############################################################################### # # BaseDBDriver.pm -- base class for all the database drivers # A component of the Greenstone digital library software from the New Zealand # Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (c) 2015 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass # Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ############################################################################### package DBDrivers::BaseDBDriver; # Pragma use strict; no strict 'subs'; no strict 'refs'; # allow filehandles to be variables and viceversa # Libaries use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday ); use gsprintf 'gsprintf'; ## @function constructor # sub new { my $class = shift(@_); my $debug = shift(@_); my $self = {}; # Debug messages for this driver $self->{'debug'} = $debug; # 1 to enable # We'll use this in places other than 70HyphenFormat $self->{'70hyphen'} = '-' x 70; # Keep track of all opened file handles, but only for drivers that support # persistent connections $self->{'handle_pool'} = {}; # Default file extension - in this case it is an error to create a DB from # BaseDBDriver $self->{'default_file_extension'} = 'err'; # Support $self->{'supports_datestamp'} = 0; $self->{'supports_merge'} = 0; $self->{'supports_persistentconnection'} = 0; $self->{'supports_rss'} = 0; $self->{'supports_concurrent_read_and_write'} = 0; $self->{'supports_set'} = 0; $self->{'write_only'} = 0; # Some drivers are one way - i.e. STDOUTXML bless($self, $class); return $self; } ## new(void) => BaseDBDriver ## ## @function DESTROY # # Built-in destructor block that, unlike END, gets passed a reference to self. # Responsible for properly closing any open database handles. # sub DESTROY { my $self = shift(@_); # Close all remaining filehandles foreach my $infodb_file_path (keys(%{$self->{'handle_pool'}})) { my $infodb_handle = $self->{'handle_pool'}->{$infodb_file_path}; # By passing the filepath as the second argument we instruct the driver # that we actually want to close the connection by passing a non-zero # value, but we sneakily optimize things a little as the close method # can now check to see if it's been provided a file_path rather than # having to search the handle pool for it. The file_path is needed to # remove the closed handle from the pool anyway. $self->close_infodb_write_handle($infodb_handle, $infodb_file_path); } } ## DESTROY(void) => void ## ############################################################################### ## Protected Functions ############################################################################### ## @function debugPrint(string) => void # sub debugPrint { my $self = shift(@_); my $message = shift(@_); if ($self->{'debug'}) { my ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday(); print STDERR '[DEBUG:' . $seconds . '.' . $microseconds . '] ' . (caller 1)[3] . '() ' . $message . "\n"; } } ## debugPrint(string) => void ## ## @function debugPrintFunctionHeader(*) => void # sub debugPrintFunctionHeader { my $self = shift(@_); if ($self->{'debug'}) { my @arguments; foreach my $argument (@_) { if ($argument !~ /^-?\d+(\.?\d+)?$/) { push(@arguments, '"' . $argument . '"'); } else { push(@arguments, $argument); } } my $message = '(' . join(', ', @arguments) . ')'; # Would love to just call debugPrint() here, but then caller would be wrong my ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday(); print STDERR '[DEBUG:' . $seconds . '.' . $microseconds . '] ' . (caller 1)[3] . $message . "\n"; } } ## debugPrintFunctionHeader(*) => void ## @function errorPrint(string, integer) => void # sub errorPrint { my $self = shift(@_); my $message = shift(@_); my $is_fatal = shift(@_); print STDERR 'Error in ' . (caller 1)[3] . '! ' . $message . "\n"; if ($is_fatal) { exit(); } } ## errorPrint(string, integer) => void ## ## @function registerConnectionIfPersistent(filehandle, string, string) => void # sub registerConnectionIfPersistent { my $self = shift(@_); my $conn = shift(@_); my $path = shift(@_); my $append = shift(@_); if ($self->{'supports_persistentconnection'}) { $self->debugPrintFunctionHeader($conn, $path, $append); my $fhid = $path; if (defined $append && $append eq '-append') { $fhid .