package org.greenstone.gsdl3.service; // Greenstone classes import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSPath; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.GSXML; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * * @author Katherine Don * @version $Revision: 25978 $ */ public class IViaProxy extends ServiceRack { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.gsdl3.service.IViaProxy.class.getName()); // the services on offer // these strings must match what is found in the properties file protected static final String TEXT_QUERY_SERVICE = "TextQuery"; protected static final String DOC_CONTENT_SERVICE = "DocumentContentRetrieve"; protected static final String DOC_META_SERVICE = "DocumentMetadataRetrieve"; protected static final String QUERY_PARAM = "query"; protected static final String FIELD_PARAM = "fields"; // have standard gs param names for hits per page, and start page // these need to be mapped to iVia params protected static final String GS_HITS_PARAM = "hitsPerPage"; protected static final String IM_HITS_PARAM = "no_of_records_per_page"; protected static final String GS_START_PAGE_PARAM = "startPage"; protected static final String IM_START_PAGE_PARAM = "start_page_no"; protected String ivia_server_url = null; public boolean configure(Element info, Element extra_info) { if (!super.configure(info, extra_info)) { return false; } Element server_elem = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(info, "iViaServer"); if (server_elem == null) { logger.error("no iViaServer element found"); return false; } ivia_server_url = server_elem.getAttribute("url"); if (ivia_server_url.equals("")) { logger.error("no url for the iViaServer element"); return false; } Element tq_service = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); tq_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_QUERY); tq_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, TEXT_QUERY_SERVICE); this.short_service_info.appendChild(tq_service); Element dc_service = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); dc_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_RETRIEVE); dc_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, DOC_CONTENT_SERVICE); this.short_service_info.appendChild(dc_service); Element dm_service = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); dm_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_RETRIEVE); dm_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, DOC_META_SERVICE); this.short_service_info.appendChild(dm_service); // // add some format info to service map if there is any String path = GSPath.appendLink(GSXML.SEARCH_ELEM, GSXML.FORMAT_ELEM); Element format = (Element) GSXML.getNodeByPath(extra_info, path); if (format != null) { this.format_info_map.put(TEXT_QUERY_SERVICE, this.doc.importNode(format, true)); } // look for document display format path = GSPath.appendLink(GSXML.DISPLAY_ELEM, GSXML.FORMAT_ELEM); Element display_format = (Element) GSXML.getNodeByPath(extra_info, path); if (display_format != null) { this.format_info_map.put(DOC_CONTENT_SERVICE, this.doc.importNode(display_format, true)); // shoudl we make a copy? } return true; } protected Element getServiceDescription(String service, String lang, String subset) { if (service.equals(TEXT_QUERY_SERVICE)) { Element tq_service = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); tq_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_QUERY); tq_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, TEXT_QUERY_SERVICE); if (subset == null || subset.equals(GSXML.DISPLAY_TEXT_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER)) { tq_service.appendChild(GSXML.createDisplayTextElement(this.doc, GSXML.DISPLAY_TEXT_NAME, getTextString(TEXT_QUERY_SERVICE + ".name", lang))); tq_service.appendChild(GSXML.createDisplayTextElement(this.doc, GSXML.DISPLAY_TEXT_SUBMIT, getTextString(TEXT_QUERY_SERVICE + ".submit", lang))); tq_service.appendChild(GSXML.createDisplayTextElement(this.doc, GSXML.DISPLAY_TEXT_DESCRIPTION, getTextString(TEXT_QUERY_SERVICE + ".description", lang))); } if (subset == null || subset.equals(GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER)) { Element param_list = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); tq_service.appendChild(param_list); Element param = GSXML.createParameterDescription(this.doc, QUERY_PARAM, getTextString("param." + QUERY_PARAM, lang), GSXML.PARAM_TYPE_STRING, null, null, null); param_list.appendChild(param); String[] field_ids = { "kw", "au", "su", "ti", "de", "fu" }; String[] field_names = { getTextString("param." + FIELD_PARAM + ".kw", lang), getTextString("param." + FIELD_PARAM + ".au", lang), getTextString("param." + FIELD_PARAM + ".su", lang), getTextString("param." + FIELD_PARAM + ".ti", lang), getTextString("param." + FIELD_PARAM + ".de", lang), getTextString("param." + FIELD_PARAM + ".fu", lang) }; param = GSXML.createParameterDescription(this.doc, FIELD_PARAM, getTextString("param." + FIELD_PARAM, lang), GSXML.PARAM_TYPE_ENUM_MULTI, "kw,au,su,ti,de,fu", field_ids, field_names); param_list.appendChild(param); String[] hits_options = { "10", "30", "50" }; param = GSXML.createParameterDescription(this.doc, GS_HITS_PARAM, getTextString("param." + GS_HITS_PARAM, lang), GSXML.PARAM_TYPE_ENUM_SINGLE, "10", hits_options, hits_options); param_list.appendChild(param); param = GSXML.createParameterDescription(this.doc, GS_START_PAGE_PARAM, "", GSXML.PARAM_TYPE_INVISIBLE, "1", null, null); param_list.appendChild(param); } return tq_service; } if (service.equals(DOC_META_SERVICE)) { Element dm_service = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); dm_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_RETRIEVE); dm_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, DOC_META_SERVICE); return dm_service; } if (service.equals(DOC_CONTENT_SERVICE)) { Element dc_service = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); dc_service.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_RETRIEVE); dc_service.