#! /user/bin/perl #usage: perl buildkpi.pl [-R] [collection] [collection] etc # #-r or -R will remove previous index files so that you may build new ones # #The program performs the following tasks: #-gathers the specified collections on the command line OR #-gathers the directories of all the collections in the collect directory, this is all # the directories apart from CVS, modelcol, . and .. which are not collections. #-It then retrieves the archive.inf file from the archive directory of each collection # to obtain the unique file ID and filepath of every document in the collection #-Then parse through each doc.gml stored in filepath to gather information #-From each file collect kea phrases and/or stems #-Determine the number of kea phrases and stems for each document #-Search for the kea phrases in the numbered phrase index. If a phrase is not there then # the program will write the kea phrase to the phrase index . #-Search for the kea phrases in the keyphrase to document index. If the phrase is there, # it will increment the number of documents that the keyphrase appears in and replace that # then append the hash ID to the list of documents in the entry. If the phrase is not there # then the program will write the kea phrase to the phrase index. #-Then write document ID, no of phrase, phrase number from index followed by number of times # phrase appears into the document_keyphrase index $gsdlhome = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; require "getopts.pl"; &Getopts('R'); #process option arguments #collections may be specified in the command line #otherwise, all collections will be used to build #the indexes. if(@ARGV){ @directories = @ARGV; } else { #open collect directory and get a list of all collections opendir(DIR, "$gsdlhome/collect"); @directories = grep(!/(^\.|(CVS)|(modelcol))/, readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); } #directory to store indexes in using collection names $dirname = ""; foreach $collection (sort @directories){ $dirname .= $collection."_"; } $dirname .= "indexes"; print STDERR "directory name: $dirname\n"; #if option R remove all previous indexes if($opt_R == 1){ #remove indexes print STDERR "\nremoving $gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/keyphrase_index.txt\n"; print STDERR "removing $gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/keyphrase_document.txt\n"; print STDERR "removing $gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/document_keyphrase.txt\n"; system("rm $gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/keyphrase_document.txt"); system("rm $gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/document_keyphrase.txt"); system("rm $gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/keyphrase_index.txt"); } #create the new directory, display an error message if the directory #already exists. `mkdir --verbose $gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname`; #for each collection specified to build indexes for foreach $collection (@directories){ print STDERR "\nBUILDING INDEXES FOR COLLECTION $collection\n\n"; my @filelist; #archives.inf contains a list of unique hash ID's of each file and file paths open(INFO, "$gsdlhome/collect/$collection/archives/archives.inf") or die "$gsdlhome/collect/$collection/archives/archives.inf could not be opened."; while(){ #get each line of text from archives.inf (OID \t filepath) chomp; push(@filelist, $_); } foreach $file (@filelist){ #add each document to the indexes build_index($file, $collection); } } #This function opens the file in the filepath sent as an argument. From this it obtains #the kea and/or stem data, and then searches for these phrases in the file, counting and storing #how many times each phrase appears. The data is then sent to function keyphrase_document #with arguments hash ID, kea phrases and stem phrases to build the keyphrase_document index. #The function which builds the document_keyphrase index is then passed the hash ID, the kea #phrases and/or the stemmed phrases and the array/s which hold the number of times each phrase #appears in the document so that the data it has collected can be written to document_ keyphrase #index. sub build_index { my $args = shift(@_); my $collection = shift(@_); my ($ID, $filepath) = split(/\t/, $args); my $keaS = ""; my $stemsS = ""; my @kea_phrase_counts = 0; my @stem_phrase_counts = 0; my $text = ""; print STDERR "\nID: $ID\n"; print STDERR "filepath: $filepath\n"; #open file to extract keyphrase information open(FILE, "$gsdlhome/collect/$collection/archives/$filepath") or die "$gsdlhome/collect/$collection/archives/$filepath could not be opened."; #patterns to search for so that we can extract the kea information my $kea_search = ".