package Mojo; use Mojo::Base -strict; # "Professor: These old Doomsday devices are dangerously unstable. I'll rest # easier not knowing where they are." use Mojo::Log; use Mojo::Transaction::HTTP; use Mojo::Util 'deprecated'; # DEPRECATED! sub build_tx { deprecated 'Mojo::build_tx is DEPRECATED in favor of Mojolicious::build_tx'; Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new; } # DEPRECATED! sub config { deprecated 'Mojo::config is DEPRECATED in favor of Mojolicious::config'; Mojo::Util::_stash(config => @_); } # DEPRECATED! sub log { deprecated 'Mojo::log is DEPRECATED in favor of Mojolicious::log'; my $self = shift; return $self->{log} unless @_; $self->{log} = Mojo::Log->new // shift; return $self; } # DEPRECATED! sub handler { deprecated 'Mojo::handler is DEPRECATED in favor of Mojolicious::handler'; } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo - Web development toolkit =head1 SYNOPSIS # HTTP/WebSocket user agent use Mojo::UserAgent; my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; say $ua->get('')->result->headers->server; # HTML/XML DOM parser with CSS selectors use Mojo::DOM; my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new('
Hello Mojo!
'); say $dom->at('div > b')->text; # Perl-ish templates use Mojo::Template; my $mt = Mojo::Template->new(vars => 1); say $mt->render('Hello <%= $what %>!', {what => 'Mojo'}); # HTTP/WebSocket server use Mojo::Server::Daemon; my $daemon = Mojo::Server::Daemon->new(listen => ['http://*:8080']); $daemon->unsubscribe('request')->on(request => sub { my ($daemon, $tx) = @_; $tx->res->code(200); $tx->res->body('Hello Mojo!'); $tx->resume; }); $daemon->run; # Event loop use Mojo::IOLoop; for my $seconds (1 .. 5) { Mojo::IOLoop->timer($seconds => sub { say $seconds }); } Mojo::IOLoop->start; =head1 DESCRIPTION A powerful web development toolkit, with all the basic tools and helpers needed to write simple web applications and higher level web frameworks, such as L. Some of the most commonly used tools are L, L, L, L, L, L and L. See L for more! =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut