########################################################################### # # util.pm -- various useful utilities # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### package util; use strict; no strict 'refs'; # make an exception so we can use variables as filehandles use FileUtils; use Encode; use Unicode::Normalize 'normalize'; use File::Copy; use File::Basename; # Config for getting the perlpath in the recommended way, though it uses paths that are # hard-coded into the Config file that's generated upon configuring and compiling perl. # $^X works better in some cases to return the path to perl used to launch the script, # but if launched with plain "perl" (no full-path), that will be just what it returns. use Config; # New module for file related utility functions - intended as a # placeholder for an extension that allows a variety of different # filesystems (FTP, HTTP, SAMBA, WEBDav, HDFS etc) use FileUtils; if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) { require Win32; # for working out Windows Long Filenames from Win 8.3 short filenames } # removes files (but not directories) sub rm { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::rm() is deprecated, using FileUtils::removeFiles() instead"); return &FileUtils::removeFiles(@_); } # recursive removal sub filtered_rm_r { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::filtered_rm_r() is deprecated, using FileUtils::removeFilesFiltered() instead"); return &FileUtils::removeFilesFiltered(@_); } # recursive removal sub rm_r { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::rm_r() is deprecated, using FileUtils::removeFilesRecursive() instead"); return &FileUtils::removeFilesRecursive(@_); } # moves a file or a group of files sub mv { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::mv() is deprecated, using FileUtils::moveFiles() instead"); return &FileUtils::moveFiles(@_); } # Move the contents of source directory into target directory # (as opposed to merely replacing target dir with the src dir) # This can overwrite any files with duplicate names in the target # but other files and folders in the target will continue to exist sub mv_dir_contents { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::mv_dir_contents() is deprecated, using FileUtils::moveDirectoryContents() instead"); return &FileUtils::moveDirectoryContents(@_); } # copies a file or a group of files sub cp { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::cp() is deprecated, using FileUtils::copyFiles() instead"); return &FileUtils::copyFiles(@_); } # recursively copies a file or group of files # syntax: cp_r (sourcefiles, destination directory) # destination must be a directory - to copy one file to # another use cp instead sub cp_r { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::cp_r() is deprecated, using FileUtils::copyFilesrecursive() instead"); return &FileUtils::copyFilesRecursive(@_); } # recursively copies a file or group of files # syntax: cp_r (sourcefiles, destination directory) # destination must be a directory - to copy one file to # another use cp instead sub cp_r_nosvn { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::cp_r_nosvn() is deprecated, using FileUtils::copyFilesRecursiveNoSVN() instead"); return &FileUtils::copyFilesRecursiveNoSVN(@_); } # copies a directory and its contents, excluding subdirectories, into a new directory sub cp_r_toplevel { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::cp_r_toplevel() is deprecated, using FileUtils::recursiveCopyTopLevel() instead"); return &FileUtils::recursiveCopyTopLevel(@_); } sub mk_dir { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::mk_dir() is deprecated, using FileUtils::makeDirectory() instead"); return &FileUtils::makeDirectory(@_); } # in case anyone cares - I did some testing (using perls Benchmark module) # on this subroutine against File::Path::mkpath (). mk_all_dir() is apparently # slightly faster (surprisingly) - Stefan. sub mk_all_dir { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::mk_all_dir() is deprecated, using FileUtils::makeAllDirectories() instead"); return &FileUtils::makeAllDirectories(@_); } # make hard link to file if supported by OS, otherwise copy the file sub hard_link { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::hard_link() is deprecated, using FileUtils::hardLink() instead"); return &FileUtils::hardLink(@_); } # make soft link to file if supported by OS, otherwise copy file sub soft_link { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::soft_link() is deprecated, using FileUtils::softLink() instead"); return &FileUtils::softLink(@_); } # Primarily for filenames generated by processing # content of HTML files (which are mapped to UTF-8 internally) # # To turn this into an octet string that really exists on the file # system: # 1. don't need to do anything special for Unix-based systems # (as underlying file system is byte-code) # 2. need to map to short DOS filenames for Windows sub utf8_to_real_filename { my ($utf8_filename) = @_; my $real_filename; if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { require Win32; my $unicode_filename = decode("utf8",$utf8_filename); $real_filename = Win32::GetShortPathName($unicode_filename); } else { $real_filename = $utf8_filename; } return $real_filename; } sub raw_filename_to_unicode { my ($directory, $raw_file, $filename_encoding ) = @_; my $unicode_filename = $raw_file; if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { # Try turning a short version to the long version # If there are "funny" characters in the file name, that can't be represented in the ANSI code, then we will have a short weird version, eg E74~1.txt $unicode_filename = &util::get_dirsep_tail(&util::upgrade_if_dos_filename(&FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($directory, $raw_file), 0)); if ($unicode_filename eq $raw_file) { # This means the original filename *was* able to be encoded in the local ANSI file encoding (eg windows_1252), so now we turn it back to perl's unicode $unicode_filename = &Encode::decode(locale_fs => $unicode_filename); } # else This means we did have one of the funny filenames. the getLongPathName (used in upgrade_if_dos_filename) will return unicode, so we don't need to do anything more. } else { # we had a utf-8 string, turn it into perl internal unicode $unicode_filename = &Encode::decode("utf-8", $unicode_filename); } #Does the filename have url encoded chars in it? if (&unicode::is_url_encoded($unicode_filename)) { $unicode_filename = &unicode::url_decode($unicode_filename); } # Normalise the filename to canonical composition - on mac, filenames use decopmposed form for accented chars if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/^darwin$/i) { $unicode_filename = normalize('C', $unicode_filename); # Composed form 'C' } return $unicode_filename; } sub fd_exists { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::fd_exists() is deprecated, using FileUtils::fileTest() instead"); return &FileUtils::fileTest(@_); } sub file_exists { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::file_exists() is deprecated, using FileUtils::fileExists() instead"); return &FileUtils::fileExists(@_); } sub dir_exists { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::dir_exists() is deprecated, using FileUtils::directoryExists() instead"); return &FileUtils::directoryExists(@_); } # updates a copy of a directory in some other part of the filesystem # verbosity settings are: 0=low, 1=normal, 2=high # both $fromdir and $todir should be absolute paths sub cachedir { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::cachedir() is deprecated, using FileUtils::synchronizeDirectories() instead"); return &FileUtils::synchronizeDirectories(@_); } # this function returns -1 if either file is not found # assumes that $file1 and $file2 are absolute file names or # in the current directory # $file2 is allowed to be newer than $file1 sub differentfiles { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::differentfiles() is deprecated, using FileUtils::differentFiles() instead"); return &FileUtils::differentFiles(@_); } # works out the temporary directory, including in the case where