package org.greenstone.gsdl3.service; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSXML; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.DerbyWrapper; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.UserQueryResult; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.UserTermInfo; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Vector; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import net.tanesha.recaptcha.ReCaptchaImpl; import net.tanesha.recaptcha.ReCaptchaResponse; public class Authentication extends ServiceRack { //Error codes protected static final int NO_ERROR = 0; protected static final int ERROR_REQUEST_HAS_NO_PARAM_LIST = -1; protected static final int ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN = -2; protected static final int ERROR_ADMIN_NOT_LOGGED_IN = -3; protected static final int ERROR_COULD_NOT_GET_USER_INFO = -4; protected static final int ERROR_USERNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED = -5; protected static final int ERROR_REQUESTED_USER_NOT_FOUND = -6; protected static final int ERROR_SQL_EXCEPTION = -7; protected static final int ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME = -8; protected static final int ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD = -9; protected static final int ERROR_INCORRECT_PASSWORD = -10; protected static final int ERROR_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS = -11; protected static final int ERROR_ADDING_USER = -12; protected static final int ERROR_REMOVING_USER = -13; protected static final int ERROR_CAPTCHA_DOES_NOT_MATCH = -14; protected static final int ERROR_CAPTCHA_MISSING = -15; protected static final int ERROR_NOT_AUTHORISED = -16; protected static final HashMap _errorMessageMap; static { //Corresponding error messages HashMap errorMessageMap = new HashMap(); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_REQUEST_HAS_NO_PARAM_LIST, "The list of parameters for this request was empty."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN, "You must be logged in to access this page."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_ADMIN_NOT_LOGGED_IN, "You must be logged in as an administrator to access this page."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_COULD_NOT_GET_USER_INFO, "There was a error getting the user information."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_USERNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED, "No username was specified."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_REQUESTED_USER_NOT_FOUND, "The requested user was not found in the database."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_SQL_EXCEPTION, "There was an SQL exception while accessing the database."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME, "The username specified was invalid."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD, "The password specified was invalid."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_INCORRECT_PASSWORD, "The password specified was incorrect."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS, "This user already exists and therefore cannot be added."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_ADDING_USER, "There was an error adding this user to the database."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_REMOVING_USER, "There was an error removing this user from the database."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_CAPTCHA_DOES_NOT_MATCH, "The words you entered did not match the image, please try again."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_CAPTCHA_MISSING, "The information from the captcha is missing."); errorMessageMap.put(ERROR_NOT_AUTHORISED, "You are not authorised to access this page."); _errorMessageMap = errorMessageMap; } //Admin-required operations protected static final String LIST_USERS = "ListUsers"; protected static final String PERFORM_ADD = "PerformAdd"; protected static final String PERFORM_EDIT = "PerformEdit"; protected static final String ADD_USER = "AddUser"; protected static final String EDIT_USER = "EditUser"; protected static final String PERFORM_DELETE_USER = "PerformDeleteUser"; protected static final ArrayList _adminOpList; static { ArrayList opList = new ArrayList(); opList.add(LIST_USERS); opList.add(PERFORM_ADD); opList.add(PERFORM_EDIT); opList.add(EDIT_USER); opList.add(PERFORM_DELETE_USER); _adminOpList = opList; } //User-required operations protected static final String ACCOUNT_SETTINGS = "AccountSettings"; protected static final String PERFORM_ACCOUNT_EDIT = "PerformAccEdit"; protected static final String PERFORM_RESET_PASSWORD = "PerformResetPassword"; protected static final ArrayList _userOpList; static { ArrayList opList = new ArrayList(); opList.add(ACCOUNT_SETTINGS); opList.add(PERFORM_ACCOUNT_EDIT); opList.add(PERFORM_RESET_PASSWORD); opList.addAll(_adminOpList); _userOpList = opList; } //Other operations protected static final String REGISTER = "Register"; protected static final String PERFORM_REGISTER = "PerformRegister"; protected static final String LOGIN = "Login"; //the services on offer protected static final String AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE = "Authentication"; protected static final String GET_USER_INFORMATION_SERVICE = "GetUserInformation"; protected DerbyWrapper _derbyWrapper = null; protected String _recaptchaPrivateKey = null; protected String _recaptchaPublicKey = null; /** constructor */ public Authentication() { } public boolean configure(Element info, Element extra_info) {"Configuring Authentication..."); this.config_info = info; // set up Authentication service info - for now just has name and type Element authentication_service = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); authentication_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, "authen"); authentication_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE); this.short_service_info.appendChild(authentication_service); // set up Authentication service info - for now just has name and type Element getUserInformation_service = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); getUserInformation_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_PROCESS); getUserInformation_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, GET_USER_INFORMATION_SERVICE); this.short_service_info.appendChild(getUserInformation_service); NodeList recaptchaElems = info.getElementsByTagName("recaptcha"); for (int i = 0; i < recaptchaElems.getLength(); i++) { Element currentElem = (Element) recaptchaElems.item(i); if (currentElem.getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT) != null && currentElem.getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT).equals("public_key")) { if (currentElem.getAttribute(GSXML.VALUE_ATT) != null) { _recaptchaPublicKey = currentElem.getAttribute(GSXML.VALUE_ATT); } } else if (currentElem.getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT) != null && currentElem.getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT).equals("private_key")) { if (currentElem.getAttribute(GSXML.VALUE_ATT) != null) { _recaptchaPrivateKey = currentElem.getAttribute(GSXML.VALUE_ATT); } } } return true; } protected Element getServiceDescription(String service_id, String lang, String subset) { Element authen_service = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); if (service_id.equals(AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE)) { authen_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, "authen"); authen_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE); } else if (service_id.equals(GET_USER_INFORMATION_SERVICE)) { authen_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_PROCESS); authen_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, GET_USER_INFORMATION_SERVICE); } else { return null; } if (service_id.equals(AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE) && (subset == null || subset.equals(GSXML.DISPLAY_TEXT_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER))) { authen_service.appendChild(GSXML.createDisplayTextElement(this.doc, GSXML.DISPLAY_TEXT_NAME, getServiceName(service_id, lang))); authen_service.appendChild(GSXML.createDisplayTextElement(this.doc, GSXML.DISPLAY_TEXT_DESCRIPTION, getServiceDescription(service_id, lang))); } return authen_service; } protected String getServiceName(String service_id, String lang) { return getTextString(service_id + ".name", lang); } protected String getServiceSubmit(String service_id, String lang) { return getTextString(service_id + ".submit", lang); } protected String getServiceDescription(String service_id, String lang) { return getTextString(service_id + ".description", lang); } protected void addCustomParams(String service, Element param_list, String lang) { } protected void createParameter(String name, Element param_list, String lang) { } protected Element processGetUserInformation(Element request) { // Create a new (empty) result message Element result = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); result.setAttribute(GSXML.FROM_ATT, GET_USER_INFORMATION_SERVICE); result.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_PROCESS); Element paramList = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (paramList == null) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_REQUEST_HAS_NO_PARAM_LIST)); return result; } HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(paramList, true); String username = (String) params.get("username"); if (username == null) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_USERNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED)); return result; } DerbyWrapper dbWrapper = new DerbyWrapper(); String usersDB_dir = this.site_home + File.separatorChar + "etc" + File.separatorChar + "usersDB"; dbWrapper.connectDatabase(usersDB_dir, true); UserQueryResult userQueryResult; try { userQueryResult = dbWrapper.findUser(username); Vector terms = userQueryResult.getUserTerms(); if (terms.size() == 0) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_REQUESTED_USER_NOT_FOUND)); return result; } UserTermInfo userInfo = terms.get(0); Element userInfoList = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); result.appendChild(userInfoList); Element usernameField = GSXML.createParameter(this.doc, "username", userInfo.username); Element passwordField = GSXML.createParameter(this.doc, "password", userInfo.password); Element groupsField = GSXML.createParameter(this.doc, "groups", userInfo.groups); Element accountStatusField = GSXML.createParameter(this.doc, "accountstatus", userInfo.accountstatus); Element commentField = GSXML.createParameter(this.doc, "comment", userInfo.comment); userInfoList.appendChild(usernameField); userInfoList.appendChild(passwordField); userInfoList.appendChild(groupsField); userInfoList.appendChild(accountStatusField); userInfoList.appendChild(commentField); } catch (SQLException ex) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_SQL_EXCEPTION)); ex.printStackTrace(); } return result; } protected Element processAuthentication(Element request) { checkAdminUserExists(); // Create a new (empty) result message Element result = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); result.setAttribute(GSXML.FROM_ATT, AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE); result.