@echo off :: By the time this script is called by gli.bat, PROGNAME, :: PROGABBR and GLILANG would be set. :: At the end of this script, GSDLHOME (and possibly GSDL3SRCHOME, GSDL3HOME) :: will have been set if a local GS installation was found. If not found, then :: GSDLHOME would not have been set. :findGSDL echo. if "%GLILANG%" == "en" ( echo %PROGNAME% ^(%PROGABBR%^) echo Copyright ^(C^) 2008, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato echo %PROGABBR% comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt echo This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ) if "%GLILANG%" == "es" ( echo Interfaz de la %PROGNAME% ^(%PROGNAME_EN% - %PROGABBR%^) echo Copyright ^(C^) 2008, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato echo La Interfaz de la %PROGNAME% NO INCLUYE ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNA GARANT╓A. echo Para mayor informaciвn vea los tВrminos de la licencia en LICENSE.txt echo Este es un software abierto, por lo que lo invitamos a que lo distribuya de forma gratuita ) if "%GLILANG%" == "fr" ( echo Interface du %PROGNAME% ^(%PROGNAME_EN% - %PROGABBR%^) echo Copyright ^(C^) 2008, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato echo %PROGABBR% est fourni sans AUCUNE GARANTIE; pour des dВtails, voir LICENSE.txt echo Ceci est un logiciel libre, et vous Иtes invitВ Е le redistribuer ) if "%GLILANG%" == "ru" ( echo Библиотечный интерфейс %PROGNAME% ^(%PROGNAME_EN% - %PROGABBR%^) echo Copyright ^(C^) 2008, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato echo БИГ не дает АБСОЛЮТНО НИКАКИХ ГАРАНТИЙ; детали см. в тексте LICENSE.TXT echo Это - свободно распространяемое программное обеспечение и Вы можете распространять его ) echo. :: ---- Determine path to Greenstone home for GS2 and GS3 ---- set GSDLPATH= :: Some users may set the above line manually, or it may be set as an argument set _VERSION= if not "%GSDLPATH%" == "" goto getVer :: Otherwise gsdlpath is not yet set :: Check the env vars first if not "%GSDL3SRCHOME%" == "" goto ver3 if not "%GSDLHOME%" == "" goto ver2 :: If not set, the default location for the GLI is a subdirectory of Greenstone set GSDLPATH=.. goto getVer :getVer call gsdlver.bat %GSDLPATH% %_VERSION% :: Stand-alone GLI with no Greenstone installation to be detected :: otherwise if "%_VERSION%" == "1" goto noVer ::if we are running GS2, free up any pre-set GS3 environment variables since we won't need them if "%_VERSION%" == "2" set GSDL3SRCHOME= if "%_VERSION%" == "2" set GSDL3HOME= goto testGSDL :: else _VERSION is 3, we continue: :ver3 set _VERSION=3 set GSDLPATH=%GSDL3SRCHOME% :: if GS2 is now also set, then both GS3 and GS2 are set: :: warn the user that we have defaulted to GS3 if not "%GSDLHOME%" == "" ( echo Both Greenstone 2 and Greenstone 3 environments are set. echo It is assumed you want to run Greenstone 3. echo If you want to run Greenstone 2, please unset the echo environment variable GSDL3SRCHOME before running GLI. echo. ) goto testGSDL :ver2 set _VERSION=2 set GSDLPATH=%GSDLHOME% ::free up the GS3 environment variables since we are running GS2 and don't need them set GSDL3SRCHOME= set GSDL3HOME= goto testGSDL :noVer if "%GLIMODE%" == "local" if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Error: can't determine which Greenstone version is being run. if "%GLIMODE%" == "client" if "%GLILANG%" == "en" echo Could not detect a Greenstone installation (no GSDLHOME). goto exit :testGSDL set CHECK=1 call chkinst.bat "%GSDLPATH%" %_VERSION% %GLILANG% %CHECK% > nul if "%CHECK%" == "1" goto exit :: otherwise installation worked well goto prepGSDL :prepGSDL :: Greenstone 3 case if "%_VERSION%" == "3" goto prepGS3 if not "%_VERSION%" == "2" echo "Greenstone version unknown" if not "%_VERSION%" == "2" goto exit :: Otherwise, we are dealing with Greenstone 2 :: Setup Greenstone 2, unless it has already been done if not "%GSDLHOME%" == "" goto doneGSDL call "%GSDLPATH%\setup.bat" SetEnv goto doneGSDL :prepGS3 set GSDL2PATH= :: Some users may set the above line manually if "%GSDL3SRCHOME%" == "" goto setup3 if "%GSDL3HOME%" == "" goto setup3 ::otherwise goto gs2build :setup3 :: Setup Greenstone 3, unless it has already been done cd | winutil\setvar.exe GLIDIR > %TMP%\setgli.bat call %TMP%\setgli.bat del %TMP%\setgli.bat cd "%GSDLPATH%" call gs3-setup.bat SetEnv cd %GLIDIR% goto gs2build :gs2build :: If Greenstone version 3 is running, we want to set gsdl2path :: Determine GSDLHOME for GS3 if not "%GSDL2PATH%" == "" goto setupGS2 :: GSDL2PATH is not yet set. :: And if GSDLHOME is not set either, then assume :: that the gs2build subdir of GS3 exists if "%GSDLHOME%" == "" set GSDL2PATH=%GSDL3SRCHOME%\gs2build if "%GSDLHOME%" == "" goto setupGS2 :: Otherwise GSDLHOME is set, so set GSDL2PATH to GSDLHOME echo GSDLHOME environment variable is set to %GSDLHOME%. echo Will use this to find build scripts. set GSDL2PATH=%GSDLHOME% :setupGS2 set CHECK=1 call chkinst.bat "%GSDL2PATH%" 2 %GLILANG% %CHECK% > nul if "%CHECK%" == "1" goto exit :: otherwise installation worked well :: Setup Greenstone, unless it has already been done if "%GSDLHOME%" == "" call "%GSDL2PATH%\setup.bat" SetEnv :: Either way, we can now dispose of GSDL2PATH set GSDL2PATH= goto doneGSDL :exit :: if exit, then something went wrong. GSDLHOME would be empty already :doneGSDL :: GSDLPATH is no longer needed, since GSDLHOME should now be set set GSDLPATH= set CHECK= set GLIDIR=