/* * OAIReceptionist.java * Copyright (C) 2012 New Zealand Digital Library, http://www.nzdl.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package org.greenstone.gsdl3.core; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.*; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.action.*; // XML classes import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; // other java classes import java.io.File; import java.util.*; import org.apache.log4j.*; /** a Receptionist, used for oai metadata response xml generation. * This receptionist talks to the message router directly, * instead of via any action, hence no action map is needed. * @see the basic Receptionist */ public class OAIReceptionist implements ModuleInterface { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.gsdl3.core.OAIReceptionist.class.getName()); /** Instead of a config_params object, only a site_name is needed by oai receptionist. */ protected String site_name = null; /** The unique repository identifier */ protected String repository_id = null; /** a converter class to parse XML and create Docs */ protected XMLConverter converter=null; /** the configure file of this receptionist passed from the oai servlet. */ protected Element oai_config = null; /** contained in the OAIConfig.xml deciding whether the resumptionToken should be in use */ protected int resume_after = -1 ; /** the message router that the Receptionist and Actions will talk to */ protected ModuleInterface mr = null; // Some of the data/responses will not change while the servlet is running, so // we can cache them /** A list of all the collections available to this OAI server */ protected Element collection_list = null; /** a vector of the names, for convenience */ protected Vector collection_name_list = null; /** If this is true, then there are no OAI enabled collections, so can always return noRecordsMatch (after validating the request params) */ protected boolean noRecordsMatch = false; /** A set of all known 'sets' */ protected HashSet set_set = null; protected boolean has_super_colls = false; /** a hash of super set-> collection list */ protected HashMap> super_coll_map = null; /** store the super coll elements for convenience */ HashMap super_coll_data = null; /** The identify response */ protected Element identify_response = null; /** The list set response */ protected Element listsets_response = null; /** the list metadata formats response */ protected Element listmetadataformats_response = null; public OAIReceptionist() { this.converter = new XMLConverter(); } public void cleanUp() { if (this.mr != null) { this.mr.cleanUp(); } OAIResumptionToken.saveTokensToFile(); } public void setSiteName(String site_name) { this.site_name = site_name; } /** sets the message router - it should already be created and * configured in the init() of a servlet (OAIServer, for example) before being passed to the receptionist*/ public void setMessageRouter(ModuleInterface mr) { this.mr = mr; } /** configures the receptionist */ public boolean configure(Element config) { if (this.mr==null) { logger.error(" message routers must be set before calling oai configure"); return false; } if (config == null) { logger.error(" oai configure file is null"); return false; } oai_config = config; resume_after = getResumeAfter(); repository_id = getRepositoryIdentifier(); configureSuperSetInfo(); if (!configureSetInfo()) { // there are no sets logger.error("No sets (collections) available for OAI"); return false; } //clear out expired resumption tokens stored in OAIResumptionToken.xml OAIResumptionToken.init(); OAIResumptionToken.clearExpiredTokens(); return true; } // assuming that sets are static. If collections change then the servlet // should be restarted. private boolean configureSuperSetInfo() { // do we have any super colls listed in web/WEB-INF/classes/OAIConfig.xml? // Will be like // // xxx // xxx // xxx // // The super set is listed in OAIConfig, and collections themselves state // whether they are part of the super set or not. NodeList super_coll_list = this.oai_config.getElementsByTagName(OAIXML.OAI_SUPER_SET); this.super_coll_data = new HashMap(); if (super_coll_list.getLength() > 0) { this.has_super_colls = true; for (int i=0; i>(); } return true; } private boolean configureSetInfo() { this.set_set = new HashSet(); // First, we get a list of all the OAI enabled collections // We get this by sending a listSets request to the MR Document doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element message = doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element request = GSXML.createBasicRequest(doc, OAIXML.OAI_SET_LIST, "", null); message.appendChild(request); Node msg_node = mr.process(message); if (msg_node == null) { logger.error("returned msg_node from mr is null"); return false; } Element resp = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(msg_node, GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); Element coll_list = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(resp, GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (coll_list == null) { logger.error("coll_list is null"); return false; } this.collection_list = (Element)doc.importNode(coll_list, true); // go through and store a list of collection names for convenience // also create a 'to' attribute Node child = this.collection_list.getFirstChild(); if (child == null) { logger.error("collection list has no children"); noRecordsMatch = true; return false; } this.collection_name_list = new Vector(); StringBuffer to = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; while (child != null) { if (child.getNodeName().equals(GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM)) { String coll_id =((Element) child).getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT); this.collection_name_list.add(coll_id); if (!first) { to.append(','); } first = false; to.append(coll_id+"/"+OAIXML.LIST_SETS); } child = child.getNextSibling(); } if (first) { // we haven't found any collections logger.error("found no collection elements in collectionList"); noRecordsMatch = true; return false; } Document listsets_doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element listsets_element = listsets_doc.createElement(OAIXML.LIST_SETS); this.listsets_response = getMessage(listsets_doc, listsets_element); // Now, for each collection, get a list of all its sets // might include subsets (classifiers) or super colls // We'll reuse the first message, changing its type and to atts request.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, ""); request.setAttribute(GSXML.TO_ATT, to.toString()); // send to MR msg_node = mr.process(message); logger.error(this.converter.getPrettyString(msg_node)); NodeList response_list = ((Element)msg_node).getElementsByTagName(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); for (int c=0; c subcolls = this.super_coll_map.get(set_spec); if (subcolls == null) { logger.error("its new!!"); // not in there yet subcolls = new Vector(); this.set_set.add(set_spec); this.super_coll_map.put(set_spec, subcolls); // the first time a supercoll is mentioned, add into the set list logger.error("finding the set info "+this.converter.getPrettyString(this.super_coll_data.get(set_spec))); listsets_element.appendChild(GSXML.duplicateWithNewName(listsets_doc, this.super_coll_data.get(set_spec), OAIXML.SET, true)); } // add this collection to the list for the super coll subcolls.add(coll_name); } } else { // its either the coll itself or a subcoll // add in the set listsets_element.appendChild(listsets_doc.importNode(set, true)); this.set_set.add(set_spec); } } // for each set in the collection } // for each OAI enabled collection return true; } protected void resetMessageRouter() { // we just need to send a configure request to MR Document doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element mr_request_message = doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element mr_request = GSXML.createBasicRequest(doc, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_SYSTEM, "", null); mr_request_message.appendChild(mr_request); Element system = doc.createElement(GSXML.SYSTEM_ELEM); mr_request.appendChild(system); system.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SYSTEM_TYPE_CONFIGURE); Element response = (Element) this.mr.process(mr_request_message); logger.error("configure response = "+this.converter.getPrettyString(response)); } /** process using strings - just calls process using Elements */ public String process(String xml_in) { Node message_node = this.converter.getDOM(xml_in); Node page = process(message_node); return this.converter.getString(page); } //Compose a message/response element used to send back to the OAIServer servlet. //This method is only used within OAIReceptionist private Element getMessage(Document doc, Element e) { Element msg = doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element response = doc.createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); msg.appendChild(response); response.appendChild(e); return msg; } /** process - produce xml data in response to a request * if something goes wrong, it returns null - */ public Node process(Node message_node) { logger.error("OAIReceptionist received request"); Element message = GSXML.nodeToElement(message_node); logger.error(this.converter.getString(message)); // check that its a correct message tag if (!message.getTagName().equals(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM)) { logger.error(" Invalid message. GSDL message should start with <"+GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM+">, instead it starts with:"+message.getTagName()+"."); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_ARGUMENT, "Internal messaging error"); } // get the request out of the message - assume that there is only one Element request = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(message, GSXML.REQUEST_ELEM); if (request == null) { logger.error(" message had no request!"); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_ARGUMENT, "Internal messaging error"); } // special case, reset=true for reloading the MR and recept data String reset = request.getAttribute("reset"); if (!reset.equals("")) { resetMessageRouter(); configureSetInfo(); return OAIXML.createResetResponse(true); } //At this stage, the value of 'to' attribute of the request must be the 'verb' //The only thing that the oai receptionist can be sure is that these verbs are valid, nothing else. String verb = request.getAttribute(GSXML.TO_ATT); if (verb.equals(OAIXML.IDENTIFY)) { return doIdentify(); } if (verb.equals(OAIXML.LIST_METADATA_FORMATS)) { return doListMetadataFormats(request); } if (verb.equals(OAIXML.LIST_SETS)) { // we have composed the list sets response on init // Note this means that list sets never uses resumption tokens return this.listsets_response; } if (verb.equals(OAIXML.GET_RECORD)) { return doGetRecord(request); } if (verb.equals(OAIXML.LIST_IDENTIFIERS)) { return doListIdentifiersOrRecords(request,OAIXML.LIST_IDENTIFIERS , OAIXML.HEADER); } if (verb.equals(OAIXML.LIST_RECORDS)) { return doListIdentifiersOrRecords(request, OAIXML.LIST_RECORDS, OAIXML.RECORD); } // should never get here as verbs were checked in OAIServer return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_VERB, "Unexpected things happened"); } private int getResumeAfter() { Element resume_after = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(oai_config, OAIXML.RESUME_AFTER); if(resume_after != null) return Integer.parseInt(GSXML.getNodeText(resume_after)); return -1; } private String getRepositoryIdentifier() { Element ri = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(oai_config, OAIXML.REPOSITORY_IDENTIFIER); if (ri != null) { return GSXML.getNodeText(ri); } return ""; } /** if the param_map contains strings other than those in valid_strs, return false; * otherwise true. */ private boolean areAllParamsValid(HashMap param_map, HashSet valid_strs) { ArrayList param_list = new ArrayList(param_map.keySet()); for(int i=0; i token_data = OAIResumptionToken.getTokenData(token); from = token_data.get(OAIXML.FROM); until = token_data.get(OAIXML.UNTIL); set_spec_str = token_data.get(OAIXML.SET); if (set_spec_str != null) { set_requested = true; } prefix_value = token_data.get(OAIXML.METADATA_PREFIX); current_set = token_data.get(OAIResumptionToken.CURRENT_SET); try { cursor = Integer.parseInt(token_data.get(OAIXML.CURSOR)); cursor = cursor + resume_after; // increment cursor current_cursor = Integer.parseInt(token_data.get(OAIResumptionToken.CURRENT_CURSOR)); initial_time = Long.parseLong(token_data.get(OAIResumptionToken.INITIAL_TIME)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("tried to parse int from cursor data and failed"); } // check that the collections/sets haven't changed since the token was issued if (collectionsChangedSinceTime(set_spec_str, initial_time)) { logger.error("one of the collections in set "+set_spec_str+" has changed since token issued. Expiring the token"); OAIResumptionToken.expireToken(token); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_RESUMPTION_TOKEN, "Repository data has changed since this token was issued. Resend original request"); } } else { // no resumption token, lets check the other params // there must be a metadataPrefix if (!param_map.containsKey(OAIXML.METADATA_PREFIX)) { logger.error("metadataPrefix param required"); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_ARGUMENT, "metadataPrefix param required"); } //if there are any date params, check they're of the right format from = param_map.get(OAIXML.FROM); if(from != null) { Date from_date = OAIXML.getDate(from); if(from_date == null) { logger.error("invalid date: " + from); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_ARGUMENT, "invalid format for "+ OAIXML.FROM); } } until = param_map.get(OAIXML.UNTIL); if(until != null) { Date until_date = OAIXML.getDate(until); if(until_date == null) { logger.error("invalid date: " + until); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_ARGUMENT, "invalid format for "+ OAIXML.UNTIL); } } if(from != null && until != null) { // check they are of the same date-time format (granularity) if(from.length() != until.length()) { logger.error("The request has different granularities (date-time formats) for the From and Until date parameters."); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_ARGUMENT, "The request has different granularities (date-time formats) for the From and Until date parameters."); } } // check the set arg is a set we know about set_requested = param_map.containsKey(OAIXML.SET); set_spec_str = null; if(set_requested == true) { set_spec_str = param_map.get(OAIXML.SET); if (!this.set_set.contains(set_spec_str)) { // the set is not one we know about logger.error("requested set is not found in this repository"); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_ARGUMENT, "invalid set parameter"); } } // Is the metadataPrefix arg one this repository supports? prefix_value = param_map.get(OAIXML.METADATA_PREFIX); if (repositorySupportsMetadataPrefix(prefix_value) == false) { logger.error("requested metadataPrefix is not found in OAIConfig.xml"); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.CANNOT_DISSEMINATE_FORMAT, "metadata format "+prefix_value+" not supported by this repository"); } } // else no resumption token, check other params // Whew. Now we have validated the params, we can work on doing the actual // request Document doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element mr_msg = doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); Element mr_req = doc.createElement(GSXML.REQUEST_ELEM); // TODO does this need a type??? mr_msg.appendChild(mr_req); // copy in the from/until params if there if (from != null) { mr_req.appendChild(GSXML.createParameter(doc, OAIXML.FROM, from)); } if (until != null) { mr_req.appendChild(GSXML.createParameter(doc, OAIXML.UNTIL, until)); } // add metadataPrefix mr_req.appendChild(GSXML.createParameter(doc, OAIXML.METADATA_PREFIX, prefix_value)); // do we have a set??? // if no set, we send to all collections in the collection list // if super set, we send to all collections in super set list // if a single collection, send to it // if a subset, send to the collection Vector current_coll_list = getCollectionListForSet(set_spec_str); boolean single_collection = false; if (current_coll_list.size() == 1) { single_collection = true; } if (set_spec_str != null && set_spec_str.indexOf(":") != -1) { // we have a subset - add the set param back in mr_req.appendChild(GSXML.createParameter(doc, OAIXML.SET, set_spec_str)); } int num_collected_records = 0; int start_point = current_cursor; // may not be 0 if we are using a resumption token String resumption_collection = ""; boolean empty_result_token = false; // if we are sending the last part of a list, then the token value will be empty // iterate through the list of collections and send the request to each int start_coll=0; if (current_set != null) { // we are resuming a previous request, need to locate the first collection for (int i=0; i 0 ? resume_after - num_collected_records : num_records); if (records_to_add > (num_records-start_point)) { records_to_add = num_records-start_point; } addRecordsToList(result_doc, result_element, record_list, start_point, records_to_add); num_collected_records += records_to_add; // do we need to stop here, and do we need to issue a resumption token? if (resume_after > 0 && num_collected_records == resume_after) { // we have finished collecting records at the moment. // but are we conincidentally at the end? or are there more to go? if (records_to_add < (num_records - start_point)) { // we have added less than this collection had start_point += records_to_add; resumption_collection = current_coll; result_token_needed = true; } else { // we added all this collection had to offer // is there another collection in the list?? if (i getCollectionListForSet(String set) { if (set == null) { // no set requested, need the complete collection list return this.collection_name_list; } if (has_super_colls && super_coll_map.containsKey(set)) { return super_coll_map.get(set); } Vector coll_list = new Vector(); if (set.indexOf(":") != -1) { String col_name = set.substring(0, set.indexOf(":")); coll_list.add(col_name); } else { coll_list.add(set); } return coll_list; } private void addRecordsToList(Document doc, Element result_element, NodeList record_list, int start_point, int num_records) { int end_point = start_point + num_records; for (int i=start_point; i elements from the returned message. There may be none of //such element, for example, the collection service returned an error message NodeList elem_list = msg.getElementsByTagName(elem_name); for (int i=0; i 1) { //Bad argument. Can't be more than one parameters for ListMetadataFormats verb return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_ARGUMENT, ""); } // This is a request for the metadata of a particular item with an identifier /**the request xml is in the form: * * *And there is a param element and one element only. (No paramList element in between). */ param = (Element)params.item(0); String param_name = param.getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT); String identifier = ""; if (!param_name.equals(OAIXML.IDENTIFIER)) { //Bad argument return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_ARGUMENT, ""); } identifier = param.getAttribute(GSXML.VALUE_ATT); // the identifier is in the form: : // so it must contain at least two ':' characters String[] strs = identifier.split(":"); if(strs == null || strs.length < 2) { // the OID may also contain ':' logger.error("identifier is not in the form coll:id" + identifier); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ""); } // send request to message router // get the names strs = splitNames(identifier); if(strs == null || strs.length < 2) { logger.error("identifier is not in the form coll:id" + identifier); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ""); } //String name_of_site = strs[0]; String coll_name = strs[0]; String oid = strs[1]; //re-organize the request element // reset the 'to' attribute String verb = req.getAttribute(GSXML.TO_ATT); req.setAttribute(GSXML.TO_ATT, coll_name + "/" + verb); // reset the identifier element param.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, OAIXML.OID); param.setAttribute(GSXML.VALUE_ATT, oid); // TODO is this the best way to do this???? should we create a new request??? Element message = req.getOwnerDocument().createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); message.appendChild(req); //Now send the request to the message router to process Node result_node = mr.process(message); return GSXML.nodeToElement(result_node); } private void copyNamedElementfromConfig(Element to_elem, String element_name) { Element original_element = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(oai_config, element_name); if(original_element != null) { copyNode(to_elem, original_element); } } private void copyNode(Element to_elem, Node original_element) { to_elem.appendChild(to_elem.getOwnerDocument().importNode(original_element, true)); } private Element doIdentify() { //The validation for this verb has been done in OAIServer.validate(). So no bother here. logger.info(""); if (this.identify_response != null) { // we have already created it return getMessage(this.identify_response.getOwnerDocument(), this.identify_response); } Document doc = XMLConverter.newDOM(); Element identify = doc.createElement(OAIXML.IDENTIFY); //do the repository name copyNamedElementfromConfig(identify, OAIXML.REPOSITORY_NAME); //do the baseurl copyNamedElementfromConfig(identify, OAIXML.BASE_URL); //do the protocol version copyNamedElementfromConfig(identify, OAIXML.PROTOCOL_VERSION); //There can be more than one admin email according to the OAI specification NodeList admin_emails = GSXML.getChildrenByTagName(oai_config, OAIXML.ADMIN_EMAIL); int num_admin = 0; Element from_admin_email = null; if (admin_emails != null) { num_admin = admin_emails.getLength(); } for (int i=0; i 0) { Element gsdl = OAIXML.createGSDLElement(doc); description.appendChild(gsdl); for (int m = 0; m as an array It has already been checked that the 'identifier' contains at least one ':' */ private String[] splitNames(String identifier) { logger.info(identifier); String [] strs = new String[2]; int first_colon = identifier.indexOf(":"); if(first_colon == -1) { return null; } strs[0] = identifier.substring(0, first_colon); strs[1] = identifier.substring(first_colon + 1); return strs; } /** validate if the specified metadata prefix value is supported by the repository * by checking it in the OAIConfig.xml */ private boolean repositorySupportsMetadataPrefix(String prefix_value) { NodeList prefix_list = oai_config.getElementsByTagName(OAIXML.METADATA_PREFIX); for(int i=0; i valid_strs = new HashSet(); valid_strs.add(OAIXML.IDENTIFIER); valid_strs.add(OAIXML.METADATA_PREFIX); NodeList params = GSXML.getChildrenByTagName(req, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM); HashMap param_map = GSXML.getParamMap(params); if(!areAllParamsValid(param_map, valid_strs) || params.getLength() == 0 || param_map.containsKey(OAIXML.IDENTIFIER) == false || param_map.containsKey(OAIXML.METADATA_PREFIX) == false ) { logger.error("must have the metadataPrefix/identifier parameter."); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.BAD_ARGUMENT, ""); } String prefix = param_map.get(OAIXML.METADATA_PREFIX); String identifier = param_map.get(OAIXML.IDENTIFIER); // verify the metadata prefix if (repositorySupportsMetadataPrefix(prefix) == false) { logger.error("requested prefix is not found in OAIConfig.xml"); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.CANNOT_DISSEMINATE_FORMAT, ""); } // get the names String[] strs = splitNames(identifier); if(strs == null || strs.length < 2) { logger.error("identifier is not in the form coll:id" + identifier); return OAIXML.createErrorMessage(OAIXML.ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ""); } //String name_of_site = strs[0]; String coll_name = strs[0]; String oid = strs[1]; //re-organize the request element // reset the 'to' attribute String verb = req.getAttribute(GSXML.TO_ATT); req.setAttribute(GSXML.TO_ATT, coll_name + "/" + verb); // reset the identifier element Element param = GSXML.getNamedElement(req, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM, GSXML.NAME_ATT, OAIXML.IDENTIFIER); if (param != null) { param.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, OAIXML.OID); param.setAttribute(GSXML.VALUE_ATT, oid); } //Now send the request to the message router to process Element msg = doc.createElement(GSXML.MESSAGE_ELEM); msg.appendChild(doc.importNode(req, true)); Node result_node = mr.process(msg); return GSXML.nodeToElement(result_node); } // See OAIConfig.xml // dynamically works out what the earliestDateStamp is, since it varies by collection // returns this time in *milliseconds*. protected long getEarliestDateStamp(Element oai_coll_list) { // config earliest datstamp long config_datestamp = 0; Element config_datestamp_elem = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(this.oai_config, OAIXML.EARLIEST_DATESTAMP); if (config_datestamp_elem != null) { String datest = GSXML.getNodeText(config_datestamp_elem); config_datestamp = OAIXML.getTime(datest); if (config_datestamp == -1) { config_datestamp = 0; } } //do the earliestDatestamp long current_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); long earliestDatestamp = current_time; NodeList oai_coll = oai_coll_list.getElementsByTagName(GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM); int oai_coll_size = oai_coll.getLength(); if (oai_coll_size == 0) { logger.info("returned oai collection list is empty. Setting repository earliestDatestamp to be the earliest datestamp from OAIConfig.xml, or 1970-01-01 if not specified."); return config_datestamp; } // the earliestDatestamp is now stored as a metadata element in the collection's buildConfig.xml file // we get the earliestDatestamp among the collections for(int i=0; i 0) { earliestDatestamp = (earliestDatestamp > coll_earliestDatestamp)? coll_earliestDatestamp : earliestDatestamp; } } if (earliestDatestamp == current_time) { logger.info("no collection had a real datestamp, using value from OAIConfig"); return config_datestamp; } return earliestDatestamp; } private boolean collectionsChangedSinceTime(String set_spec_str, long initial_time) { // we need to look though all collections in the set to see if any have last modified dates > initial_time Vector set_coll_list = getCollectionListForSet(set_spec_str); Node child = this.collection_list.getFirstChild(); while (child != null) { if (child.getNodeName().equals(GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM)) { String coll_id =((Element) child).getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT); if (set_coll_list.contains(coll_id)) { long last_modified = Long.parseLong(((Element)child).getAttribute(OAIXML.LAST_MODIFIED)); if (initial_time < last_modified) { return true; } } } child = child.getNextSibling(); } return false; } }