package org.greenstone.gatherer.gui; import org.greenstone.gatherer.Configuration; import org.greenstone.gatherer.Dictionary; import org.greenstone.gatherer.Gatherer; //import static org.greenstone.gatherer.cdm.Format4gs3Manager.NumberedJTextArea; import org.greenstone.gatherer.cdm.CollectionConfigXMLReadWrite; import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.Codec; import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.StaticStrings; import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.Utility; import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.XMLTools; import org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; //import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.undo.*; // TO DO: // + StreamGobblers: // Need to test on Windows: the Ctrl-D/Ctrl-Z sent to formatconverter.exe. May not need to do anything special for Windows now that this code is using StreamGobblers to process the in/out streams of the process // Need to use dictionary for labels // convertFormat() for remote GS // + HTML tidy (put all "
" back to "
" in luce/etc/collectionConfig.xml and run again) // Help tooltips on buttons // + Undo, Redo buttons // X Split class into dialog/widgets and data processing? // public class FormatConversionDialog extends ModalDialog { public static final String GSF_FORMAT_GS2_TAG = "gsf:format-gs2"; private static final String GSF_GS3_ROOT_TAG = "gsf:gs3-root"; // The cmdline programs launched by this dialog private static final int XMLTIDY = 0; private static final int FORMATCONVERTER = 1; // Online HTML tidy for learning usage: private static final String[] xmltidy_cmd_args = {"tidy", "-config", Configuration.getGS3BinPath() + "tidyconfig.cfg", "-utf8", "-wrap", "0", "-raw", "-q"}; // {"tidy", "-xml", "-utf8"}; private static final String[] formatconverter_cmd_args = {Configuration.getGS3BinPath() + "formatconverter", "--silent"}; private static final Dimension SIZE = new Dimension(640,480); // the important member variables private File collect_cfg_file = null; private Document xml_file_doc = null; private NodeList gsf_format_gs2_list = null; private int current_index = -1; private int dlgResult = OpenCollectionDialog.OK_OPTION; private int process_exitValue = -1; // widgets final String WARNING_TITLE = Dictionary.get("General.Warning") + ": " + Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Invalid_XML") + " " + Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Invalid_XML_Warning_Title"); private static final Border EMPTYBORDER = new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5); private JLabel section_label = null; private GLIButton cancel_button = null; private GLIButton next_button = null; private GLIButton accept_all_button = null; private GLIButton undo_button = null; private GLIButton redo_button = null; private GLIButton htmltidy_button = null; private GLIButton xmltidy_button = null; private NumberedJTextArea gs2_textarea = null; private NumberedJTextArea gs3_textarea = null; private JLabel count_label = null; private JLabel statusbar = null; private UndoManager undoManager; public FormatConversionDialog (File collect_cfg_file, Document xml_file_doc, NodeList gsf_format_gs2_list) { super(Gatherer.g_man, "", true); this.collect_cfg_file = collect_cfg_file; this.xml_file_doc = xml_file_doc; this.gsf_format_gs2_list = gsf_format_gs2_list; this.setComponentOrientation(Dictionary.getOrientation()); setSize(SIZE); setTitle(Dictionary.get(Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Title"))); this.addWindowListener(new WindowClosingListener()); // the dialog's top right close button should behave as a Cancel press setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); JPanel midbutton_panel = new JPanel(); // FlowLayout by default in a JPanel midbutton_panel.setComponentOrientation(Dictionary.getOrientation()); JButton reconvert_button = new GLIButton(Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Reconvert"), Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Reconvert_Tooltip")); midbutton_panel.add(reconvert_button); reconvert_button.addActionListener(new ReconvertListener()); reconvert_button.setAlignmentY(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); section_label = new JLabel("Section Label Goes Here"); // title will be replaced, don't need to translate section_label.setBorder(EMPTYBORDER); section_label.setComponentOrientation(Dictionary.getOrientation()); JPanel button1_panel = new