source: main/trunk/gli/src/org/greenstone/gatherer/metadata/ 33747

Last change on this file since 33747 was 33747, checked in by ak19, 4 years ago

Tidying up code some more and moving unused (but reusable and possibly useful) functions to end of file.

File size: 29.3 KB
2 *############################################################################
3 * A component of the Greenstone Librarian Interface, part of the Greenstone
4 * digital library suite from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the
5 * University of Waikato, New Zealand.
6 *
7 * Author: Michael Dewsnip, NZDL Project, University of Waikato, NZ
8 *
9 * Copyright (C) 2010 Greenstone Digital Library Project
10 *
11 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 * (at your option) any later version.
15 *
16 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 * GNU General Public License for more details.
20 *
21 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
24 *############################################################################
25 */
27package org.greenstone.gatherer.metadata;
31import java.nio.charset.*;
32import java.util.*;
33import org.greenstone.gatherer.collection.CollectionManager;
34import org.greenstone.gatherer.DebugStream;
36import java.util.regex.Matcher;
37import java.util.regex.Pattern;
41/** Static access class that contains many of the methods used to work with filename encodings.
42* Works closely with classes FileNode, CollectionTreeNode, MetadataXMLFile, MetadataXMLFileManager
43* to maintain a map of URLEncodedFilenames to their filename encodings.
44* The process of filename encoding further affects the CollectionManager which refreshes its CollectionTree,
45* FileManager (move, delete, rename actions), MetadataValueTableModel, EnrichPane. */
47public class FilenameEncoding {
48 /** Display of filenames in the trees are in URL encoding, if debugging */
49 public static boolean DEBUGGING = false;
51 /** Set to false by Gatherer if the locale is UTF-8, as Java's handling is
52 * such that non-UTF8 filename encodings on a UTF-8 locale are destructively
53 * converted so that the bytecodes in the filename are not preserved. */
54 public static boolean MULTIPLE_FILENAME_ENCODINGS_SUPPORTED = false;
56 /** Also set by Gatherer.
57 * If the OS supports multiple filename encodings, we will be working with URL strings
58 * and the applicable separators are always the forward slash ("/") not File.separator.
59 * If multiple filename encodings are not supported, we're dealing with File.separator. */
60 public static String URL_FILE_SEPARATOR = File.separator;
63 /** gs.filenameEncoding is a special sort of metadata that is not merely to be stored along
64 * with a file, but is to be applied in real-time on the file's name in the CollectionTree
65 * display. Since FileNodes are constantly destroyed and reconstructed by that Tree when
66 * its nodes are expanded and contracted, storing the filename encodings of each file along
67 * with the file in a FileNode doesn't help because it doesn't last. Instead of rediscovering
68 * the encoding at every stage by querying the metadataXML file, we store the encodings for
69 * fast access: in a map of (URLEncodedFilePath, filename-encoding) pairs.
70 * The current design of the map is to only store any active filename metadata assigned
71 * directly at that file/folder's level, and if there is none discovered at that level, then
72 * storing the empty string for it. Therefore, if the hashmap contains no entry for
73 * a file, it means this still needs to be retrieved. */
74 public static Map map = new HashMap();
76 /** Compiled pattern for hex entities of characters. These are of the forn "&#x....;" with 1 to 4 digits */
77 public static final Pattern HEX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(&#x[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,4}+;)");
80//*********************** BUSY REFRESHING / REQUIRING REFRESH *********************
82 /** Set to true if filename encoding metadata was changed. Called by the enter keyPress
83 * event in gui.EnrichPane and when the gs.FilenameEncoding field loses focus. */
84 private static boolean refreshRequired = false;
86 synchronized public static boolean isRefreshRequired() {
87 return refreshRequired;
88 }
90 synchronized public static void setRefreshRequired(boolean state) {
92 refreshRequired = state;
93 } else {
94 refreshRequired = false;
95 }
96 }
98//************************** MAP RETRIEVAL METHODS ******************************
100 /** Returns the cumulative gs.filenameEncoding metadata
101 * assigned to a file inside the collection. */
102 public static String findFilenameEncoding(
103 File file, String urlEncodedFilePath, boolean bruteForceLookup)
104 {
105 //if(bruteForceLookup) {
106 // return findFilenameEncodingBruteForce(file, urlEncodedFilePath, bruteForceLookup);
107 //}
109 String encoding = "";
111 // Check any assigned encoding at this level, starting with the map first
112 // and else retrieving the filename encoding from the metadata file
113 if(!map.containsKey(urlEncodedFilePath)) {
115 // Check for filename encoding metadata *directly* associated with the file
116 // Now don't need to get any inherited encoding metadata here, because of
117 // the way we're storing and retrieving encoding information from the map.