Greenstone is not writable # In that case, gs3-setup.bat would already have set the GS_TMP_OUTPUT_DIR temp variable sub determine_tmp_dir { my $try_collect_dir = shift(@_) || 0; my $tmp_dirname; if(defined $ENV{'GS_TMP_OUTPUT_DIR'}) { $tmp_dirname = $ENV{'GS_TMP_OUTPUT_DIR'}; } elsif($try_collect_dir && defined $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}) { $tmp_dirname = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}; } elsif(defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}) { $tmp_dirname = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; } else { return undef; } if(!defined $ENV{'GS_TMP_OUTPUT_DIR'}) { # test the tmp_dirname folder is writable, by trying to write out a file # Unfortunately, cound not get if(-w $dirname) to work on directories on Windows ## http://alvinalexander.com/blog/post/perl/perl-file-test-operators-reference-cheat-sheet (test file/dir writable) ## http://www.makelinux.net/alp/083 (real and effective user IDs) my $tmp_test_file = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($tmp_dirname, "writability_test.tmp"); if (open (FOUT, ">$tmp_test_file")) { close(FOUT); &FileUtils::removeFiles($tmp_test_file); } else { # location not writable, use TMP location if (defined $ENV{'TMP'}) { $tmp_dirname = $ENV{'TMP'}; } else { $tmp_dirname = "/tmp"; } $tmp_dirname = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($tmp_dirname, "greenstone"); $ENV{'GS_TMP_OUTPUT_DIR'} = $tmp_dirname; # store for next time } } $tmp_dirname = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($tmp_dirname, "tmp"); &FileUtils::makeAllDirectories ($tmp_dirname) unless -e $tmp_dirname; return $tmp_dirname; } sub get_tmp_filename { my $file_ext = shift(@_) || undef; my $opt_dot_file_ext = ""; if (defined $file_ext) { if ($file_ext !~ m/\./) { # no dot, so needs one added in at start $opt_dot_file_ext = ".$file_ext" } else { # allow for "extensions" such as _metadata.txt to be handled # gracefully $opt_dot_file_ext = $file_ext; } } my $tmpdir = &util::determine_tmp_dir(0); my $count = 1000; my $rand = int(rand $count); my $full_tmp_filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($tmpdir, "F$rand$opt_dot_file_ext"); while (-e $full_tmp_filename) { $rand = int(rand $count); $full_tmp_filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($tmpdir, "F$rand$opt_dot_file_ext"); $count++; } return $full_tmp_filename; } # These 2 are "static" variables used by the get_timestamped_tmp_folder() subroutine below and # belong with that function. They help ensure the timestamped tmp folders generated are unique. my $previous_timestamp = undef; my $previous_timestamp_f = 0; # frequency sub get_timestamped_tmp_folder { my $tmp_dirname = &util::determine_tmp_dir(1); # add the timestamp into the path otherwise we can run into problems # if documents have the same name my $timestamp = time; if (!defined $previous_timestamp || ($timestamp > $previous_timestamp)) { $previous_timestamp_f = 0; $previous_timestamp = $timestamp; } else { $previous_timestamp_f++; } my $time_tmp_dirname = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($tmp_dirname, $timestamp); $tmp_dirname = $time_tmp_dirname; my $i = $previous_timestamp_f; if($previous_timestamp_f > 0) { $tmp_dirname = $time_tmp_dirname."_".$i; $i++; } while (-e $tmp_dirname) { $tmp_dirname = $time_tmp_dirname."_".$i; $i++; } &FileUtils::makeDirectory($tmp_dirname); return $tmp_dirname; } sub get_timestamped_tmp_filename_in_collection { my ($input_filename, $output_ext) = @_; # derive tmp filename from input filename my ($tailname, $dirname, $suffix) = &File::Basename::fileparse($input_filename, "\\.[^\\.]+\$"); # softlink to collection tmp dir my $tmp_dirname = &util::get_timestamped_tmp_folder(); $tmp_dirname = $dirname unless defined $tmp_dirname; # following two steps copied from ConvertBinaryFile # do we need them?? can't use them as is, as they use plugin methods. #$tailname = $self->SUPER::filepath_to_utf8($tailname) unless &unicode::check_is_utf8($tailname); # URLEncode this since htmls with images where the html filename is utf8 don't seem # to work on Windows (IE or Firefox), as browsers are looking for filesystem-encoded # files on the filesystem. #$tailname = &util::rename_file($tailname, $self->{'file_rename_method'}, "without_suffix"); if (defined $output_ext) { $output_ext = ".$output_ext"; # add the dot } else { $output_ext = $suffix; } $output_ext= lc($output_ext); my $tmp_filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($tmp_dirname, "$tailname$output_ext"); return $tmp_filename; } sub get_toplevel_tmp_dir { return &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'}, "tmp"); } sub get_collectlevel_tmp_dir { my $tmp_dirname = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}, "tmp"); &FileUtils::makeDirectory($tmp_dirname) if (!-e $tmp_dirname); return $tmp_dirname; } sub get_parent_folder { my ($path) = @_; my ($tailname, $dirname, $suffix) = &File::Basename::fileparse($path, "\\.[^\\.]+\$"); return &FileUtils::sanitizePath($dirname); } sub filename_to_regex { my $filename = shift (@_); # need to make single backslashes double so that regex works $filename =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i); # note that the first part of a substitution is a regex, so RE chars need to be escaped, # the second part of a substitution is not a regex, so for e.g. full-stop can be specified literally $filename =~ s/\./\\./g; # in case there are extensions/other full stops, escape them $filename =~ s@\(@\\(@g; # escape brackets $filename =~ s@\)@\\)@g; # escape brackets $filename =~ s@\[@\\[@g; # escape brackets $filename =~ s@\]@\\]@g; # escape brackets return $filename; } sub unregex_filename { my $filename = shift (@_); # need to put doubled backslashes for regex back to single $filename =~ s/\\\./\./g; # remove RE syntax for . $filename =~ s@\\\(@(@g; # remove RE syntax for ( => "\(" turns into "(" $filename =~ s@\\\)@)@g; # remove RE syntax for ) => "\)" turns into ")" $filename =~ s@\\\[@[@g; # remove RE syntax for [ => "\[" turns into "[" $filename =~ s@\\\]@]@g; # remove RE syntax for ] => "\]" turns into "]" # \\ goes to \ # This is the last step in reverse mirroring the order of steps in filename_to_regex() $filename =~ s/\\\\/\\/g; # remove RE syntax for \ return $filename; } sub filename_cat { # I've disabled this warning for now, as every Greenstone perl # script seems to make use of this function and so you drown in a # sea of deprecated warnings [jmt12] # warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::filename_cat() is deprecated, using FileUtils::filenameConcatenate() instead"); return &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate(@_); } sub _pathname_cat { my $join_char = shift(@_); my $first_path = shift(@_); my (@pathnames) = @_; # If first_path is not null or empty, then add it back into the list if (defined $first_path && $first_path =~ /\S/) { unshift(@pathnames, $first_path); } my $pathname = join($join_char, @pathnames); # remove duplicate slashes if ($join_char eq ";") { $pathname =~ s/[\\\/]+/\\/g; if ($^O eq "cygwin") { # Once we've collapsed muliple (potentialy > 2) slashes # For cygwin, actually want things double-backslahed $pathname =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; } } else { $pathname =~ s/[\/]+/\//g; # DB: want a pathname abc\de.html to remain like this } return $pathname; } sub pathname_cat { my (@pathnames) = @_; my $join_char; if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { $join_char = ";"; } else { $join_char = ":"; } return _pathname_cat($join_char,@pathnames); } sub javapathname_cat { my (@pathnames) = @_; my $join_char; # Unlike pathname_cat() above, not interested if running in a Cygwin environment # This is because the java we run is actually a native Windows executable if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i)) { $join_char = ";"; } else { $join_char = ":"; } return _pathname_cat($join_char,@pathnames); } sub makeFilenameJavaCygwinCompatible { my ($java_filename) = @_; if ($^O eq "cygwin") { # To be used with a Java program, but under Cygwin # Because the java binary that is native to Windows, need to # convert the Cygwin paths (i.e. Unix style) to be Windows # compatible $java_filename = `cygpath -wp "$java_filename"`; chomp($java_filename); $java_filename =~ s%\\%\\\\%g; } return $java_filename; } sub tidy_up_oid { my ($OID) = @_; if ($OID =~ /[\.