JPanel(); button1_panel.setComponentOrientation(Dictionary.getOrientation()); undo_button = new GLIButton(Dictionary.get("General.Undo"), Dictionary.get("General.Undo_Tooltip")); undo_button.addActionListener(new UndoListener()); undo_button.setEnabled(false); redo_button = new GLIButton(Dictionary.get("General.Redo"), Dictionary.get("General.Redo_Tooltip")); redo_button.addActionListener(new RedoListener()); redo_button.setEnabled(false); xmltidy_button = new GLIButton(Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.XHTML_Tidy"), Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.XHTML_Tidy_Tooltip")); xmltidy_button.addActionListener(new XMLTidyButtonListener()); button1_panel.add(undo_button); button1_panel.add(redo_button); button1_panel.add(xmltidy_button); JPanel button_panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); button_panel.setComponentOrientation(Dictionary.getOrientation()); count_label = new JLabel(""); // placeholder text for numbers, no need to translate cancel_button = new GLIButton(Dictionary.get("General.Cancel"), Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Cancel_Tooltip")); next_button = new GLIButton(Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Next"), Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Next_Tooltip")); accept_all_button = new GLIButton(Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Accept_All"), Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Accept_All_Tooltip")); cancel_button.addActionListener(new CancelButtonListener()); next_button.addActionListener(new NextButtonListener()); accept_all_button.addActionListener(new AcceptAllButtonListener()); button_panel.add(cancel_button); button_panel.add(next_button); button_panel.add(accept_all_button); button_panel.add(count_label); // The undoable text areas. Adding the UndoableEditListener has to come after instantiation // of the undo and redo buttons, since the listener expects these buttons to already exist undoManager = new UndoManager(); gs2_textarea = new NumberedJTextArea(); gs3_textarea = new NumberedJTextArea(); CustomUndoableEditListener customUndoableEditListener = new CustomUndoableEditListener(); gs2_textarea.getDocument().addUndoableEditListener(customUndoableEditListener); gs3_textarea.getDocument().addUndoableEditListener(customUndoableEditListener); initTextArea(gs2_textarea); initTextArea(gs3_textarea); gs2_textarea.setToolTipText(Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.GS2_Text_Tooltip")); gs3_textarea.setToolTipText(Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.GS3_Text_Tooltip")); JPanel centre_panel = new JPanel(); centre_panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(centre_panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); centre_panel.setComponentOrientation(Dictionary.getOrientation()); centre_panel.setBorder(EMPTYBORDER); centre_panel.add(new JScrollPane(gs2_textarea)); centre_panel.add(midbutton_panel); centre_panel.add(new JScrollPane(gs3_textarea)); JPanel bottom_panel = new JPanel(); bottom_panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(bottom_panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); bottom_panel.setComponentOrientation(Dictionary.getOrientation()); bottom_panel.setBorder(EMPTYBORDER); bottom_panel.add(button1_panel); bottom_panel.add(button_panel); statusbar = new JLabel(""); statusbar.setBorder(EMPTYBORDER); // statusbar.setAlignmentX(Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); bottom_panel.add(statusbar); // add all the widgets to the contentpane JPanel content_pane = (JPanel) getContentPane(); content_pane.setComponentOrientation(Dictionary.getOrientation()); content_pane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); //content_pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(7,1)); //content_pane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(content_pane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); //content_pane.setBorder(EMPTYBORDER); content_pane.add(section_label, BorderLayout.NORTH); content_pane.add(centre_panel, BorderLayout.CENTER); content_pane.add(bottom_panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // Final dialog setup & positioning. getRootPane().setDefaultButton(next_button); Dimension screen_size = Configuration.screen_size; setLocation((screen_size.width - SIZE.width) / 2, (screen_size.height - SIZE.height) / 2); screen_size = null; //setVisible(true); } public static void initTextArea(NumberedJTextArea editor_textarea) { /* Fields