118 ArrayList list = MetadataXMLFileManager.getMetadataAssignedDirectlyToFile(file, true); // true: gets gs.filenameEncoding only
119 if(!list.isEmpty()) {
120 MetadataValue metavalue = (MetadataValue)list.get(0); // get(list.size()-1);
121 encoding = metavalue.getValue();
122 } // else no filename encoding set yet at this level
124 // Now we've done a lookup at this level cache the result in the map,
125 // including empty strings, to indicate that we've done a full lookup
126 map.put(urlEncodedFilePath, encoding);
127 }
128 else { // an entry exists in the map, get it from there
129 encoding = (String)map.get(urlEncodedFilePath);
130 }
132 // if no meta was specified at at the file level, look for any inherited metadata
133 if(encoding.equals("")) {
134 encoding = getInheritedFilenameEncoding(urlEncodedFilePath, file);
135 }
137 //System.err.println("\n@@@@Looked for: " + urlEncodedFilePath + " | found: " + encoding);
138 return encoding; // found something in map, may still be "", but it's what was stored
139 }
141 /** Checks the file-to-encoding map for all the superfolders of the given
142 * filename in sequence for an applicable encoding. Note that the file/folder
143 * at the level of urlFoldername (and dir) has already been inspected. */
144 static public String getInheritedFilenameEncoding(String urlFoldername, File dir)
145 {
146 String encoding = "";
147 boolean done = false;
149 // don't want to search past import folder which is as
150 // far as we need to go to determine inherited encodings
151 File importDir = new File(CollectionManager.getLoadedCollectionImportDirectoryPath());
152 if(dir.equals(importDir)) { // if the top-level dir was already checked, we're done
153 done = true;
154 }
156 // For directories, first remove trailing file separator in order to start checking from higher level folders
157 int lastIndex = urlFoldername.length()-1;
158 char urlFileSeparatorChar = URL_FILE_SEPARATOR.charAt(0);
159 if(urlFoldername.charAt(lastIndex) == urlFileSeparatorChar) {
160 urlFoldername = urlFoldername.substring(0, lastIndex);
161 }
163 while(!done) {
164 // get the folder that's one level up
165 dir = dir.getParentFile();
167 int index = urlFoldername.lastIndexOf(URL_FILE_SEPARATOR);
168 if(index == -1) { // no more slashes
169 done = true;
170 } else {
171 urlFoldername = urlFoldername.substring(0, index);
172 }
174 // now look in the map to see whether there's an encoding for this folder
175 String folder = urlFoldername + URL_FILE_SEPARATOR;
176 if(map.containsKey(folder)) {
177 encoding = (String)map.get(folder); // may be ""
178 } else { // no entry in map, so look in the metadata.xml at this folder level
179 ArrayList list = MetadataXMLFileManager.getMetadataAssignedDirectlyToFile(
180 dir, true); // true: gets gs.filenameEncoding only
181 if(!list.isEmpty()) {
182 MetadataValue metavalue = (MetadataValue)list.get(0); // get(list.size()-1);
183 encoding = metavalue.getValue();
184 }
185 map.put(folder, encoding); // may be ""
186 }
188 if(!encoding.equals("")){
189 done = true;
190 } // else if "", loop to check next folder up
191 else if(dir.equals(importDir)) { // don't iterate past the import folder, which we've now checked
192 done = true;
193 }
194 }
196 return encoding;
197 }
199 /** Called by GUIManager when a collection is closed. This then empties the
200 * file-to-encoding map which is applicable only on a per-collection basis */
201 static public void closeCollection() {
202 //printFilenameMap("Closing collection. Clearing file-to-encoding map of entries:");
203 map.clear();
204 }
206 // Useful for debugging: prints contents of file-to-encoding map
207 static public void printFilenameMap(String heading) {
208 System.err.println("\n********************************************");
209 System.err.println(heading.toUpperCase());
210 Iterator entries = map.entrySet().iterator();
211 while(entries.hasNext()) {
212 Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
213 System.err.println("+ " + (String)entry.getKey() + ": " + (String)entry.getValue());
214 }
215 System.err.println("********************************************\n");
216 }
218 // UNUSED at present. Brute force version of the findFilenameEncoding() method
219 // Doesn't use the map, but gets *all* the metadata assigned to a file/folder to
220 // work out the encoding applicable to a file/folder.