\/\\]/) { print STDERR "Warning, identifier $OID contains periods or slashes(.\\\/), replacing them with _\n"; $OID =~ s/[\.\\\/]/_/g; #remove any periods } if ($OID =~ /^\s.*\s$/) { print STDERR "Warning, identifier $OID starts or ends with whitespace. Removing it\n"; # remove starting and trailing whitespace $OID =~ s/^\s+//; $OID =~ s/\s+$//; } if ($OID =~ /^[\d]*$/) { print STDERR "Warning, identifier $OID contains only digits. Prepending 'D'.\n"; $OID = "D" . $OID; } return $OID; } sub envvar_prepend { my ($var,$val) = @_; # 64 bit linux can't handle ";" as path separator, so make sure to set this to the right one for the OS ## my $pathsep = (defined $ENV{'GSDLOS'} && $ENV{'GSDLOS'} !~ m/windows/) ? ":" : ";"; # Rewritten above to make ":" the default (Windows is the special # case, anything else 'unusual' such as Solaris etc is Unix) my $pathsep = (defined $ENV{'GSDLOS'} && (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/windows/) && ($^O ne "cygwin"))) ? ";" : ":"; # do not prepend any value/path that's already in the environment variable my $escaped_val = &filename_to_regex($val); # escape any backslashes and brackets for upcoming regex if (!defined($ENV{$var})) { $ENV{$var} = "$val"; } elsif($ENV{$var} !~ m/$escaped_val/) { $ENV{$var} = "$val".$pathsep.$ENV{$var}; } } sub envvar_append { my ($var,$val) = @_; # 64 bit linux can't handle ";" as path separator, so make sure to set this to the right one for the OS my $pathsep = (defined $ENV{'GSDLOS'} && $ENV{'GSDLOS'} !~ m/windows/) ? ":" : ";"; # do not append any value/path that's already in the environment variable my $escaped_val = &filename_to_regex($val); # escape any backslashes and brackets for upcoming regex if (!defined($ENV{$var})) { $ENV{$var} = "$val"; } elsif($ENV{$var} !~ m/$escaped_val/) { $ENV{$var} = $ENV{$var}.$pathsep."$val"; } } # debug aid sub print_env { my ($handle, @envvars) = @_; # print to $handle, which can be STDERR/STDOUT/file, etc. if (scalar(@envvars) == 0) { #print $handle "@@@ All env vars requested\n"; my $output = ""; print $handle "@@@ Environment was:\n********\n"; foreach my $envvar (sort keys(%ENV)) { if(defined $ENV{$envvar}) { print $handle "\t$envvar = $ENV{$envvar}\n"; } else { print $handle "\t$envvar = \n"; } } print $handle "********\n"; } else { print $handle "@@@ Environment was:\n********\n"; foreach my $envvar (@envvars) { if(defined $ENV{$envvar}) { print $handle "\t$envvar = ".$ENV{$envvar}."\n"; } else { print $handle "Env var '$envvar' was not set\n"; } } print $handle "********\n"; } } # splits a filename into a prefix and a tail extension using the tail_re, or # if that fails, splits on the file_extension . (dot) sub get_prefix_and_tail_by_regex { my ($filename,$tail_re) = @_; my ($file_prefix,$file_ext) = ($filename =~ m/^(.*?)($tail_re)$/); if ((!defined $file_prefix) || (!defined $file_ext)) { ($file_prefix,$file_ext) = ($filename =~ m/^(.*)(\..*?)$/); } return ($file_prefix,$file_ext); } # get full path and file only path from a base_dir (which may be empty) and # file (which may contain directories) sub get_full_filenames { my ($base_dir, $file) = @_; # my ($cpackage,$cfilename,$cline,$csubr,$chas_args,$cwantarray) = caller(0); # my ($lcfilename) = ($cfilename =~ m/([^\\\/]*)$/); # print STDERR "** Calling method: $lcfilename:$cline $cpackage->$csubr\n"; my $filename_full_path = $file; # add on directory if present $filename_full_path = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($base_dir, $file) if $base_dir =~ /\S/; my $filename_no_path = $file; # remove directory if present $filename_no_path =~ s/^.*[\/\\]//; return ($filename_full_path, $filename_no_path); } # returns the path of a file without the filename -- ie. the directory the file is in sub filename_head { my $filename = shift(@_); if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { $filename =~ s/[^\\\\]*$//; } else { $filename =~ s/[^\\\/]*$//; } return $filename; } # Debug function to print the caller at the provided depth or else depth=1 (to skip the function # that called this one, which is at depth 0). sub debug_print_caller { my $depth = shift(@_); $depth = 1 unless $depth; # start at 1 to skip printing the function that called this one my ($cpackage,$cfilename,$cline,$csubr,$chas_args,$cwantarray) = caller($depth); my ($lcfilename) = ($cfilename =~ m/([^\\\/]*)$/); print STDERR "** Calling method at depth $depth: $lcfilename:$cline $cpackage->$csubr\n"; } # Debug function to print the call stack. # Optional param maxdepth: how many callers up the stack to print, *besides* this function's own # caller. If maxdepth parameter unspecified, prints the entire call stack. sub debug_print_call_stack { my $maxdepth = shift(@_); if($maxdepth) { print STDERR "** CALL STACK UP TO AND INCL. MAX DEPTH OF $maxdepth:\n"; } else { print STDERR "** FULL CALL STACK:\n"; } my $depth = 0; # start by just printing this sub's calling function too while(1) { my ($cpackage,$cfilename,$cline,$csubr,$chas_args,$cwantarray) = caller($depth); last unless (defined $cfilename && defined $cline && defined $cpackage); # when call stack printed in full my ($lcfilename) = ($cfilename =~ m/([^\\\/]*)$/); print STDERR "\t$lcfilename:$cline $cpackage->$csubr\n"; $depth++; # print out caller at $maxdepth too, even though $depth starts at 0 # So this method prints out maxdepth+1 callers last if($maxdepth && $depth > $maxdepth); } return ""; } # returns 1 if filename1 and filename2 point to the same # file or directory sub filenames_equal { my ($filename1, $filename2) = @_; # use filename_cat to clean up trailing slashes and # multiple slashes $filename1 = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($filename1); $filename2 = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($filename2); # filenames not case sensitive on windows if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) { $filename1 =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $filename2 =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; } return 1 if $filename1 eq $filename2; return 0; } # If filename is relative to within_dir, returns the relative path of filename to that directory # with slashes in the filename returned as they were in the original (absolute) filename. sub filename_within_directory { my ($filename,$within_dir) = @_; if ($within_dir !~ m/[\/\\]$/) { my $dirsep = &util::get_dirsep(); $within_dir .= $dirsep; } $within_dir = &filename_to_regex($within_dir); # escape DOS style file separator and brackets if ($filename =~ m/^$within_dir(.*)$/) { $filename = $1; } return $filename; } # If filename is relative to within_dir, returns the relative path of filename to that directory in URL format. # Filename and within_dir can be any type of slashes, but will be compared as URLs (i.e. unix-style slashes). # The subpath returned will also be a URL type filename. sub filename_within_directory_url_format { my ($filename,$within_dir) = @_; # convert parameters only to / slashes if Windows my $filename_urlformat = &filepath_to_url_format($filename); my $within_dir_urlformat = &filepath_to_url_format($within_dir); #if ($within_dir_urlformat !~ m/\/$/) { # make sure directory ends with a slash #$within_dir_urlformat .= "/"; #} my $within_dir_urlformat_re = &filename_to_regex($within_dir_urlformat); # escape any special RE characters, such as brackets #print STDERR "@@@@@ $filename_urlformat =~ $within_dir_urlformat_re\n"; # dir prefix may or may not end with a slash (this is discarded when extracting the sub-filepath) if ($filename_urlformat =~ m/^$within_dir_urlformat_re(?:\/)*(.*)$/) { $filename_urlformat = $1; } return $filename_urlformat; } # Convert parameter to use / slashes if Windows (if on Linux leave any \ as is, # since on Linux it doesn't represent a file separator but an escape char). sub filepath_to_url_format { my ($filepath) = @_; if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { # Only need to worry about Windows, as Unix style directories already in url-format # Convert Windows style \ => / $filepath =~ s@\\@/@g; } return $filepath; } # regex filepaths on windows may include \\ as path separator. Convert \\ to / sub filepath_regex_to_url_format { my ($filepath) = @_; if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { # Only need to worry about Windows, as Unix style directories already in url-format # Convert Windows style \\ => / $filepath =~ s@\\\\@/@g; } return $filepath; } # Like File::Basename::fileparse, but expects filepath in url format (ie only / slash for dirsep) # and ignores trailing / # returns (file, dirs) dirs will be empty if no subdirs sub url_fileparse { my ($filepath) = @_; # remove trailing / $filepath =~ s@/$@@; if ($filepath !~ m@/@) { return ($filepath, ""); } my ($dirs, $file) = $filepath =~ m@(.+/)([^/]+)@; return ($file, $dirs); } sub filename_within_collection { my ($filename) = @_; my $collect_dir = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}; if (defined $collect_dir) { # if from within GSDLCOLLECTDIR, then remove directory prefix # so source_filename is realative to it. This is done to aid # portability, i.e. the collection can be moved to somewhere # else on the file system and the archives directory will still # work. This is needed, for example in the applet version of # GLI where GSDLHOME/collect on the server will be different to # the collect directory of the remove user. Of course, # GSDLCOLLECTDIR subsequently needs to be put back on to turn # it back into a full pathname. $filename = filename_within_directory($filename,$collect_dir); } return $filename; } sub prettyprint_file { my ($base_dir,$file,$gli) = @_; my $filename_full_path = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($base_dir,$file); if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { require Win32; # For some reason base_dir in the form c:/a/b/c # This leads to confusion later on, so turn it back into # the more usual Windows form $base_dir =~ s/\//\\/g; my $long_base_dir = Win32::GetLongPathName($base_dir); my $long_full_path = Win32::GetLongPathName($filename_full_path); $file = filename_within_directory($long_full_path,$long_base_dir); $file = encode("utf8",$file) if ($gli); } return $file; } sub upgrade_if_dos_filename { my ($filename_full_path,$and_encode) = @_; if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { # Ensure any DOS-like filename, such as test~1.txt, has been upgraded # to its long (Windows) version my $long_filename = Win32::GetLongPathName($filename_full_path); if (defined $long_filename) { $filename_full_path = $long_filename; } # Make sure initial drive letter is lower-case (to fit in with rest of Greenstone) $filename_full_path =~ s/^(.):/\u$1:/; if ((defined $and_encode) && ($and_encode)) { $filename_full_path = encode("utf8",$filename_full_path); } } return $filename_full_path; } sub downgrade_if_dos_filename { my ($filename_full_path) = @_; if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { require Win32; # Ensure the given long Windows filename is in a form that can # be opened by Perl => convert it to a short DOS-like filename my $short_filename = Win32::GetShortPathName($filename_full_path); if (defined $short_filename) { $filename_full_path = $short_filename; } # Make sure initial drive letter is lower-case (to fit in # with rest of Greenstone) $filename_full_path =~ s/^(.):/\u$1:/; } return $filename_full_path; } sub filename_is_absolute { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::filename_is_absolute() is deprecated, using FileUtils::isFilenameAbsolute() instead"); return &FileUtils::isFilenameAbsolute(@_); } ## @method make_absolute() # # Ensure the given file path is absolute in respect to the given base path. # # @param $base_dir A string denoting the base path the given dir must be # absolute to. # @param $dir The directory to be made absolute as a string. Note that the # dir may already be absolute, in which case it will remain # unchanged. # @return The now absolute form of the directory as a string. # # @author John Thompson, DL Consulting Ltd. # @copy 2006 DL Consulting Ltd. # #used in buildcol.pl, doesn't work for all cases --kjdon sub make_absolute { my ($base_dir, $dir) = @_; ### print STDERR "dir = $dir\n"; $dir =~ s/[\\\/]+/\//g; $dir = $base_dir . "/$dir" unless ($dir =~ m|^(\w:)?/|); $dir =~ s|^/tmp_mnt||; 1 while($dir =~ s|/[^/]*/\.\./|/|g); $dir =~ s|/[.][.]?/|/|g; $dir =~ tr|/|/|s; ### print STDERR "dir = $dir\n"; return $dir; } ## make_absolute() ## sub get_dirsep { if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { return "\\"; } else { return "\/"; } } sub get_os_dirsep { if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { return "\\\\"; } else { return "\\\/"; } } sub get_re_dirsep { return "\\\\|\\\/"; } sub get_dirsep_tail { my ($filename) = @_; # returns last part of directory or filename # On unix e.g. a/b.d => b.d # a/b/c => c my $dirsep = get_re_dirsep(); my @dirs = split (/$dirsep/, $filename); my $tail = pop @dirs; # - caused problems under windows #my ($tail) = ($filename =~ m/^(?:.*?$dirsep)?(.*?)$/); return $tail; } # if this is running on windows we want binaries to end in # .exe, otherwise they don't have to end in any extension sub get_os_exe { return ".exe" if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")); return ""; } # test to see whether this is a big or little endian machine sub is_little_endian { # To determine the name of the operating system, the variable $^O is a cheap alternative to pulling it out of the Config module; # If it is a Macintosh machine (i.e. the Darwin operating system), regardless if it's running on the IBM power-pc cpu or the x86 Intel-based chip with a power-pc emulator running on top of it, it's big-endian # Otherwise, it's little endian #return 0 if $^O =~ /^darwin$/i; #return 0 if $ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^darwin$/i; # Going back to stating exactly whether the machine is little endian # or big endian, without any special case for Macs. Since for rata it comes # back with little endian and for shuttle with bigendian. return (ord(substr(pack("s",1), 0, 1)) == 1); } # will return the collection name if successful, "" otherwise sub use_collection { my ($collection, $collectdir) = @_; if (!defined $collectdir || $collectdir eq "") { $collectdir = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'}, "collect"); } if (!defined $ENV{'GREENSTONEHOME'}) { # for GS3, would have been defined in use_site_collection, to GSDL3HOME $ENV{'GREENSTONEHOME'} = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; } # get and check the collection if (!defined($collection) || $collection eq "") { if (defined $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTION'}) { $collection = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTION'}; } else { print STDOUT "No collection specified\n"; return ""; } } if ($collection eq "modelcol") { print STDOUT "You can't use modelcol.\n"; return ""; } # make sure the environment variables GSDLCOLLECTION and GSDLCOLLECTDIR # are defined $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTION'} = $collection; $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTHOME'} = $collectdir; $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'} = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($collectdir, $collection); # make sure this collection exists if (!-e $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}) { print STDOUT "Invalid collection ($collection).\n"; return ""; } # everything is ready to go return $collection; } sub get_current_collection_name { return $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTION'}; } # will return the collection name if successful, "" otherwise. # Like use_collection (above) but for greenstone 3 (taking account of site level) sub use_site_collection { my ($site, $collection, $collectdir) = @_; if (!defined $collectdir || $collectdir eq "") { die "GSDL3HOME not set.