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_PROCESS); // Create an Authentication node put into the result Element authenNode = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.AUTHEN_NODE_ELEM); result.appendChild(authenNode); result.appendChild(getCollectList(this.site_home + File.separatorChar + "collect")); // Create a service node added into the Authentication node Element serviceNode = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); authenNode.appendChild(serviceNode); // Get the parameters of the request Element param_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (param_list == null) { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", LOGIN); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_REQUEST_HAS_NO_PARAM_LIST)); return result; // Return the empty result } HashMap paramMap = GSXML.extractParams(param_list, false); String op = (String) paramMap.get("authpage"); serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", op); String username = null; String groups = null; Element userInformation = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.USER_INFORMATION_ELEM); if (userInformation == null && _userOpList.contains(op)) { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", LOGIN); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN)); return result; } if (userInformation != null) { username = userInformation.getAttribute(GSXML.USERNAME_ATT); groups = userInformation.getAttribute(GSXML.GROUPS_ATT); } if (username == null && _userOpList.contains(op)) { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", LOGIN); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN)); return result; } if (_adminOpList.contains(op) && (groups == null || !groups.matches(".*\\badministrator\\b.*"))) { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", LOGIN); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_ADMIN_NOT_LOGGED_IN)); return result; } if (op.equals(LIST_USERS)) { int error = addUserInformationToNode(null, serviceNode); if (error != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); } } else if (op.equals(PERFORM_ADD)) { String newUsername = (String) paramMap.get("username"); String newPassword = (String) paramMap.get("password"); String newGroups = (String) paramMap.get("groups"); String newStatus = (String) paramMap.get("status"); String newComment = (String) paramMap.get("comment"); String newEmail = (String) paramMap.get("email"); //Check the given user name int error; if ((error = checkUsername(newUsername)) != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); return result; } //Check the given password if ((error = checkPassword(newPassword)) != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); return result; } newPassword = hashPassword(newPassword); error = addUser(newUsername, newPassword, newGroups, newStatus, newComment, newEmail); if (error != NO_ERROR) { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", ADD_USER); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); } else { addUserInformationToNode(null, serviceNode); serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", LIST_USERS); } } else if (op.equals(PERFORM_REGISTER)) { String newUsername = (String) paramMap.get("username"); String newPassword = (String) paramMap.get("password"); String newEmail = (String) paramMap.get("email"); //Check the given user name int error; if ((error = checkUsername(newUsername)) != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); return result; } //Check the given password if ((error = checkPassword(newPassword)) != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); return result; } newPassword = hashPassword(newPassword); if(_recaptchaPrivateKey != null) { ReCaptchaImpl reCaptcha = new ReCaptchaImpl(); reCaptcha.setPrivateKey(_recaptchaPrivateKey); String challenge = (String) paramMap.get("recaptcha_challenge_field"); String uResponse = (String) paramMap.get("recaptcha_response_field"); if (challenge == null || uResponse == null) { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", REGISTER); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_CAPTCHA_MISSING)); return result; } ReCaptchaResponse reCaptchaResponse = reCaptcha.checkAnswer(request.getAttribute("remoteAddress"), challenge, uResponse); if (!reCaptchaResponse.isValid()) { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", REGISTER); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_CAPTCHA_DOES_NOT_MATCH)); return result; } } error = addUser(newUsername, newPassword, "", "true", "", newEmail); if (error != NO_ERROR) { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", REGISTER); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); } } else if (op.equals(PERFORM_EDIT)) { String previousUsername = (String) paramMap.get("prevUsername"); String newUsername = (String) paramMap.get("newUsername"); String newPassword = (String) paramMap.get("password"); String newGroups = (String) paramMap.get("groups"); String newStatus = (String) paramMap.get("status"); String newComment = (String) paramMap.get("comment"); String newEmail = (String) paramMap.get("email"); //Check the given user name int error; if ((error = checkUsername(newUsername)) != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); return result; } if (newPassword == null) { newPassword = retrieveDataForUser(previousUsername, "password"); } else { //Check the given password if ((error = checkPassword(newPassword)) != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); return result; } newPassword = hashPassword(newPassword); } error = removeUser(previousUsername); if (error != NO_ERROR) { if (error == ERROR_USERNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED) { addUserInformationToNode(null, serviceNode); serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", LIST_USERS); } else { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", EDIT_USER); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); } return result; } error = addUser(newUsername, newPassword, newGroups, newStatus, newComment, newEmail); if (error != NO_ERROR) { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", EDIT_USER); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); } else { addUserInformationToNode(null, serviceNode); serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", LIST_USERS); } } else if (op.equals(PERFORM_ACCOUNT_EDIT)) { String previousUsername = (String) paramMap.get("prevUsername"); String newUsername = (String) paramMap.get("newUsername"); String oldPassword = (String) paramMap.get("oldPassword"); String newPassword = (String) paramMap.get("newPassword"); String newEmail = (String) paramMap.get("newEmail"); //Make sure the user name does not already exist if (!previousUsername.equals(newUsername) && checkUserExists(newUsername)) { addUserInformationToNode(previousUsername, serviceNode); serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", ACCOUNT_SETTINGS); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS)); return result; } String prevPassword = retrieveDataForUser(previousUsername, "password"); if (newPassword != null) { oldPassword = hashPassword(oldPassword); if (oldPassword == null || !oldPassword.equals(prevPassword)) { addUserInformationToNode(previousUsername, serviceNode); serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", ACCOUNT_SETTINGS); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_INCORRECT_PASSWORD)); return result; } //Check the given password int error; if ((error = checkPassword(newPassword)) != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); return result; } newPassword = hashPassword(newPassword); } else { newPassword = prevPassword; } //Check the given user name int error; if ((error = checkUsername(newUsername)) != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); return result; } String prevGroups = retrieveDataForUser(previousUsername, "groups"); String prevStatus = retrieveDataForUser(previousUsername, "status"); String prevComment = retrieveDataForUser(previousUsername, "comment"); error = removeUser(previousUsername); if (error != NO_ERROR) { if (error == ERROR_USERNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED) { addUserInformationToNode(null, serviceNode); serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", LIST_USERS); } else { addUserInformationToNode(previousUsername, serviceNode); serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", ACCOUNT_SETTINGS); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); } return result; } error = addUser(newUsername, newPassword, prevGroups, prevStatus, prevComment, newEmail); if (error != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); } addUserInformationToNode(null, serviceNode); serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", LIST_USERS); } else if (op.equals(EDIT_USER)) { String editUsername = (String) paramMap.get("username"); int error = addUserInformationToNode(editUsername, serviceNode); if (error != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); } } else if (op.equals(ACCOUNT_SETTINGS)) { String editUsername = (String) paramMap.get("username"); if (editUsername == null) { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", ""); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_USERNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED)); return result; } if (!editUsername.equals(username)) { serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", LOGIN); GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(ERROR_NOT_AUTHORISED)); return result; } int error = addUserInformationToNode(editUsername, serviceNode); if (error != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); } } else if (op.equals(PERFORM_RESET_PASSWORD)) { String passwordResetUser = (String) paramMap.get("username"); String newPassword = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); newPassword = newPassword.substring(0, newPassword.indexOf("-")); String email = retrieveDataForUser(passwordResetUser, "email"); String from = ""; String host = request.getAttribute("remoteAddress"); //TODO: FINISH THIS } else if (op.equals(REGISTER)) { if(_recaptchaPublicKey != null && _recaptchaPrivateKey != null) { Element recaptchaElem = this.doc.createElement("recaptcha"); recaptchaElem.setAttribute("publicKey", _recaptchaPublicKey); recaptchaElem.setAttribute("privateKey", _recaptchaPrivateKey); result.appendChild(recaptchaElem); } } else if (op.equals(PERFORM_DELETE_USER)) { String usernameToDelete = (String) paramMap.get("username"); int error = removeUser(usernameToDelete); if (error != NO_ERROR) { GSXML.addError(this.doc, result, _errorMessageMap.get(error)); } addUserInformationToNode(null, serviceNode); serviceNode.setAttribute("operation", LIST_USERS); } return result; } public int checkUsernameAndPassword(String username, String password) { int uResult = checkUsername(username); int pResult = checkPassword(password); return (uResult != NO_ERROR ? uResult : (pResult != NO_ERROR ? pResult : NO_ERROR)); } public int checkUsername(String username) { //Check the given user name if ((username == null) || (username.length() < 2) || (username.length() > 30) || (!(Pattern.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9//_//.]+", username)))) { return ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME; } return NO_ERROR; } public int checkPassword(String password) { //Check the given password if ((password == null) || (password.length() < 3) || (password.length() > 8) || (!(Pattern.matches("[\\p{ASCII}]+", password)))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD; } return NO_ERROR; } public static String hashPassword(String password) { String hashedPassword = null; try { MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); digest.reset(); hashedPassword = new String(digest.digest(password.getBytes("UTF-8"))); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return hashedPassword; } private void checkAdminUserExists() { if (_derbyWrapper == null) { openDatabase(); } UserQueryResult userQueryResult = _derbyWrapper.findUser(null, null); closeDatabase(); if (userQueryResult != null) { Vector userInfo = userQueryResult.users; boolean adminFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < userQueryResult.getSize(); i++) { if (((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).groups != null && ((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).groups.matches(".