source: main/trunk/greenstone3/src/java/org/greenstone/gsdl3/core/ 23405

Last change on this file since 23405 was 23405, checked in by sjb48, 13 years ago

FormatAction constructs message containing format string that is sent to the collection. The message knows the service, and if it is the browse service, then it also knows the classifer list number.

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File size: 26.6 KB
1package org.greenstone.gsdl3.core;
3import org.greenstone.util.GlobalProperties;
4import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.*;
5import org.greenstone.gsdl3.action.*;
6// XML classes
7import org.w3c.dom.Node;
8import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
9import org.w3c.dom.Document;
10import org.w3c.dom.Element;
11import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
13// other java classes
18import java.util.HashMap;
19import java.util.Enumeration;
21import javax.xml.parsers.*;
22import javax.xml.transform.*;
23import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
25import org.apache.log4j.*;
26import org.apache.xerces.dom.*;
27import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
29/** A receptionist that uses xslt to transform the page_data before returning it. . Receives requests consisting
30 * of an xml representation of cgi args, and returns the page of data - in
31 * html by default. The requests are processed by the appropriate action class
32 *
33 * @see Action
34 */
35public class TransformingReceptionist extends Receptionist{
37 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.gsdl3.core.TransformingReceptionist.class.getName());
39 /** The preprocess.xsl file is in a fixed location */
40 static final String preprocess_xsl_filename = GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home() + File.separatorChar
41 + "ui" + File.separatorChar + "xslt" + File.separatorChar + "preProcess.xsl";
43 /** the list of xslt to use for actions */
44 protected HashMap xslt_map = null;
46 /** a transformer class to transform xml using xslt */
47 protected XMLTransformer transformer=null;
49 protected TransformerFactory transformerFactory=null;
50 protected DOMParser parser = null;
51 public TransformingReceptionist() {
52 super();
53 this.xslt_map = new HashMap();
54 this.transformer = new XMLTransformer();
55 try {
56 transformerFactory = org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl.newInstance();
57 this.converter = new XMLConverter();
58 //transformerFactory.setURIResolver(new MyUriResolver()) ;
60 parser = new DOMParser();
61 parser.setFeature("", false);
62 // don't try and load external DTD - no need if we are not validating, and may cause connection errors if a proxy is not set up.
63 parser.setFeature("", false);
64 // a performance test showed that having this on lead to increased
65 // memory use for small-medium docs, and not much gain for large
66 // docs.
67 //
68 parser.setFeature("", false);
69 parser.setFeature("", true);
70 // setting a handler for when fatal errors, errors or warnings happen during xml parsing
71 // call XMLConverter's getParseErrorMessage() to get the errorstring that can be rendered as web page
72 this.parser.setErrorHandler(new XMLConverter.ParseErrorHandler());
73 }
74 catch (Exception e) {
75 e.printStackTrace();
76 }
78 }
80 /** configures the receptionist - overwrite this to set up the xslt map*/
81 public boolean configure() {
83 if (this.config_params==null) {
84 logger.error(" config variables must be set before calling configure");
85 return false;
86 }
87 if ( {
88 logger.error(" message router must be set before calling configure");
89 return false;
90 }
92 // find the config file containing a list of actions
93 File interface_config_file = new File(GSFile.interfaceConfigFile(GSFile.interfaceHome(GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home(), (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.INTERFACE_NAME))));
94 if (!interface_config_file.exists()) {
95 logger.error(" interface config file: "+interface_config_file.getPath()+" not found!");
96 return false;
97 }
98 Document config_doc = this.converter.getDOM(interface_config_file, "utf-8");
99 if (config_doc == null) {
100 logger.error(" could not parse interface config file: "+interface_config_file.getPath());
101 return false;
102 }
103 Element config_elem = config_doc.getDocumentElement();
104 String base_interface = config_elem.getAttribute("baseInterface");
105 setUpBaseInterface(base_interface);
106 setUpInterfaceOptions(config_elem);
108 Element action_list = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(config_elem, GSXML.ACTION_ELEM+GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER);
109 NodeList actions = action_list.getElementsByTagName(GSXML.ACTION_ELEM);
111 for (int i=0; i<actions.getLength(); i++) {
112 Element action = (Element) actions.item(i);
113 String class_name = action.getAttribute("class");
114 String action_name = action.getAttribute("name");
115 Action ac = null;
116 try {
117 ac = (Action)Class.forName("org.greenstone.gsdl3.action."+class_name).newInstance();
118 } catch (Exception e) {
119 logger.error(" couldn't load in action "+class_name);
120 e.printStackTrace();
121 continue;
122 }
123 ac.setConfigParams(this.config_params);
124 ac.setMessageRouter(;
125 ac.configure();
126 ac.getActionParameters(this.params);
127 this.action_map.put(action_name, ac);
129 // now do the xslt map