221 public static String findFilenameEncodingBruteForce(File file, String urlEncodedFilename,
222 boolean bruteForceLookup)
223 {
224 System.err.println("\n***** BRUTE FORCE getFilenameEncoding() called\n");
227 String encoding = "";
229 // Check for filename encoding metadata *directly* associated with the file
230 // Now don't need to get any inherited encoding metadata here, because of
231 // the way we're storing and retrieving encoding information from the map.
233 ArrayList list = MetadataXMLFileManager.getMetadataAssignedToFile(file, true); // true: gets gs.filenameEncoding only
234 if(!list.isEmpty()) {
235 // try to get the filename encoding meta that was assigned last to this
236 // file, even though it makes no sense to have multiple values for it
237 MetadataValue metavalue = (MetadataValue)list.get(list.size()-1);
238 encoding = metavalue.getValue();
240 if(encoding == null) { // unlikely ???
241 System.err.println("**** ERROR: encoding for "
242 + urlEncodedFilename + " is NULL!");
243 encoding = "";
244 }
245 } // else no filename encoding set yet, perhaps
246 //System.err.println("**** Found encoding for " + urlEncodedFilename + " " + encoding);
247 return encoding;
248 }
250//****************************** APPLYING ENCODINGS TO FILENAMES *****************************
252 /** URL encoded version of the byte codes of the given file's name */
253 public static String calcURLEncodedFilePath(File file) {
255 return file.getAbsolutePath();
256 }
257 else {
258 String filename = fileToURLEncoding(file);
259 return filename;
260 }
261 }
263 /** URL encoded version of the byte codes of this file's name */
264 public static String calcURLEncodedFileName(String urlfilepath) {
265 String filename = urlfilepath;
266 if(filename.endsWith(URL_FILE_SEPARATOR)) { // directory, remove trailing slash
267 filename = filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 1);
268 }
270 // remove the directory prefix (if any) to get the filename
271 int index = filename.lastIndexOf(URL_FILE_SEPARATOR);
272 if(index != -1) {
273 filename = filename.substring(index+1); // skip separator
274 }
276 return filename;
277 }
279 /** Given a string representing an alias to an official encoding (and unofficial ones
280 * starting with "Latin-"), attempts to work out what the canonical encoding for that is.
281 * If the given encoding is unrecognised, it is returned as is. */
282 public static String canonicalEncodingName(String encoding) {
283 String canonicalEncoding = encoding;
284 try {
285 // Latin-1 -> ISO-8859-1
286 String alias = canonicalEncoding.toLowerCase();
287 if(alias.startsWith("latin")){
288 canonicalEncoding = "ISO-8859" + alias.substring("latin".length());
289 }
291 // canonical encoding for official aliases
292 canonicalEncoding = Charset.forName(canonicalEncoding).name();
293 return canonicalEncoding;
294 } catch (Exception e) {
295 System.err.println("(Could not recognise encoding (alias): "
296 + encoding + ".)");
297 return encoding; // no alias could be found, return the original parameter
298 }
299 }
301//************************* GETTING THE URL ENCODING OF FILENAMES *********************************
303 /**
304 * Given a String containing hexentities, will convert back into the unicode version of the String.
