/********************************************************************** * * mssqldbclass.cpp -- * Copyright (C) 2008 DL Consulting Ltd * * A component of the Greenstone digital library software * from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the * University of Waikato, New Zealand. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *********************************************************************/ #include "mssqldbclass.h" #include "gsdlunicode.h" #include "unitool.h" #include "cfgread.h" #include #ifdef __WIN32__ // for Sleep # include #else // for usleep # include #endif #define MSSQL_MAX_RETRIES 8 mssqldbclass::mssqldbclass () { dbptr = NULL; tableid = ""; debug = true; } mssqldbclass::~mssqldbclass () { closedatabase(); } // returns true if opened bool mssqldbclass::opendatabase (const text_t &filename, int mode, int num_retrys, #ifdef __WIN32__ bool need_filelock #else bool #endif ) { // Read the database information in from the .mssqldbinfo file debug_output("MSSQL: Read in infodb file:[" + filename + "]\n"); text_tmap db_info_map = read_infodb_file(filename); tableid = db_info_map["tableid"]; // Initializing connection to MS-SQL debug_output("MSSQL: Opening connection...\n"); CoInitialize(NULL); char *db; text_t constr = "Provider=SQLNCLI;DataTypeCompatibility=80;Server=" + db_info_map["mss-host"] + ";User ID=" + db_info_map["username"] + ";Password=" + db_info_map["password"] + ";Initial Catalog=" + db_info_map["database"] + ";AutoTranslate=on;"; db = constr.getcstr(); // Handle the error when create connection instance failed if (FAILED(dbptr.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Connection)))) { cerr << "mssqldbclass::opendatabase(): CreateInstance failed." << endl; return false; } // Try to open the database, if it failed, output the error. // Note, the error description is not really helpful, but you can google the // error number and you can always find something helpful try { dbptr->Open(db, "", "", -1); } catch (_com_error &e) { text_t error; error.setcstr(e.ErrorMessage()); cerr << "mssqldbclass::opendatabase(): Open failed (" << error << ")" << endl; } catch (...) { cerr << "mssqldbclass::opendatabase(): Open failed badly." << endl; } CoUninitialize(); return true; } void mssqldbclass::closedatabase () { // Close the database and catch any error if failed. if (dbptr != NULL) { debug_output("MSSQL: Closing Database\n"); try { dbptr->Close(); } catch (_com_error &e) { text_t error; error.setcstr(e.ErrorMessage()); cerr << "mssqldbclass::closedatabase(): Close failed (" << error << ")" << endl; } catch (...) { cerr << "mssqldbclass::closedatabase(): Close failed badly." << endl; } delete dbptr; dbptr = NULL; } } // Return the file extension for the mssql's info file text_t mssqldbclass::getfileextension () { return ".mssqldbinfo"; } void mssqldbclass::deletekey (const text_t &key) { text_t sql_cmd = "DELETE FROM data_" + tableid + " WHERE one_key=N'" + sql_safe(key) + "'"; sqlexec(sql_cmd); } // returns true on success bool mssqldbclass::getkeydata (const text_t& key, text_t &data) { text_t sql_cmd = "SELECT one_value FROM data_" + tableid + " WHERE one_key=N'" + sql_safe(key) + "'"; vector sql_results; if (!sqlgetarray(sql_cmd, sql_results) || sql_results.size() == 0) { return false; } text_tmap sql_result = sql_results[0]; data = sql_result["one_value"]; return true; } // returns array of keys text_tarray mssqldbclass::getkeys () { text_tarray keys; // Get all the entries in the "key" column of the table text_t sql_cmd = "SELECT one_key FROM data_" + tableid; vector sql_results; if (!sqlgetarray(sql_cmd, sql_results) || sql_results.size() == 0) { return keys; } // Iterate through the keys and add them to the array to be returned vector::iterator sql_results_iterator = sql_results.begin(); while (sql_results_iterator != sql_results.end()) { text_tmap sql_result = (*sql_results_iterator); keys.push_back(sql_result["one_key"]); sql_results_iterator++; } return keys; } // returns true on success bool mssqldbclass::setkeydata (const text_t &key, const text_t &data) { // We need to do either an INSERT or UPDATE depending on whether the key already exists if (!exists(key)) { text_t sql_cmd = "INSERT INTO data_" + tableid + " (one_key, one_value) VALUES (N'" + sql_safe(key) + "', N'" + sql_safe(data) + "')"; return