\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDL3HOME'}; $collectdir = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDL3HOME'}, "sites", $site, "collect"); } if (defined $ENV{'GSDL3HOME'}) { $ENV{'GREENSTONEHOME'} = $ENV{'GSDL3HOME'}; $ENV{'SITEHOME'} = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GREENSTONEHOME'}, "sites", $site); } elsif (defined $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}) { $ENV{'GREENSTONEHOME'} = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}, "web"); $ENV{'SITEHOME'} = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GREENSTONEHOME'}, "sites", $site); } else { print STDERR "*** util::use_site_collection(). Warning: Neither GSDL3HOME nor GSDL3SRCHOME set.\n"; } # collectdir explicitly set by this point (using $site variable if required). # Can call "old" gsdl2 use_collection now. return use_collection($collection,$collectdir); } sub locate_config_file { my ($file) = @_; my $locations = locate_config_files($file); return shift @$locations; # returns undef if 'locations' is empty } sub locate_config_files { my ($file) = @_; my @locations = (); if (-e $file) { # Clearly specified (most likely full filename) # No need to hunt in 'etc' directories, return value unchanged push(@locations,$file); } else { # Check for collection specific one before looking in global GSDL 'etc' if (defined $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'} && $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'} ne "") { my $test_collect_etc_filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'},"etc", $file); if (-e $test_collect_etc_filename) { push(@locations,$test_collect_etc_filename); } } my $test_main_etc_filename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'},"etc", $file); if (-e $test_main_etc_filename) { push(@locations,$test_main_etc_filename); } } return \@locations; } sub hyperlink_text { my ($text) = @_; $text =~ s/(http:\/\/[^\s]+)/$1<\/a>/mg; $text =~ s/(^|\s+)(www\.(\w|\.)+)/$2<\/a>/mg; return $text; } # A method to check if a directory is empty (note that an empty directory still has non-zero size!!!) # Code is from http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/6330927813/m/436007700831 sub is_dir_empty { warnings::warnif("deprecated", "util::is_dir_empty() is deprecated, using FileUtils::isDirectoryEmpty() instead"); return &FileUtils::isDirectoryEmpty(@_); } # Returns the given filename converted using either URL encoding or base64 # encoding, as specified by $rename_method. If the given filename has no suffix # (if it is just the tailname), then $no_suffix should be some defined value. # rename_method can be url, none, base64 sub rename_file { my ($filename, $rename_method, $no_suffix) = @_; if(!$filename) { # undefined or empty string return $filename; } if (!$rename_method) { print STDERR "WARNING: no file renaming method specified. Defaulting to using URL encoding...\n"; # Debugging information # my ($cpackage,$cfilename,$cline,$csubr,$chas_args,$cwantarray) = caller(1); # print STDERR "Called from method: $cfilename:$cline $cpackage->$csubr\n"; $rename_method = "url"; } elsif($rename_method eq "none") { return $filename; # would have already been renamed } # No longer replace spaces with underscores, since underscores mess with incremental rebuild ### Replace spaces with underscore. Do this first else it can go wrong below when getting tailname ###$filename =~ s/ /_/g; my ($tailname,$dirname,$suffix); if($no_suffix) { # given a tailname, no suffix ($tailname,$dirname) = File::Basename::fileparse($filename); } else { ($tailname,$dirname,$suffix) = File::Basename::fileparse($filename, "\\.(?:[^\\.]+?)\$"); } if (!$suffix) { $suffix = ""; } # This breaks GLI matching extracted metadata to files in Enrich panel, as # original is eg .JPG while gsdlsourcefilename ends up .jpg # Not sure why it was done in first place... #else { #$suffix = lc($suffix); #} if ($rename_method eq "url") { $tailname = &unicode::url_encode($tailname); } elsif ($rename_method eq "base64") { $tailname = &unicode::base64_encode($tailname); $tailname =~ s/\s*//sg; # for some reason it adds spaces not just at end but also in middle } $filename = "$tailname$suffix"; $filename = "$dirname$filename" if ($dirname ne "./" && $dirname ne ".\\"); return $filename; } # BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY: Just in case there are old .ldb/.bdb files sub rename_ldb_or_bdb_file { my ($filename_no_ext) = @_; my $new_filename = "$filename_no_ext.gdb"; return if (-f $new_filename); # if the file has the right extension, don't need to do anything # try ldb my $old_filename = "$filename_no_ext.ldb"; if (-f $old_filename) { print STDERR "Renaming $old_filename to $new_filename\n"; rename ($old_filename, $new_filename) || print STDERR "Rename failed: $!\n"; return; } # try bdb $old_filename = "$filename_no_ext.bdb"; if (-f $old_filename) { print STDERR "Renaming $old_filename to $new_filename\n"; rename ($old_filename, $new_filename) || print STDERR "Rename failed: $!\n"; return; } } sub os_dir() { my $gsdlarch = ""; if(defined $ENV{'GSDLARCH'}) { $gsdlarch = $ENV{'GSDLARCH'}; } return $ENV{'GSDLOS'}.$gsdlarch; } # returns 1 if this (GS server) is a GS3 installation, returns 0 if it's GS2. sub is_gs3() { if($ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } # Returns the greenstone URL prefix extracted from the appropriate GS2/GS3 config file. # By default, /greenstone3 for GS3 or /greenstone for GS2. sub get_greenstone_url_prefix() { # if already set on a previous occasion, just return that # (Don't want to keep repeating this: cost of re-opening and scanning files.) return $ENV{'GREENSTONE_URL_PREFIX'} if($ENV{'GREENSTONE_URL_PREFIX'}); my ($configfile, $urlprefix, $defaultUrlprefix); my @propertynames = (); if($ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}) { $defaultUrlprefix = "/greenstone3"; $configfile = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}, "packages", "tomcat", "conf", "Catalina", "localhost", "greenstone3.xml"); push(@propertynames, qw/path\s*\=/); } else { $defaultUrlprefix = "/greenstone"; $configfile = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'}, "cgi-bin", &os_dir(), "gsdlsite.cfg"); push(@propertynames, (qw/\nhttpprefix/, qw/\ngwcgi/)); # inspect one property then the other } $urlprefix = &extract_propvalue_from_file($configfile, \@propertynames); if(!$urlprefix) { # no values found for URL prefix, use default values $urlprefix = $defaultUrlprefix; } else { #gwcgi can contain more than the wanted prefix, we split on / to get the first "directory" level $urlprefix =~ s/^\///; # remove the starting slash my @dirs = split(/(\\|\/)/, $urlprefix); $urlprefix = shift(@dirs); if($urlprefix !~ m/^\//) { # in all cases: ensure the required forward slash is at the front $urlprefix = "/$urlprefix"; } } # set for the future $ENV{'GREENSTONE_URL_PREFIX'} = $urlprefix; # print STDERR "*** in get_greenstone_url_prefix(): $urlprefix\n\n"; return $urlprefix; } # # The following comes from activate.pl # # Designed to work with a server included with GS. # - For GS2, we derive the URL from the llssite.cfg file. # - For GS3, we ask ant for the library URL. For GS3, we get the local *http* URL # by default, something like # Pass in $get_public_url=1 to get something like # ://:/greenstone/library sub get_full_greenstone_url_prefix { my ($gs_mode, $lib_name, $get_public_url) = @_; # if already set on a previous occasion, just return that # (Don't want to keep repeating this: cost of re-opening and scanning files.) return $ENV{'FULL_GREENSTONE_URL_PREFIX'} if($ENV{'FULL_GREENSTONE_URL_PREFIX'}); # set gs_mode if it was not passed in (servercontrol.pm would pass it in, any other callers won't) $gs_mode = ($ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}) ? "gs3" : "gs2" unless defined $gs_mode; my $url = undef; if($gs_mode eq "gs2") { my $llssite_cfg = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'}, "llssite.cfg"); if(-f $llssite_cfg) { # check llssite.cfg for line with url property # for server.exe also need to use portnumber and enterlib properties # The following file reading section is a candidate to use FileUtils::readUTF8File() # in place of calling sysread() directly. But only if we can reason we'd be working with UTF8 # Read in the entire contents of the file in one hit if (!open (FIN, $llssite_cfg)) { print STDERR "util::get_full_greenstone_url_prefix() failed to open $llssite_cfg ($!)