305 * e.g. A string like "02 Tēnā Koutou\.mp3" will be returned as "02 Tena Koutou\.mp3" with macrons on e and a
306 * I've tested this in a separate file that imports java.util.regex.Matcher and java.util.regex.Pattern
307 * and contains a copy of Utility.debugUnicodeString(String) with the following main function:
308 public static void main(String args[]) {
309 String str = "02 Tēnā Koutou\\.mp3"; // or more basic case: String str = "mmmmānnnnēpppp\\.txt";
310 System.err.println("About to decode hex string: " + str);
311 String result = decodeStringContainingHexEntities(str);
312 System.err.println("Decoded hex string: " + result + " - debug unicode form: " + debugUnicodeString(result));
313 }
314 */
315 public static String decodeStringContainingHexEntities(String str) {
316 String result = "";
317 Matcher matcher = HEX_PATTERN.matcher(str);
319 int searchFromIndex = 0;
320 int endMatchIndex = -1;
322 while(matcher.find(searchFromIndex)) {
323 String hexPart =;
324 //System.err.println("Found hexpart match: " + hexPart);
326 int startMatchIndex = matcher.start();
327 endMatchIndex = matcher.end();
328 result += str.substring(searchFromIndex, startMatchIndex);
330 String hexNumberStr = hexPart.substring(3, hexPart.length()-1); // lose the "&#x" prefix and the ";" suffix to get just the hex number portion of the match
331 //
332 //
334 //System.err.println("hexNumberStr so far: " + hexNumberStr);
335 hexNumberStr = "0x" + hexNumberStr; // e.g "0xDDDD"
336 //int hexNumber = Integer.parseInt(hexNumberStr);
337 int hexNumber = Integer.decode(hexNumberStr);
338 String hexNumberAsChar = Character.toString((char) hexNumber);
339 result += hexNumberAsChar;
341 searchFromIndex = endMatchIndex;
343 }
345 if(endMatchIndex != -1) { // attach any suffix once we finished processing all the hex codes
346 result += str.substring(endMatchIndex);
347 //System.err.println("suffix: " + str.substring(endMatchIndex));
348 }
349 else { // there were no hex codes to decode, return string as is
350 result = str;
351 }
353 return result;
354 }
357 // Dr Bainbridge's methods
358 /* On Linux machines that are set to using an ISO-8859 (Latin) type encoding,
359 * we can work with URL-encoded filenames in Java. Java works with whatever
360 * encoding the filesystem uses. Unlike systems working with UTF-8, where Java
361 * interprets filenames as UTF-8 (a destructive process since characters invalid
362 * for UTF-8 are replaced with the invalid character, which means the original
363 * character's byte codes can not be regained), working with an ISO-8859-1
364 * system means the original byte codes of the characters are preserved,
365 * regardless of whether the characters represent ISO-8859-1 or not. Such byte
366 * codes are converted by the following method to the correct URL versions of
367 * the strings that the filenames represent (that is, the correct URL representations
368 * of the filenames in their original encodings). This is useful for interactions with
369 * Perl as Java and Perl can use URL-encoded filenames to talk about the same files
370 * on the file system, instead of having to work out what encoding they are in. */
372 public static String fileToURLEncoding(File file) {
374 return file.getAbsolutePath();
375 }
377 String filename_url_encoded = "";
379 // The following test for whether the file exists or not is a problem
380 // when a File object--whose actual file is in the process of being moved
381 // and therefore temporarily does not 'exist' on the actual system--can't
382 // be URL encoded: the following would return "" when a file doesn't exist.
383 // So commenting out the test.
