package DateExtract; use BasPlug; use sorttools; use util; #75% of the instances of the word century use full name ordinals my %ordinals = ("first" => 1, "second" => 2, "third" => 3, "fourth" => 4, "fifth" => 5, "sixth" => 6, "seventh" => 7, "eighth" => 8, "ninth" => 9, "tenth" => 10, "eleventh" => 11, "twelfth" => 12, "thirteenth" => 13, "fourteenth" => 14, "fifteenth" => 15, "sixteenth" => 16, "seventeenth" => 17, "eighteenth" => 18, "nineteenth" => 19, "twentieth" => 20); #definitions for a date grammar. my $fulOrd = join('|',(keys %ordinals)); my @months = ("january","february","march","april","may","june","july", "august","september","october","november","december"); my $shortmth = ""; foreach $m (@months) { $shortmth .= (substr($m,0,3)."\\.?|"); } chop($shortmth); my $longmth = join('|',@months); my $Qualifier = "(B(\\.)?C(\\.)?(E(\\.)?)?)|(A(\\.)?D(\\.)?)|(C(\\.)E(\\.)?)"; my $Century = "Cent(\\.|ur(y|ies))"; my $Ord = "st|nd|rd|th"; my $seasonref = "(spring|fall|autumn|winter|summer)"; my $sep = " ?- ?"; my $tri_digit = "(in|since|(the year)|($seasonref of)) \\d{3}\\D( ($Qualifier))?"; my $centurydate = "(((\\d{1,2})($Ord))|($fulOrd)) ($Century)( ($Qualifier))?"; my $qualified = "(($Qualifier) ?(\\d{1,4}))|((\\d{1,4}) ?($Qualifier))"; my $millenium = "[1-9]\\d{3}"; my $range = "(($millenium)($sep)($millenium))|(($millenium)($sep)(\\d{1,2}))|(($qualified)($sep)($qualified))|(($Qualifier) ?(\\d{1,3})($sep)(\\d{1,3}))|((\\d{1,3})($sep)(\\d{1,3}) ?($Qualifier))"; my $pgnum = "(p(p|g)?\\.? ?\\d+((-|,)(\\d+))?)|(page \\d+)|(pages \\d+((-|,)(\\d+))?)"; my $lgnum = "\\d{1,3},(\\d{3})+"; my $colon = ":\\d+"; my $money = "\$(\\d{1,3}(((,\\d{3})+)|\\d+))"; $money = "\\" . $money; my $microfilm = " reel([^\\.\\)])*(\\.|\\))"; my $lastaltered = "last (edited|updated)"; my $references = "reference(s?)(:?)\\n"; my $cited = "work(s?) cited"; my $biblio = "bibliography(:?)( ?)\\n"; my $direction = "(N(\\.|o\\.|th\\.|orth))|(S(\\.|th\\.|outh))|(E(\\.|ast))|(W(\\.|est))"; my $street_id = "(st\\.)|(street[^A-Za-z])|(ave\\.)|(avenue[^A-Za-z])|(boulevard[^A-Za-z])|(blvd\\.)|(rd\\.)|(road[^A-Za-z])"; my $streetname = "(\\d{1,2}()?($Ord)()?)|([A-Za-z]+( [A-Za-z]+)?)|([A-Za-z]+-[A-Za-z]+($Ord))"; my $address = "\\d{1,4} (($direction) )?($streetname) ($street_id)"; my $bracket = "\\($millenium\\)"; my $ref_end = ", ?$millenium\\)"; my $colonsp = ": $millenium"; my $reprint = "[Rr]eprint of \\d{4} edition"; my $comma = ", $millenium\\."; my $fullstop = "\\. $millenium\\."; my $semi = "; $millenium\\."; my $lookalikes = "($pgnum)|($lgnum)|($colon)|($money)|($microfilm)|($address)"; my $spurious = "($lastaltered)"; my $bibheader = "($references)|($cited)|($biblio)"; sub get_date_metadata { #get the text of the document, the "document object" concerned, #and the current section within the document local ($text, $doc, $cursection, $keep_bib, $max_year, $max_century) = @_; #format a prechristian maximum century value to be negative so that it can #be used in numeric comparison if($max_century =~ /B/) { $max_century = $`; $max_century =~ /\d+/; $max_century = $&; $max_century *=-1 } local $extr = &remove_excess($text); #print "EXTRACTION TEXT:\n $extr"; $extr = &remove_tags($extr); if(!$keep_bib){ $extr = &remove_biblio($extr); } local @datelist = (); while($extr =~ m!