$parent;
2360 $parent = pop @dirNames;
2361 }
2362 $$editDirs{$dirName} = $parent;
2363 $dirName = $parent || shift @dirNames
2364 }
2365 }
2366 }
2367 # special case to edit JFIF to get resolutions if editing EXIF information
2368 if ($$editDirs{IFD0} and $$fileDirs{JFIF}) {
2369 $$editDirs{JFIF} = 'IFD1';
2370 $$editDirs{APP0} = undef;
2371 }
2373 if ($self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose}) {
2374 my $out = $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut};
2375 print $out " Editing tags in: ";
2376 foreach (sort keys %$editDirs) { print $out "$_ "; }
2377 print $out "\n";
2378 return unless $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose} > 1;
2379 print $out " Creating tags in: ";
2380 foreach (sort keys %$addDirs) { print $out "$_ "; }
2381 print $out "\n";
2382 }
2386# Write an image directory
2387# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) source directory information reference
2388# 2) tag table reference, 3) optional reference to writing procedure
2389# Returns: New directory data or undefined on error
2390sub WriteDirectory($$$;$)
2392 my ($self, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr, $writeProc) = @_;
2394 $tagTablePtr or return undef;
2395 my $out;
2396 $out = $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut} if $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose};
2397 # set directory name from default group0 name if not done already
2398 my $dirName = $$dirInfo{DirName};
2399 my $grp0 = $tagTablePtr->{GROUPS}->{0};
2400 $dirName or $dirName = $$dirInfo{DirName} = $grp0;
2401 if (%{$self->{DEL_GROUP}}) {
2402 my $delGroup = $self->{DEL_GROUP};
2403 # delete entire directory if specified
2404 my $grp1 = $dirName;
2405 my $delFlag = ($$delGroup{$grp0} or $$delGroup{$grp1});
2406 if ($delFlag) {
2407 unless ($self->{FILE_TYPE} =~ /^(JPEG|PNG|JP2)$/) {
2408 # restrict delete logic to prevent entire tiff image from being killed
2409 # (don't allow IFD0 to be deleted, and delete only ExifIFD if EXIF specified)
2410 if ($grp1 eq 'IFD0') {
2411 my $type = $self->{TIFF_TYPE} || $self->{FILE_TYPE};
2412 $$delGroup{IFD0} and $self->Warn("Can't delete IFD0 from $type image",1);
2413 undef $grp1;
2414 } elsif ($grp0 eq 'EXIF' and $$delGroup{$grp0}) {
2415 undef $grp1 unless $$delGroup{$grp1} or $grp1 eq 'ExifIFD';
2416 }
2417 }
2418 if ($grp1) {
2419 if ($$dirInfo{DataPt} or $$dirInfo{RAF}) {
2420 ++$self->{CHANGED};
2421 $out and print $out " Deleting $grp1\n";
2422 # can no longer validate TIFF_END if deleting an entire IFD
2423 delete $self->{TIFF_END} if $dirName =~ /IFD/;
2424 }
2425 if ($delFlag == 2 and $self->{ADD_DIRS}->{$grp1}) {
2426 # create new empty directory
2427 my $data = '';
2428 my %dirInfo = (
2429 DirName => $$dirInfo{DirName},
2430 DirStart => 0,
2431 DirLen => 0,
2432 NewDataPos => $$dirInfo{NewDataPos},
2433 Fixup => $$dirInfo{Fixup},
2434 );
2435 $dirInfo = \%dirInfo;
2436 } else {
2437 return '';
2438 }
2439 }
2440 }
2441 }
2442 # copy or delete new directory as a block if specified
2443 my $tagInfo = $Image::ExifTool::Extra{$dirName};
2444 if ($tagInfo and $self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo}) {
2445 my $newVal = GetNewValues($self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$tagInfo});
2446 if (defined $newVal and length $newVal) {
2447 $out and print $out " Writing $dirName as a block\n";
2448 ++$self->{CHANGED};
2449 return $newVal;
2450 } else {
2451 $out and print $out " Deleting $dirName as a block\n";
2452 ++$self->{CHANGED};
2453 return '';
2454 }
2455 }
2456 # use default proc from tag table if no proc specified
2457 $writeProc or $writeProc = $$tagTablePtr{WRITE_PROC} or return undef;
2458 # guard against writing the same directory twice
2459 if (defined $$dirInfo{DataPt} and defined $$dirInfo{DirStart} and defined $$dirInfo{DataPos}) {
2460 my $addr = $$dirInfo{DirStart} + $$dirInfo{DataPos} + ($$dirInfo{Base}||0);
2461 if ($self->{PROCESSED}->{$addr}) {
2462 if ($self->Error("$dirName pointer references previous $self->{PROCESSED}->{$addr} directory", 1)) {
2463 return undef;
2464 } else {
2465 $self->Warn("Deleting duplicate $dirName directory");
2466 $out and print $out " Deleting $dirName\n";
2467 return ''; # delete the duplicate directory
2468 }
2469 }
2470 $self->{PROCESSED}->{$addr} = $dirName;
2471 }
2472 # be sure the tag ID's are generated, because the write proc will need them
2473 GenerateTagIDs($tagTablePtr);
2474 my $oldDir = $self->{DIR_NAME};
2475 if ($out and (not defined $oldDir or $oldDir ne $dirName)) {
2476 my $verb = ($$dirInfo{DataPt} or $$dirInfo{DirLen}) ? 'Rewriting' : 'Creating';
2477 print $out " $verb $dirName\n";
2478 }
2479 my $saveOrder = GetByteOrder();
2480 my $oldChanged = $self->{CHANGED};
2481 $self->{DIR_NAME} = $dirName;
2482 my $newData = &$writeProc($self, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
2483 $self->{DIR_NAME} = $oldDir;
2484 $self->{CHANGED} = $oldChanged unless defined $newData; # nothing changed if error occurred
2485 SetByteOrder($saveOrder);
2486 print $out " Deleting $dirName\n" if $out and defined $newData and not length $newData;
2487 return $newData;
2491# Uncommon utility routines to for reading binary data values
2492# Inputs: 0) data reference, 1) offset into data
2493sub Get64s($$)
2495 my ($dataPt, $pos) = @_;
2496 my $pt = GetByteOrder() eq 'MM' ? 0 : 4; # get position of high word
2497 my $hi = Get32s($dataPt, $pos + $pt); # preserve sign bit of high word
2498 my $lo = Get32u($dataPt, $pos + 4 - $pt);
2499 return $hi * 4294967296 + $lo;
2501sub Get64u($$)
2503 my ($dataPt, $pos) = @_;
2504 my $pt = GetByteOrder() eq 'MM' ? 0 : 4; # get position of high word
2505 my $hi = Get32u($dataPt, $pos + $pt); # (unsigned this time)
2506 my $lo = Get32u($dataPt, $pos + 4 - $pt);
2507 return $hi * 4294967296 + $lo;
2509# Decode extended 80-bit float used by Apple SANE and Intel 8087
2510# (note: different than the IEEE standard 80-bit float)
2511sub GetExtended($$)
2513 my ($dataPt, $pos) = @_;
2514 my $pt = GetByteOrder() eq 'MM' ? 0 : 2; # get position of exponent
2515 my $exp = Get16u($dataPt, $pos + $pt);
2516 my $sig = Get64u($dataPt, $pos + 2 - $pt); # get significand as int64u
2517 my $sign = $exp & 0x8000 ? -1 : 1;
2518 $exp = ($exp & 0x7fff) - 16383 - 63; # (-63 to fractionalize significand)
2519 return $sign * $sig * 2 ** $exp;
2523# Dump data in hex and ASCII to console
2524# Inputs: 0) data reference, 1) length or undef, 2-N) Options:
2525# Options: Start => offset to start of data (default=0)
2526# Addr => address to print for data start (default=DataPos+Start)
2527# DataPos => address of start of data
2528# Width => width of printout (bytes, default=16)
2529# Prefix => prefix to print at start of line (default='')
2530# MaxLen => maximum length to dump
2531# Out => output file reference
2532sub HexDump($;$%)
2534 my $dataPt = shift;
2535 my $len = shift;
2536 my %opts = @_;
2537 my $start = $opts{Start} || 0;
2538 my $addr = $opts{Addr};
2539 my $wid = $opts{Width} || 16;
2540 my $prefix = $opts{Prefix} || '';
2541 my $out = $opts{Out} || \*STDOUT;
2542 my $maxLen = $opts{MaxLen};
2543 my $datLen = length($$dataPt) - $start;
2544 my $more;
2546 $addr = $start + ($opts{DataPos} || 0) unless defined $addr;
2547 if (not defined $len) {
2548 $len = $datLen;
2549 } elsif ($len > $datLen) {
2550 print $out "$prefix Warning: Attempted dump outside data\n";
2551 print $out "$prefix ($len bytes specified, but only $datLen available)\n";
2552 $len = $datLen;
2553 }
2554 if ($maxLen and $len > $maxLen) {
2555 # print one line less to allow for $more line below
2556 $maxLen = int(($maxLen - 1) / $wid) * $wid;
2557 $more = $len - $maxLen;
2558 $len = $maxLen;
2559 }
2560 my $format = sprintf("%%-%ds", $wid * 3);
2561 my $i;
2562 for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i+=$wid) {
2563 $wid > $len-$i and $wid = $len-$i;
2564 printf $out "$prefix%8.4x: ", $addr+$i;
2565 my $dat = substr($$dataPt, $i+$start, $wid);
2566 my $s = join(' ',(unpack('H*',$dat) =~ /../g));
2567 printf $out $format, $s;
2568 $dat =~ tr /\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff/./;
2569 print $out "[$dat]\n";
2570 }
2571 $more and printf $out "$prefix [snip $more bytes]\n";
2575# Print verbose tag information
2576# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) tag ID
2577# 2) tag info reference (or undef)
2578# 3-N) extra parms:
2579# Parms: Index => Index of tag in menu (starting at 0)
2580# Value => Tag value
2581# DataPt => reference to value data block
2582# DataPos => location of data block in file
2583# Size => length of value data within block
2584# Format => value format string
2585# Count => number of values
2586# Extra => Extra Verbose=2 information to put after tag number
2587# Table => Reference to tag table
2588# --> plus any of these HexDump() options: Start, Addr, Width
2589sub VerboseInfo($$$%)
2591 my ($self, $tagID, $tagInfo, %parms) = @_;
2592 my $verbose = $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose};
2593 my $out = $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut};
2594 my ($tag, $tagDesc, $line, $hexID);
2596 # generate hex number if tagID is numerical
2597 if (defined $tagID) {
2598 $tagID =~ /^\d+$/ and $hexID = sprintf("0x%.4x", $tagID);
2599 } else {
2600 $tagID = 'Unknown';
2601 }
2602 # get tag name
2603 if ($tagInfo and $$tagInfo{Name}) {
2604 $tag = $$tagInfo{Name};
2605 } else {
2606 my $prefix;
2607 $prefix = $parms{Table}->{TAG_PREFIX} if $parms{Table};
2608 if ($prefix or $hexID) {
2609 $prefix = 'Unknown' unless $prefix;