384 /*
385 if(!file.getName().equals("recycle")) {
386 if(!file.isFile() && !file.isDirectory()) {
387 System.err.println("*** ERROR. Java can't see file: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
388 return "";
389 }
391 if(!file.exists()) {
392 System.err.println("*** NOTE: File doesn't exist: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
393 return ""; //file.getName();
394 }
395 }
396 */
398 URI filename_uri = file.toURI();
399 try {
400 // The trick:
401 // 1. toASCIIString() will %xx encode values > 127
402 // 2. Decode the result to "ISO-8859-1"
403 // 3. URL encode the bytes to string
405 // Step 2 forces the string to be 8-bit values. It
406 // doesn't matter if the starting raw filename was *not*
407 // in the ISO-8859-1 encoding, the effect is to ensure
408 // we have an 8-bit byte string that (numerically)
409 // captures the right value. These numerical values are
410 // then used to determine how to URL encode it
412 String filename_ascii = filename_uri.toASCIIString();
414 // The URI.toASCIIString() call above only encodes values > 127.
415 // But we also need to protect + and & signs in filenames. Do this by URL encoding.
416 // But need to double URL encode, else it will get decoded too early, in methods called shortly hereafter.
417 filename_ascii = filename_ascii.replace("+", "%252B"); // +'s ASCII code is 43 decimal, 2b in hex, 2B when uppercased
418 filename_ascii = filename_ascii.replace("&", "%2526"); // &'s ASCII code is 36 in decimal, and 26 in hex
420 // Before proceeding, protect & in the filename too.
421 // &'s ASCII code is 36 in decimal, and 26 in hex, so replace with &
422 // But dangerous to do simple replace if there are &#x...; entities in the filename already!
423 // That is, we'll want to protect & by replacing with &'s hex value, but we don't want to replace the & in "&#x....;" with the same!
424 //filename_url_encoded = filename_url_encoded.replace("&", "&x26;");// SO THIS IS BAD
425 //filename_url_encoded = filename_url_encoded.replace("&", hexEntityForChar("&"));// SAME, STILL BAD
426 ///filename_ascii = escapeAllCharWithHexEntity(filename_ascii, '&'); // Good: CAREFULLY replaces & that are not part of hex entities
428 String filename_raw_bytes = URLDecoder.decode(filename_ascii,"ISO-8859-1");
429 filename_url_encoded = iso_8859_1_filename_to_url_encoded(filename_raw_bytes);
431 // For chars that were protected by being URL encoded, now convert them to the correct version we want them in.
432 // For +: this char is special in regex, so it needs to be converted from URL encoding back to + so it will get properly escaped for regex
433 // For &: this char is special in XML, so since the call to iso_8859_1_filename_to_url_encoded() is over, we can finally convert & to hex entity now.
434 //filename_url_encoded = filename_url_encoded.replace("%2B", "+"); // Don't do this, won't get regex escaped when converted back to a + by caller
435 filename_url_encoded = filename_url_encoded.replace("%2B", "+"); // + signs are special, as they will need to be escaped since the caller wants the filename representing a regex
436 filename_url_encoded = filename_url_encoded.replace("%26", "&"); // convert URL encoding for ampersand into hex entity for ampersand
437 }
438 catch (Exception e) {
439 e.printStackTrace();
440 // Give up trying to convert
441 filename_url_encoded = file.getAbsolutePath();
442 }
443 return filename_url_encoded;
444 }
446 // For unicode codepoints see:
447 // for ISO8859-1 (Latin-1)
448 // where 0xE2 maps to codepoint 0x00E2 and is defined as "Latin small letter a with circumflex"
449 // for ISO8859-7 (Greek)
450 // where 0xE2 maps to codepoint 0x03B2 and is defined as "Greek small letter beta"
451 public static String iso_8859_1_filename_to_url_encoded(String raw_bytes_filename)
452 throws Exception
453 {
454 String urlEncoded = "";
456 try {
457 // By this point we have a UTF-8 encoded string that captures
458 // what the ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) character is that corresponded to the
459 // 8-bit numeric value for that character in the filename
460 // on the file system
462 // For example:
463 // File system char: <lower-case beta char in Latin-7> = %E2
464 // Equivalent Latin 1 char: <lower-case a with circumflex> = %E2
465 // Mapped to UTF-8: <lower-case a with circumflex> = <C3><A2>
467 // Our task is to take the string the contains <C3><A2> and ensure that
468 // we "see" it as <E2>
470 byte [] raw_bytes = raw_bytes_filename.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
471 String unicode_filename = new String(raw_bytes,"UTF-8");
473 for(int i = 0; i < unicode_filename.length(); i++) {
474 char charVal = unicode_filename.charAt(i);
475 if ((int)charVal > 255) {
476 urlEncoded += String.format("&#x%02X;", (int)charVal);
477 }
478 else if((int)charVal > 127) {
479 urlEncoded += String.format("%%%02X", (int)charVal);
480 } else {
481 urlEncoded += String.format("%c", (char)charVal);
482 }
483 }
484 }
485 catch (Exception e) {
486 //e.printStackTrace();
487 throw(e);
488 }
490 return urlEncoded;
491 }
493 // unused for now
494 public static String raw_filename_to_url_encoded(String fileName)
495 throws Exception
496 {
497 String urlEncoded = "";
498 try {
499 byte[] bytes = fileName.getBytes();
501 for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
502 // mask each byte (by applying & 0xFF) to make the signed
503 // byte (in the range -128 to 127) unsigned (in the range
504 // 0 to 255).