specific to RSyntaxQuery inherited class */ editor_textarea.setSyntaxEditingStyle(SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_XML); editor_textarea.setBracketMatchingEnabled(true); editor_textarea.setAnimateBracketMatching(true); editor_textarea.setAntiAliasingEnabled(true); editor_textarea.setAutoIndentEnabled(true); editor_textarea.setPaintMarkOccurrencesBorder(false); /* Standard fields to JTextArea */ editor_textarea.setOpaque(false); editor_textarea.setBackground(Configuration.getColor("coloring.editable_background", false)); editor_textarea.setCaretPosition(0); editor_textarea.setLineWrap(true); editor_textarea.setRows(11); editor_textarea.setWrapStyleWord(false); } public int getDialogResult() { return dlgResult; // OK_OPTION or CANCEL_OPTION } //*************************PROCESSING FUNCTIONS***************************// public static int checkForGS2FormatStatements(File collect_cfg_file) { if(Gatherer.GS3 && collect_cfg_file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".xml")) { //System.err.println("*** Opening an xml config file"); Document xml_file_doc = XMLTools.parseXMLFile(collect_cfg_file); Element root = xml_file_doc.getDocumentElement(); // check if there are any elements. If there are, then may need to process them //NodeList gsf_format_gs2_list = root.getElementsByTagNameNS("gsf", "format-gs2"); NodeList gsf_format_gs2_list = root.getElementsByTagName(FormatConversionDialog.GSF_FORMAT_GS2_TAG); if(gsf_format_gs2_list != null && gsf_format_gs2_list.getLength() > 0) { // Sample the first of the elements to // check we don't have any CDataSections in the elements // If the first has a CDataSection, it means we've already // converted it to GS3 format statements during an earlier GLI session. Node gs2format = gsf_format_gs2_list.item(0); //gs2format.normalize(); NodeList children = gs2format.getChildNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node child = children.item(i); if(child.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { // there are GS2 statements in col config, but they've already been converted to GS3 // can open the collection without going through the FormatConversionDialog return OpenCollectionDialog.OK_OPTION; } } System.err.println("*** Found GS2 format statements in config file to be converted to GS3."); // if remote GS3, do we open the collection with the html-encoded GS2 format statements // or do we not allow the remote user to open such a collection at all? // For now we allow them to open it, but print a warning that conversions are not possible. if(Gatherer.isGsdlRemote) { // remote GS3 System.err.println("*** Cannot convert GS2 collections from a remote GS3 server."); return OpenCollectionDialog.OK_OPTION; } // If we get here, it means there were no CDataSections in the first (any) // This means it's the first time the GS2 collection is being opened in GLI // Open the FormatCconversionDialog and convert the gs2 statements to gs3: FormatConversionDialog formatconversionDlg = new FormatConversionDialog(collect_cfg_file, xml_file_doc, gsf_format_gs2_list); formatconversionDlg.convertGS2FormatStatements(); return formatconversionDlg.getDialogResult(); } } return OpenCollectionDialog.OK_OPTION; // no GS2 statements in col config, and can open the collection } /** * runInteractiveProgram() runs a cmdline program that reads from stdinput * until Ctrl-D is encountered. It outputs the result to stdout. * * The cmdline programs HTML Tidy and FormatConverter both behave the same way: * When the formatconverter binary is run in silent mode, it expects input * followed by a newline and then EOF (or if no newline, then 2 EOFs) * which is Ctrl-D on Linux/Mac and Ctrl-Z on Windows. * Then the cmdline program exits by printing the result of the conversion. * * Explicitly sending EOFs from java is no longer necessary, as the SendStreamGobbler * Thread takes care of closing the process stream. * * HTMLTidy returns 0 if no warnings or errors, 1 if just Warnings, 2 if Errors (failure) * * * This code uses the StreamGobbler classes based on * */ public String runInteractiveProgram(int program, String inputstr) { String outputstr = ""; String[] command_args; process_exitValue = -1; if(program == XMLTIDY) { command_args = xmltidy_cmd_args; } else if(program == FORMATCONVERTER) { command_args = formatconverter_cmd_args; } else { // unknown command return outputstr; } // Generate the formatconverter command /*if (Gatherer.isGsdlRemote) { }*/ try { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process prcs = null; prcs = rt.exec(command_args); // send inputstr to process SendStreamGobbler inputGobbler = new SendStreamGobbler(prcs.getOutputStream(), inputstr); // monitor for any error messages ReadStreamGobbler errorGobbler = new ReadStreamGobbler(prcs.getErrorStream(), true); // monitor for the expected output line(s) ReadStreamGobbler outputGobbler = new ReadStreamGobbler(prcs.getInputStream()); // kick them off inputGobbler.start(); errorGobbler.start(); outputGobbler.start(); // any error??? process_exitValue = prcs.waitFor(); //System.out.println("ExitValue: " + exitVal); // From the comments of // // To avoid running into nondeterministic failures to get the process output // if there's no waiting for the threads, call join() on each Thread (StreamGobbler) object: outputGobbler.join(); errorGobbler.join(); inputGobbler.join(); outputstr = outputGobbler.getOutput(); String errmsg = errorGobbler.getOutput(); if(!errmsg.equals("")) { System.err.println("*** Process errorstream: \n" + errmsg + "\n****"); } } catch(IOException ioe) { System.err.println("IOexception " + ioe.getMessage()); //ioe.printStackTrace(); } catch(InterruptedException ie) { System.err.println("Process InterruptedException " + ie.getMessage()); //ie.printStackTrace(); } return outputstr; } // // private void closeResource(Closeable resourceHandle) { try { if(resourceHandle != null) { resourceHandle.close(); resourceHandle = null; } } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception closing resource: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void convertGS2FormatStatements() { // at this point, we know there are one or more elements // process each of them as follows: unescape, then call formatconverter, then call html tidy on it //NodeList gsf_format_gs2_list = root.getElementsByTagNameNS("gsf", "format-gs2"); int len = gsf_format_gs2_list.getLength(); for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Element gs2format = (Element)gsf_format_gs2_list.item(i); String gs2formatstr = XMLTools.getElementTextValue(gs2format); // seems to already unescape the html entities //gs2formatstr = Codec.transform(gs2formatstr, Codec.ESCAPEDHTML_TO_UNESCAPED); processFormatStatement(i, gs2formatstr); } increment(); // modifies the textareas to initialise them setVisible(true); } private String processFormatStatement(int i, String gs2formatstr) { String errorMsg = ""; boolean startsWithTableCell = (gs2formatstr.toLowerCase().startsWith(" <", "><"); //System.err.println("*** Format is now: " + gs3formatstr); String gs3formatstr_notags = gs3formatstr; gs3formatstr = addSurroundingTags(gs3formatstr); String validationMsg = XMLTools.parseDOM(gs3formatstr); if(!validationMsg.startsWith(XMLTools.WELLFORMED)) { // Run Html Tidy in XML mode System.err.println("*** Needing to run HTML Tidy on: "); System.err.println(gs3formatstr_notags); // HTMLTidy returns 0 if no warnings or errors, 1 if just Warnings, 2 if Errors (failure) // String htmltidy_string = runInteractiveProgram(XMLTIDY, gs3formatstr_notags);//removeSurroundingTags(gs3formatstr)); if(process_exitValue >= 2) { System.err.println("@@@ Process exit value: " + process_exitValue); errorMsg = Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Tidy_Failed") + " " + Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.XML_Still_Invalid"); } else { errorMsg = ""; gs3formatstr_notags = htmltidy_string; gs3formatstr_notags = removeHTMLTags(i, gs3formatstr_notags, startsWithTableCell); gs3formatstr = addSurroundingTags(gs3formatstr_notags); // Having applied html-tidy, setGS3Format() will return true if it finally parsed } } // For now, assume HTML Tidy has worked and that the gs3format has now been parsed successfully boolean parsed = setGS3Format(i, gs3formatstr); // will parse the gs3formatstr into a DOM object if(!parsed && errorMsg.equals("")) { errorMsg = Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Tidy_Done") + " " + Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.XML_Still_Invalid"); } return errorMsg; //return gs3formatstr; } // HTML tidy adds entire HTML tags around a single format statement. This method removes it. private String removeHTMLTags(int i, String gs3formatstr_notags, boolean startsWithTD) { // if it's a VList classifier // and the gs2 format statement starts with a , // then remove up to and including the outermost , // else remove up to and including the tag String removeOuterTag = "body>"; Element parent = (Element)getParentNode(i); // gets parent of GS2format: if(parent.hasAttribute("match") && (!parent.hasAttribute("mode") || !parent.getAttribute("mode").equals("horizontal"))) { if(startsWithTD) { removeOuterTag = "tr>"; // remove the outermost cell HTML tidy added around the tablecell } } // // // lines we want // // int end = gs3formatstr_notags.indexOf(removeOuterTag); if(end != -1) { gs3formatstr_notags = gs3formatstr_notags.substring(end+removeOuterTag.length()); } int start = gs3formatstr_notags.lastIndexOf(": text private void setGS2Format(int i, String text) { XMLTools.setElementTextValue(getGS2Format(i), text); } // gs3FormatStr represents DOM, and must be parsed and appended as sibling to the gs2format element // as . If it fails to parse, nest it in a CDATA element of private boolean setGS3Format(int i, String gs3formatstr) { Document ownerDoc = getGS2Format(i).getOwnerDocument(); Node gs3format = null; boolean parse_success = false; String validationMsg = XMLTools.parseDOM(gs3formatstr); if(!validationMsg.startsWith(XMLTools.WELLFORMED)) { // silently add the gs3formatstr in a CDATA block into the root gs3formatstr = removeSurroundingTags(gs3formatstr); gs3format = ownerDoc.createElement(GSF_GS3_ROOT_TAG); Node cdataSection = ownerDoc.createCDATASection(gs3formatstr); gs3format.appendChild(cdataSection); parse_success = false; } else { // parse DOM into XML Document doc = XMLTools.getDOM(gs3formatstr); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); gs3format = ownerDoc.importNode(root, true); // an element parse_success = true; // System.err.println("@@@@ ROOT:\n" + XMLTools.xmlNodeToString(root)); } // add gs3format element as sibling to gs2format element Element oldgs3format = getGS3Format(i); if(oldgs3format == null) { getParentNode(i).appendChild(gs3format); // System.err.println("@@@ APPEND"); } else { // replace the existing getParentNode(i).replaceChild(gs3format, oldgs3format); // System.err.println("@@@ REPLACE"); } // return parse_success; } private Node getParentNode(int i) { return gsf_format_gs2_list.item(i).getParentNode(); } private Element getGS2Format(int i) { return (Element)gsf_format_gs2_list.item(i); } private String getGS2FormatString(int i) { return XMLTools.getElementTextValue(getGS2Format(i)); } private Element getGS3Format(int i) { Element parent = (Element)getParentNode(i); NodeList nl = parent.getElementsByTagName(GSF_GS3_ROOT_TAG); if(nl.getLength() > 0) { return (Element)nl.item(0); } return null; } private String getGS3FormatString(int i) { Element gs3format = getGS3Format(i); if(gs3format == null) { return ""; } else { // if any child is a CData section, return its text as-is. There will be no indenting NodeList children = gs3format.getChildNodes(); for(int j = 0 ; j < children.getLength(); j++) { if(children.item(j).getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { return children.item(j).getNodeValue(); // content of CDataSection } } // else we have proper nodes, return indented string StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); XMLTools.xmlNodeToString(sb, gs3format, true, " ", 0); return sb.toString(); } } private String getLabel(int i) { String label = ""; // Given XML of the form: // // // // // // // // Want to return the label: "browse|search > documentNode|classifierNode [> horizontal]" Element parent = (Element)getParentNode(i); // gets parent of GS2format: label = parent.getAttribute("match"); //e.g. documentNode, classifierNode if(parent.hasAttribute("mode")) { // e.g. classifierNode mode=horizontal label = label + " > " + parent.getAttribute("mode"); } Element ancestor = (Element) parent.getParentNode().getParentNode(); // ancestor: | label = ancestor.getTagName() + " > " + label; return label; } // gs2 format statements have spaces instead of newlines. For display, replace with newlines private String makeLines(String gs2formatstr) { return gs2formatstr.replaceAll(">\\s+<", ">\n<"); } private String singleLine(String gs2formatstr) { return gs2formatstr.replace(">\n<", "> <"); // put the spaces back } private String removeSurroundingTags(String xml) { //return xml.replace("<"+GSF_GS3_ROOT_TAG+" xmlns:gsf=\"\" xmlns:xsl=\"\">\n", "").replace("\n", "");//.trim(); return xml.replaceAll("<"+GSF_GS3_ROOT_TAG+" xmlns:gsf=(\"|\')\"|\') xmlns:xsl=(\"|\')\"|\')>\n?", "").replaceAll("\n?", "");//.trim(); } private String addSurroundingTags(String gs3formatstr) { return "<"+GSF_GS3_ROOT_TAG+" xmlns:gsf='' xmlns:xsl=''>"+gs3formatstr+""; } //*************************FUNCTIONS THAT INTERACT WITH WIDGETS************************// // increment() loads the next values into the dialog private boolean increment() { current_index++; section_label.setText ( getLabel(current_index) ); gs2_textarea.setText( makeLines(getGS2FormatString(current_index)) ); gs3_textarea.setText( removeSurroundingTags(getGS3FormatString(current_index)) ); statusbar.setText(""); // as we're on a new screen of dialog, need to clear all undo/redo history undoManager.discardAllEdits(); undo_button.setEnabled(false); redo_button.setEnabled(false); int len = gsf_format_gs2_list.getLength(); count_label.setText((current_index+1) + " / " + len); if((current_index+1) == len) { return false; } else { return true; } } private void setStatus(String msg) { statusbar.setText(msg); } private void setErrorStatus(String msg) { statusbar.setBackground(; statusbar.setText(msg); } public void dispose() { //System.err.println("@@@@ DIALOG CLOSING!"); if(dlgResult != OpenCollectionDialog.CANCEL_OPTION) { // Need to remove the siblings of all // Then, get the children of each and add these as siblings of int len = gsf_format_gs2_list.getLength(); for(int k=len-1; k >= 0; k--) { Element parent = (Element)getParentNode(k); //parent.normalize(); NodeList children = parent.getChildNodes(); // now have to loop/remove nodes in reverse order, since the following loop // modifies the very nodelist we're looping over by removing nodes from it int numChildren = children.getLength()-1; for(int i=numChildren; i >= 0; i--) { //for(int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node child = children.item(i); if(child.getNodeName().equals(GSF_FORMAT_GS2_TAG)) { // if we're dealing with gs2-format-stmts, put their textnode contents in CData sections // // This avoids having to look at html-encoded gs2-format tags in the Format pane Element gs2format = (Element)child; String gs2formatstr = XMLTools.getElementTextValue(gs2format); gs2formatstr = Codec.transform(gs2formatstr, Codec.ESCAPEDHTML_TO_UNESCAPED); Node textNode = XMLTools.getNodeTextNode(gs2format); Node cdataSection = gs2format.getOwnerDocument().createCDATASection(gs2formatstr); gs2format.replaceChild(cdataSection, textNode); } else if(child.getNodeName().equals(GSF_GS3_ROOT_TAG)) { // remove GS3 node and append its children to the parent in its place // the elements wouldn't be in the xml_file_doc DOM tree // unless they were valid XML, so don't need to check for validity here Node gs3root = child; NodeList gs3_format_lines = gs3root.getChildNodes(); for(int j = 0; j < gs3_format_lines.getLength(); j++) { Node duplicate = gs3_format_lines.item(j).cloneNode(true); parent.appendChild(duplicate); } gs3root = parent.removeChild(gs3root); gs3root = null; // finished processing } // else - skip all nodes other than and } } Element root = xml_file_doc.getDocumentElement(); //System.err.println("### XML file to write out:\n" + XMLTools.xmlNodeToString(root)); // Finally, write out the collection xml file String[] nonEscapingTagNames = { StaticStrings.FORMAT_STR, StaticStrings.DISPLAYITEM_STR }; XMLTools.writeXMLFile(collect_cfg_file, xml_file_doc, nonEscapingTagNames); } super.dispose(); } //******************INNER CLASSES including LISTENERS and STREAMGOBBLERS****************// /** * A textarea with the line number next to each line of the text */ public class NumberedJTextArea extends RSyntaxTextArea /* JTextArea */ { public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Insets insets = getInsets(); Rectangle rectangle = g.getClipBounds(); g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height); super.paintComponent(g); if (rectangle.x < insets.left) { FontMetrics font_metrics = g.getFontMetrics(); int font_height = font_metrics.getHeight(); int y = font_metrics.getAscent() +; int line_number_start_point = ((rectangle.y + / font_height) + 1; if (y < rectangle.y) { y = line_number_start_point * font_height - (font_height - font_metrics.getAscent()); } int y_axis_end_point = y + rectangle.height + font_height; int x_axis_start_point = insets.left; x_axis_start_point -= getFontMetrics(getFont()).stringWidth(Math.max(getRows(), getLineCount() + 1) + " "); if (!this.getText().trim().equals("")) { g.