########################################################################### # # textcat.pm -- Identify the language of a piece of text # # # This file is based on TextCat version 1.08 by Gertjan van Noord # Copyright (C) 1997 Gertjan van Noord (vannoord@let.rug.nl) # TextCat is available from: http://odur.let.rug.nl/~vannoord/TextCat # # It was modified by Gordon Paynter (gwp@cs.waikato.ac.nz) and turned # into a package for use in Greenstone digital library system. Most of # the modifications consist of commenting out or deleting functionality # I don't need. # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### package textcat; use strict; # OPTIONS my $model_dir = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'} . "/perllib/textcat"; my $opt_f = 1; # Ngrams which occur <= this number of times are removed my $opt_t = 400; # topmost number of ngrams that should be used my $opt_u = 1.05; # how much worse result must be before it is ignored my $non_word_characters = '0-9\s'; # caching related my %filename_cache = (); # map of cached text-strings each to array of char-encodings for the strings themselves my %filecontents_cache = (); # map of cached filenames to array of char-encodings for the contents of the files my $MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 1000; sub new { my $class = shift (@_); my ($tmp_f, $tmp_t, $tmp_u) = @_; my $self = {}; # open directory to find which languages are supported opendir DIR, "$model_dir" or die "directory $model_dir: $!\n"; my @languages = sort(grep { s/\.lm// && -r "$model_dir/$_.lm" } readdir(DIR)); closedir DIR; @languages or die "sorry, can't read any language models from $model_dir\n" . "language models must reside in files with .lm ending\n"; # load model and count for each language. foreach my $language (@languages) { my %ngram=(); my $rang=1; open(LM, "$model_dir/$language.lm") || die "cannot open $language.lm: $!\n"; while () { chomp; # only use lines starting with appropriate character. Others are ignored. if (/^[^$non_word_characters]+/o) { $self->{'ngrams'}->{$language}->{$&} = $rang++; } } close(LM); } $self->{'languages'} = \@languages; $self->{'opt_f'} = defined($tmp_f) ? $tmp_f : $opt_f; $self->{'opt_t'} = defined($tmp_t) ? $tmp_t : $opt_t; $self->{'opt_u'} = defined($tmp_u) ? $tmp_u : $opt_u; $self->{'max_cache_size'} = $MAX_CACHE_SIZE; return bless $self, $class; } # CLASSIFICATION # # What language is a text string? # Input: text string # Output: array of language names # $languages is the set of language models to consider (to textcat on) # Can be set to filter out language models that don't belong to the given encoding # in order to obtain a list of the probable languages for that known encoding. # $filter_by_encoding indicates what encoding to narrow the search for languages down to. # This is for when we already know the encoding, but we're still looking for the language. sub classify { my ($self, $inputref, $filter_by_encoding)=@_; my $languages; @$languages = (); # filter language filenames by encoding if(defined $filter_by_encoding) { # make sure to normalize language and filtering encoding so we are not # stuck comparing hyphens with underscores in such things as iso-8859-1 my $normalized_filter = $filter_by_encoding; $normalized_filter =~ s/[\W\_]//g; foreach my $lang (@{$self->{'languages'}}) { my $normalized_lang = $lang; $normalized_lang =~ s/[\W\_]//g; if($normalized_lang =~ m/$normalized_filter/i) { push (@$languages, $lang); } } } # if the filter_by_encoding wasn't in the list of language model filenames # or if we're not filtering, then work with all language model filenames if(scalar @$languages == 0) { $languages = $self->{'languages'}; } my %results = (); my $maxp = $self->{'opt_t'}; # create ngrams for input. my $unknown = $self->create_lm($inputref); foreach my $language (@$languages) { # compare language model with input ngrams list my ($i,$p)=(0,0); while ($i < scalar (@$unknown)) { if (defined ($self->{'ngrams'}->{$language}->{$unknown->[$i]})) { $p=$p+abs($self->{'ngrams'}->{$language}->{$unknown->[$i]}-$i); } else { $p=$p+$maxp; } ++$i; } $results{$language} = $p; } my @results = sort { $results{$a} <=> $results{$b} } keys %results; my $a = $results{$results[0]}; my @answers=(shift(@results)); while (@results && $results{$results[0]} < ($self->{'opt_u'} *$a)) { @answers=(@answers,shift(@results)); } return \@answers; } # Same as below, but caches textcat results on filenames for subsequent use. # The cache is a map of the filename to the corresponding filename_encodings # (an array of results returned by textcat of the possible filename-encodings # for the indexing filename string itself). # Need to make sure that the filename is only the tailname: no path and no # extension (no digits), in order to make optimum use of cached textcat. # Textcat is performed on $filename_ref and the results associated with $filename_ref. # The cache will be cleared when the max_cache_size is reached, which is # MAX_CACHE_SIZE by default or can be specified as a parameter. The cache # can also be cleared by a call to clear_filename_cache. sub classify_cached_filename { my ($self, $filename_ref)=@_; # if not already in the cache, work it out and put it there if (!defined $filename_cache{$$filename_ref}) { if (scalar (keys %filename_cache) >= $self->{'max_cache_size'}) { $self->clear_filename_cache(); } $filename_cache{$$filename_ref} = $self->classify($filename_ref); } # return