130 String xslt = action.getAttribute("xslt");
131 if (!xslt.equals("")) {
132 this.xslt_map.put(action_name, xslt);
133 }
134 NodeList subactions = action.getElementsByTagName(GSXML.SUBACTION_ELEM);
135 for (int j=0; j<subactions.getLength(); j++) {
136 Element subaction = (Element)subactions.item(j);
137 String subname = subaction.getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT);
138 String subxslt = subaction.getAttribute("xslt");
140 String map_key = action_name+":"+subname;
141 logger.debug("adding in to xslt map, "+map_key+"->"+subxslt);
142 this.xslt_map.put(map_key, subxslt);
143 }
144 }
145 Element lang_list = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(config_elem, "languageList");
146 if (lang_list == null) {
147 logger.error(" didn't find a language list in the config file!!");
148 } else {
149 this.language_list = (Element) this.doc.importNode(lang_list, true);
150 }
152 return true;
153 }
156 protected Node postProcessPage(Element page) {
157 // might need to add some data to the page
158 addExtraInfo(page);
159 // transform the page using xslt
160 Node transformed_page = transformPage(page);
162 // if the user has specified they want only a part of the full page then subdivide it
163 boolean subdivide = false;
164 String excerptID = null;
165 String excerptTag = null;
166 Element request = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(page, GSXML.PAGE_REQUEST_ELEM);
167 Element cgi_param_list = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM+GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER);
168 if (cgi_param_list != null) {
169 HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(cgi_param_list, false);
170 if((excerptID = (String)params.get(GSParams.EXCERPT_ID)) != null)
171 {
172 subdivide = true;
173 }
174 if((excerptTag = (String)params.get(GSParams.EXCERPT_TAG)) != null)
175 {
176 subdivide = true;
177 }
178 }
180 if(subdivide)
181 {
182 Node subdivided_page = subdivide(transformed_page, excerptID, excerptTag);
183 if(subdivided_page != null)
184 {
185 return subdivided_page;
186 }
187 }
189 return transformed_page;
190 }
192 protected Node subdivide(Node transformed_page, String excerptID, String excerptTag)
193 {
194 if(excerptID != null)
195 {
196 Node selectedElement = getNodeByIdRecursive(transformed_page, excerptID);
197 modifyNodesByTagRecursive(selectedElement, "a");
198 return selectedElement;
199 }
200 else if(excerptTag != null)
201 {
202 // define a list
204 Node selectedElement = modifyNodesByTagRecursive(transformed_page, excerptTag);
205 return selectedElement;
206 }
207 return transformed_page;
208 }
210 protected Node getNodeByIdRecursive(Node parent, String id)
211 {
212 if(parent.hasAttributes() && ((Element)parent).getAttribute("id").equals(id))
213 {
214 return parent;
215 }
217 NodeList children = parent.getChildNodes();
218 for(int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++)
219 {
220 Node result = null;
221 if((result = getNodeByIdRecursive(children.item(i), id)) != null)
222 {
223 return result;
224 }
225 }
226 return null;
227 }
229 protected Node getNodeByTagRecursive(Node parent, String tag)
230 {
231 if(parent.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && ((Element)parent).getTagName().equals(tag))
232 {
233 return parent;
234 }
236 NodeList children = parent.getChildNodes();
237 for(int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++)
238 {
239 Node result = null;
240 if((result = getNodeByTagRecursive(children.item(i), tag)) != null)
241 {
242 return result;
243 }
244 }
245 return null;
246 }
248 protected Node modifyNodesByTagRecursive(Node parent, String tag)
249 {
250 if(parent.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && ((Element)parent).getTagName().equals(tag))
251 {
252 return parent;
253 }
255 NodeList children = parent.getChildNodes();
256 for(int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++)
257 {
258 Node result = null;
259 if((result = modifyNodesByTagRecursive(children.item(i), tag)) != null)
260 {
261 //return result;
262 //logger.error("Modify node value = "+result.getNodeValue()); //NamedItem("href"););
263 logger.error("BEFORE Modify node attribute = "+result.getAttributes().getNamedItem("href").getNodeValue());
264 String url = result.getAttributes().getNamedItem("href").getNodeValue();
265 url = url + "&excerptid=results";
266 result.getAttributes().getNamedItem("href").setNodeValue(url);
267 logger.error("AFTER Modify node attribute = "+result.getAttributes().getNamedItem("href").getNodeValue());
269 }
270 }
271 return null;
272 }
274 /** overwrite this to add any extra info that might be needed in the page before transformation */
275 protected void addExtraInfo(Element page) {}
277 /** transform the page using xslt
278 * we need to get any format element out of the page and add it to the xslt
279 * before transforming */
280 protected Node transformPage(Element page) {
282 logger.debug("page before transforming:");
283 logger.debug(this.converter.getPrettyString(page));
285 Element request = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(page, GSXML.PAGE_REQUEST_ELEM);
286 String action = request.getAttribute(GSXML.ACTION_ATT);
287 String subaction = request.getAttribute(GSXML.SUBACTION_ATT);
289 String output = request.getAttribute(GSXML.OUTPUT_ATT);
290 // we should choose how to transform the data based on output, eg diff
291 // choice for html, and wml??