2610 $tag = $prefix . '_' . ($hexID ? $hexID : $tagID);
2611 } else {
2612 $tag = $tagID;
2613 }
2614 }
2615 my $dataPt = $parms{DataPt};
2616 my $size = $parms{Size};
2617 $size = length $$dataPt unless defined $size or not $dataPt;
2618 my $indent = $self->{INDENT};
2620 # Level 1: print tag/value information
2621 $line = $indent;
2622 my $index = $parms{Index};
2623 if (defined $index) {
2624 $line .= $index . ') ';
2625 $line .= ' ' if $index < 10;
2626 $indent .= ' '; # indent everything else to align with tag name
2627 }
2628 $line .= $tag;
2629 if ($tagInfo and $$tagInfo{SubDirectory}) {
2630 $line .= ' (SubDirectory) -->';
2631 } elsif (defined $parms{Value}) {
2632 $line .= ' = ' . $self->Printable($parms{Value});
2633 } elsif ($dataPt) {
2634 my $start = $parms{Start} || 0;
2635 $line .= ' = ' . $self->Printable(substr($$dataPt,$start,$size));
2636 }
2637 print $out "$line\n";
2639 # Level 2: print detailed information about the tag
2640 if ($verbose > 1 and ($parms{Extra} or $parms{Format} or
2641 $parms{DataPt} or defined $size or $tagID =~ /\//))
2642 {
2643 $line = $indent;
2644 $line .= '- Tag ' . ($hexID ? $hexID : "'$tagID'");
2645 $line .= $parms{Extra} if defined $parms{Extra};
2646 my $format = $parms{Format};
2647 if ($format or defined $size) {
2648 $line .= ' (';
2649 if (defined $size) {
2650 $line .= "$size bytes";
2651 $line .= ', ' if $format;
2652 }
2653 if ($format) {
2654 $line .= $format;
2655 $line .= '['.$parms{Count}.']' if $parms{Count};
2656 }
2657 $line .= ')';
2658 }
2659 $line .= ':' if $verbose > 2 and $parms{DataPt};
2660 print $out "$line\n";
2661 }
2663 # Level 3: do hex dump of value
2664 if ($verbose > 2 and $parms{DataPt}) {
2665 $parms{Out} = $out;
2666 $parms{Prefix} = $indent;
2667 # limit dump length unless verbose > 3
2668 $parms{MaxLen} = 96 unless $verbose > 3;
2669 HexDump($dataPt, $size, %parms);
2670 }
2674# Dump trailer information
2675# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) dirInfo hash (RAF, DirName, DataPos, DirLen)
2676# Notes: Restores current file position before returning
2677sub DumpTrailer($$)
2679 my ($self, $dirInfo) = @_;
2680 my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
2681 my $curPos = $raf->Tell();
2682 my $trailer = $$dirInfo{DirName} || 'Unknown';
2683 my $pos = $$dirInfo{DataPos};
2684 my $verbose = $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose};
2685 my $htmlDump = $self->{HTML_DUMP};
2686 my ($buff, $buf2);
2687 my $size = $$dirInfo{DirLen};
2688 $pos = $curPos unless defined $pos;
2690 # get full trailer size if not specified
2691 for (;;) {
2692 unless ($size) {
2693 $raf->Seek(0, 2) or last;
2694 $size = $raf->Tell() - $pos;
2695 last unless $size;
2696 }
2697 $raf->Seek($pos, 0) or last;
2698 if ($htmlDump) {
2699 my $num = $raf->Read($buff, $size) or return;
2700 my $desc = "$trailer trailer";
2701 $desc = "[$desc]" if $trailer eq 'Unknown';
2702 $self->HtmlDump($pos, $num, $desc, undef, 0x08);
2703 last;
2704 }
2705 my $out = $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut};
2706 printf $out "$trailer trailer (%d bytes at offset 0x%.4x):\n", $size, $pos;
2707 last unless $verbose > 2;
2708 my $num = $size; # number of bytes to read
2709 # limit size if not very verbose
2710 if ($verbose < 5) {
2711 my $limit = $verbose < 4 ? 96 : 512;
2712 $num = $limit if $num > $limit;
2713 }
2714 $raf->Read($buff, $num) == $num or return;
2715 # read the end of the trailer too if not done already
2716 if ($size > 2 * $num) {
2717 $raf->Seek($pos + $size - $num, 0);
2718 $raf->Read($buf2, $num);
2719 } elsif ($size > $num) {
2720 $raf->Seek($pos + $num, 0);
2721 $raf->Read($buf2, $size - $num);
2722 $buff .= $buf2;
2723 undef $buf2;
2724 }
2725 HexDump(\$buff, undef, Addr => $pos, Out => $out);
2726 if (defined $buf2) {
2727 print " [snip ", $size - $num * 2, " bytes]\n";
2728 HexDump(\$buf2, undef, Addr => $pos + $size - $num, Out => $out);
2729 }
2730 last;
2731 }
2732 $raf->Seek($curPos, 0);
2736# Dump unknown trailer information
2737# Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) dirInfo ref (with RAF, DataPos and DirLen defined)
2738# Notes: changes dirInfo elements
2739sub DumpUnknownTrailer($$)
2741 my ($self, $dirInfo) = @_;
2742 my $pos = $$dirInfo{DataPos};
2743 my $endPos = $pos + $$dirInfo{DirLen};
2744 # account for preview image trailer
2745 my $prePos = $self->{VALUE}->{PreviewImageStart};
2746 my $preLen = $self->{VALUE}->{PreviewImageLength};
2747 if ($prePos and $preLen and $prePos + $preLen > $pos) {
2748 # dump data before preview image
2749 if ($prePos > $pos) {
2750 $$dirInfo{DirName} = 'Unknown';
2751 $$dirInfo{DirLen} = $prePos - $pos;
2752 $self->DumpTrailer($dirInfo);
2753 }
2754 # dump preview image if verbose (it is htmlDump'd by ExtractImage)
2755 if ($self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose}) {
2756 $$dirInfo{DirName} = 'PreviewImage';
2757 $$dirInfo{DataPos} = $prePos;
2758 $$dirInfo{DirLen} = $preLen;
2759 $self->DumpTrailer($dirInfo);
2760 }
2761 return if $prePos + $preLen >= $endPos;
2762 # set dirInfo for remaining unknown data
2763 $$dirInfo{DataPos} = $prePos + $preLen;
2764 $$dirInfo{DirLen} = $endPos - $$dirInfo{DataPos};
2765 }
2766 # dump unknown trailer
2767 $$dirInfo{DirName} = 'Unknown';
2768 $self->DumpTrailer($dirInfo);
2772# Find last element in linked list
2773# Inputs: 0) element in list
2774# Returns: Last element in list
2775sub LastInList($)
2777 my $element = shift;
2778 while ($element->{Next}) {
2779 $element = $element->{Next};
2780 }
2781 return $element;
2785# Print verbose directory information
2786# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) directory name or dirInfo ref
2787# 2) number of entries in directory (or 0 if unknown)
2788# 3) optional size of directory in bytes
2789sub VerboseDir($$;$$)
2791 my ($self, $name, $entries, $size) = @_;
2792 return unless $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose};
2793 if (ref $name eq 'HASH') {
2794 $size = $$name{DirLen} unless $size;
2795 $name = $$name{Name} || $$name{DirName};
2796 }
2797 my $indent = substr($self->{INDENT}, 0, -2);
2798 my $out = $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut};
2799 my $str;
2800 if ($entries) {
2801 $str = " with $entries entries";
2802 } elsif ($size) {
2803 $str = ", $size bytes";
2804 } else {
2805 $str = '';
2806 }
2807 print $out "$indent+ [$name directory$str]\n";
2811# Pack Unicode numbers into UTF8 string
2812# Inputs: 0-N) list of Unicode numbers
2813# Returns: Packed UTF-8 string
2814sub PackUTF8(@)
2816 my @out;
2817 while (@_) {
2818 my $ch = pop;
2819 unshift(@out, $ch), next if $ch < 0x80;
2820 unshift(@out, 0x80 | ($ch & 0x3f));
2821 $ch >>= 6;
2822 unshift(@out, 0xc0 | $ch), next if $ch < 0x20;
2823 unshift(@out, 0x80 | ($ch & 0x3f));
2824 $ch >>= 6;
2825 unshift(@out, 0xe0 | $ch), next if $ch < 0x10;
2826 unshift(@out, 0x80 | ($ch & 0x3f));
2827 $ch >>= 6;
2828 unshift(@out, 0xf0 | ($ch & 0x07));
2829 }
2830 return pack('C*', @out);
2834# Unpack numbers from UTF8 string
2835# Inputs: 0) UTF-8 string
2836# Returns: List of Unicode numbers (sets $evalWarning on error)
2837sub UnpackUTF8($)
2839 my (@out, $pos);
2840 pos($_[0]) = $pos = 0; # start at beginning of string
2841 for (;;) {
2842 my ($ch, $newPos, $val, $byte);
2843 if ($_[0] =~ /([\x80-\xff])/g) {
2844 $ch = ord($1);
2845 $newPos = pos($_[0]) - 1;
2846 } else {
2847 $newPos = length $_[0];
2848 }
2849 # unpack 7-bit characters
2850 my $len = $newPos - $pos;
2851 push @out, unpack("x${pos}C$len",$_[0]) if $len;
2852 last unless defined $ch;
2853 $pos = $newPos + 1;
2854 # minimum lead byte for 2-byte sequence is 0xc2 (overlong sequences
2855 # not allowed), 0xf8-0xfd are restricted by RFC 3629 (no 5 or 6 byte
2856 # sequences), and 0xfe and 0xff are not valid in UTF-8 strings
2857 if ($ch < 0xc2 or $ch >= 0xf8) {
2858 push @out, ord('?'); # invalid UTF-8
2859 $evalWarning = 'Bad UTF-8';
2860 next;
2861 }
2862 # decode 2, 3 and 4-byte sequences
2863 my $n = 1;
2864 if ($ch < 0xe0) {
2865 $val = $ch & 0x1f; # 2-byte sequence
2866 } elsif ($ch < 0xf0) {
2867 $val = $ch & 0x0f; # 3-byte sequence
2868 ++$n;
2869 } else {
2870 $val = $ch & 0x07; # 4-byte sequence
2871 $n += 2;
2872 }
2873 unless ($_[0] =~ /\G([\x80-\xbf]{$n})/g) {
2874 pos($_[0]) = $pos; # restore position
2875 push @out, ord('?'); # invalid UTF-8
2876 $evalWarning = 'Bad UTF-8';
2877 next;
2878 }
2879 foreach $byte (unpack 'C*', $1) {
2880 $val = ($val << 6) | ($byte & 0x3f);
2881 }
2882 push @out, $val; # save Unicode character value
2883 $pos += $n; # position at end of UTF-8 character
2884 }
2885 return @out;
2889# Convert Unicode characters to Windows Latin1 (cp1252)
2890# Inputs: 0) 16-bit Unicode character string, 1) unpack format
2891# 3) optional ExifTool ref to set warning on encoding error
2892# Returns: 8-bit Windows Latin1 encoded string (truncates at null terminator)
2893my %unicode2latin = (
2894 0x20ac => 0x80, 0x0160 => 0x8a, 0x2013 => 0x96,
2895 0x201a => 0x82, 0x2039 => 0x8b, 0x2014 => 0x97,
2896 0x0192 => 0x83, 0x0152 => 0x8c, 0x02dc => 0x98,
2897 0x201e => 0x84, 0x017d => 0x8e, 0x2122 => 0x99,
2898 0x2026 => 0x85, 0x2018 => 0x91, 0x0161 => 0x9a,
2899 0x2020 => 0x86, 0x2019 => 0x92, 0x203a => 0x9b,
2900 0x2021 => 0x87, 0x201c => 0x93, 0x0153 => 0x9c,
2901 0x02c6 => 0x88, 0x201d => 0x94, 0x017e => 0x9e,
2902 0x2030 => 0x89, 0x2022 => 0x95, 0x0178 => 0x9f,
2904sub Unicode2Latin($$;$)
2906 my ($val, $fmt) = @_;
2907 my @uni = unpack("$fmt*",$val);
2908 foreach (@uni) {
2909 next if $_ <= 0xff;
2910 $_ = $unicode2latin{$_};
2911 next if $_;
2912 $_ = ord('?'); # set to '?'