* kea=\"([^\"]*)\""; my $stem_search = "stems=\"([^\"]*)\""; while(){ #get kea and stem data and store chomp; $keaS = $1 if (/$kea_search/); $stemsS = $1 if (/$stem_search/); } close(FILE); print STDERR "Kea: $keaS\n"; print STDERR "stems: $stemsS\n"; my @kea = split(", ", $keaS); my @stems = split(", ", $stemsS); if(@kea && @stems){ #if the data exists #open the filepath to the current document open(FILE, "$gsdlhome/collect/$collection/archives/$filepath") or die "$gsdlhome/collect/$collection/archives/$filepath could not be opened."; while(){ #get the text chomp; $text .= $_; } #chop out all things in angled brackets $text =~ s/(<[^>]*>)//g; #initilise counts for($i=0; $i<=$#kea; $i++){ $kea_phrase_counts[$i] = 0; } for($i=0; $i<=$#stems; $i++){ $stem_phrase_counts[$i] = 0; } print STDERR "counting number of kea phrases in document...\n"; #using regular expressions generated from kea-reg and stem-reg #count how many of each phrase appear in the document $text_copy = $text; for($i=0; $i<=$#kea; $i++){ #search for text with kea phrases my $phrase = $kea[$i]; $reg = &kea_reg(split(/\s+/, $phrase)); while($text_copy =~ s/$reg//i){ $kea_phrase_counts[$i]++; #count the number of kea phrases } $text_copy = $text; } print STDERR "counting number of stemmed phrases in document...\n"; $text_copy = $text; for($i=0; $i<=$#stems; $i++){ #search for text with stem phrases my $stem = $stems[$i]; $reg = &stem_reg(split(/\s+/, $stem)); while($text_copy =~ s/$reg//i){ $stem_phrase_counts[$i]++; #count the number of stem phrases } $text_copy = $text; } #write data to keyphrase_document index &keyphrase_document($ID, $keaS, $stemsS); #write data to document_keyphrase index $kea_counts = join(", ", @kea_phrase_counts); $stem_counts = join(", ", @stem_phrase_counts); &document_keyphrase($ID, $keaS, $stemsS, $kea_counts, $stem_counts); } else { print STDERR "No kea data was found in file $filepath\n"; } } #returns a regular expression designed to #search for stems in text #eg 'agri cari' # agri followed by 0 or more non-whitespace characters # followed by one or more whitespace OR 0 or 1 non-whitespace characters # cari followed by 0 or more non-whitespace characters #modified from original by Stephen Lundy sub stem_reg { $regexp = ""; $l = @_; if ($l > 0) { $s = shift; $regexp = "$s\\S*"; if ($l-1 > 0) { foreach $s (@_) { $regexp .= "(\\s+|\\S?)$s\\S*"; } } } return $regexp; } #returns a regular expression designed to #search for phrases in text #eg 'agris caris' # agris followed by 0 or 1 non-whitespace characters OR # followed by one or more whitespace # caris followed by 0 or 1 non-whitespace characters #modified from original by Stephen Lundy sub kea_reg { $regexp = ""; $l = @_; if ($l > 0) { $s = shift; #$regexp = "$s(\\S?)"; $regexp = "$s(\\s+|\\S?)"; if ($l-1 > 0) { foreach $s (@_) { $regexp .= "$s(\\s+|\\S?)"; } } } return $regexp; } #This function is passed as arguments a list of kea phrases and/or stems. Its purpose is to #check in the keyphrase index file for each phrase and determine whether or not an entry has #been made for that phrase and an index number assigned to it. If there has not been an entry #made then an index number is assigned to the phrase and it is written to the file. This #function is called by document_keyphrase and keyphrase_document. Each line in the file has #this form: #-phrase index number:phrase #This function then returns a table of pairs of the phrases that were sent as arguments to it #{phrase => phrase index number}. sub keyphrase_index_search { my $phrases = shift(@_); my @phrases = split(", ", $phrases); my %table; my $index = 1; my $create_new_index = 0; print STDERR "searching keyphrase index...