#!/bin/bash # run as: ./makegs2.sh [gnome-lib] [imagemagick] # If gnome-lib passed in, will compile GS2 using gnome-lib # which checks out gnome-lib src from svn if possible and if needed (if no ext/gnome-lib-minimal) # If you pass in imagemagick, it will grab the appropriate linux/darwin binary, untar # this and put its OS subfolder renamed as imagemagick into the bin/os folder. getgnomelib= getimagick= # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20449680/unix-boolean-operators-a-o if [[ "x$1" == "xgnome-lib" ]]; then getgnomelib=$1 elif [[ "x$1" == "ximagemagick" ]]; then getimagick=$1 fi if [[ "x$2" == "xgnome-lib" ]]; then getgnomelib=$2 elif [[ "x$2" == "ximagemagick" ]]; then getimagick=$2 fi if [ "x$getgnomelib" != "x" ]; then echo "Will be getting gnomelib" fi if [ "x$getimagick" != "x" ]; then echo "Will be getting imagemagick" fi if [[ "x$getgnomelib" == "x" && "x$getimagick" == "x" ]]; then echo "No recognised args provided" fi gsdlhome=`pwd` echo "**** GSDLHOME: $gsdlhome" bitness=`uname -m` # if we're 64 bit, add -fPIC to CFLAGS. Check if bitness contains substring "64" if [[ $bitness == *"64"* ]]; then export CFLAGS="-fPIC $CFLAGS" echo "64 bit unix system, incl -fPIC in CFLAGS so it is now: $CFLAGS" fi # Compile by chaining the commands with && so it stops at that stage after an error cd $gsdlhome if [ "x$getgnomelib" = "xgnome-lib" ]; then ./configure --enable-gnome-lib-ext --enable-apache-httpd \ && make \ && make install else ./configure --enable-apache-httpd \ && make \ && make install fi status=$? echo "****************************************" if [ $status = 0 ] ; then # 5. Message to warn user that the env of this x-term uses gnome-lib # and GUIs may not work from this console if [ "x$getgnomelib" = "xgnome-lib" ]; then echo "*** The environment for this console has been set to compile Greenstone with gnome-lib." echo "*** As a result, graphical applications may not work well." echo "*** In such a case, open a new console." else echo "Finished compiling Greenstone2. (Compiled without gnome-lib)" fi else echo "@@@ Error compiling up Greenstone. Return status: $status" fi if [[ $bitness == *"64"* ]]; then echo "" echo "This unix is 64 bit. So added -fPIC to CFLAGS, which is now: $CFLAGS" fi echo "****************************************" imgpkg= if [ "x$getimagick" = "ximagemagick" ]; then os=`uname` if [ "x$os" = "xDarwin" ]; then # by default, resort to the Mac Leopard (10.5, kernel 12.6.0)'s imagemagick binary imgpkg=http://trac.greenstone.org/export/head/gs2-extensions/imagemagick/trunk/imagemagick-darwin-10.5.tar.gz kernelVersion=`uname -r` # El Capitan is MacOS version 10.11 but its kernelVersion is 15.6.0 if [ "x$kernelVersion" = "x15.6.0" ]; then echo "Getting imagemagick built for El Capitan" imgpkg=http://trac.greenstone.org/export/head/gs2-extensions/imagemagick/trunk/imagemagick-darwin-10.11.tar.gz else echo "Getting imagemagick built on Mac Leopard" fi pushd ext curl $imgpkg > imagemagick.tar.gz tar -xvzf imagemagick.tar.gz mv imagemagick/darwin ../bin/darwin/imagemagick popd else # linux pushd ext if [[ $bitness == *"64"* ]]; then echo "Getting 64 bit imagemagick precompiled binary" wget http://trac.greenstone.org/export/head/gs2-extensions/imagemagick/trunk/imagemagick-linux-x64.tar.gz tar -xvzf imagemagick-linux-x64.tar.gz else echo "Getting 32 bit imagemagick precompiled binary" wget http://trac.greenstone.org/export/head/gs2-extensions/imagemagick/trunk/imagemagick-linux.tar.gz tar -xvzf imagemagick-linux.tar.gz fi mv imagemagick/linux ../bin/linux/imagemagick popd fi fi