= ' [APPEND]'; } $self->debugPrint('Registering connection: "' . $fhid . '"'); $self->{'handle_pool'}->{$fhid} = $conn; } return; } ## registerConnectionIfPersistent(filehandle, string, string) => void ## ## @function removeConnectionIfPersistent(filehandle, string) => integer # sub removeConnectionIfPersistent { my $self = shift(@_); my $handle = shift(@_); my $force_close = shift(@_); my $continue_close = 1; if ($self->{'supports_persistentconnection'}) { $self->debugPrintFunctionHeader($handle, $force_close); if (defined($force_close)) { # We'll need the file path so we can locate and remove the entry # in the handle pool (plus possibly the [APPEND] suffix for those # connections in opened in append mode) my $fhid = undef; # Sometimes we can cheat, as the force_close variable will have the # file_path in it thanks to the DESTROY block above. Doing a regex # on force_close will treat it like a string no matter what it was, # and we can search for the appropriate file extension that should # be there for valid paths. my $pattern = '\.' . $self->{'default_file_extension'} . '(\s\[APPEND\])?$'; if ($force_close =~ /$pattern/) { $fhid = $force_close; } # If we can't cheat then we are stuck finding which connection in # the handle_pool we are about to close. Need to compare objects # using refaddr() else { foreach my $possible_fhid (keys %{$self->{'handle_pool'}}) { my $possible_handle = $self->{'handle_pool'}->{$possible_fhid}; if (ref($handle) && ref($possible_handle) && refaddr($handle) == refaddr($possible_handle)) { $fhid = $possible_fhid; last; } } } # If we found the fhid we can proceed to close the connection if (defined($fhid)) { $self->debugPrint('Closing persistent connection: ' . $fhid); delete($self->{'handle_pool'}->{$fhid}); $continue_close = 1; } else { print STDERR "Warning! About to close persistent database handle, but couldn't locate in open handle pool.\n"; } } # Persistent connection don't close *unless* force close is set else { $continue_close = 0; } } return $continue_close; } ## removeConnectionIfPersistent(filehandle, string) => integer ## ## # sub retrieveConnectionIfPersistent { my $self = shift(@_); my $path = shift(@_); my $append = shift(@_); # -append support my $conn; # This should be populated if ($self->{'supports_persistentconnection'}) { $self->debugPrintFunctionHeader($path, $append); my $fhid = $path; # special case: if the append mode has changed for a persistent # connection, we need to close the old connection first or things # will get wiggy. if (defined $append && $append eq '-append') { # see if there is a non-append mode connection already open if (defined $self->{'handle_pool'}->{$path}) { $self->debugPrint("Append mode added - closing existing non-append mode connection"); my $old_conn = $self->{'handle_pool'}->{$path}; $self->close_infodb_write_handle($old_conn, $path); } # Append -append so we know what happened. $fhid .= ' [APPEND]'; } else { my $fhid_append = $path . ' [APPEND]'; if (defined $self->{'handle_pool'}->{$fhid_append}) { $self->debugPrint("Append mode removed - closing existing append mode connection"); my $old_conn = $self->{'handle_pool'}->{$fhid_append}; $self->close_infodb_write_handle($old_conn, $fhid_append); } } if (defined $self->{'handle_pool'}->{$fhid}) { $self->debugPrint('Retrieving existing connection: ' . $fhid); $conn = $self->{'handle_pool'}->{$fhid}; } } return $conn; } ## ## ############################################################################### ## Public Functions ############################################################################### ## @function convert_infodb_hash_to_string(hashmap) => string # sub convert_infodb_hash_to_string { my $self = shift(@_); my $infodb_map = shift(@_); my $infodb_entry_value = ""; foreach my $infodb_value_key (keys(%$infodb_map)) { foreach my $infodb_value (@{$infodb_map->{$infodb_value_key}}) { $infodb_entry_value .= "<$infodb_value_key>" . $infodb_value . "\n"; } } return $infodb_entry_value; } ## convert_infodb_hash_to_string(hashmap) => string ## ## @function convert_infodb_string_to_hash(string) => hashmap # sub convert_infodb_string_to_hash { my $self = shift(@_); my $infodb_entry_value = shift(@_); my $infodb_map = (); if (!defined $infodb_entry_value) { print STDERR "Warning: No value to convert into a infodb hashtable\n"; } else { while ($infodb_entry_value =~ /^<(.*?)>(.*)$/mg) { my $infodb_value_key = $1; my $infodb_value = $2; if (!defined($infodb_map->{$infodb_value_key})) { $infodb_map->{$infodb_value_key} = [ $infodb_value ]; } else { push(@{$infodb_map->{$infodb_value_key}}, $infodb_value); } } } return $infodb_map; } ## convert_infodb_string_to_hash(string) => hashmap ## ## @function get_infodb_file_path(string, string) => string # sub get_infodb_file_path { my $self = shift(@_); my $collection_name = shift(@_); my $infodb_directory_path = shift(@_); my $infodb_file_name = &util::get_dirsep_tail($collection_name) . '.' . $self->{'default_file_extension'}; my $infodb_file_path = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($infodb_directory_path, $infodb_file_name); # Correct