#!/usr/bin/perl -w BEGIN { die "GSDLHOME not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib"); unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib/plugins"); } use strict; no strict 'subs'; # allow barewords (eg STDERR) as function arguments no strict 'refs'; # allow filehandles to be variables and vice versa use encodings; use printusage; use parse2; use FileHandle; my $arguments = [ { 'name' => "language", 'desc' => "{scripts.language}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "no", 'hiddengli' => "yes" }, { 'name' => "plugin", 'desc' => "{srcreplace.plugin}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "yes", 'hiddengli' => "yes"}, { 'name' => "verbosity", 'desc' => "{import.verbosity}", 'type' => "int", 'range' => "0,", 'deft' => "1", 'reqd' => "no", 'modegli' => "3" }, # Do not remove the following option, it's a flag for generating the xml of the options # It WILL be used! { 'name' => "xml", # run with -xml, the output generated should be valid XML. Used from GLI 'desc' => "", 'type' => "flag", 'reqd' => "no", 'hiddengli' => "yes" } ]; my $options = { 'name' => "replace_srcdoc_with_html.pl", 'desc' => "{srcreplace.desc}", 'args' => $arguments }; sub main { my ($language, $plugin, $verbosity); my $xml = 0; my $hashParsingResult = {}; # parse the options my $intArgLeftinAfterParsing = parse2::parse(\@ARGV,$arguments,$hashParsingResult,"allow_extra_options"); # If parse returns -1 then something has gone wrong if ($intArgLeftinAfterParsing == -1) { &PrintUsage::print_txt_usage($options, "{srcreplace.params}"); die "\n"; } foreach my $strVariable (keys %$hashParsingResult) { eval "\$$strVariable = \$hashParsingResult->{\"\$strVariable\"}"; } # If $language has been specified, load the appropriate resource bundle # (Otherwise, the default resource bundle will be loaded automatically) if ($language && $language =~ /\S/) { &gsprintf::load_language_specific_resource_bundle($language); } if ($xml) { &PrintUsage::print_xml_usage($options); print "\n"; return; } # There should be one arg left after parsing (the filename) # Or the user may have specified -h, in which case we output the usage if($intArgLeftinAfterParsing != 1 || (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^\-+h/)) { &PrintUsage::print_txt_usage($options, "{srcreplace.params}"); die "\n"; } # The filename of the document to be replaced is the first value # that remains after the options have been parsed out my $filename = $ARGV[0]; if (!defined $filename || $filename !~ /\w/) { &PrintUsage::print_txt_usage($options, "{srcreplace.params}"); print STDERR "You need to specify a filename\n"; die "\n"; } # check that file exists if (!-e $filename) { print STDERR "File $filename doesn't exist...\n"; die "\n"; } # check required options if (!defined $plugin || $plugin !~ /\w/) { &PrintUsage::print_txt_usage($options, "{srcreplace.params}"); print STDERR "You need to specify a plugin"; die "\n"; } # ConvertToPlug.pm's subclasses should be available here through GLI, # but in cmdline version, these should be supplied my $plugobj; require "$plugin.pm"; eval ("\$plugobj = new $plugin()"); die "$@" if $@; # ...and initialize it $plugobj->init(1, "STDERR", "STDERR"); # find the import directory, where we want to create it in. This is where the file # passed as parameter by GLI is located. # derive tmp filename from input filename my ($tailname, $import_dir, $suffix) = &File::Basename::fileparse($filename, "\\.[^\\.]+\$"); # Use the plugin's tmp_area_convert_file function to avoid duplicating code. # This method returns the name of the output file. In the case of Word docs, # if converted with windows_scripting a "filename_files" folder might have been # created for associated files. Same situation when using wvware with gsConvert.pl. # (When old gsConvert.pl was used, wvware created no separate directory, instead files # associated with the html generated would be at the same level in the tmp folder # where the output file was created.) Now it's the same no matter whether wvware # or windows_scripting did the conversion of the Word doc to html. my $output_filename = $plugobj->tmp_area_convert_file("html", $filename); # if something went wrong, then tmp_area_convert_file returns "", but can also check # for whether the output file exists or not if(!