@echo off :: http://ss64.com/nt/syntax-args.html :: Doing this will make the command prompt go into short filenames mode for this directory. :: This will be helpful during compiling if there are spaces (or brackets) in the filepath, :: since apache's own batch scripts do not allow for the possibility of spaces or brackets. if "%1"=="amd64" ( cmd /c rem ) else ( command /c rem ) pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" :: Set this to "true" if this script can attempt to setup the environment for compilation for you (leave empty if you will do it) set SET_GS_ENV= :: Path to VCVARS32.bat -- You can set this variable manually if needed :: e.g. set VCVARS="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\VCVARS32.BAT" set VCVARS= :: Path to Microsoft Platform SDK's SetEnv.cmd -- You can set this variable manually if needed ::e.g. set SDK_ENV="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\SetEnv.Cmd" set SDK_ENV= rem Checking for Winbin and Unzip utility :: try getting it from svn IF NOT EXIST .\bin\windows\*.* ( echo Getting winbin FROM http://svn.greenstone.org/main/trunk/binaries/windows/bin INTO bin/windows cd bin svn co http://svn.greenstone.org/main/trunk/binaries/windows/bin windows cd .. ) IF NOT EXIST .\bin\windows\*.* GOTO ENDNOWINBIN IF NOT EXIST .\bin\windows\choice32.exe GOTO ENDNOWINBIN echo. echo. echo #### # ### echo ## # # echo # ### ## ## ### ### ### ## ### ## # echo # # # #### #### # # ## # # # # # #### ## echo ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## echo #### # ### ### # # ### ## ## # # ### #### echo (C) 2008, New Zealand Digital Library Project echo. echo. echo. rem Checking for existance of the packages extracted / zipped IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\crypt\crypt\nul IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\crypt\crypt.zip GOTO ENDNOWINPACK IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\expat\expat* IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\expat\expat*.tar.gz GOTO ENDNOWINPACK :: IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\gdbm\gdbm\nul IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\gdbm\gdbm.zip GOTO ENDNOWINPACK IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\stlport\stlport\nul IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\stlport\stlport.zip GOTO ENDNOWINPACK IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\indexers\packages\windows\iconv\iconv\nul IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\indexers\packages\windows\iconv\iconv.zip GOTO ENDNOICONV IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\sqlite\sqlite* IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\sqlite\sqlite*.tar.gz GOTO ENDNOSQLITE rem Ask the user to extract now or to directly compile echo Do you want to extract the required packages (Recommended)? This will be the default action in 10 seconds. if "%1"=="amd64" (.\bin\windows\choice64.exe /D Y /T 10 /C YN IF errorlevel 2 GOTO COMPILE IF errorlevel 1 GOTO UNZIP IF errorlevel 0 GOTO END ) else (.\bin\windows\choice32.exe /T:Y,10 /C:YN IF errorlevel 2 GOTO COMPILE IF errorlevel 1 GOTO UNZIP IF errorlevel 0 GOTO END ) :UNZIP IF NOT EXIST .\bin\windows\unzip.exe GOTO ENDNOUNZIP IF NOT EXIST .\bin\windows\gunzip.exe GOTO ENDNOUNZIP IF NOT EXIST .\bin\windows\tar.exe GOTO ENDNOUNZIP rem Extracting the packages IF EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\crypt\crypt.zip .\bin\windows\unzip.exe -o .\common-src\packages\windows\crypt\crypt.zip -d .\common-src\packages\windows\crypt\ IF EXIST .\common-src\packages\expat\expat*.tar.gz .\bin\windows\gunzip.exe -cd .\common-src\packages\expat\expat*.tar.gz | .\bin\windows\tar.exe xv --directory=./common-src/packages/expat IF EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\gdbm\gdbm.zip .\bin\windows\unzip.exe -o .\common-src\packages\windows\gdbm\gdbm.zip -d .\common-src\packages\windows\gdbm\ IF EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\stlport\stlport.zip .\bin\windows\unzip.exe -o .\common-src\packages\windows\stlport\stlport.zip -d .\common-src\packages\windows\stlport\ IF EXIST .\common-src\indexers\packages\windows\iconv\iconv.zip .\bin\windows\unzip.exe -o .\common-src\indexers\packages\windows\iconv\iconv.zip -d .\common-src\indexers\packages\windows\iconv\ IF EXIST .\common-src\packages\sqlite\sqlite*.tar.gz .\bin\windows\gunzip.exe -cd .\common-src\packages\sqlite\sqlite*.tar.gz | .\bin\windows\tar.exe xv --directory=./common-src/packages/sqlite echo. echo. :COMPILE rem Last check if all the packages have been extracted prior compilation IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\crypt\crypt\*.* GOTO NEEDUNZIP IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\expat\expat* GOTO NEEDUNZIP :: IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\gdbm\gdbm\*.* GOTO NEEDUNZIP IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\windows\stlport\stlport\*.* GOTO NEEDUNZIP IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\indexers\packages\windows\iconv\iconv\*.* GOTO NEEDUNZIP IF NOT EXIST .\common-src\packages\sqlite\sqlite* GOTO NEEDUNZIP :: Do nothing if we are not to set the environment for compiling in this file (if it was set before) if not "SET_GS_ENV"=="true" goto :PROMPT rem Check some known paths to VCVARS32.BAT :: if the user has set VCVARS32 don't look in the default places at all IF NOT %VCVARS%=="" echo ******* VCVARS set, checking for MS Platform SDK...& GOTO SET_SDK :: Visual Studio 2005 Pro --- NOT READY YET IF EXIST "%programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat" set VCVARS="%programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat" :: Visual Studio 2003 \ VS7 IF %VCVARS%=="" IF EXIST "%programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin\vcvars32.bat" set VCVARS="%programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin\vcvars32.bat" :: Visual Studio 6 \ VS6 IF %VCVARS%=="" IF EXIST "%programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\VCVARS32.BAT" set VCVARS="%programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\VCVARS32.BAT" IF %VCVARS%=="" GOTO ENDNOVCVARS32 :: Now VCVARS has been set so it can be used when we need it :SET_SDK rem Check known path(s) to SetEnv.cmd :: if the user has set SDK_ENV don't look in the default places at all IF NOT %SDK_ENV%=="" GOTO CALL_SDK IF EXIST "%programfiles%\Microsoft Platform SDK\SetEnv.cmd" set SDK_ENV="%programfiles%\Microsoft Platform SDK\SetEnv.cmd" IF %SDK_ENV%=="" GOTO ENDNOSDKENV :CALL_SDK call %SDK_ENV% echo. echo. call %VCVARS% echo. echo. :PROMPT echo. rem Ask the user what to compile echo What do you want to compile? echo. echo 1. Local library only echo 2. Web library only echo 3. Apache local library (needs Microsoft Platform SDK) echo 4. All echo 5. All (with Debugging ON) echo 6. Clean (when re-compiling all, do this before step 5) echo 7. Quit echo. echo Please choose a number from the menu. Otherwise both libraries will be compiled in 15 seconds. if "%1"=="amd64" (.\bin\windows\choice64.exe /N /D 3 /T 15 /C 1234567 IF errorlevel 7 GOTO END IF errorlevel 6 GOTO DOCLEAN IF errorlevel 5 GOTO WITHALLDEBUG IF errorlevel 4 GOTO WITHALL IF errorlevel 3 GOTO WITHAPACHE IF errorlevel 2 GOTO WITHOUTLOCALLIB IF errorlevel 1 GOTO WITHLOCALLIB IF errorlevel 0 GOTO END ) else (.\bin\windows\choice32.exe /N /T:3,15 /C:1234567 IF errorlevel 7 GOTO END IF errorlevel 6 GOTO DOCLEAN IF errorlevel 5 GOTO WITHALLDEBUG IF errorlevel 4 GOTO WITHALL IF errorlevel 3 GOTO WITHAPACHE IF errorlevel 2 GOTO WITHOUTLOCALLIB IF errorlevel 1 GOTO WITHLOCALLIB IF errorlevel 0 GOTO END ) :DOCLEAN echo. echo. nmake /f win32.mak CLEAN GOTO ENDOK :WITHAPACHE :: Only compile up the Apache web server if we're asked to :: Now unpack the custom GS2 apache web server tar.gz file IF NOT EXIST .\runtime-src\packages\apache-httpd\httpd-2.2.11\nul .\bin\windows\gunzip.exe -cd .\runtime-src\packages\apache-httpd\httpd-*.tar.gz | .\bin\windows\tar.exe xv --directory=./runtime-src/packages/apache-httpd nmake /f win32.mak APACHE_HTTPD=1 GOTO ENDOK :WITHOUTLOCALLIB echo. echo. nmake /f win32.mak GOTO ENDOK :WITHLOCALLIB echo. echo. nmake /f win32.mak LOCAL_LIBRARY=1 GOTO ENDOK :WITHALL :: Now unpack the custom GS2 apache web server tar.gz file, if not already unpacked IF NOT EXIST .\runtime-src\packages\apache-httpd\httpd-2.2.11\nul .\bin\windows\gunzip.exe -cd .\runtime-src\packages\apache-httpd\httpd-*.tar.gz | .\bin\windows\tar.exe xv --directory=./runtime-src/packages/apache-httpd echo. echo. nmake /f win32.mak nmake /f win32.mak LOCAL_LIBRARY=1 nmake /f win32.mak APACHE_HTTPD=1 GOTO ENDOK :WITHALLDEBUG :: Now unpack the custom GS2 apache web server tar.gz file, if not already unpacked IF NOT EXIST .\runtime-src\packages\apache-httpd\httpd-2.2.11\nul .\bin\windows\gunzip.exe -cd .\runtime-src\packages\apache-httpd\httpd-*.tar.gz | .\bin\windows\tar.exe xv --directory=./runtime-src/packages/apache-httpd echo. echo. nmake /f win32.mak DEBUG=1 nmake /f win32.mak LOCAL_LIBRARY=1 DEBUG=1 nmake /f win32.mak APACHE_HTTPD=1 DEBUG=1 GOTO ENDOK :NEEDUNZIP echo. echo /!\ Error /!\ - Some or all the packages are not properly extracted. echo. echo If you wish to compile Greenstone 2 you need to unzip the required packages now. echo. rem Ask to Unzip the packages now otherwise quit echo Do you want to unzip these required packages now? This will be the default action in 10 seconds. if "%1"=="amd64" (.\bin\windows\choice64.exe /D Y /T 10 /C YN IF errorlevel 2 GOTO END IF errorlevel 1 GOTO UNZIP IF errorlevel 0 GOTO END ) else (.\bin\windows\choice32.exe /T:Y,10 /c:YN IF errorlevel 2 GOTO END IF errorlevel 1 GOTO UNZIP IF errorlevel 0 GOTO END ) :ENDNOWINBIN echo. echo /!\ Error /!\ - Winbin has not been found. echo (FAILED trying to get it from http://svn.greenstone.org/main/trunk/binaries/windows/bin.) echo Winbin is required to get the conversion tools used for importing different types of files. echo For more info please visit this page echo http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_Greenstone_2_from_SVN_source_on_Windows#Getting_winbin GOTO END :ENDNOUNZIP echo. echo /!\ Error /!\ - Extacting tools are missing. echo They are required to extract all packages needed for compilation. echo These tools are contained in the Winbin folder, more info on this web page: echo http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_Greenstone_2_from_SVN_source_on_Windows#Getting_winbin GOTO END :ENDNOWINPACK echo. echo /!\ Error /!\ - Windows packages are missing. echo Some required packages are missing in .\common-src\packages\windows\ echo Please go to this page for more information on how to get everything: echo http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_Greenstone_2_from_SVN_source_on_Windows GOTO END :ENDNOSQLITE echo. echo /!\ Error /!\ - SQLite is missing. echo Some required packages are missing in .\common-src\packages\sqlite\ echo Please go to this page for more information on how to get everything: echo http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_Greenstone_2_from_SVN_source_on_Windows GOTO END :ENDNOICONV echo. echo /!\ Error /!\ - Indexers are missing. echo Some required packages are missing in .\common-src\indexers\packages\windows\ echo Please go to this page for more information on how to get everything: echo http://wiki.greenstone.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_Greenstone_2_from_SVN_source_on_Windows GOTO END :ENDNOVCVARS32 echo. echo /!\ Error /!\ - Not able to find 'vcvars32.bat'. echo You need Visual Studio to compile the source code but we were echo unable to find the file vcvars32.bat in your system. echo. echo Please edit this bat file and manually set the full path to echo vcvars32.bat then run this script again. GOTO END :ENDNOSDKENV echo. echo /!\ Error /!\ - Not able to find 'SetEnv.cmd'. echo We were unable to find the SDK file SetEnv.cmd on your system. echo You need Microsoft Platform SDK (which is available for free) to compile echo up the Apache web server. You also need it if you're working with echo Microsoft Visual Studio 8 or higher. echo. echo If you already have it installed, please edit the makegs2.bat file and echo manually set the full path to SetEnv.cmd, then run this script again. echo If you have an older version of Visual Studio, then you do not need the echo Platform SDK and can compile the Web and/or Local libraries up from the echo DOS command prompt using: echo nmake /f win32.mak echo and/or echo nmake /f win32.mak LOCAL_LIBRARY=1 GOTO END :ENDOK echo. echo Done! echo. echo This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or echo modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License echo as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 echo of the License, or (at your option) any later version. echo. echo This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, echo but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of echo MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the echo GNU General Public License for more details. echo. GOTO END :END echo. echo **** Note that this command prompt has been left in Short-Filename mode. echo **** This can make command line building go weird, so please use a fresh echo **** terminal for that. echo. popd