\n"; #initilise table of phrases and index numbers foreach $phrase (@phrases){ $table{"$phrase"} = "0"; } #open keyphrase index for appending data and for reading open(INDEX_OUT, ">>$gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/keyphrase_index.txt"); open(INDEX_IN, "$gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/keyphrase_index.txt") or $create_new_index = 1; if($create_new_index == 0){ #if the index already exists read in the phrases while(){ chomp; foreach $phrase (@phrases){ if(/(\d+):$phrase/){ $index = $1; $table{"$phrase"} = "$index"; } } $index++; #new starting index (one + the last index) } close(INDEX_IN); } #add new phrases to the phrase index foreach $phrase (keys %table){ if($table{"$phrase"} eq "0"){ print INDEX_OUT "$index:$phrase\n"; $table{"$phrase"} = "$index"; $index++; } } close(INDEX_OUT); return %table; } #This function is passed as arguments file hash ID and a list of kea phrases and/or stems #that exist for that particular file. Its purpose is to write to the keyphrase_document #index a line for the document it has been sent: #-phrase index number:number of documents it appears in|ID sub keyphrase_document{ my ($ID, $kea, $stems) = @_; my $text = ""; my @textlist; my $create_new_index = 0; print STDERR "writing to keyphrase_document.txt...\n"; #get table of phrases and phrase indexes my %table = keyphrase_index_search($kea.", ".$stems); #open index for reading open(INDEX_IN, "$gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/keyphrase_document.txt") or $create_new_index = 1; #read in document if file exists if($create_new_index == 0){ while(){ $text .= $_; } close(INDEX_IN); #split text into lines @textlist = split(/\n/, $text); } #open index for output open(INDEX_OUT, ">$gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/keyphrase_document.txt"); if($create_new_index == 0){ #amend existing index foreach $line (@textlist){ foreach $phrase (keys %table){ if($line =~ /(\d+):(\d+)(.*)/){ #all lines of this form $index = $1; if($table{"$phrase"} eq "$index") { #if phrase exists in index $ids = $3; #get all doc IDs for that keyphrase if($ids !~ /$ID/){ #if doc ID not already included $num_docs = $2; $num_docs++; #increment number of docs $line = "$index:$num_docs$3|$ID"; #line to append to index $table{"$phrase"} = "0"; } } } } print INDEX_OUT "$line\n"; } } #add new phrases to the index foreach $phrase (keys %table){ #write 'phrase index:1:file ID if($table{"$phrase"} ne "0"){ my $line = "$table{$phrase}:1:$ID"; print INDEX_OUT "$line\n"; } } close(INDEX_OUT); } #This function is passed as arguments file hash ID and a list of kea phrases and/or stems #that exist for that particular file and a list of the number of times each kea and/or stem #phrase appear in that document. Its purpose is to write to the document_keyphrase #index a line for the document it has been sent: #-file ID:number of phrases and/or stems appear in the document # |pairs of 'phrase index,number of times the phrase appears in the document' sub document_keyphrase { my ($ID, $keaS, $stemsS, $kea_c, $stem_c) = @_; my $text = ""; my @textlist; my %phrases; my $create_new_index = 0; print STDERR "writing to document_keyphrase.txt...\n"; #split phrase counts into arrays my @kea_counts = split(", ", $kea_c); my @stem_counts = split(", ", $stem_c); #get table of phrases and phrase indexes my %table = keyphrase_index_search($keaS.", ".$stemsS); #split phrases into arrays my @kea = split(", ", $keaS); my @stems = split(", ", $stemsS); #build new phrases dictionary for($i=0; $i<=$#kea; $i++){ my $phrase = $table{"$kea[$i]"}; if($kea_counts[$i] > 0){ $phrases{"$phrase"} = "$kea_counts[$i]"; } else { $phrases{"$phrase"} = 1; } } for($i=0; $i<=$#stems; $i++){ my $phrase = $table{"$stems[$i]"}; if($stem_counts[$i] > 0){ $phrases{"$phrase"} = "$stem_counts[$i]"; } else { $phrases{"$phrase"} = 1; } } my @num = keys %phrases; my $phrasenum = $#num + 1; #number of phrases in doc #open index for reading open(INDEX_IN, "$gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/document_keyphrase.txt") or $create_new_index = 1; if($create_new_index == 0){ #index doesn't need to be created while(){ $text .= $_; } close(INDEX_IN); #split text into lines @textlist = split(/\n/, $text); } #must write this line to the file #document ID:num of phrases|phrase index, number of times phrases appears my $newline = "$ID:$phrasenum"; foreach $phrase (keys %phrases){ $newline .= "|$phrase,$phrases{$phrase}"; } #open index for output open(INDEX_OUT, ">$gsdlhome/bin/script/indexes/$dirname/document_keyphrase.txt"); if($create_new_index == 1){ #create a new index print INDEX_OUT "$newline\n"; } else { #if ID is already in the file write line overtop incase #someone has modified the file. Otherwise add the line #to the end of the file my $found = 0; foreach $line (@textlist){ if($line =~ /([^:]+):(.*)/){ #all lines should follow this pattern $id = $1; if($ID eq $id){ #id is already in the file print INDEX_OUT "$newline\n"; #print line overtop $found = 1; } else { print INDEX_OUT "$line\n"; #print old line out } } } print INDEX_OUT "$newline\n" if ($found == 0); #append new line to end of file } close(INDEX_OUT); }