-e $output_filename || $output_filename eq "") { # if no output html file was created, then die so that GLI displays error message print STDERR "***replace_srcdoc_with_html.pl: no output file created for $filename ***\n"; die "No html file created for $filename. Replacement did not take place\n"; # Program NEEDS to die here, # else the error that occurred is not transmitted to GLI and it thinks instead that execution was fine #return 0; # error code 0 for false <- NO, needs to die, not return! } #else: # now, find out what to move: # it may be a single file, or, if it is a word doc, it may also have an image folder # which has the name "filename-without-extension_files" my ($tmp_name, $tmp_dir, $ext) = &File::Basename::fileparse($output_filename, "\\.[^\\.]+\$"); # the name of the folder of associated files (which may or may not exist) in the tmp dir my $assoc_folder = &util::filename_cat($tmp_dir, $tmp_name."_files"); # Need to check for naming collisions: in case there is already a file or folder # in the import directory by the name of those we want to move there from the tmp folder # First need to work out the full paths to any assoc folder if it were copied into the # import directory, and the main html file if it were copied into the import folder: my $new_assoc_folder = &util::filename_cat($import_dir, $tmp_name."_files"); my $new_file = &util::filename_cat($import_dir, $tmp_name.$ext); # If there is an image folder, any naming collisions now would mean that the links of # the html file to the image folder would break if we changed the assoc_folder's name. # Therefore, in such a case this process dies after deleting both the file and assoc_folder. if(-e $assoc_folder && -e $new_assoc_folder) { # so an associated folder was generated, AND a folder by that name already exists # in the import folder where we want to copy the generated folder to. &util::rm($output_filename); &util::rm_r($assoc_folder); # we know directory exists, so remove dir die "Image folder $new_assoc_folder already exists.\nDeleting generated file and folder, else links to images will break.\n"; } # Finally, check that no file already exists with the same name as the generated stand-alone # file. Have to do this *after* checking for name collisions with any assoc_folder, because # that also tries to remove any output files. if(-e $new_file) { # a file by that name already exists, delete the generated file &util::rm($output_filename); die "File $new_file already exists. Deleting generated file.\n"; } # Now we know we have no file name collisions. We 'move' the html file by copying its # contents over and ensuring that these contents are utf8. If we don't do this, PDFs # replaced by html may fail, whereas those converted with PDFPlug will have succeeded. open(FIN,"<$output_filename") or die "replace_srcdoc_with_html.pl: Unable to open $output_filename to ensure utf8...ERROR: $!\n"; my $html_contents; # Read in the entire contents of the file in one hit sysread(FIN, $html_contents, -s FIN); &unicode::ensure_utf8(\$html_contents); # turn any high bytes that aren't valid utf-8 into utf-8. close(FIN); # write the utf8 contents to the new file and delete the original. open(FOUT, ">$new_file") or die "replace_srcdoc_with_html.pl: Unable to open $new_file for writing out utf8 html...ERROR: $!\n"; print FOUT $html_contents; close(FOUT); &util::rm($output_filename); # move any associated folders containing associated files too if(-e $assoc_folder) { #print STDERR "****Folder for associated files is $assoc_folder\n"; #&util::mv($assoc_folder, $import_dir); # doesn't work for me &util::cp_r($assoc_folder, $import_dir); &util::rm_r($assoc_folder); } # Now we can remove the source doc permanently (there are no assocdirs for source doc) &util::rm($filename); # need this output statement here, as GShell.java's runRemote() sets status to CANCELLED # if there is no output! (Therefore, it only had this adverse affect when running GSDL remotely) # Do something useful with it: return the new filename without extension, used by remote GS server print STDOUT "$tmp_name\n"; } &main(@ARGV);