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); } else { g.setColor(Color.white); } int length = ("" + Math.max(getRows(), getLineCount() + 1)).length(); while (y < y_axis_end_point) { g.drawString(line_number_start_point + " ", x_axis_start_point, y); y += font_height; line_number_start_point++; } } } public Insets getInsets() { Insets insets = super.getInsets(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); insets.left += getFontMetrics(getFont()).stringWidth(Math.max(getRows(), getLineCount() + 1) + " "); return insets; } } // windowClosing() is called when the user presses the top-right close button the dialog // this means the user wanted to cancel out of the entire Format Conversion Wizard. private class WindowClosingListener extends WindowAdapter { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { dlgResult = OpenCollectionDialog.CANCEL_OPTION; } } private class ReconvertListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String gs2formatstr = singleLine(gs2_textarea.getText()); String errorMsg = processFormatStatement(current_index, gs2formatstr); gs3_textarea.setText( removeSurroundingTags(getGS3FormatString(current_index)) ); if(!errorMsg.equals("")) { setErrorStatus(errorMsg); } else { statusbar.setText(""); } } } private class NextButtonListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //statusbar.setText(""); // check if the GS3 format statement is valid XML before storing. If not, let user to decide // whether they want to re-edit it or if they want to keep it as-is, in which case it needs // to be stored as CDATA, which will make it an inactive format statement. // See // setGS3Format() already stores invalidXML as CDATA. // Check if the GS3 format statement is valid XML before storing. If not, let the // user to decide whether they want to re-edit it or store it as-is and continue // user okay-ed the lines currently displayed, store them setGS2Format( current_index, singleLine(gs2_textarea.getText()) ); boolean parse_success = setGS3Format( current_index, addSurroundingTags(gs3_textarea.getText()) ); if(!parse_success) { // invalid XML, warn the user String message = Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Invalid_XML") + " " + Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Cancel_Or_Continue_Next"); int user_choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(FormatConversionDialog.this, message, WARNING_TITLE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); if(user_choice == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { return; // do nothing on this NextButton press. Don't increment. Let user re-adjust invalid XML for GS3 statement. } } if(increment()) { repaint(); } else { next_button.setEnabled(false); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(accept_all_button); } } } private class CancelButtonListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dlgResult = OpenCollectionDialog.CANCEL_OPTION; FormatConversionDialog.this.dispose(); // close dialog } } private class AcceptAllButtonListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //statusbar.setText(""); // user okay-ed the lines, store them setGS2Format(current_index, gs2_textarea.getText()); String gs3formatstr = gs3_textarea.getText(); boolean parse_success = setGS3Format(current_index, addSurroundingTags(gs3formatstr)); String message = ""; if(!parse_success) { // invalid XML for current format statement, warn the user setErrorStatus(Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Invalid_XML")); message = Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Invalid_XML") + " " + Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Cancel_Or_Continue_Next"); } // Even if the current GS3 format statement is valid XML, the user could have pressed // Accept All at the very start of the FormatConversion dialog too. Check all the // subsequent format statements, and if any have invalid XML, warn user. for(int i = current_index+1; parse_success && i < gsf_format_gs2_list.getLength(); i++) { gs3formatstr = getGS3FormatString(i); String validationMsg = XMLTools.parseDOM(gs3formatstr); if(!validationMsg.startsWith(XMLTools.WELLFORMED)) { parse_success = false; message = Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Cancel_Or_Accept_All"); } } if(!parse_success) { int user_choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(FormatConversionDialog.this, message, WARNING_TITLE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); if(user_choice == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { return; // Don't close the dialog. Let the user continue looking at this or subsequent GS3 format statements. } } // If we're here, then either the format statements parsed, or the user accepted them anyway FormatConversionDialog.this.dispose(); // close dialog } } private class XMLTidyButtonListener implements ActionListener { // run HTML tidy taking input from stdin // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String gs3formatstr_notags = gs3_textarea.getText(); // Flag to determine which tags that HTML tidy adds need to be removed boolean startsWithTableCell = (gs3formatstr_notags.