($range)|($millenium)|($qualified)|($centurydate)|($tri_digit)!i) { $extr = $'; my $fulldate = $&; if ($fulldate =~ /$centurydate/i) { if($max_century!=-1) { local $date = $fulldate; if($date =~ /\d+/) {$date = $&;} else { $date=$fulldate; $date =~ m! ($Century)!i; $date = $`; $date =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $date = $ordinals{$date}; } if($max_century >= $date){ $date = ($date-1)*100 +1; #if it BC, make it negative $date = &convert_bc($fulldate,$date); $end = $date + 99; @century = ($date..$end); @datelist = (@datelist,@century); } } } elsif($fulldate =~ /$range/) { $fulldate =~ /$sep/; my @addlist = (); #print "Range: $fulldate\n"; $fullfirst = $`; $fullsecond = $'; $fullfirst =~ /\d+/; $first = $&; $fullsecond =~ /\d+/; $second = $&; $len1 = length($first); $len2 = length($second); $second = (substr($first,0,($len1-$len2))).$second; $first = &convert_bc($fullfirst,$first); $second = &convert_bc($fullsecond,$second); @addlist = ($first..$second); @datelist = (@datelist,@addlist); } else { my $date = $fulldate; $date =~ /\d+/; $date = $&; $date = &convert_bc($fulldate,$date); #add the date metadata push(@datelist,$date); #print "datelist @datelist\n" } } if(@datelist){ @datelist = sort { $a <=> $b } @datelist; @datelist = &post_process($max_year, @datelist); foreach $date (@datelist) { if($date>0){ $doc->add_metadata($cursection,"Coverage",$date);} else{ $doc->add_metadata($cursection,"Coverage","bc".(-1*$date));} } } } sub convert_bc { local ($full,$num) = @_; if ($full =~ /B/) { $num *= -1; } $num; } sub post_process { local ($max_year, @list) = @_; @cleanlist = (); $prev = 0; foreach $e (@list) { if ($e!=$prev && $e <= $max_year) { push(@cleanlist, $e); } $prev = $e; } @cleanlist; } #removes all html tags from that data, as they will not contain dates which #are part of the content of the document, and therefore interesting, but do #contain date lookalikes sub remove_tags { local ($tmp) = @_; local $parsed = ""; #while there is still text to be parsed and tags are still found while($tmp=~ m!<([^>])*(>|$)! && $tmp ne "") { $parsed .= $`;#keep all that is not in a tag $tmp = $'; #restart the search after then end of the tag } $parsed .= $tmp; #add anything after the last match $parsed; } sub remove_excess { local ($tmp) = @_; local $parsed = ""; if(($tmp =~ m!($spurious)|($lookalikes)!i) == 0 ) { $parsed = $tmp; } else { while ($tmp =~ m!($spurious)|($lookalikes)!i && $tmp ne "") { $parsed .= $`; $storage = $&; $tmp = $'; #match the pattern which indicates most recent alteration if ($storage =~ m!$lastaltered!i) { #match a four digit year or up until the first / #(as in last edited 3/97). $tmp =~ m!($millenium)|(\/)!; $tmp = $'; } } $parsed .= $tmp; } #print "Parsed:\n $parsed\n\n"; $parsed; } sub remove_biblio{ local ($tmp) = @_; local $parsed = ""; if($tmp =~ m!$bibheader!i) { $tmp=$`; } $tmp =~ s/( |\t)+/ /g; if(($tmp =~ m!($ref_end)|($bracket)|($colonsp)|($reprint)|($comma)|($fullstop)|($semi)|($seasonref) ($millenium)!i) == 0) { $parsed = $tmp; } else{ #print "removing bib\n"; while ($tmp =~ m!($ref_end)|($bracket)|($colonsp)|($reprint)|($comma)|($fullstop)|($semi)|(($seasonref) ($millenium))|($bibheader)!i && $tmp ne "") { $parsed .= $`; $tmp = $'; if($&=~m!($comma)|($fullstop)!) { local $date = $&; if($parsed =~ m!((\d)($Ord)$)|(($shortmth)$)|(($longmth)$)!i) { $parsed .= $date; } } } $parsed .= $tmp; } $parsed; } 1;