cached array of encodings for the given string return $filename_cache{$$filename_ref}; } # Same as above, but caches textcat results on filecontents for subsequent use. # Textcat on a file's contents to work out its possible encodings. Uses the cache. # The cache is a map of the filename to an array of possible filename_encodings # for the *contents* of the file returned by textcat. # Textcat is performed on $contents_ref and the results associated with $filename. # The cache will be cleared when the max_cache_size is reached, which is # MAX_CACHE_SIZE by default or can be specified as a parameter. The cache # can also be cleared by a call to clear_filecontents_cache. sub classify_contents { my ($self, $contents_ref, $filename)=@_; # if not already in the cache, work it out and put it there if (!defined $filecontents_cache{$filename}) { if (scalar (keys %filecontents_cache) >= $self->{'max_cache_size'}) { $self->clear_filecontents_cache(); } # Finally, we can perform the textcat classification of language and encoding $filecontents_cache{$filename} = $self->classify($contents_ref); } # return cached array of content encodings for the given filename return $filecontents_cache{$filename}; } # Given the known encoding for a file's contents, performs a textcat # filtering on the languages for the given encoding. Results are stored # in the cache TWICE: once under $filename|$filter_by_encoding, and # once under the usual $filename, so that subsequent calls to either # this method or classify_contents using the same filename will not # perform textcat again. sub classify_contents_for_encoding { my ($self, $contents_ref, $filename, $filter_by_encoding)=@_; if (!defined $filecontents_cache{"$filename|$filter_by_encoding"}) { if (scalar (keys %filecontents_cache) >= $self->{'max_cache_size'}) { $self->clear_filecontents_cache(); } $filecontents_cache{"$filename|$filter_by_encoding"} = $self->classify($contents_ref, $filter_by_encoding); # store this in cache again under $filename entry, so that subsequent # calls to classify_contents will find it in the cache already $filecontents_cache{$filename} = $self->classify($contents_ref, $filter_by_encoding); } return $filecontents_cache{$filename}; } # This method returns the most frequently occurring encoding # but only if any encoding occurs more than once in the given results. # Otherwise, "" is returned. sub most_frequent_encoding { my ($self, $results) = @_; my $best_encoding = ""; # guessed_encodings is a hashmap of Encoding -> Frequency pairs my %guessed_encodings = (); foreach my $result (@$results) { # Get the encoding portion of a language-model filename like en-iso8859_1 my ($encoding) = ($result =~ /^(?:[^\-]+)\-([^\-]+)$/); if(!defined($guessed_encodings{$encoding})) { $guessed_encodings{$encoding} = 0; } $guessed_encodings{$encoding}++; } $guessed_encodings{""}=-1; # for default best_encoding of "" foreach my $enc (keys %guessed_encodings) { if ($guessed_encodings{$enc} > $guessed_encodings{$best_encoding}) { $best_encoding = $enc; } } # If best_encoding's frequency == 1, then the frequency for all encodings will # be 1 since the sum total of all frequencies is num_results: if any encoding # has frequency > 1 (it's possibly the best_encoding), one or more of the others # would have been at 0 frequency to compensate. return ($guessed_encodings{$best_encoding} > 1) ? $best_encoding : ""; } # set some of the specific member variables sub set_opts { my ($self, $opt_freq, $opt_factor, $opt_top, $max_size_of_cache)=@_; $self->{'opt_f'} = $opt_freq if defined $opt_freq; $self->{'opt_u'} = $opt_factor if defined $opt_factor; $self->{'opt_t'} = $opt_top if defined $opt_top; $self->{'max_cache_size'} = $max_size_of_cache if defined $max_size_of_cache; } sub get_opts { my $self = shift (@_); return ($self->{'opt_f'}, $self->{'opt_u'}, $self->{'opt_t'}, $self->{'max_cache_size'}); } # Clears the filename cache (a map of strings to the textcat results for each string). sub clear_filename_cache { my $self = shift (@_); %filename_cache = undef; # does this suffice to release memory? %filename_cache = (); } # Clears the filecontents cache (a map of filenames to the textcat results on the contents of each file). sub clear_filecontents_cache { my $self = shift (@_); %filecontents_cache = undef; # does this suffice to release memory? %filecontents_cache = (); } sub create_lm { # $ngram contains reference to the hash we build # then add the ngrams found in each word in the hash my ($self, $textref) = @_; my $ngram = {}; foreach my $word (split(/[$non_word_characters]+/, $$textref)) { $word = "_" . $word . "_"; my $len = length($word); my $flen=$len; my $i; for ($i=0; $i<$flen; $i++) { $ngram->{substr($word,$i,5)}++ if $len > 4; $ngram->{substr($word,$i,4)}++ if $len > 3; $ngram->{substr($word,$i,3)}++ if $len > 2; $ngram->{substr($word,$i,2)}++ if $len > 1; $ngram->{substr($word,$i,1)}++; $len--; } } map { if ($ngram->{$_} <= $self->{'opt_f'}) { delete $ngram->{$_}; } } keys %$ngram; # sort the ngrams, and spit out the $opt_t frequent ones. # adding `or $a cmp $b' in the sort block makes sorting five # times slower..., although it would be somewhat nicer (unique result) my @sorted = sort { $ngram->{$b} <=> $ngram->{$a} } keys %$ngram; splice(@sorted,$self->{'opt_t'}) if (@sorted > $self->{'opt_t'}); return \@sorted; } 1;