292 // for now, if output=xml, we don't transform the page, we just return
293 // the page xml
294 if (output.equals("xml")) {
295 return page;
296 }
299 Element cgi_param_list = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM+GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER);
300 String collection = "";
301 if (cgi_param_list != null) {
302 HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(cgi_param_list, false);
303 collection = (String)params.get(GSParams.COLLECTION);
304 if (collection == null) collection = "";
305 }
307 String xslt_file = getXSLTFileName(action, subaction, collection);
308 if (xslt_file==null) {
309 // returning file not found error page to indicate which file is missing
310 return fileNotFoundErrorPage(xslt_file);
311 }
313 Document style_doc = this.converter.getDOM(new File(xslt_file), "UTF-8");
314 String errorPage = this.converter.getParseErrorMessage();
315 if(errorPage != null) {
316 return XMLTransformer.constructErrorXHTMLPage(
317 "Cannot parse the xslt file: " + xslt_file + "\n" + errorPage);
318 }
319 if (style_doc == null) {
320 logger.error(" cant parse the xslt file needed, so returning the original page!");
321 return page;
322 }
325 // put the page into a document - this is necessary for xslt to get
326 // the paths right if you have paths relative to the document root
327 // eg /page.
328 Document doc = this.converter.newDOM();
329 doc.appendChild(doc.importNode(page, true));
330 Element page_response = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(page, GSXML.PAGE_RESPONSE_ELEM);
331 Element format_elem = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(page_response, GSXML.FORMAT_ELEM);
332 if (output.equals("formatelem")) {
333 return format_elem;
334 }
335 if (format_elem != null) {
336 //page_response.removeChild(format_elem);
337 logger.debug("format elem="+this.converter.getPrettyString(format_elem));
338 // need to transform the format info
339 String configStylesheet_file = GSFile.stylesheetFile(GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home(), (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.SITE_NAME), collection, (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.INTERFACE_NAME), base_interfaces, "config_format.xsl");
340 Document configStylesheet_doc = this.converter.getDOM(new File(configStylesheet_file));
341 if (configStylesheet_doc != null) {
342 Document format_doc = this.converter.newDOM();
343 format_doc.appendChild(format_doc.importNode(format_elem, true));
344 Node result = this.transformer.transform(configStylesheet_doc, format_doc);
346 // Since we started creating documents with DocTypes, we can end up with
347 // Document objects here. But we will be working with an Element instead,
348 // so we grab the DocumentElement() of the Document object in such a case.