506 int byteVal = (int)(bytes[i] & 0xFF);
508 if(byteVal > 127) {
509 urlEncoded += String.format("%%%02X", (int)byteVal);
510 } else {
511 urlEncoded += String.format("%c",(char)byteVal);
512 }
513 }
514 }
515 catch (Exception e) {
516 //e.printStackTrace();
517 throw(e);
518 }
520 return urlEncoded;
521 }
525 /**
526 * Produce the equivalent of method fileToURLEncoding(), but taking a String as input parameter.
527 * If filename is relative, then the current directory (gli?) will be prefixed to what is returned
528 * and should be removed manually by the caller. Alternatively, for relative paths, call the variant
529 * relativeFilenameToURLEncoding(String), which will remove any added filepath prefix.
530 */
531 public static String fullFilepathToURLEncoding(String filename) {
532 if(!MULTIPLE_FILENAME_ENCODINGS_SUPPORTED) { // on a UTF-8 file system, DO NOT do the stuff below, just return input param
533 return filename;
534 }
536 File file = new File (filename);
537 String filename_url_encoded = fileToURLEncoding(file);
539 // if the current directory (".") was passed in as filename,
540 // then the filename_url_encoded looks like /full/path/./
541 // In that case, remove the ./ at the end
542 if (filename_url_encoded.endsWith(FilenameEncoding.URL_FILE_SEPARATOR+"."+FilenameEncoding.URL_FILE_SEPARATOR)) {
543 filename_url_encoded = filename_url_encoded.substring(0, filename_url_encoded.length()-2); // cut off /. at end
544 }
546 return filename_url_encoded;
547 }
549 /**
550 * Produce the equivalent of method fileToURLEncoding(), but taking a String as input parameter
551 * If filename is a relative path, call this method to get it specially URL encoded.
552 * This method will remove the current directory that is prefixed as an intermediary step.
553 */
554 public static String relativeFilenameToURLEncoding(String filename) {
555 if(!MULTIPLE_FILENAME_ENCODINGS_SUPPORTED) { // on a UTF-8 file system, DO NOT do the stuff below, just return input param
556 return filename;
557 }
559 String curr_directory_path = FilenameEncoding.fullFilepathToURLEncoding(".");
560 return filenameToURLEncodingWithPrefixRemoved(filename, curr_directory_path);
561 }
563 /**
564 * Produce the equivalent of method fileToURLEncoding(), but taking a String as input parameter
565 * Convenience method that will return the specially URL encoded version of filename
566 * with the provided removeFilePathPrefix removed */
567 public static String filenameToURLEncodingWithPrefixRemoved(String filename, String removeFilePathPrefix) {
568 if(!MULTIPLE_FILENAME_ENCODINGS_SUPPORTED) { // on a UTF-8 file system, DO NOT do the stuff below, just return input param
569 return filename;
570 }
572 File file = new File (filename);
573 String filename_url_encoded = fileToURLEncoding(file); // returns a full filepath
575 // now lop off the given removeFilePathPrefix that FilenameEncoding.filenameToURLEncoding(STRING) variant would have added
576 filename_url_encoded = filename_url_encoded.substring(removeFilePathPrefix.length());
577 // remove any remaining slash prefix
578 if (filename_url_encoded.startsWith(FilenameEncoding.URL_FILE_SEPARATOR)) {
579 filename_url_encoded = filename_url_encoded.substring(FilenameEncoding.URL_FILE_SEPARATOR.length());
580 }
582 return filename_url_encoded;
583 }
585// UNUSED now, but useful functions and escapeAllCharWithHexEntity() took effort to write.
