os.name: ${os.name} ant java version=${ant.java.version} is unix : ${current.os.isunix} is mac : ${current.os.ismac} is unixnotmac : ${current.os.isunixnotmac} is windows : ${current.os.iswindows} os.unix: ${os.unix} ********************************************* As you have set use.support.lib, before running ant install next, run source devel.bash from ${basedir}/gs2build/ext/gnome-lib ********************************************* Using PATH environment variable to locate Perl. Non-standard location of Perl found: ${full.perl.path} Set the environment variable PERLPATH or the perl.path property in build.properties to explicitly control the version of Perl used. http://${tomcat.server}:${tomcat.port}${app.path}${server.default.servlet} ${app.name} (${app.version}) server running using Apache Tomcat and Java Tomcat: ${catalina.home} Java : ${java.home} Perl : ${full.perl.path} URL : ${url} Writing out baseURL ${url}oaiserver to ${web.classes}/OAIConfig.xml To install Greenstone3, run '${install-command}'. There are properties defined in build.properties. The install process will ask you if these properties are set correctly. To avoid this prompt, use the '-Dproperties.accepted=yes' option. To log the output, use the '-logfile build.log' option. The README.txt file has more information about the ant targets and install process. The following properties (among others) are being used from a build.properties file found in this directory: tomcat.server=${tomcat.server} tomcat.port=${tomcat.port} tomcat.installed.path=${tomcat.installed.path} (this is the location of Tomcat's base dir if it is already installed) proxy.host=${proxy.host} proxy.port=${proxy.port} disable.collection.building=${disable.collection.building} If these are not acceptable, please change them and rerun this target. Continue [y/n]? Build aborted by user. Please change your properties settings and re-run the target tomcat.port = ${tomcat.port} Your Java (version 1.4) is too old to work with the bundled Apache Tomcat (version 6). Please upgrade to Java version 1.5 or greater. Alternatively, you may remove the bundled Apache Tomcat from the 'packages' folder and then run 'ant prepare-tomcat'. activating xalan.jar deactivating xalan.jar collection gs2mgdemo installed collection gs2mgppdemo installed collection gberg installed collection lucene-jdbm-demo installed the timestamp of this file is the time that tomcat was extracted from the zip files. it is used to figure out whether the files need to be refreshed or not in `ant prepare-tomcat` Tomcat has been prepared, will not prepare Delete ${packages.home}/tomcat/.flagfile to force refresh set CLASSPATH=${tomcat.classpath} export CLASSPATH=${tomcat.classpath} set CLASSPATH=${tomcat.classpath} export CLASSPATH=${tomcat.classpath} Waiting for the server to shutdown... (${wait.numchecks} seconds max) WARNING: Checked the socket ${wait.numchecks} times, but port ${tomcat.port} is still busy. Tomcat is stopped. Truncating catalina.out, greenstone.log and server.log, and emptying ${web.home}/logs/tmp the timestamp of this file is the time that ant was extracted from the zip files. it is used to figure out whether the files need to be refreshed or not in `ant prepare-ant` Ant has been prepared, will not prepare Delete ${packages.home}/ant/.flagfile to force refresh the timestamp of this file is the time that axis was extracted from the zip files. it is used to figure out whether the files need to be refreshed or not in `ant prepare-axis` Axis has been prepared, will not prepare Delete ${packages.home}/axis/.flagfile to force refresh Deploying ${base.webservice.name} web services for localsite under service name: localsite The Greenstone server has been started up. If you do not want it running, please type: ant stop. What site do you want to deploy services for? Press Enter for default:localsite Please enter the full name of the service you wish to undeploy. To find out which web services you've got deployed, point your browser to http://HOST:PORT/greenstone3/services Or press Enter for undeploying the default:localsite /> Name of service to undeploy: ${axis.undeploy.servicename} Which set of web services do you want to deploy? Choose from: ${web.services.list} Or press Enter for default:${base.webservice.name} /> ${axis.servicesname} What name do you want the service to have? (Press Enter for default:${axis.servicesname}${axis.sitename}) Site: ${axis.sitename}, services: ${axis.servicesname}, servicesname: ${axis.siteuri} Configuring JavaGDBM compile javagdbm Windows: compile javagdbm Install the javagdbm jar file ${javagdbm.home}/javagdbm.jar ${lib.jni} this target does not support the current os checking out common-src Running GLI from Ant means that you don't get to see any of the terminal output. If you have problems with GLI and want to see the output, please run the script gli.sh/bat from the greenstone3/gli directory. svn updating gs2build checking out gs2build checking out gnome-lib extension ********************************************* Test output can be found in directory 'test' ********************************************* checking out flax ... updating flax ... Greenstone3 API]]> Setting binaries to executable The testing extension is not available. This is required to perform the tests. It can be acquired from SVN by running the command "svn co http://svn.greenstone.org/gs3-extensions/testing/trunk/src testing" in the ext directory of your Greenstone 3 installation. Testing @{testjar} The testing extension is not available. This is required to perform the tests. It can be acquired from SVN by running the command "svn co http://svn.greenstone.org/gs3-extensions/testing/trunk/src testing" in the ext directory of your Greenstone 3 installation. Compiling @{compiledir}