2913 my $self = $_[2];
2914 if ($self and not $$self{LatinWarning}) {
2915 $self->Warn('Some character(s) could not be encoded in Latin');
2916 $$self{LatinWarning} = 1;
2917 }
2918 }
2919 # repack as a Latin string
2920 my $outVal = pack('C*', @uni);
2921 $outVal =~ s/\0.*//s; # truncate at null terminator
2922 return $outVal;
2926# Convert Windows Latin1 characters to Unicode
2927# Inputs: 0) 8-bit Windows Latin1 character string (cp1252), 1) unpack format
2928# Returns: 16-bit Unicode character string
2929my %latin2unicode;
2930sub Latin2Unicode($$)
2932 # create reverse lookup table if necessary
2933 unless (%latin2unicode) {
2934 foreach (keys %unicode2latin) {
2935 $latin2unicode{$unicode2latin{$_}} = $_;
2936 }
2937 }
2938 my ($val, $fmt) = @_;
2939 my @latin = unpack('C*', $val);
2940 foreach (@latin) {
2941 $_ = $latin2unicode{$_} if $latin2unicode{$_};
2942 }
2943 # repack as a 16-bit unicode string
2944 my $outVal = pack("$fmt*", @latin);
2945 return $outVal;
2949# Convert Unicode characters to UTF-8
2950# Inputs: 0) Unicode character string, 1) Unicode character format (n,v,N,V)
2951# Returns: UTF-8 encoded string (truncates at null terminator)
2952sub Unicode2UTF8($$)
2954 my ($val, $fmt) = @_;
2955 my $outVal;
2956 if ($] >= 5.006001) {
2957 # let Perl do it
2958 $outVal = pack('C0U*',unpack("$fmt*",$val));
2959 } else {
2960 # do it ourself
2961 $outVal = PackUTF8(unpack("$fmt*",$val));
2962 }
2963 $outVal =~ s/\0.*//s; # truncate at null terminator
2964 return $outVal;
2968# Convert UTF-8 encoded string to Unicode string
2969# Input: 0) UTF-8 string, 1) Unicode format, 2) optional ExifTool ref for warnings
2970# Returns: Unicode character string in specified format
2971sub UTF82Unicode($$;$)
2973 my ($str, $fmt, $exifTool) = @_;
2974 undef $evalWarning;
2975 if ($] >= 5.006001) {
2976 # handle warnings from malformed UTF-8
2977 local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = \&SetWarning;
2978 # repack UTF-8 string in specified format
2979 $str = pack("$fmt*", unpack('U0U*',$str));
2980 } else {
2981 # do it ourself
2982 $str = pack("$fmt*", UnpackUTF8($str));
2983 }
2984 if ($evalWarning and $exifTool and not $$exifTool{WarnBadUTF8}) {
2985 $exifTool->Warn('Malformed UTF-8 character(s)');
2986 $$exifTool{WarnBadUTF8} = 1;
2987 }
2988 return $str;
2992# Convert 16-bit unicode character string to 8-bit (Latin or UTF-8)
2993# Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) 16-bit unicode string (in specified byte order)
2994# 2) Optional byte order (current byte order used if not specified)
2995# Returns: 8-bit character string (truncates at null terminator)
2996my %unpackShort = ( 'II' => 'v', 'MM' => 'n' );
2997sub Unicode2Charset($$;$) {
2998 my ($self, $val, $byteOrder) = @_;
2999 # check for (and remove) byte order mark and set byte order accordingly if it exists
3000 $val =~ s/^(\xff\xfe|\xfe\xff)// and $byteOrder = ($1 eq "\xff\xfe") ? 'MM' : 'II';
3001 my $fmt = $unpackShort{$byteOrder || GetByteOrder()};
3002 # convert to Latin if specified or if no UTF-8 support in this Perl version
3003 if ($self->Options('Charset') eq 'Latin') {
3004 return Unicode2Latin($val, $fmt, $self);
3005 } else {
3006 return Unicode2UTF8($val, $fmt);
3007 }
3011# Convert 8-bit character string to 16-bit unicode
3012# Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) Latin or UTF-8 string, 2) optional byte order
3013# Returns: 16-bit unicode character string (in specified byte order)
3014sub Charset2Unicode($$;$)
3016 my ($self, $val, $byteOrder) = @_;
3017 my $fmt = $unpackShort{$byteOrder || GetByteOrder()};
3018 if ($self->Options('Charset') eq 'Latin') {
3019 return Latin2Unicode($val, $fmt);
3020 } else {
3021 return UTF82Unicode($val, $fmt, $self);
3022 }
3026# Assemble a continuing fraction into a rational value
3027# Inputs: 0) numerator, 1) denominator
3028# 2-N) list of fraction denominators, deepest first
3029# Returns: numerator, denominator (in list context)
3030sub AssembleRational($$@)
3032 @_ < 3 and return @_;
3033 my ($num, $denom, $frac) = splice(@_, 0, 3);
3034 return AssembleRational($frac*$num+$denom, $num, @_);
3038# Convert a floating point number into a rational
3039# Inputs: 0) floating point number, 1) optional maximum value (defaults to 0x7fffffff)
3040# Returns: numerator, denominator (in list context)
3041# Notes: these routines were a bit tricky, but fun to write!
3042sub Rationalize($;$)
3044 my $val = shift;
3045 # Note: Just testing "if $val" doesn't work because '0.0' is true! (ugghh!)
3046 return (0, 1) if $val == 0;
3047 my $sign = $val < 0 ? ($val = -$val, -1) : 1;
3048 my ($num, $denom, @fracs);
3049 my $frac = $val;
3050 my $maxInt = shift || 0x7fffffff;
3051 for (;;) {
3052 my ($n, $d) = AssembleRational(int($frac + 0.5), 1, @fracs);
3053 if ($n > $maxInt or $d > $maxInt) {
3054 last if defined $num;
3055 return ($sign, $maxInt) if $val < 1;
3056 return ($sign * $maxInt, 1);
3057 }
3058 ($num, $denom) = ($n, $d); # save last good values
3059 my $err = ($n/$d-$val) / $val; # get error of this rational
3060 last if abs($err) < 1e-8; # all done if error is small
3061 my $int = int($frac);
3062 unshift @fracs, $int;
3063 last unless $frac -= $int;
3064 $frac = 1 / $frac;
3065 }
3066 return ($num * $sign, $denom);
3070# Utility routines to for writing binary data values
3071# Inputs: 0) value, 1) data ref, 2) offset
3072# Notes: prototype is (@) so values can be passed from list if desired
3073sub Set16s(@)
3075 my $val = shift;
3076 $val < 0 and $val += 0x10000;
3077 return Set16u($val, @_);
3079sub Set32s(@)
3081 my $val = shift;
3082 $val < 0 and $val += 0xffffffff, ++$val;
3083 return Set32u($val, @_);
3085sub SetRational64u(@) {
3086 my ($numer,$denom) = Rationalize($_[0],0xffffffff);
3087 my $val = Set32u($numer) . Set32u($denom);
3088 $_[1] and substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2], length($val)) = $val;
3089 return $val;
3091sub SetRational64s(@) {
3092 my ($numer,$denom) = Rationalize($_[0]);
3093 my $val = Set32s($numer) . Set32u($denom);
3094 $_[1] and substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2], length($val)) = $val;
3095 return $val;
3097sub SetRational32u(@) {
3098 my ($numer,$denom) = Rationalize($_[0],0xffff);
3099 my $val = Set16u($numer) . Set16u($denom);
3100 $_[1] and substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2], length($val)) = $val;
3101 return $val;
3103sub SetRational32s(@) {
3104 my ($numer,$denom) = Rationalize($_[0],0xffff);
3105 my $val = Set16s($numer) . Set16u($denom);
3106 $_[1] and substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2], length($val)) = $val;
3107 return $val;
3109sub SetFixed16u(@) {
3110 my $val = int(shift() * 0x100 + 0.5);
3111 return Set16u($val, @_);
3113sub SetFixed16s(@) {
3114 my $val = shift;
3115 return Set16s(int($val * 0x100 + ($val < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5)), @_);
3117sub SetFixed32u(@) {
3118 my $val = int(shift() * 0x10000 + 0.5);
3119 return Set32u($val, @_);
3121sub SetFixed32s(@) {
3122 my $val = shift;
3123 return Set32s(int($val * 0x10000 + ($val < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5)), @_);
3125sub SetFloat(@) {
3126 my $val = SwapBytes(pack('f',$_[0]), 4);
3127 $_[1] and substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2], length($val)) = $val;
3128 return $val;
3130sub SetDouble(@) {
3131 # swap 32-bit words (ARM quirk) and bytes if necessary
3132 my $val = SwapBytes(SwapWords(pack('d',$_[0])), 8);
3133 $_[1] and substr(${$_[1]}, $_[2], length($val)) = $val;
3134 return $val;
3137# hash lookups for writing binary data values
3138my %writeValueProc = (
3139 int8s => \&Set8s,
3140 int8u => \&Set8u,
3141 int16s => \&Set16s,
3142 int16u => \&Set16u,
3143 int32s => \&Set32s,
3144 int32u => \&Set32u,
3145 rational32s => \&SetRational32s,
3146 rational32u => \&SetRational32u,
3147 rational64s => \&SetRational64s,
3148 rational64u => \&SetRational64u,
3149 fixed16u => \&SetFixed16u,
3150 fixed16s => \&SetFixed16s,
3151 fixed32u => \&SetFixed32u,
3152 fixed32s => \&SetFixed32s,
3153 float => \&SetFloat,
3154 double => \&SetDouble,
3155 ifd => \&Set32u,
3157# verify that we can write floats on this platform
3159 my %writeTest = (
3160 float => [ -3.14159, 'c0490fd0' ],
3161 double => [ -3.14159, 'c00921f9f01b866e' ],
3162 );
3163 my $format;
3164 my $oldOrder = GetByteOrder();
3165 SetByteOrder('MM');
3166 foreach $format (keys %writeTest) {
3167 my ($val, $hex) = @{$writeTest{$format}};
3168 # add floating point entries if we can write them
3169 next if unpack('H*', &{$writeValueProc{$format}}($val)) eq $hex;
3170 delete $writeValueProc{$format}; # we can't write them
3171 }
3172 SetByteOrder($oldOrder);
3176# write binary data value (with current byte ordering)
3177# Inputs: 0) value, 1) format string
3178# 2) optional number of values (1 or string length if not specified)
3179# 3) optional data reference, 4) value offset
3180# Returns: packed value (and sets value in data) or undef on error
3181sub WriteValue($$;$$$$)
3183 my ($val, $format, $count, $dataPt, $offset) = @_;
3184 my $proc = $writeValueProc{$format};
3185 my $packed;
3187 if ($proc) {
3188 my @vals = split(' ',$val);
3189 if ($count) {
3190 $count = @vals if $count < 0;
3191 } else {
3192 $count = 1; # assume 1 if count not specified
3193 }
3194 $packed = '';
3195 while ($count--) {
3196 $val = shift @vals;
3197 return undef unless defined $val;
3198 # validate numerical formats
3199 if ($format =~ /^int/) {
3200 return undef unless IsInt($val) or IsHex($val);
3201 } else {
3202 return undef unless IsFloat($val);
3203 }
3204 $packed .= &$proc($val);
3205 }
3206 } elsif ($format eq 'string' or $format eq 'undef') {
3207 $format eq 'string' and $val .= "\0"; # null-terminate strings
3208 if ($count and $count > 0) {
3209 my $diff = $count - length($val);
3210 if ($diff) {
3211 #warn "wrong string length!\n";
3212 # adjust length of string to match specified count
3213 if ($diff < 0) {
3214 if ($format eq 'string') {
3215 return undef unless $count;
3216 $val = substr($val, 0, $count - 1) . "\0";
3217 } else {
3218 $val = substr($val, 0, $count);
3219 }
3220 } else {
3221 $val .= "\0" x $diff;
3222 }
3223 }
3224 } else {
3225 $count = length($val);
3226 }
3227 $dataPt and substr($$dataPt, $offset, $count) = $val;
3228 return $val;
3229 } else {
3230 warn "Sorry, Can't write $format values on this platform\n";
3231 return undef;
3232 }
3233 $dataPt and substr($$dataPt, $offset, length($packed)) = $packed;
3234 return $packed;
3238# Encode bit mask (the inverse of DecodeBits())
3239# Inputs: 0) value to encode, 1) Reference to hash for encoding (or undef)
3240# 2) optional number of bits per word (defaults to 32), 3) total bits
