/* * MGRetrieveWrapperImpl.c * Copyright (C) 2002 New Zealand Digital Library, http://www.nzdl.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "MGWrapperImpl.h" #include #include "org_greenstone_mg_MGRetrieveWrapper.h" #include "backend.h" #include "environment.h" #include "text_get.h" #include "stemmer.h" #define MAX_INDEXES_CACHED 3 /* copied from mgquery, needed to convert paragraph numbers to document numbers for greenstone */ #if defined(PARADOCNUM) || defined(NZDL) static int GetDocNumFromParaNum(query_data *qd, int paranum) { int Documents = qd->td->cth.num_of_docs; int *Paragraph = qd->paragraph; int low = 1, high = Documents; int mid = (low+high)/2; while ((mid = (low+high)/2) >=1 && mid <= Documents) { if (paranum > Paragraph[mid]) low = mid+1; else if (paranum <= Paragraph[mid-1]) high = mid-1; else return mid; } FatalError(1, "Bad paragraph number.\n"); return 0; } #endif /********************************************* initialisation stuff *********************************************/ /* cached ids for java stuff */ jfieldID FID_mg_data = NULL; /* MGWrapperData */ jfieldID FID_query_result = NULL; /* MGQueryResult */ jmethodID MID_addDoc = NULL; /* MGQueryResult.addDoc() */ jmethodID MID_addTerm = NULL; /* MGQueryResult.addTerm() */ jmethodID MID_addEquivTerm = NULL; /* MGQueryResult.addEquivTerm() */ jmethodID MID_setTotalDocs = NULL; /* MGQueryResult.setTotalDocs() */ jmethodID MID_clearResult = NULL; /* MGQueryResult.clear() */ /******************************************* Index caching *******************************************/ query_data* cached_indexes[MAX_INDEXES_CACHED] = { NULL }; /* Get the index data necessary to perform a query or document retrieval */ query_data* loadIndexData(char* base_dir, char* index_path, char* text_path) { char* index_path_name; char* text_path_name; query_data* qd; int i = 0; /* Form the path name of the desired indexes */ index_path_name = (char*) malloc(strlen(base_dir) + strlen(index_path) + 1); assert(index_path_name != NULL); strcpy(index_path_name, base_dir); strcat(index_path_name, index_path); printf("Index pathname: %s\n", index_path_name); text_path_name = (char*) malloc(strlen(base_dir) + strlen(text_path) + 1); assert(text_path_name != NULL); strcpy(text_path_name, base_dir); strcat(text_path_name, text_path); printf("Text pathname: %s\n", text_path_name); /* Search through the cached indexes for the desired one */ while (i < MAX_INDEXES_CACHED && cached_indexes[i] != NULL) { printf("(Cached) Pathname: %s\n", cached_indexes[i]->pathname); printf("(Cached) Textpathname: %s\n", cached_indexes[i]->textpathname); /* Check if the index has already been loaded */ if ((strcmp(index_path_name, cached_indexes[i]->pathname) == 0) && (strcmp(text_path_name, cached_indexes[i]->textpathname) == 0)) { /* Index has already been loaded and cached, so return it */ printf("Found index!\n"); free(index_path_name); free(text_path_name); return cached_indexes[i]; } i++; } /* Text strings no longer needed */ free(index_path_name); free(text_path_name); /* The index is not cached, so load it now */ qd = InitQuerySystem(base_dir, index_path, text_path, NULL); if (!qd) { printf("Error: Could not InitQuerySystem()...\n"); return NULL; } /* The index loaded OK, so cache it */ /* This could be a little more sophisticated, eg. replace least frequently used index */ if (i >= MAX_INDEXES_CACHED) i = MAX_INDEXES_CACHED - 1; /* Free the index being replaced */ if (cached_indexes[i] != NULL) FinishQuerySystem(cached_indexes[i]); /* Cache the loaded index, and return it */ cached_indexes[i] = qd; return cached_indexes[i]; } /* * Class: org_greenstone_mg_MGRetrieveWrapper * Method: initIDs * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_greenstone_mg_MGRetrieveWrapper_initIDs(JNIEnv *j_env, jclass j_cls) { /* a long-"J" */ FID_mg_data = (*j_env)->GetFieldID(j_env, j_cls, "mg_data_ptr_", "J"); assert(FID_mg_data != NULL); } /* * Class: org_greenstone_mg_MGRetrieveWrapper * Method: initCSide * Signature: ()Z */ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_greenstone_mg_MGRetrieveWrapper_initCSide (JNIEnv *j_env, jobject j_obj) { /* Allocate a MGWrapperData object to store query parameters */ MGWrapperData* data = (MGWrapperData*) malloc(sizeof(MGWrapperData)); assert(data != NULL); /* Set default values - no stemming, no case-folding, boolean OR queries */ data->defaultStemMethod = 0; data->defaultBoolCombine = 0; /* Allocate a QueryInfo object to store more query parameters */ data->queryInfo = (QueryInfo*) malloc(sizeof(QueryInfo)); assert(data->queryInfo != NULL); /* Set default values - 50 documents max, return term freqs, sort by rank */ data->queryInfo->index = NULL; data->queryInfo->maxDocs = 50; data->queryInfo->needTermFreqs = 1; /* Save the object on the Java side */ (*j_env)->SetLongField(j_env, j_obj, FID_mg_data, (long) data); /* Initialise MG environment variables */ InitEnv(); SetEnv("expert", "true", NULL); SetEnv("mode", "docnums", NULL); return 1; /* true - no errors */ } /* * Class: org_greenstone_mg_MGRetrieveWrapper * Method: unloadIndexData * Signature: ()Z */ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_greenstone_mg_MGRetrieveWrapper_unloadIndexData (JNIEnv* j_env, jobject j_obj) { /* Free all the loaded indexes */ int i = 0; while (i < MAX_INDEXES_CACHED && cached_indexes[i] != NULL) { FinishQuerySystem(cached_indexes[i]); cached_indexes[i] = NULL; i++; } return 1; /* true - no errors */ } /* Choose MG index to search */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_greenstone_mg_MGRetrieveWrapper_setIndex(JNIEnv *j_env, jobject j_obj, jstring j_index) { MGWrapperData* data = (MGWrapperData*) (*j_env)->GetLongField(j_env, j_obj, FID_mg_data); /* Get the index name as a C string */ const char* index = (*j_env)->GetStringUTFChars(j_env, j_index, NULL); assert(index != NULL); printf("Choosing index %s...\n", index); /* Free the previous index name */ if (data->queryInfo->index) free(data->queryInfo->index); /* Allocate memory for the index name, and fill it */ data->queryInfo->index = (char*) malloc(strlen(index) + 1); assert(data->queryInfo->index != NULL); strcpy(data->queryInfo->index, index); /* Release the index string */ (*j_env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(j_env, j_index, index); } /* * Class: org_greenstone_mg_MGRetrieveWrapper * Method: getDocument * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;J)Ljava/lang/String; */ JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_greenstone_mg_MGRetrieveWrapper_getDocument (JNIEnv *j_env, jobject j_obj, jstring j_base_dir, jstring j_text_path, jlong j_docnum) { MGWrapperData* data = (MGWrapperData*) (*j_env)->GetLongField(j_env, j_obj, FID_mg_data); char* index_path; const char* base_dir; const char* text_path; query_data* qd; mg_u_long pos, len; u_char* c_buffer = NULL; u_char* uc_buffer = NULL; int ULen; jstring result; /* Make sure an index has been specified */ index_path = data->queryInfo->index; assert(index_path != NULL); /* Obtain C versions of the two string parameters */ base_dir = (*j_env)->GetStringUTFChars(j_env, j_base_dir, NULL); if (base_dir == NULL) { return NULL; } text_path = (*j_env)->GetStringUTFChars(j_env, j_text_path, NULL); if (text_path == NULL) { (*j_env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(j_env, j_base_dir, base_dir); return NULL; } /* Load the appropriate index for satisfying this request */ printf("Document retrieval, index path: %s\n", index_path); qd = loadIndexData((char*) base_dir, (char*) index_path, (char*) text_path); /* The C text strings are no longer needed */ (*j_env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(j_env, j_base_dir, base_dir); (*j_env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(j_env, j_text_path, text_path); /* Check that the index was loaded successfully */ if (qd==NULL) { return NULL; } /*assert(qd != NULL);*/ /* Get the document position and length in the text file */ printf("Fetching document number %d...\n", (mg_u_long) j_docnum); FetchDocStart(qd, (mg_u_long) j_docnum, &pos, &len); printf("Fetched document start. Pos: %d, Len: %d\n", pos, len); /* Allocate memory for the document text (from mg/src/text/mgquery.c:RawDocOutput()) */ c_buffer = (u_char*) malloc(len); assert(c_buffer != NULL); uc_buffer = (u_char*) malloc((int) (qd->td->cth.ratio * 1.01 * len) + 100); assert(uc_buffer != NULL); /* Seek to the correct position in the file and read the document text */ Fseek (qd->td->TextFile, pos, 0); Fread (c_buffer, 1, len, qd->td->TextFile); /* Decompress the document text into another buffer, and terminate it */ DecodeText (qd->cd, c_buffer, len, uc_buffer, &ULen); uc_buffer[ULen] = '\0'; /* Load the document text into a Java string */ result = (*j_env)->NewStringUTF(j_env, uc_buffer); assert(result != NULL); /* Free C buffers */ free(c_buffer); free(uc_buffer); /* Return the document text */ return result; }