################################################### # A basic cascade-make to install the DBD::mysql v 4.033 perl package to work with the GreenstoneSQLPlugin/Plugout # # Requires an internet connection to download required packages etc # # No dependencies # # # Compiling AND INSTALLING of all packages takes place in the temporary cpan/tmp folder. A select subset of the compiled/installed # products are then copied into their final destinations: lib/../ is copied into cpan, and lib/../auto/ is copied into cpan/auto # # ################################################### if [ "x$1" = "x--help" ] || [ "x$1" = "x-h" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 [--clean|--keep|--help|-h]" echo " Run without flags to compile and remove unnecessary stuff at the end." echo " Run with --keep to retain the cpan/tmp subdir at compilation's end." echo " Run with --clean to remove all traces of compilation completely so you can recompile from scratch" echo " Run with --help/-h to see this Usage statement again" exit 0 fi if [ "x$GSDL3SRCHOME" = "x" ] ; then echo "** GSDL3SRCHOME not set, sourcing gs3-setup.sh" echo "" cd ../../.. source ./gs3-setup.sh cd $GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan fi echo "" echo "**************************" ########################## VARIABLES ###################### # Expected defaults: # - This script was originally created for Mac High Sierra where the DBI perl package was installed # but the DBD perl package is missing (which needs to be compiled against MySQL 5.7.23 that we # will download and adjust for the purpose) # - The DBI perl package tends to be installed on Mac and Linux Ubuntu. If not, set NEED_PERL_DBI # to true to compile it up against the MySQL that this script will download. # - Regardless of whether you have a MySQL installed, this script needs to download MySQL v 5.7.23 # in specific to compile (DBI and) DBD against it. # MySQL tends to be installed on Linux. If the version installed is 5.7.23, you may not want to # keep the MySQL that this script downloads. In that case set KEEP_MYSQL_DOWNLOAD to false. # - The Ubunutu 16.04 assigned to me had both DBI and DBD installed so I didn't need to run this # script at all. NEED_PERL_DBI=false # set to true if your machine doesn't have DBI KEEP_MYSQL_DOWNLOAD=true # needed for compiling DBD (and DBI). Set to false if custom MySQL to be removed after compiling NEED_PERL_DBD=true # only set to false, if you want this script to ONLY get and extract MySQL for you # Need mysql 5.7.23 to compile DBD (and DBI) against. Regardless of whether user wants to use this mysql, # we need to download, unpack and adjust it for compiling up DBD (and optionally DBI). # The version of mysql we want is 5.7.23, we get the MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra) binary # and extract it into GSDLHOME as mysql-5.7.23 MYSQL_BIN=mysql-5.7.23 MYSQL_MIRROR=http://mysql.inspire.net.nz/Downloads/MySQL-5.7 # $GSDLOS can be "darwin" on Mac, else "linux". # Alternatively, can test `uname`: echoed value can be "Darwin" (on Mac) or "Linux" if [ "x$GSDLOS" = "xdarwin" ] ; then MYSQL_TARBALL="${MYSQL_BIN}-macos10.13-x86_64" else MYSQL_TARBALL="${MYSQL_BIN}-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64" fi # We want DBD::mysql version 4.033 # This package is necessary on Mac High Sierra (v10.13) # Assigned Ubuntu had DBD (and DBI) but VM testing Ubuntu had neither DBD_MYSQL=DBD-mysql-4.033 DBD_MYSQL_DOWNLOAD=https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/C/CA/CAPTTOFU/$DBD_MYSQL.tar.gz # We may need DBI::DBD version 1.634, if DBI not installed (on machines with no DBD and DBI) # see http://wiki.greenstone.org/doku.php?id=en:user_advanced:greenstonesqlplugs # and https://metacpan.org/pod/release/TIMB/DBI-1.634/lib/DBI/DBD.pm DBI_DBD=DBI-1.634 DBI_DBD_DOWNLOAD=https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/$DBI_DBD.tar.gz ########################## DON'T CHANGE #################### CPAN_DIR=$GSDLHOME/perllib/cpan # PERL_FOLDER is something like "perl-5.18" (even if the full version number is 5.18.2) PERL_VERSION=`perl -e 'print "5.".substr($],3,2);'` # full perl version number like 5.18.2 or 5.22.1 (actually "5 version 22 subversion 1) PERL_FULL_VERSION=`perl -e 'print "5.".substr($],3,2).".".substr($],7,1);'` PERL_FOLDER="perl-${PERL_VERSION}" #`perl -e 'print "perl-5.".substr($],3,2);'` # make the dirs cpan/$PERL_FOLDER and its subdir auto if they don't already exist mkdir -p $CPAN_DIR/$PERL_FOLDER/auto WGET_FLAGS=--no-check-certificate # folder where we'll put the downloaded files, the compile products and the temporary install products # after everything is installed there, we copy just the relevant installed files to their final locations # then the tmp file gets deleted TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR=$CPAN_DIR/tmp-mysql TEMP_STATIC_LIBS_DIR=$GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN/mysql-static MYSQL_DIR=$GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN ########################## # if --clean was passed in if [ "x$1" = "x--clean" ] ; then pushd $CPAN_DIR if [ -d "$PERL_FOLDER/DBD" ]; then rm -rf $PERL_FOLDER/DBD fi if [ -d "$PERL_FOLDER/auto/DBD" ]; then rm -rf $PERL_FOLDER/auto/DBD fi echo "** Done cleaning DBD::mysql related packages" if [ -e "$PERL_FOLDER/DBI.pm" ]; then rm -f $PERL_FOLDER/DBI.pm fi if [ -d "$PERL_FOLDER/DBI" ]; then rm -rf $PERL_FOLDER/DBI fi if [ -d "$PERL_FOLDER/auto/DBI" ]; then rm -rf $PERL_FOLDER/auto/DBI fi echo "** Done cleaning DBI::DBD related packages" popd exit 0 fi # Go into $GSDLHOME pushd $GSDLHOME # download and untar mysql into $GSDLHOME if [ ! -d $GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN ]; then if [ ! -e $GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_TARBALL.tar.gz ]; then echo "** Getting the mysql tarball" wget $WGET_FLAGS $MYSQL_MIRROR/$MYSQL_TARBALL.tar.gz fi echo "** Extracting the mysql tarball into $GSDLHOME and renaming to $MYSQLBIN" tar -xvzf $MYSQL_TARBALL.tar.gz # there's 2 tarballs inside, untar the one with identical name to outer # and rename to $GSDLHOME/mysql-5.7.23 # cd $MYSQL_TARBALL # tar -xvzf $MYSQL_TARBALL.tar.gz # cd $GSDLHOME # mv $MYSQL_TARBALL/$MYSQL_TARBALL $GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN mv $MYSQL_TARBALL $GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN fi # copy just the static .a libraries into their own folder if [ ! -d $TEMP_STATIC_LIBS_DIR ]; then echo "** Creating $TEMP_STATIC_LIBS_DIR and copying $MYSQL_BIN/lib/*.a into it" mkdir -p $TEMP_STATIC_LIBS_DIR cp $GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN/lib/*.a $TEMP_STATIC_LIBS_DIR/. fi # Ensure a clean new temp folder to compile (DBI and) DBD into echo "** Creating $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR (anew)" if [ -d $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR ]; then rm -rf $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR fi mkdir $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR if [ "x$NEED_PERL_DBI" = "xtrue" ] ; then # download and untar DBI::DBD v 1.634 if [ ! -d $GSDLHOME/$DBI_DBD ]; then cd $GSDLHOME if [ ! -e $GSDLHOME/$DBI_DBD.tar.gz ]; then echo "** Getting the DBI::DBD tarball" wget $WGET_FLAGS $DBI_DBD_DOWNLOAD fi echo "** Extracting the DBI::DBD tarball into $GSDLHOME" tar -xvzf $DBI_DBD.tar.gz fi # start compiling DBI::DBD into $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR echo "** Compiling the DBI perl package" cd $GSDLHOME/$DBI_DBD perl Makefile.PL \ PREFIX=$TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR --cflags=-I$GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN/include \ --libs="-L$TEMP_STATIC_LIBS_DIR -lmysqlclient" make make install # move built DBI::DBD products into correct CPAN location echo "** Moving relevant DBI::DBD products into $CPAN_DIR/$PERL_FOLDER" cd $CPAN_DIR if [ "x$GSDLOS" = "xdarwin" ] ; then mv $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR/lib/perl5/site_perl/$PERL_FULL_VERSION/darwin-thread-multi-2level/DBI.pm $PERL_FOLDER/. mv $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR/lib/perl5/site_perl/$PERL_FULL_VERSION/darwin-thread-multi-2level/DBI $PERL_FOLDER/. mv $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR/lib/perl5/site_perl/$PERL_FULL_VERSION/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/DBI $PERL_FOLDER/auto/. else mv $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/$PERL_FULL_VERSION/DBI.pm $PERL_FOLDER/. mv $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/$PERL_FULL_VERSION/DBI $PERL_FOLDER/. mv $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/$PERL_FULL_VERSION/auto/DBI $PERL_FOLDER/auto/. fi fi #echo "EXITING" #exit if [ "x$NEED_PERL_DBD" = "xtrue" ] ; then # download and untar DBD::mysql v 4.033 if [ ! -d $GSDLHOME/$DBD_MYSQL ]; then cd $GSDLHOME if [ ! -e $GSDLHOME/$DBD_MYSQL.tar.gz ]; then echo "** Getting the DBD::mysql tarball" wget $WGET_FLAGS $DBD_MYSQL_DOWNLOAD fi echo "** Extracting the DBD mysql tarball into $GSDLHOME" tar -xvzf $DBD_MYSQL.tar.gz fi # start compiling DBD::mysql into $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR echo "** Compiling this perl package" cd $GSDLHOME/$DBD_MYSQL perl Makefile.PL \ PREFIX=$TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR \ --cflags=-I$GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN/include \ --libs="-L$TEMP_STATIC_LIBS_DIR -lmysqlclient" make make install # move built DBD::mysql products into correct CPAN location echo "** Moving relevant DBD::mysql products into $CPAN_DIR/$PERL_FOLDER" cd $CPAN_DIR if [ "x$GSDLOS" = "xdarwin" ] ; then mv $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR/lib/perl5/site_perl/$PERL_FULL_VERSION/darwin-thread-multi-2level/DBD $PERL_FOLDER/. mv $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR/lib/perl5/site_perl/$PERL_FULL_VERSION/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/DBD $PERL_FOLDER/auto/. else mv $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/$PERL_FULL_VERSION/DBD $PERL_FOLDER/. mv $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/$PERL_FULL_VERSION/auto/DBD $PERL_FOLDER/auto/. fi fi # clean up echo "*****************************" echo "*** Done compiling DBD::mysql." if [ "x$1" != "x--keep" ] ; then echo "** Will now delete temporary DBD::mysql products, and the untarred DBD::mysql" rm -rf $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR if [ -d "$GSDLHOME/$DBI_DBD" ]; then rm -rf $GSDLHOME/$DBI_DBD fi if [ -d "$GSDLHOME/$DBD_MYSQL" ]; then rm -rf $GSDLHOME/$DBD_MYSQL fi else echo "** Not deleting the $TEMP_DBI_DBD_DIR" fi # The static libs folder added to the downloaded MySQL installation was only necessary for compiling. # It can be removed now, since MySQL usage doesn't require it. rm -rf $TEMP_STATIC_LIBS_DIR if [ "x$KEEP_MYSQL_DOWNLOAD" = "xfalse" ] ; then if [ -d $GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN ]; then echo "**** KEEP_MYSQL_DOWNLOAD set to false, so removing $GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN folder" echo " now that compilation is done" rm -rf $GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN fi fi # go back to where we started popd echo "*****************************" echo "" if [ "x$KEEP_MYSQL_DOWNLOAD" = "xfalse" ] ; then echo "** KEEP_MYSQL_DOWNLOAD was set to false," echo " so it's assumed you have your own MySQL 5.7.23 installation" echo " You now need to initialise your MySQL installation." else echo "** You now need to initialise the MySQL installation at $GSDLHOME/$MYSQL_BIN" fi echo "** Follow the instructions from STEP 2 ONWARDS at at http://wiki.greenstone.org/doku.php?id=en:user_advanced:greenstonesqlplugs#installing_one_time_setup" echo "** Once that's done, the same page has information on how to use the GreenstoneSQLPlugs in a collection" echo "" echo "*****************************"