package org.greenstone.gsdl3.action; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.core.ModuleInterface; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.Dictionary; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSConstants; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSParams; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSXML; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSXSLT; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.UserContext; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.XMLConverter; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.XMLTransformer; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** base class for Actions */ abstract public class Action { /** the system set up variables */ protected HashMap config_params = null; /** a converter class to parse XML and create Docs */ protected XMLConverter converter = null; /** a transformer class in case the action wants to run XSLT itself */ protected XMLTransformer transformer = null; /** * a reference to the message router that it must talk to to get info. it * may be a communicator acting as a proxy, but it doesn't care about that */ protected ModuleInterface mr = null; static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.gsdl3.action.Action.class.getName()); public Action() { this.converter = new XMLConverter(); this.transformer = new XMLTransformer(); } /** the config variables must be set before configure is called */ public void setConfigParams(HashMap params) { this.config_params = params; } /** sets the message router */ public void setMessageRouter(ModuleInterface m) { = m; } public boolean configure() { // does nothing yet return true; } /** * process takes an xml representation of cgi args and returns the page of * results - may be in html/xml/other depending on the output att of the * request */ public String process(String xml_in) { Document message_doc = this.converter.getDOM(xml_in); if (message_doc == null) { logger.error("Couldn't parse request"); logger.error(xml_in); return null; } Node result = process(message_doc); return this.converter.getString(result); } /** the main process method - must be implemented in subclass */ abstract public Node process(Node xml_in); /** * tell the param class what its arguments are if an action has its own * arguments, this should add them to the params object - particularly * important for args that should not be saved */ public boolean addActionParameters(GSParams params) { return true; } protected void getRequiredMetadataNames(Element format, HashSet meta_names) { GSXSLT.findExtraMetadataNames(format, meta_names); } protected Element createMetadataParamList(Document doc, HashSet metadata_names) { Element param_list = doc.createElement(GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); Element param = null; Iterator i = metadata_names.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String name =; param = doc.createElement(GSXML.PARAM_ELEM); param_list.appendChild(param); param.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, "metadata"); param.setAttribute(GSXML.VALUE_ATT, name); } return param_list; } protected boolean processErrorElements(Element message, Element page) { NodeList error_nodes = message.getElementsByTagName(GSXML.ERROR_ELEM); if (error_nodes.getLength() == 0) { return false; } Document owner = page.getOwnerDocument(); for (int i = 0; i < error_nodes.getLength(); i++) { page.appendChild(owner.importNode(error_nodes.item(i), true)); } return true; } /** * Takes an XML element and adds the metadata of the current site to it. * Useful for adding the current site's metadata to a response before * sending it * * @param element * the element to add site metadata to * @param lang * the current language * @param uid * the current user id */ protected void addSiteMetadata(Element element, UserContext userContext) { Document doc = element.getOwnerDocument(); //ADD SITE METADATA Element metadata_request = GSXML.createBasicRequest(doc, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_DESCRIBE, "", userContext); //create the element to put the params in Element param_list = doc.createElement(GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); // want to get metadataList and displayItemList GSXML.addParameterToList(param_list, GSXML.SUBSET_PARAM , GSXML.METADATA_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); GSXML.addParameterToList(param_list, GSXML.SUBSET_PARAM , GSXML.DISPLAY_TEXT_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); metadata_request.appendChild(param_list); //create the message Element metadata_message = doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); metadata_message.appendChild(metadata_request); //get response Element metadata_response_message = (Element); //drill down to response Element metadata_response = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(metadata_response_message, GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); //merge in metadata // *************** need to merge the displayItem lists too GSXML.mergeMetadataLists(element, metadata_response); GSXML.mergeSpecifiedLists(element, metadata_response, GSXML.DISPLAY_TEXT_ELEM); } protected void addInterfaceOptions(Element elem) { Document doc = elem.getOwnerDocument(); Element documentOptionList = doc.createElement("interfaceOptions"); for (Object key : this.config_params.keySet()) { Element option = doc.createElement("option"); option.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, (String) key); option.setAttribute(GSXML.VALUE_ATT, this.config_params.get(key).toString()); documentOptionList.appendChild(option); } elem.appendChild(elem.getOwnerDocument().importNode(documentOptionList, true)); } protected Element getFormatInfo(String to, UserContext userContext) { // Eclipse call hierarchy shows the element returned from this method is // subsequently used in a 'importNode'. For this reason it is safe here // for call up our own document DOM. // // If this pattern changes for any reason, then the DOM will need to be // passed in as a parameter Document doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element mr_format_message = doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element mr_format_request = GSXML.createBasicRequest(doc, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_FORMAT, to, userContext); mr_format_message.appendChild(mr_format_request); // process the message Element mr_response_message = (Element); // the response Element format_response = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(mr_response_message, GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); Element format_elem = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(format_response, GSXML.FORMAT_ELEM); if (format_elem != null) { Element global_format_elem = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(format_response, GSXML.GLOBAL_FORMAT_ELEM); if (global_format_elem != null) { GSXSLT.mergeFormatElements(format_elem, global_format_elem, false); } } return format_elem; } protected String getTextString(String key, String lang, String dictionary, String[] args) { logger.error("lang = "+lang); if (dictionary != null) { // just try the one specified dictionary Dictionary dict = new Dictionary(dictionary, lang); String result = dict.get(key, args); if (result == null) { // not found return "_" + key + "_"; } return result; } // otherwise we try class names for dictionary names String class_name = this.getClass().getName(); class_name = class_name.substring(class_name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); Dictionary dict = new Dictionary(class_name, lang); String result = dict.get(key, args); if (result != null) { return result; } // we have to try super classes Class c = this.getClass().getSuperclass(); while (result == null && c != null) { class_name = c.getName(); class_name = class_name.substring(class_name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (class_name.equals("ServiceRack")) { // this is as far as we go break; } dict = new Dictionary(class_name, lang); result = dict.get(key, args); c = c.getSuperclass(); } if (result == null) { return "_" + key + "_"; } return result; } }