\n"; return undef; } my $contents; sysread(FIN, $contents, -s FIN); close(FIN); my @lines = split(/[\n\r]+/, $contents); # split on carriage-returns and/or linefeeds my $enterlib = ""; my $portnumber = "8282"; # will remain empty (implicit port 80) unless it's specifically been assigned foreach my $line (@lines) { if($line =~ m/^url=(.*)$/) { $url = $1; } elsif($line =~ m/^enterlib=(.*)$/) { $enterlib = $1; } elsif($line =~ m/^portnumber=(.*)$/) { $portnumber = $1; } } if(!$url) { return undef; } elsif($url eq "URL_pending") { # library is not running # do not process url=URL_pending in the file, since for server.exe # this just means the Enter Library button hasn't been pressed yet $url = undef; } else { # In the case of server.exe, need to do extra work to get the proper URL # But first, need to know whether we're indeed dealing with server.exe: # compare the URL's domain to the full URL # E.g. for http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/cgi-bin, the domain is localhost:8383 my $uri = URI->new( $url ); my $host = $uri->host; #print STDERR "@@@@@ host: $host\n"; if($url =~ m/https?:\/\/$host(\/)?$/) { #if($url !~ m/https?:\/\/$host:$portnumber(\/)?/ || $url =~ m/https?:\/\/$host(\/)?$/) { # (if the URL does not contain the portnumber, OR if the port is implicitly 80 and) # If the domain with http:// prefix is completely the same as the URL, assume server.exe # then the actual URL is the result of suffixing the port and enterlib properties in llssite.cfg $url = $url.":".$portnumber.$enterlib; } # else, apache web server } } } elsif($gs_mode eq "gs3") { # Either check build.properties for tomcat.server, tomcat.port and app.name (and default servlet name). # app.name is stored in app.path by build.xml. Need to move app.name in build.properties from build.xml # Or, run the new target get-local-http-servlet-url / get-default-servlet-url # the output can look like: # # Buildfile: build.xml # [echo] os.name: Windows Vista # # get-default-servlet-url: # [echo] http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/library # BUILD SUCCESSFUL # Total time: 0 seconds #my $output = qx/ant get-default-servlet-url/; # backtick operator, to get STDOUT (else 2>&1) # - see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799968/whats-the-difference-between-perls-backticks-system-and-exec # The get-local-http-servlet-url (or get-default-servlet-url) ant target can be run from anywhere by specifying the # location of GS3's ant build.xml buildfile. Activate.pl can be run from anywhere for GS3 # GSDL3SRCHOME will be set for GS3 by gs3-setup.sh, a step that would have been necessary # to run the activate.pl script in the first place # The default is to get-local-http-servlet-url (of the form my $full_build_xml = &FileUtils::javaFilenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'},"build.xml"); my $perl_command = $get_public_url ? "get-default-servlet-url" : "get-local-http-servlet-url"; $perl_command = "ant -buildfile \"$full_build_xml\" $perl_command"; if (open(PIN, "$perl_command |")) { while (defined (my $perl_output_line = )) { if($perl_output_line =~ m@(https?):\/\/(\S*)@) { # grab all the non-whitespace chars $url="$1://".$2; # preserve the http protocol #$url="http://".$1; } } close(PIN); # url can be undef if tomcat.port could not be determined due to # user having wrong or conflicting server related vals in build.props if (defined $url && defined $lib_name) { # replace the servlet_name portion of the url found, with the given library_name $url =~ s@/[^/]*$@/$lib_name@; } } else { print STDERR "util::get_full_greenstone_url_prefix() failed to run $perl_command to work out library URL for $gs_mode\n"; } } # either the url is still undef or it is now set #print STDERR "\n@@@@@ final URL:|$url|\n" if $url; #print STDERR "\n@@@@@ URL still undef\n" if !$url; $ENV{'FULL_GREENSTONE_URL_PREFIX'} = $url; return $url; } # Given a config file (xml or java properties file) and a list/array of regular expressions # that represent property names to match on, this function will return the value for the 1st # matching property name. If the return value is undefined, no matching property was found. sub extract_propvalue_from_file() { my ($configfile, $propertynames) = @_; my $value; unless(open(FIN, "<$configfile")) { print STDERR "extract_propvalue_from_file(): Unable to open $configfile. $!\n"; return $value; # not initialised } # Read the entire file at once, as one single line, then close it my $filecontents; { local $/ = undef; $filecontents = ; } close(FIN); foreach my $regex (@$propertynames) { ($value) = $filecontents=~ m/$regex\s*(\S*)/s; # read value of the property given by regex up to the 1st space if($value) { $value =~ s/^\"//; # remove any startquotes $value =~ s/\".*$//; # remove the 1st endquotes (if any) followed by any xml last; # found value for a matching property, break from loop } } return $value; } # Subroutine that sources setup.bash, given GSDLHOME and GSDLOS and # given that perllib is in @INC in order to invoke this subroutine. # Call as follows -- after setting up INC to include perllib and # after setting up GSDLHOME and GSDLOS: # # require util; # &util::setup_greenstone_env($ENV{'GSDLHOME'}, $ENV{'GSDLOS'}); # sub setup_greenstone_env() { my ($GSDLHOME, $GSDLOS) = @_; #my %env_map = (); # Get the localised ENV settings of running a localised source setup.bash # and put it into the ENV here. Need to clear GSDLHOME before running setup #my $perl_command = "(cd $GSDLHOME; export GSDLHOME=; . ./setup.bash > /dev/null; env)"; my $perl_command = "(cd $GSDLHOME; /bin/bash -c \"export GSDLHOME=; source setup.bash > /dev/null; env\")"; if (($GSDLOS =~ m/windows/i) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { #$perl_command = "cmd /C \"cd $GSDLHOME&& set GSDLHOME=&& setup.bat > nul&& set\""; $perl_command = "(cd $GSDLHOME&& set GSDLHOME=&& setup.bat > nul&& set)"; } if (!open(PIN, "$perl_command |")) { print STDERR ("Unable to execute command: $perl_command. $!\n"); } my $lastkey; while (defined (my $perl_output_line = )) { my($key,$value) = ($perl_output_line =~ m/^([^=]*)[=](.*)$/); if(defined $key) { #$env_map{$key}=$value; $ENV{$key}=$value; $lastkey = $key; } elsif($lastkey && $perl_output_line !~ m/^\s*$/) { # there was no equals sign in $perl_output_line, so this # $perl_output_line may be a spillover from the previous $ENV{$lastkey} = $ENV{$lastkey}."\n".$perl_output_line; } } close (PIN); # If any keys in $ENV don't occur in Greenstone's localised env # (stored in $env_map), delete those entries from $ENV #foreach $key (keys %ENV) { # if(!defined $env_map{$key}) { # print STDOUT "**** DELETING ENV KEY: $key\tVALUE: $ENV{$key}\n"; # delete $ENV{$key}; # del $ENV(key, value) pair # } #} #undef %env_map; } sub get_perl_exec() { my $perl_exec = $^X; # may return just "perl" if($ENV{'PERLPATH'}) { # OR: # $perl_exec = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'PERLPATH'},"perl"); if (($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/windows/) && ($^O ne "cygwin")) { $perl_exec = "$ENV{'PERLPATH'}\\Perl.exe"; } else { $perl_exec = "$ENV{'PERLPATH'}/perl"; } } else { # no PERLPATH, use Config{perlpath} else $^X: special variables # containing the full path to the current perl executable we're using $perl_exec = $Config{perlpath}; # configured path for perl if (!-e $perl_exec) { # may not point to location on this machine $perl_exec = $^X; # may return just "perl" if($perl_exec =~ m/^perl/i) { # warn if just perl or Perl.exe print STDERR "**** WARNING: Perl exec found contains no path: $perl_exec"; } } } return $perl_exec; } # returns the path to the java command in the JRE included with GS (if any), # quoted to safeguard any spaces in this path, otherwise a simple java # command is returned which assumes and will try for a system java. sub get_java_command { my $java = "java"; if(defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}) { # should be, as this script would be launched from the cmd line # after running setup.bat or from GLI which also runs setup.bat my $java_bin = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'},"packages","jre","bin"); if(-d $java_bin) { $java = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($java_bin,"java"); $java = "\"".