the path separators to work in Cygwin if ($^O eq "cygwin") { $infodb_file_path = `cygpath -w "$infodb_file_path"`; chomp($infodb_file_path); $infodb_file_path =~ s%\\%\\\\%g; } return $infodb_file_path; } ## get_infodb_file_path(string, string) => string ## ## @function rename_db_file_to(string, string) => void # sub rename_db_file_to { my $self = shift(@_); my ($srcpath, $destpath) = @_; # rename basic db file &FileUtils::moveFiles($srcpath, $destpath); # subclass should rename any additional files that the specific dbtype creates } ## rename_db_file_to(string, string) => void ## ## @function remove_db_file(string) => void # sub remove_db_file { my $self = shift(@_); my ($db_filepath) = @_; # remove basic db file &FileUtils::removeFiles($db_filepath); # subclass must rename any additional files that the specific dbtype creates (e.g. transaction log files) } ## remove_db_file(string, string) => void ## ## @function supportsDatestamp(void) => integer # sub supportsDatestamp { my $self = shift(@_); return $self->{'supports_datestamp'}; } ## supportsDatestamp(void) => integer ## ## @function supportsMerge(void) => boolean # sub supportsMerge { my $self = shift(@_); return $self->{'supports_merge'}; } ## supportsMerge(void) => integer ## ## @function supportsPersistentConnection(void) => integer # sub supportsPersistentConnection { my $self = shift(@_); return $self->{'supports_persistentconnection'}; } ## supportsPersistentConnection(void) => integer ## ## @function supportsRSS(void) => integer # sub supportsRSS { my $self = shift(@_); return $self->{'supports_rss'}; } ## supportsRSS(void) => integer ## ## @function supportsConcurrentReadAndWrite(void) => integer # sub supportsConcurrentReadAndWrite { my $self = shift(@_); return $self->{'supports_concurrent_read_and_write'}; } ## supportsConcurrentReadAndWrite(void) => integer ## ## @function supportsSet(void) => integer # # Not all drivers support the notion of set # sub supportsSet { my $self = shift(@_); return $self->{'supports_set'}; } ## supportsSet(void) => integer ## sub writeOnly { my $self = shift(@_); return $self->{'write_only'}; } ## writeOnly() ## ############################################################################### ## Virtual Functions ############################################################################### ## @function close_infodb_write_handle(*) => void # sub close_infodb_write_handle { my $self = shift(@_); gsprintf(STDERR, (caller(0))[3] . " {common.must_be_implemented}\n"); die("\n"); } ## close_infodb_write_handle(*) => void ## ## @function delete_infodb_entry(*) => void # sub delete_infodb_entry { my $self = shift(@_); gsprintf(STDERR, (caller(0))[3] . " {common.must_be_implemented}\n"); die("\n"); } ## delete_infodb_entry(*) => void ## ## @function mergeDatabases(*) => void # sub mergeDatabases { my $self = shift(@_); gsprintf(STDERR, (caller(0))[3] . " {common.must_be_implemented}\n"); die("\n"); } ## mergeDatabases(*) => void ## ## @function open_infodb_write_handle(*) => void # sub open_infodb_write_handle { my $self = shift(@_); gsprintf(STDERR, (caller(0))[3] . " {common.must_be_implemented}\n"); die("\n"); } ## open_infodb_write_handle(*) => void ## ## @function set_infodb_entry(*) => void # sub set_infodb_entry { my $self = shift(@_); gsprintf(STDERR, (caller(0))[3] . " {common.must_be_implemented}\n"); die("\n"); } ## set_infodb_entry(*) => void ## ## @function read_infodb_entry(*) => void # sub read_infodb_entry { my $self = shift(@_); gsprintf(STDERR, (caller(0))[3] . " {common.must_be_implemented}\n"); die("\n"); } ## read_infodb_entry(*) => void ## ## @function read_infodb_rawentry(*) => string # sub read_infodb_rawentry { my $self = shift(@_); gsprintf(STDERR, (caller(0))[3] . " {common.must_be_implemented}\n"); die("\n"); } ## read_infodb_rawentry(*) => string ## ## @function read_infodb_file(*) => void # sub read_infodb_file { my $self = shift(@_); gsprintf(STDERR, (caller(0))[3] . " {common.must_be_implemented}\n"); die("\n"); } ## read_infodb_file(*) => void ## ## @function read_infodb_keys(*) => void # sub read_infodb_keys { my $self = shift(@_); gsprintf(STDERR, (caller(0))[3] . " {common.must_be_implemented}\n"); die("\n"); } ## read_infodb_keys(*) => void ## ## @function write_infodb_entry(*) => void # sub write_infodb_entry { my $self = shift(@_); gsprintf(STDERR, (caller(0))[3] . " {common.must_be_implemented}\n"); die("\n"); } ## write_infodb_entry(*) => void ## ## @function write_infodb_rawentry(*) => void # sub write_infodb_rawentry { my $self = shift(@_); gsprintf(STDERR, (caller(0))[3] . " {common.must_be_implemented}\n"); die("\n"); } ## write_infodb_rawentry(*) => void ## 1;