349 Element new_format;
350 if(result.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
351 new_format = ((Document)result).getDocumentElement();
352 } else {
353 new_format = (Element)result;
354 }
355 logger.debug("new format elem="+this.converter.getPrettyString(new_format));
356 if (output.equals("newformat")) {
357 return new_format;
358 }
360 // add extracted GSF statements in to the main stylesheet
361 GSXSLT.mergeStylesheets(style_doc, new_format);
362 //System.out.println("added extracted GSF statements into the main stylesheet") ;
364 // add extracted GSF statements in to the debug test stylesheet
365 //GSXSLT.mergeStylesheets(oldStyle_doc, new_format);
366 } else {
367 logger.error(" couldn't parse the config_format stylesheet, adding the format info as is");
368 GSXSLT.mergeStylesheets(style_doc, format_elem);
369 //GSXSLT.mergeStylesheets(oldStyle_doc, format_elem);
370 }
371 logger.debug("the converted stylesheet is:");
372 logger.debug(this.converter.getPrettyString(style_doc.getDocumentElement()));
373 }
375 //for debug purposes only
376 Document oldStyle_doc = style_doc;
379 Document preprocessingXsl ;
380 try {
381 preprocessingXsl = getPreprocessDoc();
382 String errMsg = ((XMLConverter.ParseErrorHandler)parser.getErrorHandler()).getErrorMessage();
383 if(errMsg != null) {
384 return XMLTransformer.constructErrorXHTMLPage("error loading preprocess xslt file: "
385 + preprocess_xsl_filename + "\n" + errMsg);
386 }
387 } catch ( e) {
388 return fileNotFoundErrorPage(e.getMessage());
389 } catch (Exception e) {
390 e.printStackTrace() ;
391 System.out.println("error loading preprocess xslt") ;
392 return XMLTransformer.constructErrorXHTMLPage("error loading preprocess xslt\n" + e.getMessage());
393 }
395 Document libraryXsl = null;
396 try {
397 libraryXsl = getLibraryDoc() ;
398 String errMsg = ((XMLConverter.ParseErrorHandler)parser.getErrorHandler()).getErrorMessage();
399 if(errMsg != null) {
400 return XMLTransformer.constructErrorXHTMLPage("Error loading xslt file: "
401 + this.getLibraryXSLFilename() + "\n" + errMsg);
402 }
403 } catch ( e) {
404 return fileNotFoundErrorPage(e.getMessage());
405 } catch (Exception e) {
406 e.printStackTrace() ;
407 System.out.println("error loading library xslt") ;
408 return XMLTransformer.constructErrorXHTMLPage("error loading library xslt\n" + e.getMessage()) ;
409 }
411 // Combine the skin file and library variables/templates into one document.
412 // Please note: We dont just use xsl:import because the preprocessing stage
413 // needs to know what's available in the library.
415 Document skinAndLibraryXsl = null ;
416 Document skinAndLibraryDoc = converter.newDOM();
417 try {
419 skinAndLibraryXsl = converter.newDOM();
420 Element root = skinAndLibraryXsl.createElement("skinAndLibraryXsl") ;
421 skinAndLibraryXsl.appendChild(root) ;
423 Element s = skinAndLibraryXsl.createElement("skinXsl") ;
424 s.appendChild(skinAndLibraryXsl.importNode(style_doc.getDocumentElement(), true)) ;
425 root.appendChild(s) ;
427 Element l = skinAndLibraryXsl.createElement("libraryXsl") ;
428 Element libraryXsl_el = libraryXsl.getDocumentElement();
429 l.appendChild(skinAndLibraryXsl.importNode(libraryXsl_el, true)) ;
430 root.appendChild(l) ;
431 //System.out.println("Skin and Library XSL are now together") ;
434 //System.out.println("Pre-processing the skin file...") ;
436 //pre-process the skin style sheet
437 //In other words, apply the preProcess.xsl to 'skinAndLibraryXsl' in order to
438 //expand all GS-Lib statements into complete XSL statements and also to create
439 //a valid xsl style sheet document.
441 Transformer preProcessor = transformerFactory.newTransformer(new DOMSource(preprocessingXsl));
442 preProcessor.setErrorListener(new XMLTransformer.TransformErrorListener());
443 DOMResult result = new DOMResult();
444 result.setNode(skinAndLibraryDoc);
445 preProcessor.transform(new DOMSource(skinAndLibraryXsl), result);
446 //System.out.println("GS-Lib statements are now expanded") ;
448 }
449 catch (TransformerException e) {
450 e.printStackTrace() ;
451 System.out.println("TransformerException while preprocessing the skin xslt") ;
452 return XMLTransformer.constructErrorXHTMLPage(e.getMessage()) ;
453 }
454 catch (Exception e) {
455 e.printStackTrace() ;
456 System.out.println("Error while preprocessing the skin xslt") ;
457 return XMLTransformer.constructErrorXHTMLPage(e.getMessage()) ;
458 }
460 //The following code is to be uncommented if we need to append the extracted GSF statements
461 //after having extracted the GSLib elements. In case of a problem during postprocessing.