$java."\""; # quoted to preserve spaces in path } } return $java; } # Given the qualified collection name (colgroup/collection), # returns the collection and colgroup parts sub get_collection_parts { # http://perldoc.perl.org/File/Basename.html # my($filename, $directories, $suffix) = fileparse($path); # "$directories contains everything up to and including the last directory separator in the $path # including the volume (if applicable). The remainder of the $path is the $filename." #my ($collection, $colgroup) = &File::Basename::fileparse($qualified_collection); my $qualified_collection = shift(@_); # Since activate.pl can be launched from the command-line, including by a user, # best not to assume colgroup uses URL-style slashes as would be the case with GLI # Also allow for the accidental inclusion of multiple slashes my ($colgroup, $collection) = split(/[\/\\]+/, $qualified_collection); #split('/', $qualified_collection); if(!defined $collection) { $collection = $colgroup; $colgroup = ""; } return ($collection, $colgroup); } # work out the "collectdir/collection" location sub resolve_collection_dir { my ($collect_dir, $qualified_collection, $site) = @_; #, $gs_mode if (defined $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}) { # a predefined collection dir exists return $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}; } my ($colgroup, $collection) = &util::get_collection_parts($qualified_collection); if (!defined $collect_dir || !$collect_dir) { # if undefined or empty string $collect_dir = &util::get_working_collect_dir($site); } return &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($collect_dir,$colgroup,$collection); } # work out the full path to "collect" of this greenstone 2/3 installation sub get_working_collect_dir { my ($site) = @_; if (defined $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTHOME'}) { # a predefined collect dir exists return $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTHOME'}; } if (defined $site && $site) { # site non-empty, so get default collect dir for GS3 if (defined $ENV{'GSDL3HOME'}) { return &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDL3HOME'},"sites",$site,"collect"); # web folder } elsif (defined $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}) { return &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'},"web","sites",$site,"collect"); } } elsif (defined $ENV{'SITEHOME'}) { return &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'SITEHOME'},"collect"); } else { # get default collect dir for GS2 return &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'},"collect"); } } sub is_abs_path_any_os { my ($path) = @_; # We can have filenames in our DBs that were produced on other OS, so this method exists # to help identify absolute paths in such cases. return 1 if($path =~ m@^/@); # full paths begin with forward slash on linux/mac return 1 if($path =~ m@^([a-zA-Z]\:|\\)@); # full paths begin with drive letter colon for Win or \ for volume, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13011013/get-only-volume-name-from-filepath return 0; } # This subroutine is for improving portability of Greenstone collections from one OS to another, # to be used to convert absolute paths going into db files into paths with placeholders instead. # This sub works with util::get_common_gs_paths and takes a path to a greenstone file and, if it's # an absolute path, then it will replace the longest matching greenstone-path prefix of the given # path with a placeholder to match. # The Greenstone-path prefixes that can be matched are the following common Greenstone paths: # the path to the current (specific) collection, the path to the general GS collect directory, # the path to the site directory if GS3, else the path to the GSDLHOME/GSDL3HOME folder. # The longest matching prefix will be replaced with the equivalent placeholder: # @THISCOLLECTPATH@, else @COLLECTHOME@, else @SITEHOME@, else @GSDLHOME@. sub abspath_to_placeholders { my $path = shift(@_); # path to convert from absolute to one with placeholders my $opt_long_or_short_winfilenames = shift(@_) || "short"; # whether we want to force use of long file names even on windows, default uses short return $path unless is_abs_path_any_os($path); # path is relative if ($opt_long_or_short_winfilenames eq "long") { $path = &util::upgrade_if_dos_filename($path); # will only do something on windows } # now we know we're dealing with absolute paths and have to replace gs prefixes with placeholders my @gs_paths = ($ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}, $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTHOME'}, $ENV{'SITEHOME'}, $ENV{'GREENSTONEHOME'}); # list in this order: from longest to shortest path my %placeholder_map = ($ENV{'GREENSTONEHOME'} => '@GSDLHOME@', # can't use double-quotes around at-sign, else perl tries to evaluate it as referring to an array $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTHOME'} => '@COLLECTHOME@', $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'} => '@THISCOLLECTPATH@' ); $placeholder_map{$ENV{'SITEHOME'}} = '@SITEHOME@' if defined $ENV{'SITEHOME'}; $path = &util::_abspath_to_placeholders($path, \@gs_paths, \%placeholder_map); if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i && $opt_long_or_short_winfilenames eq "short") { # for windows need to look for matches on short file names too # matched paths are again to be replaced with the usual placeholders my $gsdlcollectdir = &util::downgrade_if_dos_filename($ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}); my $gsdlcollecthome = &util::downgrade_if_dos_filename($ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTHOME'}); my $sitehome = (defined $ENV{'SITEHOME'}) ? &util::downgrade_if_dos_filename($ENV{'SITEHOME'}) : undef; my $greenstonehome = &util::downgrade_if_dos_filename($ENV{'GREENSTONEHOME'}); @gs_paths = ($gsdlcollectdir, $gsdlcollecthome, $sitehome, $greenstonehome); # order matters %placeholder_map = ($greenstonehome => '@GSDLHOME@', # can't use double-quotes around at-sign, else perl tries to evaluate it as referring to an array $gsdlcollecthome => '@COLLECTHOME@', $gsdlcollectdir => '@THISCOLLECTPATH@' ); $placeholder_map{$sitehome} = '@SITEHOME@' if defined $sitehome; $path = &util::_abspath_to_placeholders($path, \@gs_paths, \%placeholder_map); } return $path; } sub _abspath_to_placeholders { my ($path, $gs_paths_ref, $placeholder_map_ref) = @_; # The sequence of elements in @gs_paths matters # Need to loop starting from the *longest* matching path (the path to the specific collection) # to the shortest matching path (the path to gsdlhome/gsdl3home folder): foreach my $gs_path (@$gs_paths_ref) { next if(!defined $gs_path); # site undefined for GS2 my $re_path = &util::filename_to_regex($gs_path); # escape for regex if($path =~ m/^$re_path/i) { # case sensitive or not for OS? my $placeholder = $placeholder_map_ref->{$gs_path}; # get the placeholder to replace the matched path with $path =~ s/^$re_path/$placeholder/; #case sensitive or not? #$path =~ s/^[\\\/]//; # remove gs_path's trailing separator left behind at the start of the path # lowercase file extension, This is needed when shortfilenames are used, as case affects alphetical ordering, which affects diffcol $path =~ s/\.([A-Z]+)$/".".lc($1)/e; last; # done } } return $path; } # Function that does the reverse of the util::abspath_to_placeholders subroutine # Once again, call this with the values returned from util::get_common_gs_paths sub placeholders_to_abspath { my $path = shift(@_); # path that can contain placeholders to convert to resolved absolute path my $opt_long_or_short_winfilenames = shift(@_) || "short"; # whether we want to force use of long file names even on windows, default uses short return $path if($path !