#!/bin/bash glilang=en if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then PROGNAME="Editar conjuntos de metadatos" elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then PROGNAME="Editer les jeux de méta-données" elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then PROGNAME="òÅÄÁËÔÉÒÏ×ÁÔØ ÎÁÂÏÒÙ ÍÅÔÁÄÁÎÎÙÈ" else PROGNAME="Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets" fi PROGABBR="GEMS" PROGNAME_EN="Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets" echo if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then echo "$PROGNAME ($PROGNAME_EN - $PROGABBR)" echo "Copyright (C) 2008, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato" echo "GEMS NO INCLUYE ABSOLUTAMENTE NINGUNA GARANTÍA." echo "Para mayor información vea los términos de la licencia en LICENSE.txt" echo "Este es un software abierto, por lo que lo invitamos a que lo distribuya de forma gratuita" elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then echo "$PROGNAME ($PROGNAME_EN - $PROGABBR)" echo "Copyright (C) 2008, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato" echo "GEMS est fourni sans AUCUNE GARANTIE; pour des détails, voir LICENSE.txt" echo "Ceci est un logiciel libre, et vous êtes invité à le redistribuer" elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then echo "$PROGNAME ($PROGNAME_EN - $PROGABBR)" echo "Copyright (C) 2008, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato" echo "âéç ÎÅ ÄÁÅÔ áâóïìàôîï îéëáëéè çáòáîôéê; ÄÅÔÁÌÉ ÓÍ. × ÔÅËÓÔÅ LICENSE.TXT" echo "üÔÏ - Ó×ÏÂÏÄÎÏ ÒÁÓÐÒÏÓÔÒÁÎÑÅÍÏÅ ÐÒÏÇÒÁÍÍÎÏÅ ÏÂÅÓÐÅÞÅÎÉÅ É ÷Ù ÍÏÖÅÔÅ ÒÁÓÐÒÏÓÔÒÁÎÑÔØ ÅÇÏ" else echo "$PROGNAME ($PROGABBR)" echo "Copyright (C) 2008, New Zealand Digital Library Project, University Of Waikato" echo "GEMS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt" echo "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it" fi echo ## -------- Run the Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets -------- # This script must be run from within the directory in which it lives thisdir="`dirname \"$0\"`" thisdir="`cd \"$thisdir\" && pwd`" cd "$thisdir" ## ---- Determine GSDLHOME ---- ## gsdlpath can be either Greenstone 3 or Greenstone 2 exit_status=0 source ./findgsdl.sh exit_status=$? if [ "$exit_status" -eq 1 ]; then exit 1; fi ## ---- Check Java ---- # call the script with source, so that we have the variables it sets ($javapath exit_status=0 source ./findjava.sh "$glilang" "$PROGNAME" exit_status=$? if [ "$exit_status" -eq 1 ]; then exit 1; fi ## ---- Check that the GEMS has been compiled ---- if [ ! -f "classes/org/greenstone/gatherer/gems/GEMS.class" ] && [ ! -f "GLI.jar" ]; then echo if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then echo "Usted necesita compilar la $PROGNAME" echo "(por medio de makegli.sh) antes de ejecutar este guión." elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then echo "Vous devez compiler le $PROGNAME (en utilisant makegli.sh)" echo "avant d'exécuter ce script." elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then echo "÷Ù ÄÏÌÖÎÙ ËÏÍÐÉÌÉÒÏ×ÁÔØ $PROGNAME" echo "(ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÑ makegli.sh) ÐÅÒÅÄ ××ÏÄÏÍ ÜÔÏÇÏ ÓËÒÉÐÔÁ" else echo "You need to compile the $PROGNAME (using makegli.sh)" echo "before running this script." fi exit 1 fi ## ---- Finally, run the GEMS ---- echo if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then echo "Ejecutando la $PROGNAME..." elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then echo "Exécution de $PROGNAME..." elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then echo "ôÅËÕÝÉÊ ÂÉÂÌÉÏÔÅÞÎÙÊ $PROGNAME..." else echo "Running the $PROGNAME..." fi # Other arguments you can provide to GEMS to work around memory limitations, or debug # -XmsM To set minimum memory (by default 32MB) # -XmxM To set maximum memory (by default the nearest 2^n to the total remaining physical memory) # -verbose:gc To set garbage collection messages # -Xincgc For incremental garbage collection (significantly slows performance) # -Xprof Function call profiling # -Xloggc: Write garbage collection log # -Xdock:name To set the name of the app in the MacOS Dock bar # -Xdock:icon Path to the MacOS Doc icon (not necessary for GS) custom_vm_args="" if [ "$GSDLOS" = "darwin" ]; then custom_vm_args="-Xdock:name=$PROGABBR" fi # basic_command is the cmd string common to both Greenstone 3 and Greenstone 2 execution # (gs3 doesn't -gsdl3src $GSDL3SRCHOME passed to it, it needs $GSDL3HOME to find the collect dir) basic_command="$javapath -classpath classes/:GLI.jar:lib/apache.jar $custom_vm_args org.greenstone.gatherer.gems.GEMS" if [ "$_version" -eq 2 ]; then `$basic_command -gsdl $GSDLHOME $*` elif [ "$_version" -eq 3 ]; then `$basic_command -gsdl3 $GSDL3HOME $*` fi if [ "$glilang" = "es" ]; then echo "¡Hecho!" elif [ "$glilang" = "fr" ]; then echo "Terminé!" elif [ "$glilang" = "ru" ]; then echo "÷ÙÐÏÌÎÅÎÏ!" else echo "Done!" fi