3241# Returns: bit mask or undef on error (plus error string in list context)
3242sub EncodeBits($$;$$)
3244 my ($val, $lookup, $bits, $num) = @_;
3245 $bits or $bits = 32;
3246 $num or $num = $bits;
3247 my $words = int(($num + $bits - 1) / $bits);
3248 my @outVal = (0) x $words;
3249 if ($val ne '(none)') {
3250 my @vals = split /\s*,\s*/, $val;
3251 foreach $val (@vals) {
3252 my $bit;
3253 if ($lookup) {
3254 $bit = ReverseLookup($val, $lookup);
3255 unless (defined $bit) {
3256 if ($val =~ /\[(\d+)\]/) { # numerical bit specification
3257 $bit = $1;
3258 } else {
3259 # don't return error string unless more than one value
3260 return undef unless @vals > 1 and wantarray;
3261 return (undef, "no match for '$val'");
3262 }
3263 }
3264 } else {
3265 $bit = $val;
3266 }
3267 return (undef, 'bit number too high') if $bit >= $num;
3268 my $word = int($bit / $bits);
3269 $outVal[$word] |= (1 << ($bit - $word * $bits));
3270 }
3271 }
3272 return "@outVal";
3276# get current position in output file
3277# Inputs: 0) file or scalar reference
3278# Returns: Current position or -1 on error
3279sub Tell($)
3281 my $outfile = shift;
3282 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($outfile,'GLOB')) {
3283 return tell($outfile);
3284 } else {
3285 return length($$outfile);
3286 }
3290# write to file or memory
3291# Inputs: 0) file or scalar reference, 1-N) list of stuff to write
3292# Returns: true on success
3293sub Write($@)
3295 my $outfile = shift;
3296 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($outfile,'GLOB')) {
3297 return print $outfile @_;
3298 } elsif (ref $outfile eq 'SCALAR') {
3299 $$outfile .= join('', @_);
3300 return 1;
3301 }
3302 return 0;
3306# Read/rewrite trailer information (including multiple trailers)
3307# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) DirInfo ref:
3308# - requires RAF and DirName
3309# - OutFile is a scalar reference for writing
3310# - scans from current file position if ScanForAFCP is set
3311# Returns: 1 if trailer was processed or couldn't be processed (or written OK)
3312# 0 if trailer was recognized but offsets need fixing (or write error)
3313# - DirName, DirLen, DataPos, Offset, Fixup and OutFile are updated
3314# - preserves current file position and byte order
3315sub ProcessTrailers($$)
3317 my ($self, $dirInfo) = @_;
3318 my $dirName = $$dirInfo{DirName};
3319 my $outfile = $$dirInfo{OutFile};
3320 my $offset = $$dirInfo{Offset} || 0;
3321 my $fixup = $$dirInfo{Fixup};
3322 my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
3323 my $pos = $raf->Tell();
3324 my $byteOrder = GetByteOrder();
3325 my $success = 1;
3327 for (;;) { # loop through all trailers
3328 require "Image/ExifTool/$";
3329 my $proc = "Image::ExifTool::${dirName}::Process$dirName";
3330 my $outBuff;
3331 if ($outfile) {
3332 # write to local buffer so we can add trailer in proper order later
3333 $$outfile and $$dirInfo{OutFile} = \$outBuff, $outBuff = '';
3334 # must generate new fixup if necessary so we can shift
3335 # the old fixup separately after we prepend this trailer
3336 delete $$dirInfo{Fixup};
3337 }
3338 delete $$dirInfo{DirLen}; # reset trailer length
3339 $$dirInfo{Offset} = $offset; # set offset from end of file
3340 $$dirInfo{Trailer} = 1; # set Trailer flag in case proc cares
3342 # read or write this trailer
3343 # (proc takes Offset as offset from end of trailer to end of file,
3344 # and returns DataPos and DirLen, and Fixup if applicable)
3345 no strict 'refs';
3346 my $result = &$proc($self, $dirInfo);
3347 use strict 'refs';
3349 if ($outfile) {
3350 if ($result > 0) {
3351 if ($outBuff) {
3352 # write trailers to OutFile in original order
3353 $$outfile = $outBuff . $$outfile;
3354 # must adjust old fixup start if it exists
3355 $$fixup{Start} += length($outBuff) if $fixup;
3356 $outBuff = ''; # free memory
3357 }
3358 if ($fixup) {
3359 # add new fixup information if any
3360 $fixup->AddFixup($$dirInfo{Fixup}) if $$dirInfo{Fixup};
3361 } else {
3362 $fixup = $$dirInfo{Fixup}; # save fixup
3363 }
3364 } else {
3365 $success = 0 if $self->Error("Error rewriting $dirName trailer", 1);
3366 last;
3367 }
3368 } elsif ($result < 0) {
3369 # can't continue if we must scan for this trailer
3370 $success = 0;
3371 last;
3372 }
3373 last unless $result > 0 and $$dirInfo{DirLen};
3374 # look for next trailer
3375 $offset += $$dirInfo{DirLen};
3376 my $nextTrail = IdentifyTrailer($raf, $offset) or last;
3377 $dirName = $$dirInfo{DirName} = $$nextTrail{DirName};
3378 $raf->Seek($pos, 0);
3379 }
3380 SetByteOrder($byteOrder); # restore original byte order
3381 $raf->Seek($pos, 0); # restore original file position
3382 $$dirInfo{OutFile} = $outfile; # restore original outfile
3383 $$dirInfo{Offset} = $offset; # return offset to start of first trailer
3384 $$dirInfo{Fixup} = $fixup; # return fixup information
3385 return $success;
3389# Write trailer buffer to file (applying fixups if necessary)
3390# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) trailer dirInfo ref, 2) output file ref
3391# Returns: 1 on success
3392sub WriteTrailerBuffer($$$)
3394 my ($self, $trailInfo, $outfile) = @_;
3395 if ($self->{DEL_GROUP}->{Trailer}) {
3396 $self->VPrint(0, " Deleting trailer ($$trailInfo{Offset} bytes)\n");
3397 ++$self->{CHANGED};
3398 return 1;
3399 }
3400 my $pos = Tell($outfile);
3401 my $trailPt = $$trailInfo{OutFile};
3402 # apply fixup if necessary (AFCP requires this)
3403 if ($$trailInfo{Fixup}) {
3404 if ($pos > 0) {
3405 # shift offsets to final AFCP location and write it out
3406 $trailInfo->{Fixup}->{Shift} += $pos;
3407 $trailInfo->{Fixup}->ApplyFixup($trailPt);
3408 } else {
3409 $self->Error("Can't get file position for trailer offset fixup",1);
3410 }
3411 }
3412 return Write($outfile, $$trailPt);
3416# Add trailers as a block
3417# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) [optional] trailer data raf,
3418# 1 or 2-N) trailer types to add (or none to add all)
3419# Returns: new trailer ref, or undef
3420# - increments CHANGED if trailer was added
3421sub AddNewTrailers($;@)
3423 my ($self, @types) = @_;
3424 my $trailPt;
3425 ref $types[0] and $trailPt = shift @types;
3426 $types[0] or shift @types; # (in case undef data ref is passed)
3427 # add all possible trailers if none specified (currently only CanonVRD)
3428 @types or @types = qw(CanonVRD);
3429 # add trailers as a block
3430 my $type;
3431 foreach $type (@types) {
3432 next unless $self->{NEW_VALUE}->{$Image::ExifTool::Extra{$type}};
3433 my $val = $self->GetNewValues($type) or next;
3434 my $verb = $trailPt ? 'Writing' : 'Adding';
3435 $self->VPrint(0, " $verb $type as a block\n");
3436 if ($trailPt) {
3437 $$trailPt .= $val;
3438 } else {
3439 $trailPt = \$val;
3440 }
3441 ++$$self{CHANGED};
3442 }
3443 return $trailPt;
3447# Write segment, splitting up into multiple segments if necessary
3448# Inputs: 0) file or scalar reference, 1) segment marker
3449# 2) segment header, 3) segment data ref, 4) segment type
3450# Returns: number of segments written, or 0 on error
3451sub WriteMultiSegment($$$$;$)
3453 my ($outfile, $marker, $header, $dataPt, $type) = @_;
3454 $type or $type = '';
3455 my $len = length($$dataPt);
3456 my $hdr = "\xff" . chr($marker);
3457 my $count = 0;
3458 my $maxLen = $maxSegmentLen - length($header);
3459 $maxLen -= 2 if $type eq 'ICC'; # leave room for segment counters
3460 my $num = int(($len + $maxLen - 1) / $maxLen); # number of segments to write
3461 my $n;
3462 # write data, splitting into multiple segments if necessary
3463 # (each segment gets its own header)
3464 for ($n=0; $n<$len; $n+=$maxLen) {
3465 ++$count;
3466 my $size = $len - $n;
3467 $size > $maxLen and $size = $maxLen;
3468 my $buff = substr($$dataPt,$n,$size);
3469 $size += length($header);
3470 if ($type eq 'ICC') {
3471 $buff = pack('CC', $count, $num) . $buff;
3472 $size += 2;
3473 }
3474 # write the new segment with appropriate header
3475 my $segHdr = $hdr . pack('n', $size + 2);
3476 Write($outfile, $segHdr, $header, $buff) or return 0;
3477 }
3478 return $count;
3482# WriteJPEG : Write JPEG image
3483# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) dirInfo reference
3484# Returns: 1 on success, 0 if this wasn't a valid JPEG file, or -1 if
3485# an output file was specified and a write error occurred
3486sub WriteJPEG($$)
3488 my ($self, $dirInfo) = @_;
3489 my $outfile = $$dirInfo{OutFile};
3490 my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
3491 my ($ch,$s,$length);
3492 my $verbose = $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose};
3493 my $out = $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut};
3494 my $rtnVal = 0;
3495 my ($err, %doneDir);
3496 my %dumpParms = ( Out => $out );
3497 my ($writeBuffer, $oldOutfile); # used to buffer writing until PreviewImage position is known
3499 # check to be sure this is a valid JPG file
3500 return 0 unless $raf->Read($s,2) == 2 and $s eq "\xff\xd8";
3501 $dumpParms{MaxLen} = 128 unless $verbose > 3;
3503 delete $self->{PREVIEW_INFO}; # reset preview information
3504 delete $self->{DEL_PREVIEW}; # reset flag to delete preview
3506 Write($outfile, $s) or $err = 1;
3507 # figure out what segments we need to write for the tags we have set
3508 my $addDirs = $self->{ADD_DIRS};
3509 my $editDirs = $self->{EDIT_DIRS};
3510 my $delGroup = $self->{DEL_GROUP};
3512 # set input record separator to 0xff (the JPEG marker) to make reading quicker
3513 my $oldsep = $/;
3514 $/ = "\xff";
3516# pre-scan image to determine if any create-able segment already exists
3518 my $pos = $raf->Tell();
3519 my ($marker, @dirOrder, %dirCount);
3520 Prescan: for (;;) {
3521 # read up to next marker (JPEG markers begin with 0xff)
3522 $raf->ReadLine($s) or last;
3523 # JPEG markers can be padded with unlimited 0xff's
3524 for (;;) {
3525 $raf->Read($ch, 1) or last Prescan;
3526 $marker = ord($ch);
3527 last unless $marker == 0xff;
3528 }
3529 # SOS signifies end of meta information
3530 if ($marker == 0xda) {
3531 push(@dirOrder, 'SOS');
3532 $dirCount{SOS} = 1;
3533 last;
3534 }
3535 my $dirName;
3536 # handle SOF markers: SOF0-SOF15, except DHT(0xc4), JPGA(0xc8) and DAC(0xcc)
3537 if (($marker & 0xf0) == 0xc0 and ($marker == 0xc0 or $marker & 0x03)) {
3538 last unless $raf->Seek(7, 1);
3539 # read data for all markers except stand-alone
3540 # markers 0x00, 0x01 and 0xd0-0xd7 (NULL, TEM, RST0-RST7)
3541 } elsif ($marker!=0x00 and $marker!=0x01 and ($marker<0xd0 or $marker>0xd7)) {
3542 # read record length word
3543 last unless $raf->Read($s, 2) == 2;
3544 my $len = unpack('n',$s); # get data length
3545 last unless defined($len) and $len >= 2;
3546 $len -= 2; # subtract size of length word
3547 if (($marker & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { # is this an APP segment?
