########################################################################### # # manifest.pm -- # # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 2006-2010 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### package manifest; use strict; no strict 'refs'; # allow filehandles to be variables and viceversa use XMLParser; use dbutil; our $self; sub new { my ($class) = shift (@_); my ($infodbtype,$archivedir) = @_; $self = {} ; $self->{'index'} = {}; $self->{'reindex'} = {}; $self->{'delete'} = {}; my $arcinfo_doc_filename = &dbutil::get_infodb_file_path($infodbtype, "archiveinf-doc", $archivedir); if (-e $arcinfo_doc_filename) { # Only store the infodb-doc filename if it exists # If it doesn't exist then this means the collection has not been # built yet (or else the archives folder has been deleted). # Either way we have no way to look up which files # are associated with an OID. If we we encounter an OID # tag later on, we will use the fact that this field is # not defined to issue a warning $self->{'_arcinfo-doc-filename'} = $arcinfo_doc_filename; $self->{'_infodbtype'} = $infodbtype; } return bless $self, $class; } sub parse { my ($self) = shift (@_); my ($filename) = @_; my $parser = new XML::Parser('Style' => 'Stream', 'Handlers' => {'Char' => \&Char, 'XMLDecl' => \&XMLDecl, 'Entity' => \&Entity, 'Doctype' => \&Doctype, 'Default' => \&Default }); $parser->parsefile($filename); } sub StartDocument {$self->xml_start_document(@_);} sub XMLDecl {$self->xml_xmldecl(@_);} sub Entity {$self->xml_entity(@_);} sub Doctype {$self->xml_doctype(@_);} sub StartTag {$self->xml_start_tag(@_);} sub EndTag {$self->xml_end_tag(@_);} sub Text {$self->xml_text(@_);} sub PI {$self->xml_pi(@_);} sub EndDocument {$self->xml_end_document(@_);} sub Default {$self->xml_default(@_);} # This Char function overrides the one in XML::Parser::Stream to overcome a # problem where $expat->{Text} is treated as the return value, slowing # things down significantly in some cases. sub Char { use bytes; # Necessary to prevent encoding issues with XML::Parser 2.31+ $_[0]->{'Text'} .= $_[1]; return undef; } # Called at the beginning of the XML document. sub xml_start_document { my $self = shift(@_); my ($expat) = @_; } # Called for XML declarations sub xml_xmldecl { my $self = shift(@_); my ($expat, $version, $encoding, $standalone) = @_; } # Called for XML entities sub xml_entity { my $self = shift(@_); my ($expat, $name, $val, $sysid, $pubid, $ndata) = @_; } # Called for DOCTYPE declarations - use die to bail out if this doctype # is not meant for this plugin sub xml_doctype { my $self = shift(@_); my ($expat, $name, $sysid, $pubid, $internal) = @_; die "Manifest Cannot process XML document with DOCTYPE of $name"; } # Called for every start tag. The $_ variable will contain a copy of the # tag and the %_ variable will contain the element's attributes. sub xml_start_tag { my $self = shift(@_); my ($expat, $element) = @_; if (($element eq "Filename") || ($element eq "OID")) { $self->{'item-val'} = ""; } elsif ($element eq "Manifest") { } else { if (defined($self->{'file-type'})) { print STDERR "Warning: Malformed XML manifest\n"; print STDERR " Unrecognized element $element nested inside " . $self->{'file-type'} . ".\n"; } else { my $filetype = lc($element); $self->{'file-type'} = $filetype; if (!defined $self->{$filetype}) { print STDERR "Warning: <$element> is not one of the registered tags for manifest format.\n"; } } } } # Called for every end tag. The $_ variable will contain a copy of the tag. sub xml_end_tag { my $self = shift(@_); my ($expat, $element) = @_; if ($element eq "Filename") { my $filetype = $self->{'file-type'}; my $filename = $self->{'item-val'}; $self->{$filetype}->{$filename} = 1; $self->{'item-val'} = undef; } elsif ($element eq "OID") { # look up src and assoc filenames used by this doc oid my $filetype = $self->{'file-type'}; my $oid = $self->{'item-val'}; if (defined $self->{'_infodbtype'}) { my $infodbtype = $self->{'_infodbtype'}; my $arcinfo_doc_filename = $self->{'_arcinfo-doc-filename'}; my $doc_rec_string = &dbutil::read_infodb_entry($infodbtype, $arcinfo_doc_filename, $oid); my $doc_rec = &dbutil::convert_infodb_string_to_hash($doc_rec_string); my $doc_source_file = $doc_rec->{'src-file'}->[0]; my $assoc_files = $doc_rec->{'assoc-file'}; my @all_files = ($doc_source_file); push(@all_files,@$assoc_files) if defined $assoc_files; foreach my $filename (@all_files) { if (!&util::filename_is_absolute($filename)) { $filename = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'},$filename); } $self->{$filetype}->{$filename} = 1; } } else { print STDERR "Warning: No archiveinf-doc database in archives directory.\n"; print STDERR " Unable to look up source files that constitute document $oid.\n"; } $self->{'item-val'} = undef; } else { $self->{'file-type'} = undef; } } # Called just before start or end tags with accumulated non-markup text in # the $_ variable. sub xml_text { my $self = shift(@_); my ($expat) = @_; if (defined $self->{'item-val'}) { my $text = $_; chomp($text); $text =~ s/^\s+//; $text =~ s/\s+$//; $self->{'item-val'} .= $text if ($text !~ m/^\s*$/); } } # Called for processing instructions. The $_ variable will contain a copy # of the pi. sub xml_pi { my $self = shift(@_); my ($expat, $target, $data) = @_; } # Called at the end of the XML document. sub xml_end_document { my $self = shift(@_); my ($expat) = @_; if (defined $self->{'import'}) { print STDERR "Warning: tag is deprecated.\n"; print STDERR " Processing data as if it were tagged as \n"; $self->{'index'} = $self->{'import'}; } } # Called for any characters not handled by the above functions. sub xml_default { my $self = shift(@_); my ($expat, $text) = @_; } 1;