sqlexec(sql_cmd); } else { text_t sql_cmd = "UPDATE data_" + tableid + " SET one_value='" + sql_safe(data) + "' WHERE one_key=N'" + sql_safe(key) + "'"; return sqlexec(sql_cmd); } } // returns array of document OIDs text_tarray mssqldbclass::get_documents_with_metadata_value (const text_tarray &metadata_element_names, const text_t &metadata_value, const text_t &sort_by_metadata_element_name) { text_tarray document_OIDs; // Check at least one metadata element and a metadata value has been specified if (metadata_element_names.empty() || metadata_value == "") { return document_OIDs; } // Get the entries in the "document_metadata" table where the element and value matches those specified text_t sql_cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT docOID FROM document_metadata_" + tableid + " WHERE element IN (N'" + sql_safe(metadata_element_names[0]) + "'"; for (int i = 1; i < metadata_element_names.size(); i++) { sql_cmd += ",'" + sql_safe(metadata_element_names[i]) + "'"; } sql_cmd += ") AND value='" + sql_safe(metadata_value) + "'"; // If we're sorting the documents by a certain metadata element, extend the SQL command to do this if (sort_by_metadata_element_name != "") { sql_cmd = "SELECT docOID FROM (" + sql_cmd + ") LEFT JOIN (SELECT docOID,value from document_metadata_" + tableid + " WHERE element=N'" + sql_safe(sort_by_metadata_element_name) + "') USING (docOID) ORDER by value"; } // Perform the SQL request vector sql_results; if (!sqlgetarray(sql_cmd, sql_results) || sql_results.size() == 0) { return document_OIDs; } // Iterate through the documents and add them to the array to be returned vector::iterator sql_results_iterator = sql_results.begin(); while (sql_results_iterator != sql_results.end()) { text_tmap sql_result = (*sql_results_iterator); document_OIDs.push_back(sql_result["docOID"]); sql_results_iterator++; } return document_OIDs; } // returns array of values text_tarray mssqldbclass::get_metadata_values (const text_tarray &metadata_element_names, const text_t &metadata_value_filter, const text_t &metadata_value_grouping_expression) { text_tarray metadata_values; // Check at least one metadata element has been specified if (metadata_element_names.empty()) { return metadata_values; } // Get the raw "value" field unless a grouping expression was provided (in this case an edited value is returned) text_t value_select_expression = "value"; if (metadata_value_grouping_expression != "") { value_select_expression = metadata_value_grouping_expression; } // Get the entries in the "document_metadata" table where the element matches that specified text_t sql_cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT docOID," + value_select_expression + " FROM document_metadata_" + tableid + " WHERE element IN (N'" + sql_safe(metadata_element_names[0]) + "'"; for (int i = 1; i < metadata_element_names.size(); i++) { sql_cmd += ",N'" + sql_safe(metadata_element_names[i]) + "'"; } sql_cmd += ")"; // Add value filter, if one has been defined if (metadata_value_filter != "") { sql_cmd += " AND value GLOB N'" + sql_safe(metadata_value_filter) + "'"; } // Perform the SQL request vector sql_results; if (!sqlgetarray(sql_cmd, sql_results) || sql_results.size() == 0) { return metadata_values; } // Iterate through the values and add them to the array to be returned vector::iterator sql_results_iterator = sql_results.begin(); while (sql_results_iterator != sql_results.end()) { text_tmap sql_result = (*sql_results_iterator); metadata_values.push_back(sql_result[value_select_expression]); sql_results_iterator++; } return metadata_values; } // sqlexec(const text_t &sql) // Takes a sql statement and executes it // Returns false if failed, otherwise true bool mssqldbclass::sqlexec (const text_t &sql) { char *sql_c = sql.getcstr(); bool rv = true; // Creating the command instance _CommandPtr cmd; if (FAILED(cmd.