#!/bin/sh if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then PROGNAME="Biblioteca Digital Fedora" elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then PROGNAME="Bibliothécaire Fedora" elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then PROGNAME="ÉÎÔÅÒÆÅÊÓ Fedora" else PROGNAME="Fedora Librarian Interface" fi export PROGNAME PROGNAME_EN="Fedora Librarian Interface" export PROGNAME_EN PROGABBR="FLI" export PROGABBR echo # Test to see if FEDORA environment variables have been set up if [ "x$FEDORA_HOME" == "x" ]; then echo "Error: Cannot run $PROGNAME_EN (PROGABBR) if FEDORA_HOME is not set." exit fi if [ ! -d "$FEDORA_HOME" ]; then echo "Error: Cannot find Fedora Home. No such directory: $FEDORA_HOME" exit fi # If FEDORA_VERSION not set, default fedora-version to 3 after warning user. if [ "x$FEDORA_VERSION" == "x" ]; then echo "FEDORA_VERSION (major version of Fedora) was not set. Defaulting to: 3." echo "If you are running a different version of Fedora, set the FEDORA_VERSION" echo "environment variable." FEDORA_VERSION="3" export FEDORA_VERSION echo fi # Finally run GLI in fedora mode echo "FEDORA_HOME: $FEDORA_HOME" echo "FEDORA_VERSION: $FEDORA_VERSION" # Need to launch the gli.sh script from the same directory that fli was launched, # since that's where we are # substring replacement (match end part of substring): http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/string-manipulation.html gliscript=$0 gliscript=${0/%fli.sh/gli.sh} #echo "script: $gliscript" ./$gliscript -fedora -fedora_home "$FEDORA_HOME" -fedora_version "$FEDORA_VERSION" $*