3548 my $n = $len < 64 ? $len : 64;
3549 $raf->Read($s, $n) == $n or last;
3550 $len -= $n;
3551 if ($marker == 0xe0) {
3552 $s =~ /^JFIF\0/ and $dirName = 'JFIF';
3553 $s =~ /^JFXX\0\x10/ and $dirName = 'JFXX';
3554 } elsif ($marker == 0xe1) {
3555 $s =~ /^$exifAPP1hdr/ and $dirName = 'IFD0';
3556 $s =~ /^$xmpAPP1hdr/ and $dirName = 'XMP';
3557 } elsif ($marker == 0xe2) {
3558 $s =~ /^ICC_PROFILE\0/ and $dirName = 'ICC_Profile';
3559 } elsif ($marker == 0xec) {
3560 $s =~ /^Ducky/ and $dirName = 'Ducky';
3561 } elsif ($marker == 0xed) {
3562 $s =~ /^$psAPP13hdr/ and $dirName = 'Photoshop';
3563 }
3564 # initialize doneDir as a flag that the directory exists
3565 # (unless we are deleting it anyway)
3566 $doneDir{$dirName} = 0 if defined $dirName and not $$delGroup{$dirName};
3567 }
3568 $raf->Seek($len, 1) or last;
3569 }
3570 $dirName or $dirName = JpegMarkerName($marker);
3571 $dirCount{$dirName} = ($dirCount{$dirName} || 0) + 1;
3572 push @dirOrder, $dirName;
3573 }
3574 unless ($marker and $marker == 0xda) {
3575 $self->Error('Corrupted JPEG image');
3576 return 1;
3577 }
3578 $raf->Seek($pos, 0) or $self->Error('Seek error'), return 1;
3580# re-write the image
3582 my ($combinedSegData, $segPos);
3583 # read through each segment in the JPEG file
3584 Marker: for (;;) {
3586 # read up to next marker (JPEG markers begin with 0xff)
3587 my $segJunk;
3588 $raf->ReadLine($segJunk) or $segJunk = '';
3589 # remove the 0xff but write the rest of the junk up to this point
3590 chomp($segJunk);
3591 Write($outfile, $segJunk) if length $segJunk;
3592 # JPEG markers can be padded with unlimited 0xff's
3593 for (;;) {
3594 $raf->Read($ch, 1) or $self->Error('Format error'), return 1;
3595 $marker = ord($ch);
3596 last unless $marker == 0xff;
3597 }
3598 # read the segment data
3599 my $segData;
3600 # handle SOF markers: SOF0-SOF15, except DHT(0xc4), JPGA(0xc8) and DAC(0xcc)
3601 if (($marker & 0xf0) == 0xc0 and ($marker == 0xc0 or $marker & 0x03)) {
3602 last unless $raf->Read($segData, 7) == 7;
3603 # read data for all markers except stand-alone
3604 # markers 0x00, 0x01 and 0xd0-0xd7 (NULL, TEM, RST0-RST7)
3605 } elsif ($marker!=0x00 and $marker!=0x01 and ($marker<0xd0 or $marker>0xd7)) {
3606 # read record length word
3607 last unless $raf->Read($s, 2) == 2;
3608 my $len = unpack('n',$s); # get data length
3609 last unless defined($len) and $len >= 2;
3610 $segPos = $raf->Tell();
3611 $len -= 2; # subtract size of length word
3612 last unless $raf->Read($segData, $len) == $len;
3613 }
3614 # initialize variables for this segment
3615 my $hdr = "\xff" . chr($marker); # segment header
3616 my $markerName = JpegMarkerName($marker);
3617 my $dirName = shift @dirOrder; # get directory name
3619# create all segments that must come before this one
3620# (nothing comes before SOI or after SOS)
3622 while ($markerName ne 'SOI') {
3623 if (exists $$addDirs{JFIF} and not defined $doneDir{JFIF}) {
3624 $doneDir{JFIF} = 1;
3625 if ($verbose) {
3626 print $out "Creating APP0:\n";
3627 print $out " Creating JFIF with default values\n";
3628 }
3629 my $jfif = "\x01\x02\x01\0\x48\0\x48\0\0";
3630 SetByteOrder('MM');
3631 my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::JFIF::Main');
3632 my %dirInfo = (
3633 DataPt => \$jfif,
3634 DirStart => 0,
3635 DirLen => length $jfif,
3636 );
3637 my $newData = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
3638 if (defined $newData and length $newData) {
3639 my $app0hdr = "\xff\xe0" . pack('n', length($newData) + 7);
3640 Write($outfile,$app0hdr,"JFIF\0",$newData) or $err = 1;
3641 }
3642 }
3643 # don't create anything before APP0 or APP1 EXIF (containing IFD0)
3644 last if $markerName eq 'APP0' or $dirCount{IFD0};
3645 # EXIF information must come immediately after APP0
3646 if (exists $$addDirs{IFD0} and not defined $doneDir{IFD0}) {
3647 $doneDir{IFD0} = 1;
3648 $verbose and print $out "Creating APP1:\n";
3649 # write new EXIF data
3650 $self->{TIFF_TYPE} = 'APP1';
3651 my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Exif::Main');
3652 # use specified byte ordering or ordering from maker notes if set
3653 my $byteOrder = $self->Options('ByteOrder') ||
3654 $self->GetNewValues('ExifByteOrder') || $self->{MAKER_NOTE_BYTE_ORDER} || 'MM';
3655 unless (SetByteOrder($byteOrder)) {
3656 warn "Invalid byte order '$byteOrder'\n";
3657 $byteOrder = $self->{MAKER_NOTE_BYTE_ORDER} || 'MM';
3658 SetByteOrder($byteOrder);
3659 }
3660 my %dirInfo = (
3661 NewDataPos => 8, # new data will come after TIFF header
3662 DirName => 'IFD0',
3663 Parent => $markerName,
3664 );
3665 my $buff = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
3666 if (defined $buff and length $buff) {
3667 my $tiffHdr = $byteOrder . Set16u(42) . Set32u(8); # standard TIFF header
3668 my $size = length($buff) + length($tiffHdr) + length($exifAPP1hdr);
3669 if ($size <= $maxSegmentLen) {
3670 # switch to buffered output if required
3671 if ($self->{PREVIEW_INFO} and not $oldOutfile) {
3672 $writeBuffer = '';
3673 $oldOutfile = $outfile;
3674 $outfile = \$writeBuffer;
3675 # account for segment,EXIF and TIFF headers
3676 $self->{PREVIEW_INFO}->{Fixup}->{Start} += 18;
3677 }
3678 # write the new segment with appropriate header
3679 my $app1hdr = "\xff\xe1" . pack('n', $size + 2);
3680 Write($outfile,$app1hdr,$exifAPP1hdr,$tiffHdr,$buff) or $err = 1;
3681 } else {
3682 delete $self->{PREVIEW_INFO};
3683 $self->Warn("EXIF APP1 segment too large! ($size bytes)");
3684 }
3685 }
3686 }
3687 # APP13 Photoshop segment next
3688 last if $dirCount{Photoshop};
3689 if (exists $$addDirs{Photoshop} and not defined $doneDir{Photoshop}) {
3690 $doneDir{Photoshop} = 1;
3691 $verbose and print $out "Creating APP13:\n";
3692 # write new APP13 Photoshop record to memory
3693 my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Photoshop::Main');
3694 my %dirInfo = (
3695 Parent => $markerName,
3696 );
3697 my $buff = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
3698 if (defined $buff and length $buff) {
3699 WriteMultiSegment($outfile, 0xed, $psAPP13hdr, \$buff) or $err = 1;
3700 ++$self->{CHANGED};
3701 }
3702 }
3703 # then APP1 XMP segment
3704 last if $dirCount{XMP};
3705 if (exists $$addDirs{XMP} and not defined $doneDir{XMP}) {
3706 $doneDir{XMP} = 1;
3707 $verbose and print $out "Creating APP1:\n";
3708 # write new XMP data
3709 my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::XMP::Main');
3710 my %dirInfo = (
3711 Parent => $markerName,
3712 );
3713 my $buff = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
3714 if (defined $buff and length $buff) {
3715 my $size = length($buff) + length($xmpAPP1hdr);
3716 if ($size <= $maxSegmentLen) {
3717 # write the new segment with appropriate header
3718 my $app1hdr = "\xff\xe1" . pack('n', $size + 2);
3719 Write($outfile, $app1hdr, $xmpAPP1hdr, $buff) or $err = 1;
3720 } else {
3721 $self->Warn("XMP APP1 segment too large! ($size bytes)");
3722 }
3723 }
3724 }
3725 # then APP2 ICC_Profile segment
3726 last if $dirCount{ICC_Profile};
3727 if (exists $$addDirs{ICC_Profile} and not defined $doneDir{ICC_Profile}) {
3728 $doneDir{ICC_Profile} = 1;
3729 next if $$delGroup{ICC_Profile} and $$delGroup{ICC_Profile} != 2;
3730 $verbose and print $out "Creating APP2:\n";
3731 # write new ICC_Profile data
3732 my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::ICC_Profile::Main');
3733 my %dirInfo = (
3734 Parent => $markerName,
3735 );
3736 my $buff = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
3737 if (defined $buff and length $buff) {
3738 WriteMultiSegment($outfile, 0xe2, "ICC_PROFILE\0", \$buff, 'ICC') or $err = 1;
3739 ++$self->{CHANGED};
3740 }
3741 }
3742 # then APP12 Ducky segment
3743 last if $dirCount{Ducky};
3744 if (exists $$addDirs{Ducky} and not defined $doneDir{Ducky}) {
3745 $doneDir{Ducky} = 1;
3746 $verbose and print $out "Creating APP12 Ducky:\n";
3747 # write new Ducky segment data
3748 my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::APP12::Ducky');
3749 my %dirInfo = (
3750 Parent => $markerName,
3751 );
3752 my $buff = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
3753 if (defined $buff and length $buff) {
3754 my $size = length($buff) + 5;
3755 if ($size <= $maxSegmentLen) {
3756 # write the new segment with appropriate header
3757 my $app12hdr = "\xff\xec" . pack('n', $size + 2);
3758 Write($outfile, $app12hdr, 'Ducky', $buff) or $err = 1;
3759 } else {
3760 $self->Warn("APP12 Ducky segment too large! ($size bytes)");
3761 }
3762 }
3763 }
3764 # finally, COM segment
3765 last if $dirCount{COM};
3766 if (exists $$addDirs{COM} and not defined $doneDir{COM}) {
3767 $doneDir{COM} = 1;
3768 next if $$delGroup{File} and $$delGroup{File} != 2;
3769 my $newComment = $self->GetNewValues('Comment');
3770 if (defined $newComment and length($newComment)) {
3771 $verbose and print $out "Creating COM:\n";
3772 $verbose > 1 and print $out " + Comment = '$newComment'\n";
3773 WriteMultiSegment($outfile, 0xfe, '', \$newComment) or $err = 1;
3774 ++$self->{CHANGED};
3775 }
3776 }
3777 last; # didn't want to loop anyway
3778 }
3779 # decrement counter for this directory since we are about to process it
3780 --$dirCount{$dirName};
3782# rewrite existing segments
3784 # handle SOF markers: SOF0-SOF15, except DHT(0xc4), JPGA(0xc8) and DAC(0xcc)
3785 if (($marker & 0xf0) == 0xc0 and ($marker == 0xc0 or $marker & 0x03)) {
3786 $verbose and print $out "JPEG $markerName:\n";