*\\badministrator\\b.*")) { adminFound = true; } } if (!adminFound) { addUser("admin", "admin", "administrator", "true", "Change the password for this account as soon as possible", ""); } } closeDatabase(); } private boolean openDatabase() { _derbyWrapper = new DerbyWrapper(); // check the usersDb database, if it isn't existing, check the etc dir, create the etc dir if it isn't existing, then create the user database and add a "admin" user String usersDB_dir = this.site_home + File.separatorChar + "etc" + File.separatorChar + "usersDB"; File usersDB_file = new File(usersDB_dir); if (!usersDB_file.exists()) { String etc_dir = this.site_home + File.separatorChar + "etc"; File etc_file = new File(etc_dir); if (!etc_file.exists()) { boolean success = etc_file.mkdir(); if (!success) { logger.error("Couldn't create the etc dir under " + this.site_home + "."); return false; } } _derbyWrapper.connectDatabase(usersDB_dir, true); _derbyWrapper.createDatabase(); } else { _derbyWrapper.connectDatabase(usersDB_dir, false); } return true; } private void closeDatabase() { if (_derbyWrapper != null) { _derbyWrapper.closeDatabase(); _derbyWrapper = null; } } private int addUserInformationToNode(String username, Element serviceNode) { if (_derbyWrapper == null) { openDatabase(); } UserQueryResult userQueryResult = _derbyWrapper.findUser(username, null); closeDatabase(); if (userQueryResult != null) { Element user_node = getUserNode(userQueryResult); serviceNode.appendChild(user_node); closeDatabase(); return NO_ERROR; } closeDatabase(); return ERROR_COULD_NOT_GET_USER_INFO; } private int removeUser(String username) { if (username == null) { return ERROR_USERNAME_NOT_SPECIFIED; } if (_derbyWrapper == null) { openDatabase(); } boolean success = _derbyWrapper.deleteUser(username); closeDatabase(); if (success) { return NO_ERROR; } return ERROR_REMOVING_USER; } private int addUser(String newUsername, String newPassword, String newGroups, String newStatus, String newComment, String newEmail) { if (_derbyWrapper == null) { openDatabase(); } newGroups = newGroups.replaceAll(" ", ""); //Check if the user already exists UserQueryResult userQueryResult = _derbyWrapper.findUser(newUsername, null); if (userQueryResult != null) { closeDatabase(); return ERROR_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS; } else { System.err.println("ADDING " + newUsername + " " + newPassword); boolean success = _derbyWrapper.addUser(newUsername, newPassword, newGroups, newStatus, newComment, newEmail); if (!success) { closeDatabase(); return ERROR_ADDING_USER; } } closeDatabase(); return NO_ERROR; } private boolean checkUserExists(String username) { if (_derbyWrapper == null) { openDatabase(); } try { UserQueryResult result = _derbyWrapper.findUser(username); if (result != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } finally { closeDatabase(); } } private String retrieveDataForUser(String username, String dataType) { if (_derbyWrapper == null) { openDatabase(); } String password = null; try { UserQueryResult result = _derbyWrapper.findUser(username); Vector userInfo = result.users; for (int i = 0; i < result.getSize(); i++) { if (dataType.equals("password")) { return ((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).password; } else if (dataType.equals("groups")) { return ((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).groups; } else if (dataType.equals("status")) { return ((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).accountstatus; } else if (dataType.equals("comment")) { return ((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).comment; } else if (dataType.equals("email")) { return ((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).email; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } closeDatabase(); return password; } private Element getUserNode(UserQueryResult userQueryResult) { Element user_list_node = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.USER_NODE_ELEM + "List"); Vector userInfo = userQueryResult.users; for (int i = 0; i < userQueryResult.getSize(); i++) { Element user_node = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.USER_NODE_ELEM); String username = ((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).username; String groups = ((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).groups; String accountstatus = ((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).accountstatus; String comment = ((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).comment; String email = ((UserTermInfo) userInfo.get(i)).email; user_node.setAttribute("username", username); user_node.setAttribute("groups", groups); user_node.setAttribute("status", accountstatus); user_node.setAttribute("comment", comment); user_node.setAttribute("email", email); user_list_node.appendChild(user_node); } return user_list_node; } private Element getCollectList(String collect) { Element collect_list_node = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM + "List"); File[] collect_dir = (new File(collect)).listFiles(); if (collect_dir != null && collect_dir.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < collect_dir.length; i++) { if (collect_dir[i].isDirectory() && (!collect_dir[i].getName().startsWith(".svn"))) { Element collect_node = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.COLLECTION_ELEM); collect_node.setAttribute("name", collect_dir[i].getName()); collect_list_node.appendChild(collect_node); } } } return collect_list_node; } }