462 /*
463 // put the page into a document - this is necessary for xslt to get
464 // the paths right if you have paths relative to the document root
465 // eg /page.
466 Document doc = this.converter.newDOM();
467 doc.appendChild(doc.importNode(page, true));
468 Element page_response = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(page, GSXML.PAGE_RESPONSE_ELEM);
469 Element format_elem = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(page_response, GSXML.FORMAT_ELEM);
470 if (output.equals("formatelem")) {
471 return format_elem;
472 }
473 if (format_elem != null) {
474 //page_response.removeChild(format_elem);
475 logger.debug("format elem="+this.converter.getPrettyString(format_elem));
476 // need to transform the format info
477 String configStylesheet_file = GSFile.stylesheetFile(GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home(), (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.SITE_NAME), collection, (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.INTERFACE_NAME), base_interfaces, "config_format.xsl");
478 Document configStylesheet_doc = this.converter.getDOM(new File(configStylesheet_file));
479 if (configStylesheet_doc != null) {
480 Document format_doc = this.converter.newDOM();
481 format_doc.appendChild(format_doc.importNode(format_elem, true));
482 Node result = this.transformer.transform(configStylesheet_doc, format_doc);
484 // Since we started creating documents with DocTypes, we can end up with
485 // Document objects here. But we will be working with an Element instead,
486 // so we grab the DocumentElement() of the Document object in such a case.
487 Element new_format;
488 if(result.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
489 new_format = ((Document)result).getDocumentElement();
490 } else {
491 new_format = (Element)result;
492 }
493 logger.debug("new format elem="+this.converter.getPrettyString(new_format));
494 if (output.equals("newformat")) {
495 return new_format;
496 }
498 // add extracted GSF statements in to the main stylesheet
499 GSXSLT.mergeStylesheets(skinAndLibraryDoc, new_format);
500 //System.out.println("added extracted GSF statements into the main stylesheet") ;
502 // add extracted GSF statements in to the debug test stylesheet
503 //GSXSLT.mergeStylesheets(oldStyle_doc, new_format);
504 } else {
505 logger.error(" couldn't parse the config_format stylesheet, adding the format info as is");
506 GSXSLT.mergeStylesheets(skinAndLibraryDoc, format_elem);
507 // GSXSLT.mergeStylesheets(oldStyle_doc, format_elem);
508 }
509 logger.debug("the converted stylesheet is:");
510 logger.debug(this.converter.getPrettyString(skinAndLibraryDoc.getDocumentElement()));
511 }
512 */
514 // there is a thing called a URIResolver which you can set for a
515 // transformer or transformer factory. may be able to use this
516 // instead of this absoluteIncludepaths hack
518 GSXSLT.absoluteIncludePaths(skinAndLibraryDoc, GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home(),
519 (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.SITE_NAME),
520 collection, (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.INTERFACE_NAME),
521 base_interfaces);
524 //Same but for the debug version when we want the do the transformation like we use to do
525 //without any gslib elements.
526 GSXSLT.absoluteIncludePaths(oldStyle_doc, GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home(),
527 (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.SITE_NAME),
528 collection, (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.INTERFACE_NAME),
529 base_interfaces);
531 //Send different stages of the skin xslt to the browser for debug purposes only
532 //using &o=skindoc or &o=skinandlib etc...
533 if (output.equals("skindoc")) {
534 return converter.getDOM(getStringFromDocument(style_doc));
535 }
536 if (output.equals("skinandlib")) {
537 return converter.getDOM(getStringFromDocument(skinAndLibraryXsl));
538 }
539 if (output.equals("skinandlibdoc")) {
540 return converter.getDOM(getStringFromDocument(skinAndLibraryDoc));
541 }
542 if (output.equals("oldskindoc")) {
543 return converter.getDOM(getStringFromDocument(oldStyle_doc));
544 }
546 // DocType defaults in case the skin doesn't have an "xsl:output" element
547 String qualifiedName = "html";
548 String publicID = "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN";
549 String systemID = "";
551 // Try to get the system and public ID from the current skin xsl document
552 // otherwise keep the default values.
553 Element root = skinAndLibraryDoc.getDocumentElement();
554 NodeList nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("xsl:output");
555 // If there is at least one "xsl:output" command in the final xsl then...