587 /**
588 * Attempting to produce the equivalent method fileToURLEncoding(), but taking a String as input parameter
589 * UNUSED - REPLACED by filenameToURLEncoding(String str) which reuses existing fileToURLEncoding(File) method.
590 */
591 public static String stringToHex(String str) {
593 String hex_str = "";
594 for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
595 int charCode = str.codePointAt(i); // unicode codepoint / ASCII code
597 // ASCII table:
598 // If the unicode character code pt is less than the ASCII code for space and greater than for tilda, let's display the char in hex (x0000 format)
599 if((charCode >= 20 && charCode <= 126) || charCode == 9 || charCode == 10 || charCode == 13 /*|| charCode == 36 || charCode == 43*/) { // space, tilda, TAB, LF, CR are printable, leave them in for XML element printing. And spaces and plus signs (ASCII codes 36 and 43) need to be converted to hex too
600 hex_str += str.charAt(i);
601 } else {
602 hex_str += "&#x" + String.format("%x", charCode).toUpperCase() + ";"; // looks like: "&#x[up-to-4-hexdigits-in-UPPERCASE];"
603 }
604 }
606 return hex_str;
607 }
609 /** Takes a String containing a single char and returns the hex entity for it */
610 public static String hexEntityForChar(String char_as_string) {
611 int charCode = char_as_string.codePointAt(0); // unicode codepoint / ASCII code
612 String hexCodeStr = "&#x" + String.format("%x", charCode).toUpperCase() + ";";
613 return hexCodeStr;
614 }
616 /**
617 * Given a String containing 0 or more occurrences of CHARACTER,
618 * this method will replace all occurrences of that CHARACTER with its hex entity variant, "&x....;"
619 * Special care is taken where the CHARACTER to be replaced is &,
620 * as in that case, we don't want to replace any existing hex entities already present in the String.
621 */
622 public static String escapeAllCharWithHexEntity(String str, char CHARACTER) {
624 if(str.indexOf(CHARACTER) == -1) { // nothing to replace, we're done
625 return str;
626 }
628 String char_as_string = Character.toString(CHARACTER);
629 String hexCodeString = hexEntityForChar(char_as_string);
631 Matcher hexPatternMatch = HEX_PATTERN.matcher(str); // looks for a hex entity, which has the pattern "&#x....;"
633 // want to replace all & with &x26; (the hex for ampsersand) IFF the & is not already a hexcode/doesn't already match HEX_PATTERN
634 int searchIndex = 0;
636 boolean finished = false;
637 while(!finished) {
639 searchIndex = str.indexOf(CHARACTER, searchIndex);
641 if(searchIndex == -1) {
642 finished = true;
643 }
644 else {
646 // replacing ampersands, &, is a special case: don't want to replace the & of (hex) entities in the string:
647 if(hexPatternMatch.find(searchIndex) && searchIndex == hexPatternMatch.start()) {
648 searchIndex = hexPatternMatch.end();
649 } else {
651 String tmp = str.substring(0, searchIndex) + hexCodeString;
652 searchIndex++;
653 if(str.length() > searchIndex) {
654 tmp += str.substring(searchIndex);
655 }
656 str = tmp;
657 searchIndex = searchIndex+ hexCodeString.length() - 1;
659 // String has been modified, so have to update Matcher
660 hexPatternMatch = HEX_PATTERN.matcher(str);
662 if(searchIndex >= str.length()) {
663 finished = true;
664 }
665 }
666 }
667 }
669 return str;
670 }
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