3787 Write($outfile, $hdr, $segData) or $err = 1;
3788 next;
3789 } elsif ($marker == 0xda) { # SOS
3790 $verbose and print $out "JPEG SOS\n";
3791 # write SOS segment
3792 $s = pack('n', length($segData) + 2);
3793 Write($outfile, $hdr, $s, $segData) or $err = 1;
3794 my ($buff, $endPos, $trailInfo);
3795 my $delPreview = $self->{DEL_PREVIEW};
3796 $trailInfo = IdentifyTrailer($raf) unless $$delGroup{Trailer};
3797 unless ($oldOutfile or $delPreview or $trailInfo or $$delGroup{Trailer}) {
3798 # blindly copy the rest of the file
3799 while ($raf->Read($buff, 65536)) {
3800 Write($outfile, $buff) or $err = 1, last;
3801 }
3802 $rtnVal = 1; # success unless we have a file write error
3803 last; # all done
3804 }
3805 # write the rest of the image (as quickly as possible) up to the EOI
3806 my $endedWithFF;
3807 for (;;) {
3808 my $n = $raf->Read($buff, 65536) or last Marker;
3809 if (($endedWithFF and $buff =~ m/^\xd9/sg) or
3810 $buff =~ m/\xff\xd9/sg)
3811 {
3812 $rtnVal = 1; # the JPEG is OK
3813 # write up to the EOI
3814 my $pos = pos($buff);
3815 Write($outfile, substr($buff, 0, $pos)) or $err = 1;
3816 $buff = substr($buff, $pos);
3817 last;
3818 }
3819 unless ($n == 65536) {
3820 $self->Error('JPEG EOI marker not found');
3821 last Marker;
3822 }
3823 Write($outfile, $buff) or $err = 1;
3824 $endedWithFF = substr($buff, 65535, 1) eq "\xff" ? 1 : 0;
3825 }
3826 # remember position of last data copied
3827 $endPos = $raf->Tell() - length($buff);
3828 # rewrite trailers if they exist
3829 if ($trailInfo) {
3830 my $tbuf = '';
3831 $raf->Seek(-length($buff), 1); # seek back to just after EOI
3832 $$trailInfo{OutFile} = \$tbuf; # rewrite the trailer
3833 $$trailInfo{ScanForAFCP} = 1; # scan if necessary
3834 $self->ProcessTrailers($trailInfo) or undef $trailInfo;
3835 }
3836 if ($oldOutfile) {
3837 # locate preview image and fix up preview offsets
3838 if (length($buff) < 1024) { # make sure we have at least 1kB of trailer
3839 my $buf2;
3840 $buff .= $buf2 if $raf->Read($buf2, 1024);
3841 }
3842 # get new preview image position (subtract 10 for segment and EXIF headers)
3843 my $newPos = length($$outfile) - 10;
3844 my $junkLen;
3845 # adjust position if image isn't at the start (ie. Olympus E-1/E-300)
3846 if ($buff =~ m/(\xff\xd8\xff.|.\xd8\xff\xdb)/sg) {
3847 $junkLen = pos($buff) - 4;
3848 $newPos += $junkLen;
3849 }
3850 # fix up the preview offsets to point to the start of the new image
3851 my $previewInfo = $self->{PREVIEW_INFO};
3852 delete $self->{PREVIEW_INFO};
3853 my $fixup = $previewInfo->{Fixup};
3854 $newPos += ($previewInfo->{BaseShift} || 0);
3855 if ($previewInfo->{Relative}) {
3856 # adjust for our base by looking at how far the pointer got shifted
3857 $newPos -= $fixup->GetMarkerPointers($outfile, 'PreviewImage');
3858 }
3859 $fixup->SetMarkerPointers($outfile, 'PreviewImage', $newPos);
3860 # clean up and write the buffered data
3861 $outfile = $oldOutfile;
3862 undef $oldOutfile;
3863 Write($outfile, $writeBuffer) or $err = 1;
3864 undef $writeBuffer;
3865 # write preview image
3866 if ($previewInfo->{Data} ne 'LOAD') {
3867 # write any junk that existed before the preview image
3868 Write($outfile, substr($buff,0,$junkLen)) or $err = 1 if $junkLen;
3869 # write the saved preview image
3870 Write($outfile, $previewInfo->{Data}) or $err = 1;
3871 delete $previewInfo->{Data};
3872 # (don't increment CHANGED because we could be rewriting existing preview)
3873 $delPreview = 1; # remove old preview
3874 }
3875 }
3876 # copy over preview image if necessary
3877 unless ($delPreview) {
3878 my $extra;
3879 if ($trailInfo) {
3880 # copy everything up to start of first processed trailer
3881 $extra = $$trailInfo{DataPos} - $endPos;
3882 } else {
3883 # copy everything up to end of file
3884 $raf->Seek(0, 2) or $err = 1;
3885 $extra = $raf->Tell() - $endPos;
3886 }
3887 if ($extra > 0) {
3888 if ($$delGroup{Trailer}) {
3889 $verbose and print $out " Deleting unknown trailer ($extra bytes)\n";
3890 ++$self->{CHANGED};
3891 } else {
3892 # copy over unknown trailer
3893 $verbose and print $out " Preserving unknown trailer ($extra bytes)\n";
3894 $raf->Seek($endPos, 0) or $err = 1;
3895 while ($extra) {
3896 my $n = $extra < 65536 ? $extra : 65536;
3897 $raf->Read($buff, $n) == $n or $err = 1, last;
3898 Write($outfile, $buff) or $err = 1, last;
3899 $extra -= $n;
3900 }
3901 }
3902 }
3903 }
3904 # write trailer if necessary
3905 if ($trailInfo) {
3906 $self->WriteTrailerBuffer($trailInfo, $outfile) or $err = 1;
3907 undef $trailInfo;
3908 }
3909 last; # all done parsing file
3911 } elsif ($marker==0x00 or $marker==0x01 or ($marker>=0xd0 and $marker<=0xd7)) {
3912 $verbose and $marker and print $out "JPEG $markerName:\n";
3913 # handle stand-alone markers 0x00, 0x01 and 0xd0-0xd7 (NULL, TEM, RST0-RST7)
3914 Write($outfile, $hdr) or $err = 1;
3915 next;
3916 }
3917 #
3918 # NOTE: A 'next' statement after this point will cause $$segDataPt
3919 # not to be written if there is an output file, so in this case
3920 # the $self->{CHANGED} flags must be updated
3921 #
3922 my $segDataPt = \$segData;
3923 $length = length($segData);
3924 if ($verbose) {
3925 print $out "JPEG $markerName ($length bytes):\n";
3926 if ($verbose > 2 and $markerName =~ /^APP/) {
3927 HexDump($segDataPt, undef, %dumpParms);
3928 }
3929 }
3930 my ($segType, $del);
3931 # rewrite this segment only if we are changing a tag which
3932 # is contained in its directory (or deleting '*', in which
3933 # case we need to identify the segment type)
3934 while (exists $$editDirs{$markerName} or $$delGroup{'*'}) {
3935 my $oldChanged = $self->{CHANGED};
3936 if ($marker == 0xe0) { # APP0 (JFIF, CIFF)
3937 if ($$segDataPt =~ /^JFIF\0/) {
3938 $segType = 'JFIF';
3939 $$delGroup{JFIF} and $del = 1, last;
3940 SetByteOrder('MM');
3941 my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::JFIF::Main');
3942 my %dirInfo = (
3943 DataPt => $segDataPt,
3944 DataPos => $segPos,
3945 DataLen => $length,
3946 DirStart => 5, # directory starts after identifier
3947 DirLen => $length-5,
3948 Parent => $markerName,
3949 );
3950 my $newData = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
3951 if (defined $newData and length $newData) {
3952 $$segDataPt = "JFIF\0" . $newData;
3953 }
3954 } elsif ($$segDataPt =~ /^JFXX\0\x10/) {
3955 $segType = 'JFXX';
3956 $$delGroup{JFIF} and $del = 1;
3957 } elsif ($$segDataPt =~ /^(II|MM).{4}HEAPJPGM/s) {
3958 $segType = 'CIFF';
3959 $$delGroup{CIFF} and $del = 1, last;
3960 my $newData = '';
3961 my %dirInfo = (
3962 RAF => new File::RandomAccess($segDataPt),
3963 OutFile => \$newData,
3964 );
3965 require Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw;
3966 if (Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw::WriteCRW($self, \%dirInfo) > 0) {
3967 if (length $newData) {
3968 $$segDataPt = $newData;
3969 } else {
3970 undef $segDataPt;
3971 $del = 1; # delete this segment
3972 }
3973 }
3974 }
3975 } elsif ($marker == 0xe1) { # APP1 (EXIF, XMP)
3976 # check for EXIF data
3977 if ($$segDataPt =~ /^$exifAPP1hdr/) {
3978 $segType = 'EXIF';
3979 $doneDir{IFD0} and $self->Warn('Multiple APP1 EXIF segments');
3980 $doneDir{IFD0} = 1;
3981 last unless $$editDirs{IFD0};
3982 # write new EXIF data to memory
3983 my $buff = $exifAPP1hdr; # start with APP1 EXIF header
3984 # rewrite EXIF as if this were a TIFF file in memory
3985 my %dirInfo = (
3986 DataPt => $segDataPt,
3987 DataPos => $segPos,
3988 DirStart => 6,
3989 Base => $segPos + 6,
3990 OutFile => \$buff,
3991 Parent => $markerName,
3992 );
3993 my $result = $self->ProcessTIFF(\%dirInfo);
3994 $segDataPt = \$buff;
3995 unless ($result > 0) { # check for problems writing the EXIF
3996 last Marker unless $self->Options('IgnoreMinorErrors');
3997 $$segDataPt = $exifAPP1hdr . $self->{EXIF_DATA}; # restore original EXIF
3998 $self->{CHANGED} = $oldChanged;
3999 }
4000 # switch to buffered output if required
4001 if ($self->{PREVIEW_INFO} and not $oldOutfile) {
4002 $writeBuffer = '';
4003 $oldOutfile = $outfile;
4004 $outfile = \$writeBuffer;
4005 # must account for segment, EXIF and TIFF headers
4006 $self->{PREVIEW_INFO}->{Fixup}->{Start} += 18;
4007 }
4008 # delete segment if IFD contains no entries
4009 $del = 1 unless length($$segDataPt) > length($exifAPP1hdr);
4010 # check for XMP data
4011 } elsif ($$segDataPt =~ /^$xmpAPP1hdr/) {
4012 $segType = 'XMP';
4013 $doneDir{XMP} and $self->Warn('Multiple APP1 XMP segments');
4014 $doneDir{XMP} = 1;
4015 last unless $$editDirs{XMP};
4016 my $start = length $xmpAPP1hdr;
4017 my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::XMP::Main');
4018 my %dirInfo = (
4019 Base => 0,
4020 DataPt => $segDataPt,
4021 DataPos => $segPos,
4022 DataLen => $length,
4023 DirStart => $start,
4024 DirLen => $length - $start,
4025 Parent => $markerName,
4026 );
4027 my $newData = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
4028 if (defined $newData) {
4029 undef $$segDataPt; # free the old buffer
4030 # add header to new segment unless empty
4031 $newData = $xmpAPP1hdr . $newData if length $newData;
4032 $segDataPt = \$newData;
4033 } else {
4034 $self->{CHANGED} = $oldChanged;
4035 }
4036 $del = 1 unless length $$segDataPt;
4037 }
4038 } elsif ($marker == 0xe2) { # APP2 (ICC Profile, FPXR)
4039 if ($$segDataPt =~ /^ICC_PROFILE\0/) {
4040 $segType = 'ICC_Profile';
4041 $$delGroup{ICC_Profile} and $del = 1, last;