~ m/@/); # path contains no placeholders # replace placeholders with gs prefixes my @placeholders = ('@THISCOLLECTPATH@', '@COLLECTHOME@', '@SITEHOME@', '@GSDLHOME@'); # order of paths not crucial in this case, # but listed here from longest to shortest once placeholders are have been resolved # can't use double-quotes around at-sign, else perl tries to evaluate it as referring to an array my %placeholder_to_gspath_map; if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i && $opt_long_or_short_winfilenames eq "short") { # always replace placeholders with short file names of the absolute paths on windows? %placeholder_to_gspath_map = ('@GSDLHOME@' => &util::downgrade_if_dos_filename($ENV{'GREENSTONEHOME'}), '@COLLECTHOME@' => &util::downgrade_if_dos_filename($ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTHOME'}), '@THISCOLLECTPATH@' => &util::downgrade_if_dos_filename($ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'}) ); $placeholder_to_gspath_map{'@SITEHOME@'} = &util::downgrade_if_dos_filename($ENV{'SITEHOME'}) if defined $ENV{'SITEHOME'}; } else { %placeholder_to_gspath_map = ('@GSDLHOME@' => $ENV{'GREENSTONEHOME'}, '@SITEHOME@' => $ENV{'SITEHOME'}, # can be undef '@COLLECTHOME@' => $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTHOME'}, '@THISCOLLECTPATH@' => $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'} ); # $placeholder_to_gspath_map{'@SITEHOME@'} = $ENV{'SITEHOME'} if defined $ENV{'SITEHOME'}; } foreach my $placeholder (@placeholders) { my $gs_path = $placeholder_to_gspath_map{$placeholder}; next if(!defined $gs_path); # sitehome for GS2 is undefined if($path =~ m/^$placeholder/) { $path =~ s/^$placeholder/$gs_path/; last; # done } } return $path; } # Used by pdfpstoimg.pl and PDFBoxConverter to create a .item file from # a directory containing sequentially numbered images (and optional matching sequentially numbered .txt files). sub create_itemfile { my ($output_dir, $convert_basename, $convert_to) = @_; my $page_num = ""; opendir(DIR, $output_dir) || die "can't opendir $output_dir: $!"; my @dir_files = grep {-f "$output_dir/$_"} readdir(DIR); closedir DIR; # Sort files in the directory by page_num sub page_number { my ($dir) = @_; my ($pagenum) =($dir =~ m/^.*?[-\.]?(\d+)(\.(jpg|gif|png|txt))?$/i); # my ($pagenum) =($dir =~ m/(\d+)(\.(jpg|gif|png))?$/i); # this works but is not as safe/strict about input filepatterns as the above $pagenum = 1 unless defined $pagenum; return $pagenum; } # sort the files in the directory in the order of page_num rather than lexically. @dir_files = sort { page_number($a) <=> page_number($b) } @dir_files; # work out if the numbering of the now sorted image files starts at 0 or not # by checking the number of the first _image_ file (skipping item files) my $starts_at_0 = 0; my $firstfile = ($dir_files[0] !~ /\.item$/i) ? $dir_files[0] : $dir_files[1]; if(page_number($firstfile) == 0) { # 00 will evaluate to 0 too in this condition $starts_at_0 = 1; } my $item_file = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($output_dir, $convert_basename.".item"); my $item_fh; &FileUtils::openFileHandle($item_file, 'w', \$item_fh); print $item_fh "\n"; # In the past, sub create_itemfile() never output txtfile names into the item file (they were left as empty strings), # only image file names. Now that PDFBox is being customised for GS with the new GS_PDFToImagesAndText.java class to # create images of each PDF page and extract text for that page if extractable, we can have matching txt files for # each img file. So now we can output txt file names if we're working with txt files. # We just test if a text file exists in the same dir that matches the name of the first image file # if a matching txt file does not exist, don't output txtfile names into the item file my ($tailname, $dirname, $suffix) = &File::Basename::fileparse($firstfile, "\\.[^\\.]+\$"); # relative filenames so no dirname my $txtfilename = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($output_dir, $tailname . ".txt"); my $hasTxtFile = &FileUtils::fileExists($txtfilename); # Write out the elements of the item file. # We could be dealing with 3 types of conversion output formats: txt only (paged_text), # images only (pagedimg_) and images AND text (pagedimgtxt_). foreach my $file (@dir_files) { if ($file !~ /\.item/i) { $page_num = page_number($file); $page_num++ if $starts_at_0; # image numbers start at 0, so add 1 if ($convert_to eq "txt") { # output format is paged_text, which has no images if ($file =~ m/\.txt/i) { # check only txt files (should be all there is, besides the skipped .item file) print $item_fh " \n"; } # else, some non-txt file ext, skip } else { # either pagedimg or pagedimgtxt output mode if($file !~ /\.txt/i) { # check only img files, skip any matching txt files if($hasTxtFile) { # if every image has a matching txt file, output txtfile too print $item_fh " \n"; } else { # when its pagedimg only, txtfile is empty print $item_fh " \n"; } } } } } print $item_fh "\n"; &FileUtils::closeFileHandle($item_file, \$item_fh); return $item_file; } # Sets the gnomelib_env. Based on the logic in wvware.pl which can perhaps be replaced with a call to this function in future sub set_gnomelib_env { ## SET THE ENVIRONMENT AS DONE IN SETUP.BASH/BAT OF GNOME-LIB # Though this is only needed for darwin Lion at this point (and android, though that is untested) my $libext = "so"; if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/^windows$/i) { return; } elsif ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ m/^darwin$/i) { $libext = "dylib"; } if (!defined $ENV{'GEXTGNOME'}) { ##print STDERR "@@@ Setting GEXTGNOME env\n"; my $gnome_dir = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'},"ext","gnome-lib-minimal"); if(! -d $gnome_dir) { $gnome_dir = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GSDLHOME'},"ext","gnome-lib"); if(! -d $gnome_dir) { $gnome_dir = ""; } } # now set other the related env vars, # IF we've found the gnome-lib dir installed in the ext folder if ($gnome_dir ne "" && -f &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($gnome_dir, $ENV{'GSDLOS'}, "lib", "libiconv.$libext")) { $ENV{'GEXTGNOME'} = $gnome_dir; $ENV{'GEXTGNOME_INSTALLED'}=&FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GEXTGNOME'}, $ENV{'GSDLOS'}); my $gnomelib_bin = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GEXTGNOME_INSTALLED'}, "bin"); if(-d $gnomelib_bin) { # no bin subfolder in GS binary's cutdown gnome-lib-minimal folder &util::envvar_prepend("PATH", $gnomelib_bin); } # util's prepend will create LD/DYLD_LIB_PATH if it doesn't exist yet my $gextlib = &FileUtils::filenameConcatenate($ENV{'GEXTGNOME_INSTALLED'}, "lib"); if($ENV{'GSDLOS'} eq "linux") { &util::envvar_prepend("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", $gextlib); } elsif ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} eq "darwin") { #&util::envvar_prepend("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", $gextlib); &util::envvar_prepend("DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH", $gextlib); } } # Above largely mimics the setup.bash of the gnome-lib-minimal. # Not doing the devel-srcpack that gnome-lib-minimal's setup.bash used to set # Not exporting GSDLEXTS variable either } # print STDERR "@@@@@ GEXTGNOME: ".$ENV{'GEXTGNOME'}."\n\tINSTALL".$ENV{'GEXTGNOME_INSTALLED'}."\n"; # print STDERR "\tPATH".$ENV{'PATH'}."\n"; # print STDERR "\tLD_LIB_PATH".$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}."\n" if $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH}; # print STDERR "\tDYLD_FALLBACK_LIB_PATH".$ENV{'DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH'}."\n" if $ENV{'DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH}; # if no GEXTGNOME, maybe users didn't need gnome-lib to run gnomelib/libiconv dependent binaries like hashfile, suffix, wget # (wvware is launched in a gnomelib env from its own script, but could possibly go through this script in future) } ## @function augmentINC() # # Prepend a path (if it exists) onto INC but only if it isn't already in INC # @param $new_path The path to add # @author jmt12 # sub augmentINC { my ($new_path) = @_; my $did_add_path = 0; # might need to be replaced with FileUtils::directoryExists() call eventually if (-d $new_path) { my $did_find_path = 0; foreach my $existing_path (@INC) { if ($existing_path eq $new_path) { $did_find_path = 1; last; } } if (!$did_find_path) { unshift(@INC, $new_path); $did_add_path = 1; } } return $did_add_path; } ## augmentINC() 1;