556 if(nodes.getLength() != 0) {
557 // There should be only one element called xsl:output,
558 // but if this is not the case get the last one
559 Element xsl_output = (Element)nodes.item(nodes.getLength()-1);
560 if (xsl_output != null) {
561 // Qualified name will always be html even for xhtml pages
562 //String attrValue = xsl_output.getAttribute("method");
563 //qualifiedName = attrValue.equals("") ? qualifiedName : attrValue;
565 String attrValue = xsl_output.getAttribute("doctype-system");
566 systemID = attrValue.equals("") ? systemID : attrValue;
568 attrValue = xsl_output.getAttribute("doctype-public");
569 publicID = attrValue.equals("") ? publicID : attrValue;
570 }
571 }
573 // We need to create an empty document with a predefined DocType,
574 // that will then be used for the transformation by the DOMResult
575 Document docWithDoctype = converter.newDOM(qualifiedName, publicID, systemID);
577 //System.out.println(converter.getPrettyString(docWithDoctype));
578 //System.out.println("Doctype vals: " + qualifiedName + " " + publicID + " " + systemID) ;
581 //System.out.println("Generate final HTML from current skin") ;
582 //Transformation of the XML message from the receptionist to HTML with doctype
583 return this.transformer.transform(skinAndLibraryDoc, doc, config_params, docWithDoctype);
586 // The line below will do the transformation like we use to do before having Skin++ implemented,
587 // it will not contain any GS-Lib statements expanded, and the result will not contain any doctype.
589 //return (Element)this.transformer.transform(style_doc, doc, config_params);
591 }
594 // method to convert Document to a proper XML string for debug purposes only
595 protected String getStringFromDocument(Document doc)
596 {
597 String content = "";
598 try
599 {
600 DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(doc);
601 StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
602 StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer);
603 TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
604 Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer();
605 transformer.transform(domSource, result);
606 content = writer.toString();
607 System.out.println("Change the & to &Amp; for proper debug dispay") ;
608 content = content.replaceAll("&", "&amp;");
609 writer.flush();
610 }
611 catch(TransformerException ex)
612 {
613 ex.printStackTrace();
614 return null;
615 }
616 return content;
617 }
620 protected Document getPreprocessDoc() throws Exception {
622 File xslt_file = new File(preprocess_xsl_filename) ;
624 FileReader reader = new FileReader(xslt_file);
625 InputSource xml_source = new InputSource(reader);
626 this.parser.parse(xml_source);
627 Document doc = this.parser.getDocument();
629 return doc ;
630 }
632 protected Document getLibraryDoc() throws Exception {
633 Document doc = null;
634 File xslt_file = new File(this.getLibraryXSLFilename()) ;
636 FileReader reader = new FileReader(xslt_file);
637 InputSource xml_source = new InputSource(reader);
638 this.parser.parse(xml_source);
640 doc = this.parser.getDocument();
641 return doc ;
642 }
644 protected String getXSLTFileName(String action, String subaction,
645 String collection) {
647 String name = null;
648 if (!subaction.equals("")) {
649 String key = action+":"+subaction;
650 name = (String) this.xslt_map.get(key);
651 }
652 // try the action by itself
653 if (name==null) {
654 name = (String) this.xslt_map.get(action);
655 }
656 // now find the absolute path
657 String stylesheet = GSFile.stylesheetFile(GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home(), (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.SITE_NAME), collection, (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.INTERFACE_NAME), base_interfaces, name);
658 if (stylesheet==null) {
659" cant find stylesheet for "+name);
660 }
661 logger.error("stylesheet:"+stylesheet);
662 return stylesheet;
663 }
665 // returns the library.xsl path of the library file that is applicable for the current interface
666 protected String getLibraryXSLFilename() {
667 return GSFile.xmlTransformDir(GSFile.interfaceHome(
668 GlobalProperties.getGSDL3Home(), (String)this.config_params.get(GSConstants.INTERFACE_NAME)))
669 + File.separatorChar + "library.xsl";
670 }
672 // Call this when a FileNotFoundException could be thrown when loading an xsl (xml) file.
673 // Returns an error xhtml page indicating which xsl (or other xml) file is missing.
674 protected Document fileNotFoundErrorPage(String filenameMessage) {
675 String errorMessage = "ERROR missing file: " + filenameMessage;
676 Element errPage = XMLTransformer.constructErrorXHTMLPage(errorMessage);
677 logger.error(errorMessage);
678 return errPage.getOwnerDocument();
679 }
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