#ifndef _oaiaction_h_ #define _oaiaction_h_ // standard c++ includes //#include // generic gsdl stuff #include "text_t.h" #include "htmlutils.h" // For converting characters in a string to URL encoding. // connection to a receptionist #include "receptionist.h" // oaistuff #include "oaiargs.h" #include "oaiconfig.h" #include // Define hours & mins that separate local time from UTC (GMT) time; +ve is ahead of UTC, -ve behind #define _LOCALTIME_ "+12:00" class oaiaction { public: oaiaction(const text_t &name); virtual void setConfiguration(oaiconfig *config) { this->configuration = config; } text_t getName(); text_t parseDatestamp(time_t &rawtime);// Convert date from raw time_t format to the string YYYY-MM-DD void getResponseDate(text_t &date); // Get the response date in UTC (GMT) time, plus local offset void getRequestURL(oaiargs ¶ms, text_t &requestURL); // Get the URL of the request void getResponse(ostream &output, recptproto *protocol, oaiargs ¶ms); void output_action_tag(ostream &output, bool openTag); void output_record_header(ostream &output, const text_t &oaiLabel, const text_t &lastModified, const text_tarray &memberOf, int oaiVersion); void output_error(ostream &output, text_t &errorType); // Output any error conditions bool formatNotSupported(text_t &metaFormat); // Return true if the supplied metadataPrefix // format is not supported void setErrorType(text_t &err){this->errorType = err;}; text_t getErrorType(){return this->errorType;}; void getLastModifiedDate(ResultDocInfo_t &doc_info, text_t &lastModified); bool inDateRange(const text_t &from, const text_t &until, const text_t &collection, const text_t &OID, recptproto *protocol, ostream &logout); /****** * The following function sets the isInnerObject flag. It is used by the nested recordaction * object in the listrecs object. This flag provides a means for identifying whether the * recordaction object is acting on its own or through a listrecsaction object. This is * to allow for appropriate handling of errors regarding unsupported metadata formats. If * we are using verb=GetRecord and the supplied metadata format is not supported by this * particular item, then an error must be thrown. But if were using verb=ListRecords, we only * want to exclude the item in question from the list, not throw an error. */ void setAsInnerObject() { this->isInnerObject = true;} protected: oaiconfig *configuration; virtual bool validateAction(recptproto *protocol, oaiargs ¶ms); // Check that this is a valid action virtual bool output_content(ostream &output, recptproto *protocol, oaiargs ¶ms) = 0; bool isInnerObject; text_t name; text_t errorType; ostream * logout; }; #endif