4042 # must concatenate blocks of profile
4043 my $block_num = ord(substr($$segDataPt, 12, 1));
4044 my $blocks_tot = ord(substr($$segDataPt, 13, 1));
4045 $combinedSegData = '' if $block_num == 1;
4046 unless (defined $combinedSegData) {
4047 $self->Warn('APP2 ICC_Profile segments out of sequence');
4048 next Marker;
4049 }
4050 $combinedSegData .= substr($$segDataPt, 14);
4051 # continue accumulating segments unless this is the last
4052 next Marker unless $block_num == $blocks_tot;
4053 $doneDir{ICC_Profile} and $self->Warn('Multiple ICC_Profile records');
4054 $doneDir{ICC_Profile} = 1;
4055 $segDataPt = \$combinedSegData;
4056 $length = length $combinedSegData;
4057 my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::ICC_Profile::Main');
4058 my %dirInfo = (
4059 DataPt => $segDataPt,
4060 DataPos => $segPos + 14,
4061 DataLen => $length,
4062 DirStart => 0,
4063 DirLen => $length,
4064 Parent => $markerName,
4065 );
4066 my $newData = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
4067 if (defined $newData) {
4068 undef $$segDataPt; # free the old buffer
4069 $segDataPt = \$newData;
4070 }
4071 length $$segDataPt or $del = 1, last;
4072 # write as ICC multi-segment
4073 WriteMultiSegment($outfile, $marker, "ICC_PROFILE\0", $segDataPt, 'ICC') or $err = 1;
4074 undef $combinedSegData;
4075 undef $$segDataPt;
4076 next Marker;
4077 } elsif ($$segDataPt =~ /^FPXR\0/) {
4078 $segType = 'FPXR';
4079 $$delGroup{FlashPix} and $del = 1;
4080 }
4081 } elsif ($marker == 0xe3) { # APP3 (Kodak Meta)
4082 if ($$segDataPt =~ /^(Meta|META|Exif)\0\0/) {
4083 $segType = 'Kodak Meta';
4084 $$delGroup{Meta} and $del = 1;
4085 }
4086 } elsif ($marker == 0xe5) { # APP5 (Ricoh RMETA)
4087 if ($$segDataPt =~ /^RMETA\0/) {
4088 $segType = 'Ricoh RMETA';
4089 $$delGroup{RMETA} and $del = 1;
4090 }
4091 } elsif ($marker == 0xec) { # APP12 (Ducky)
4092 if ($$segDataPt =~ /^Ducky/) {
4093 $segType = 'Ducky';
4094 $$delGroup{Ducky} and $del = 1, last;
4095 $doneDir{Ducky} and $self->Warn('Multiple APP12 Ducky segments');
4096 $doneDir{Ducky} = 1;
4097 last unless $$editDirs{Ducky};
4098 my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::APP12::Ducky');
4099 my %dirInfo = (
4100 DataPt => $segDataPt,
4101 DataPos => $segPos,
4102 DataLen => $length,
4103 DirStart => 5, # directory starts after identifier
4104 DirLen => $length-5,
4105 Parent => $markerName,
4106 );
4107 my $newData = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
4108 if (defined $newData) {
4109 undef $$segDataPt; # free the old buffer
4110 # add header to new segment unless empty
4111 $newData = 'Ducky' . $newData if length $newData;
4112 $segDataPt = \$newData;
4113 } else {
4114 $self->{CHANGED} = $oldChanged;
4115 }
4116 $del = 1 unless length $$segDataPt;
4117 }
4118 } elsif ($marker == 0xed) { # APP13 (Photoshop)
4119 if ($$segDataPt =~ /^$psAPP13hdr/) {
4120 $segType = 'Photoshop';
4121 # add this data to the combined data if it exists
4122 if (defined $combinedSegData) {
4123 $combinedSegData .= substr($$segDataPt,length($psAPP13hdr));
4124 $segDataPt = \$combinedSegData;
4125 $length = length $combinedSegData; # update length
4126 }
4127 # peek ahead to see if the next segment is photoshop data too
4128 if ($dirOrder[0] eq 'Photoshop') {
4129 # initialize combined data if necessary
4130 $combinedSegData = $$segDataPt unless defined $combinedSegData;
4131 next Marker; # get the next segment to combine
4132 }
4133 $doneDir{Photoshop} and $self->Warn('Multiple Photoshop records');
4134 $doneDir{Photoshop} = 1;
4135 # process APP13 Photoshop record
4136 my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Photoshop::Main');
4137 my %dirInfo = (
4138 DataPt => $segDataPt,
4139 DataPos => $segPos,
4140 DataLen => $length,
4141 DirStart => 14, # directory starts after identifier
4142 DirLen => $length-14,
4143 Parent => $markerName,
4144 );
4145 my $newData = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
4146 if (defined $newData) {
4147 undef $$segDataPt; # free the old buffer
4148 $segDataPt = \$newData;
4149 } else {
4150 $self->{CHANGED} = $oldChanged;
4151 }
4152 length $$segDataPt or $del = 1, last;
4153 # write as multi-segment
4154 WriteMultiSegment($outfile, $marker, $psAPP13hdr, $segDataPt) or $err = 1;
4155 undef $combinedSegData;
4156 undef $$segDataPt;
4157 next Marker;
4158 }
4159 } elsif ($marker == 0xfe) { # COM (JPEG comment)
4160 my $newComment;
4161 unless ($doneDir{COM}) {
4162 $doneDir{COM} = 1;
4163 unless ($$delGroup{File} and $$delGroup{File} != 2) {
4164 my $tagInfo = $Image::ExifTool::Extra{Comment};
4165 my $newValueHash = $self->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo);
4166 if (IsOverwriting($newValueHash, $segData) or $$delGroup{File}) {
4167 $newComment = GetNewValues($newValueHash);
4168 } else {
4169 delete $$editDirs{COM}; # we aren't editing COM after all
4170 last;
4171 }
4172 }
4173 }
4174 $verbose > 1 and print $out " - Comment = '$$segDataPt'\n";
4175 if (defined $newComment and length $newComment) {
4176 # write out the comments
4177 $verbose > 1 and print $out " + Comment = '$newComment'\n";
4178 WriteMultiSegment($outfile, 0xfe, '', \$newComment) or $err = 1;
4179 } else {
4180 $verbose and print $out " Deleting COM segment\n";
4181 }
4182 ++$self->{CHANGED}; # increment the changed flag
4183 undef $segDataPt; # don't write existing comment
4184 }
4185 last; # didn't want to loop anyway
4186 }
4187 # delete necessary segments (including unknown segments if deleting all)
4188 if ($del or ($$delGroup{'*'} and not $segType and $marker>=0xe0 and $marker<=0xef)) {
4189 $segType = 'unknown' unless $segType;
4190 $verbose and print $out " Deleting $markerName $segType segment\n";
4191 ++$self->{CHANGED};
4192 next Marker;
4193 }
4194 # write out this segment if $segDataPt is still defined
4195 if (defined $segDataPt) {
4196 # write the data for this record (the data could have been
4197 # modified, so recalculate the length word)
4198 my $size = length($$segDataPt);
4199 if ($size > $maxSegmentLen) {
4200 $self->Error("$markerName segment too large! ($size bytes)");
4201 $err = 1;
4202 } else {
4203 $s = pack('n', length($$segDataPt) + 2);
4204 Write($outfile, $hdr, $s, $$segDataPt) or $err = 1;
4205 }
4206 undef $$segDataPt; # free the buffer
4207 }
4208 }
4209 # if oldOutfile is still set, there was an error copying the JPEG
4210 $oldOutfile and return 0;
4211 if ($rtnVal) {
4212 # add any new trailers we are creating
4213 my $trailPt = $self->AddNewTrailers();
4214 Write($outfile, $$trailPt) or $err = 1 if $trailPt;
4215 }
4216 $/ = $oldsep; # restore separator to original value
4217 # set return value to -1 if we only had a write error
4218 $rtnVal = -1 if $rtnVal and $err;
4219 return $rtnVal;
4223# Validate an image for writing
4224# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) raw value reference
4225# Returns: error string or undef on success
4226sub CheckImage($$)
4228 my ($self, $valPtr) = @_;
4229 if (length($$valPtr) and $$valPtr!~/^\xff\xd8/ and not
4230 $self->Options('IgnoreMinorErrors'))
4231 {
4232 return '[minor] Not a valid image';
4233 }
4234 return undef;
4238# check a value for validity
4239# Inputs: 0) value reference, 1) format string, 2) optional count
4240# Returns: error string, or undef on success
4241# Notes: May modify value (if a count is specified for a string, it is null-padded
4242# to the specified length, and floating point values are rounded to integer if required)
4243sub CheckValue($$;$)
4245 my ($valPtr, $format, $count) = @_;
4246 my (@vals, $n);
4248 if ($format eq 'string' or $format eq 'undef') {
4249 return undef unless $count and $count > 0;
4250 my $len = length($$valPtr);
4251 if ($format eq 'string') {
4252 $len >= $count and return 'String too long';
4253 } else {
4254 $len > $count and return 'Data too long';
4255 }
4256 if ($len < $count) {
4257 $$valPtr .= "\0" x ($count - $len);
4258 }
4259 return undef;
4260 }
4261 if ($count and $count != 1) {
4262 @vals = split(' ',$$valPtr);
4263 $count < 0 and ($count = @vals or return undef);
4264 } else {
4265 $count = 1;
4266 @vals = ( $$valPtr );
4267 }
4268 return "Too many values specified ($count required)" if @vals > $count;
4269 return "Not enough values specified ($count required)" if @vals < $count;
4270 my $val;
4271 for ($n=0; $n<$count; ++$n) {
4272 $val = shift @vals;
4273 if ($format =~ /^int/) {
4274 # make sure the value is integer
4275 unless (IsInt($val)) {
4276 if (IsHex($val)) {
4277 $val = $$valPtr = hex($val);
4278 } else {
4279 # round single floating point values to the nearest integer
4280 return 'Not an integer' unless IsFloat($val) and $count == 1;
4281 $val = $$valPtr = int($val + ($val < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5));
4282 }
4283 }
4284 my $rng = $intRange{$format} or return "Bad int format: $format";
4285 return "Value below $format minimum" if $val < $$rng[0];
4286 # (allow 0xfeedfeed code as value for 16-bit pointers)
4287 return "Value above $format maximum" if $val > $$rng[1] and $val != 0xfeedfeed;
4288 } elsif ($format =~ /^rational/ or $format eq 'float' or $format eq 'double') {
4289 # make sure the value is a valid floating point number
4290 return 'Not a floating point number' unless IsFloat($val);
4291 if ($format =~ /^rational\d+u$/ and $val < 0) {
4292 return 'Must be a positive number';
4293 }
4294 }
4295 }
4296 return undef; # success!