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith("= 2) { System.err.println("@@@ Process exit value: " + process_exitValue); setErrorStatus(Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Tidy_Failed")); } else { gs3formatstr_notags = htmltidy_string; // HTML tidy adds extra HTML markup around the formatstring, so will need to remove it: gs3formatstr_notags = removeHTMLTags(current_index, gs3formatstr_notags, startsWithTableCell); // put the XML tags around the gs3 format string again so we can convert it to a DOM object String gs3formatstr = addSurroundingTags(gs3formatstr_notags); boolean parse_success = setGS3Format(current_index, gs3formatstr); // converts to DOM object // Get indented GS3 format string from DOM object and display it in the text area gs3_textarea.setText( removeSurroundingTags(getGS3FormatString(current_index)) ); if(parse_success) { statusbar.setText(Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Tidy_Done")); } else { setErrorStatus(Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Tidy_Done") + " " + Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Error_GS3_Format") + " " + Dictionary.get("FormatConversionDialog.Invalid_XML")); } } } } // class ReadStreamGobbler extends Thread { InputStream is = null; StringBuffer outputstr = new StringBuffer(); boolean split_newlines = false; public ReadStreamGobbler(InputStream is) { = is; split_newlines = false; } public ReadStreamGobbler(InputStream is, boolean split_newlines) { = is; this.split_newlines = split_newlines; } public void run() { BufferedReader br = null; try { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8")); String line=null; while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null) { //System.out.println("@@@ GOT LINE: " + line); outputstr.append(line); if(split_newlines) { outputstr.append("\n"); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } finally { closeResource(br); } } public String getOutput() { return outputstr.toString(); // implicit toString() call anyway. //return outputstr; } } class SendStreamGobbler extends Thread { OutputStream os = null; String inputstr = ""; public SendStreamGobbler(OutputStream os, String inputstr) { this.os = os; this.inputstr = inputstr; } public void run() { BufferedWriter osw = null; try { osw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8")); //System.out.println("@@@ SENDING LINE: " + inputstr); osw.write(inputstr, 0, inputstr.length()); osw.newLine();//osw.write("\n"); osw.flush(); // Don't explicitly send EOF when using StreamGobblers as below, // as the EOF char is echoed to output. // Flushing the write handle and/or closing the resource seems // to already send EOF silently. /*if(Utility.isWindows()) { osw.write("\032"); // octal for Ctrl-Z, EOF on Windows } else { // EOF on Linux/Mac is Ctrl-D osw.write("\004"); // octal for Ctrl-D, see } osw.flush(); */ } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } finally { closeResource(osw); } } } private class UndoListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { try { if (undoManager.canUndo()) { redo_button.setEnabled(true); undoManager.undo(); } if (!undoManager.canUndo()) { undo_button.setEnabled(false); } else { undo_button.setEnabled(true); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception trying to undo: " + e.getMessage()); } } } private class RedoListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { try { if (undoManager.canRedo()) { undo_button.setEnabled(true); // the difference with Format4gs3Manager, and no DocumentListener undoManager.redo(); } if (!undoManager.canRedo()) { redo_button.setEnabled(false); } else { redo_button.setEnabled(true); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception trying to redo: " + e.getMessage()); } } } private class CustomUndoableEditListener implements UndoableEditListener { public void undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent evt) { undoManager.addEdit(evt.getEdit()); redo_button.setEnabled(false); undo_button.setEnabled(true); } } }