package; public class GS2PerlListener implements ConstructionListener { /** a buffer holding all the messages */ protected StringBuffer log=null; /** a buffer holding only the latest update */ protected StringBuffer update = null; /** a status code */ protected int status = -1; /** whether the process this is listeneing to is finshed */ protected boolean finished = false; public GS2PerlListener() { this.log = new StringBuffer(); this.update = new StringBuffer(); } public boolean isFinished() { return this.finished; } public String getLog() { return this.log.toString(); } public int getStatus() { return this.status; } synchronized public String getUpdate() { this.log.append(this.update); String tmp = this.update.toString(); this.update.delete(0, this.update.length()); return tmp; } // do we need to synchronize the methods below? /** This event handler used to signify that a task has been started */ synchronized public void processBegun(ConstructionEvent evt) { this.status = evt.getStatus(); this.update.append(evt.getMessage()+"\n"); } /** This event handler used to signify that a task has been completed */ synchronized public void processComplete(ConstructionEvent evt){ this.status = evt.getStatus(); this.update.append(evt.getMessage()+"\n"); } /** This event handler used to send status updates as the task is progressing */ synchronized public void processStatus(ConstructionEvent evt){ this.status = evt.getStatus(); this.update.append(evt.getMessage()+"\n"); } /** This event handler used to send any other messages to the listeners */ synchronized public void message(ConstructionEvent evt){ this.status = evt.getStatus(); this.update.append(evt.getMessage()+"\n"); } }