4300# check new value for binary data block
4301# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) tagInfo hash ref, 2) raw value ref
4302# Returns: error string or undef (and may modify value) on success
4303sub CheckBinaryData($$$)
4305 my ($self, $tagInfo, $valPtr) = @_;
4306 my $format = $$tagInfo{Format};
4307 unless ($format) {
4308 my $table = $$tagInfo{Table};
4309 if ($table and $$table{FORMAT}) {
4310 $format = $$table{FORMAT};
4311 } else {
4312 # use default 'int8u' unless specified
4313 $format = 'int8u';
4314 }
4315 }
4316 my $count;
4317 if ($format =~ /(.*)\[(.*)\]/) {
4318 $format = $1;
4319 $count = $2;
4320 # can't evaluate $count now because we don't know $size yet
4321 undef $count if $count =~ /\$size/;
4322 }
4323 return CheckValue($valPtr, $format, $count);
4327# copy image data from one file to another
4328# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
4329# 1) reference to list of image data [ position, size, pad bytes ]
4330# 2) output file ref
4331# Returns: true on success
4332sub CopyImageData($$$)
4334 my ($self, $imageDataBlocks, $outfile) = @_;
4335 my $raf = $self->{RAF};
4336 my ($dataBlock, $buff, $err);
4337 foreach $dataBlock (@$imageDataBlocks) {
4338 my ($pos, $size, $pad) = @$dataBlock;
4339 $raf->Seek($pos, 0) or $err = 'read', last;
4340 while ($size) {
4341 # copy in blocks of 64kB or smaller
4342 my $n = $size > 65536 ? 65536 : $size;
4343 $raf->Read($buff, $n) == $n or $err = 'read', last;
4344 Write($outfile, $buff) or $err = 'writ', last;
4345 $size -= $n;
4346 }
4347 # pad if necessary
4348 Write($outfile, "\0" x $pad) or $err = 'writ' if $pad;
4349 last if $err;
4350 }
4351 if ($err) {
4352 $self->Error("Error ${err}ing image data");
4353 return 0;
4354 }
4355 return 1;
4359# write to binary data block
4360# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) source dirInfo ref, 2) tag table ref
4361# Returns: Binary data block or undefined on error
4362sub WriteBinaryData($$$)
4364 my ($self, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_;
4365 $self or return 1; # allow dummy access to autoload this package
4367 # get default format ('int8u' unless specified)
4368 my $defaultFormat = $$tagTablePtr{FORMAT} || 'int8u';
4369 my $increment = FormatSize($defaultFormat);
4370 unless ($increment) {
4371 warn "Unknown format $defaultFormat\n";
4372 return undef;
4373 }
4374 # extract data members first if necessary
4375 if ($$tagTablePtr{DATAMEMBER}) {
4376 $$dirInfo{DataMember} = $$tagTablePtr{DATAMEMBER};
4377 $self->ProcessBinaryData($dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
4378 delete $$dirInfo{DataMember};
4379 }
4380 my $dataPt = $$dirInfo{DataPt};
4381 my $dirStart = $$dirInfo{DirStart} || 0;
4382 my $dirLen = $$dirInfo{DirLen} || length($$dataPt) - $dirStart;
4383 my $newData = substr($$dataPt, $dirStart, $dirLen) or return undef;
4384 my $dirName = $$dirInfo{DirName};
4385 my $verbose = $self->Options('Verbose');
4386 my $tagInfo;
4387 $dataPt = \$newData;
4388 foreach $tagInfo ($self->GetNewTagInfoList($tagTablePtr)) {
4389 my $tagID = $tagInfo->{TagID};
4390 # must check to be sure this tagInfo applies (ie. evaluate the condition!)
4391 my $writeInfo = $self->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $tagID);
4392 next unless $writeInfo and $writeInfo eq $tagInfo;
4393 my $count = 1;
4394 my $format = $$tagInfo{Format};
4395 if ($format) {
4396 if ($format =~ /(.*)\[(.*)\]/) {
4397 $format = $1;
4398 $count = $2;
4399 my $size = $dirLen; # used in eval
4400 # evaluate count to allow count to be based on previous values
4401 #### eval Format size (%val, $size)
4402 $count = eval $count;
4403 $@ and warn($@), next;
4404 }
4405 } else {
4406 $format = $defaultFormat;
4407 }
4408 my $entry = $tagID * $increment; # relative offset of this entry
4409 my $val = ReadValue($dataPt, $entry, $format, $count, $dirLen-$entry);
4410 next unless defined $val;
4411 my $newValueHash = $self->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo);
4412 next unless IsOverwriting($newValueHash, $val);
4413 my $newVal = GetNewValues($newValueHash);
4414 next unless defined $newVal; # can't delete from a binary table
4415 # set the size
4416 if ($$tagInfo{DataTag} and not $$tagInfo{IsOffset}) {
4417 warn 'Internal error' unless $newVal == 0xfeedfeed;
4418 my $data = $self->GetNewValues($$tagInfo{DataTag});
4419 $newVal = length($data) if defined $data;
4420 }
4421 my $rtnVal = WriteValue($newVal, $format, $count, $dataPt, $entry);
4422 if (defined $rtnVal) {
4423 if ($verbose > 1) {
4424 my $out = $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut};
4425 print $out " - $dirName:$$tagInfo{Name} = '$val'\n";
4426 print $out " + $dirName:$$tagInfo{Name} = '$newVal'\n";
4427 }
4428 ++$self->{CHANGED};
4429 }
4430 }
4431 # add necessary fixups for any offsets
4432 if ($tagTablePtr->{IS_OFFSET} and $$dirInfo{Fixup}) {
4433 my $fixup = $$dirInfo{Fixup};
4434 my $tagID;
4435 foreach $tagID (@{$tagTablePtr->{IS_OFFSET}}) {
4436 $tagInfo = $self->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $tagID) or next;
4437 my $entry = $tagID * $increment; # (no offset to dirStart for new dir data)
4438 next unless $entry <= $dirLen - 4;
4439 # (Ricoh has 16-bit preview image offsets, so can't just assume int32u)
4440 my $format = $$tagInfo{Format} || $$tagTablePtr{FORMAT} || 'int32u';
4441 $fixup->AddFixup($entry, $$tagInfo{DataTag}, $format);
4442 # handle the preview image now if this is a JPEG file
4443 next unless $self->{FILE_TYPE} eq 'JPEG' and $$tagInfo{DataTag} and
4444 $$tagInfo{DataTag} eq 'PreviewImage' and defined $$tagInfo{OffsetPair};
4445 my $offset = ReadValue($dataPt, $entry, $format, 1, $dirLen-$entry);
4446 $entry = $$tagInfo{OffsetPair} * $increment;
4447 my $size = ReadValue($dataPt, $entry, $format, 1, $dirLen-$entry);
4448 my $previewInfo = $self->{PREVIEW_INFO};
4449 $previewInfo or $previewInfo = $self->{PREVIEW_INFO} = { };
4450 # set flag indicating we are using short pointers
4451 $previewInfo->{IsShort} = 1 unless $format eq 'int32u';
4452 $previewInfo->{Data} = $self->GetNewValues('PreviewImage');
4453 unless (defined $previewInfo->{Data}) {
4454 if ($offset >= 0 and $offset + $size <= $$dirInfo{DataLen}) {
4455 $previewInfo->{Data} = substr(${$$dirInfo{DataPt}},$offset,$size);
4456 } else {
4457 $previewInfo->{Data} = 'LOAD'; # flag to load preview later
4458 }
4459 }
4460 }
4461 }
4462 return $newData;
4466# Write TIFF as a directory
4467# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) dirInfo ref, 2) tag table ref
4468# Returns: New directory data or undefined on error
4469sub WriteTIFF($$$)
4471 my ($self, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_;
4472 my $buff;
4473 $$dirInfo{OutFile} = \$buff;
4474 return $buff if $self->ProcessTIFF($dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) > 0;
4475 return undef;
44781; # end
4482=head1 NAME
4483 - ExifTool routines for writing meta information
4486=head1 SYNOPSIS
4488These routines are autoloaded by Image::ExifTool when required.
4490=head1 DESCRIPTION
4492This module contains ExifTool write routines and other infrequently
4493used routines.
4495=head1 AUTHOR
4497Copyright 2003-2007, Phil Harvey (phil at
4499This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4500under the same terms as Perl itself.
4502=head1 SEE ALSO
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.