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Command)))) { cerr << "mssqldbclass::sqlexec: CreateInstance failed" << endl; return false; } // Execute the sql statements and catch any error encountered try { cmd->ActiveConnection = dbptr; cmd->CommandText = sql_c; cmd->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdText); } catch (_com_error &e) { text_t error; error.setcstr(e.ErrorMessage()); cerr << "mssqldbclass::sqlexec: _com_error: (" << sql << ") : (" << error << ")" << endl; rv = false; } catch (...) { cerr << "mssqldbclass::sqlexec: unknown error: (" + sql + ")" << endl; rv = false; } delete [] sql_c; return rv; } // sqlgetarray(const text_t &sql_cmd, vector &sql_results) // Takes a sql statement and returns a vetor of result text_tmaps // Each map containing [field] => [value]. Note, all in text_t bool mssqldbclass::sqlgetarray (const text_t &sql_cmd, vector &sql_results) { _RecordsetPtr rset; bool result = false; char *sql_c = sql_cmd.getcstr(); // Create instance of the Recordset and die if failed if (FAILED(rset.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Recordset)))) { cerr << "mssqldbclass::sqlgetarray(): CreateInstance failed." << endl; return false; } // Do the query to the database - this can throw exceptions, hence // the try...catch try { rset->Open(sql_c, dbptr.GetInterfacePtr(), adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText); // There may have been no results found if (rset->RecordCount < 1) { debug_output("mssqldbclass::sqlgetarray(): No records found!\n"); return true; // Still want to return true even if there is no result found } // Retrieve the informaton and place it into the sql_result map vector // It will be array[["key"=>"values"]] while(!rset->EndOfFile) { text_tmap rowmap; _variant_t index; index.vt = VT_I2; for (int i = 0; i < rset->Fields->Count; i++) { index.iVal = i; text_t v = ""; text_t n = (char *)_bstr_t(rset->Fields->GetItem(index)->Name); if (rset->Fields->GetItem(index)->Value.vt != VT_NULL) { v = convert_bstr_to_textt(rset->Fields->GetItem(index)->Value); } rowmap[n] = v; } sql_results.push_back(rowmap); rset->MoveNext(); } result = true; } catch (_com_error &e) { text_t error; error.setcstr(e.ErrorMessage()); cerr << "mssqldbclass::sqlgetarray(): Error " << error << endl; result = false; } catch (...) { cerr << "mssqldbclass::sqlgetarray(): Unknown Error" << endl; result = false; } delete [] sql_c; return result; } // returns true if exists bool sqlitedbclass::sqltableexists(const text_t &table_name) { cerr << "**** mssqldbclass::sqltableexists: This implementation is untested!" << endl; cerr << "**** Remove warning message once confirmed/fixed to works as required" << endl; text_t sql_cmd = "SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name='" + sql_safe(table_name) + "' AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id,'IsUserTable')=1"; vector sql_results; if (!sqlgetarray(sql_cmd, sql_results) || sql_results.size() == 0) { return false; } return true; } text_t mssqldbclass::sql_safe (const text_t &value_arg) { text_t value = value_arg; value.replace("'", "''"); return value; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // MS-SQL Private Utilities [START] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // read_infodb_file(text_t filename) // Unlike the others (sqlite and gdbm), this is a server-client based // database. Therefore, instead of store the actual database, we store the // infoserver-client based database. // What we want to do here is to have the text_tmap mssqldbclass::read_infodb_file(text_t filename) { text_tarray cfgline; text_tmap dbinfo_hash; // Read in the infodb file // It is the same format as all other config file // Therefore let's reuse the confin code char *infodb_cfgc = filename.getcstr(); ifstream confin(infodb_cfgc); // Read in the config and store it into the hash if (confin) { while (read_cfg_line(confin, cfgline) >= 0) { if (cfgline.size() == 2) { dbinfo_hash[cfgline[0]] = cfgline[1]; } } confin.close(); } delete []infodb_cfgc; return dbinfo_hash; } void mssqldbclass::debug_output (text_t output_string) { // Only ouput this when we want to see the debug message if (debug) { cerr << output_string; } } text_t mssqldbclass::convert_bstr_to_textt (_variant_t variant) { text_t result = ""; // For some reasons Windows Server 2003 does not // allow _bstr_t to be casted to unsigned short* directly // Therefore we need to convert it to wchar_t * then convert // to unsigned short* _bstr_t in = _bstr_t(variant); wchar_t* temp_conv = (wchar_t*)in; unsigned short* ints = (unsigned short*)temp_conv; for (int i = 0 ; i < in.length() ; i++) { result.push_back(ints[i]); } return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // MS-SQL Private Utilities [END] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//