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, DOC_CONTENT_SERVICE); return dc_service; } return null; } /** Process a text query - implemented by concrete subclasses */ protected Element processTextQuery(Element request) { // Create a new (empty) result message Element result = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); result.setAttribute(GSXML.FROM_ATT, TEXT_QUERY_SERVICE); result.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_PROCESS); Element doc_node_list = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); result.appendChild(doc_node_list); Element param_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (param_list == null) { logger.error("TextQuery request had no paramList."); return result; // Return the empty result } // Process the request parameters HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(param_list, false); // Make sure a query has been specified String query = (String) params.get(QUERY_PARAM); if (query == null || query.equals("")) { return result; // Return the empty result } // tidy whitespace query = query.replaceAll("\\s+", "+"); String url_string = ivia_server_url + "/cgi-bin/canned_search?theme=gsdl3&query=" + query; // check for fields String fields = (String) params.get(FIELD_PARAM); if (fields != null && !fields.equals("")) { url_string += "&fields=" + fields; } //check for hits per page String hits_per_page = (String) params.get(GS_HITS_PARAM); if (hits_per_page != null && !hits_per_page.equals("")) { url_string += "&" + IM_HITS_PARAM + "=" + hits_per_page; } // check for start page String start_page = (String) params.get(GS_START_PAGE_PARAM); if (start_page != null && !start_page.equals("")) { url_string += "&" + IM_START_PAGE_PARAM + "=" + start_page; } String results_num = null; String doc_ids = null; try { logger.debug("IViaProxy, sending " + url_string); BufferedReader reader = makeConnection(url_string); results_num = reader.readLine(); doc_ids = reader.readLine(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception happened during query"); e.printStackTrace(); return result; } if (results_num.startsWith("Resources: ")) { results_num = results_num.substring(11); } else { logger.error("badly formatted results line: " + results_num); return result; } if (doc_ids.startsWith("Ids: ")) { doc_ids = doc_ids.substring(5).trim(); } else { logger.error("badly formatted docs line: " + doc_ids); return result; } // get the num docs and add to a metadata list Element metadata_list = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.METADATA_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); result.appendChild(metadata_list); // Add a metadata element specifying the number of matching documents long numdocs = Long.parseLong(results_num); GSXML.addMetadata(this.doc, metadata_list, "numDocsMatched", "" + numdocs); String[] ids = doc_ids.split(" "); for (int d = 0; d < ids.length; d++) { Element doc_node = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM); doc_node.setAttribute(GSXML.NODE_ID_ATT, ids[d]); doc_node_list.appendChild(doc_node); } logger.debug("IViaProxy result:"); logger.debug(this.converter.getString(result)); return result; } protected Element processDocumentMetadataRetrieve(Element request) { Element result = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); result.setAttribute(GSXML.FROM_ATT, DOC_META_SERVICE); result.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_PROCESS); // Get the parameters of the request Element param_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (param_list == null) { logger.error("missing paramList.\n"); return result; // Return the empty result } // The metadata information required StringBuffer field_list = new StringBuffer(); Element param = GSXML.getFirstElementChild(param_list);//(Element) param_list.getFirstChild(); while (param != null) { // Identify the metadata information desired if (param.getAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT).equals("metadata")) { String metadata = GSXML.getValue(param); if (isAcceptableMetadata(metadata)) { field_list.append(metadata); field_list.append(","); } } param = (Element) param.getNextSibling(); } if (field_list.length() == 0) { logger.error("no metadata specified.\n"); return result; } // Get the documents Element request_node_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (request_node_list == null) { logger.error("DocumentMetadataRetrieve request had no " + GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM + "List.\n"); return result; } StringBuffer record_id_list = new StringBuffer(); NodeList request_nodes = request_node_list.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < request_nodes.getLength(); i++) { Element request_node = (Element) request_nodes.item(i); String node_id = request_node.getAttribute(GSXML.NODE_ID_ATT); record_id_list.append(node_id); record_id_list.append(","); } // do the query to the iVia server String url_string = ivia_server_url + "/cgi-bin/view_record_set?theme=gsdl3&record_id_list=" + record_id_list.toString() + "&field_list=" + field_list.toString(); Element node_list = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); result.appendChild(node_list); try { BufferedReader reader = makeConnection(url_string); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!line.startsWith("Record:")) { continue; } // the first line is the record line = line.substring(8); Element doc_node = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM); doc_node.setAttribute(GSXML.NODE_ID_ATT, line); Element meta_list = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.METADATA_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); doc_node.appendChild(meta_list); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { //metadata entry int col_pos = line.indexOf(':'); if (col_pos == -1) { // end of the metadata for this doc break; } String name = line.substring(0, col_pos); String value = line.substring(col_pos + 2); // includes a space GSXML.addMetadata(this.doc, meta_list, name, value); } node_list.appendChild(doc_node); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception happened"); e.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("IViaProxy: returning result: "); logger.debug(this.converter.getPrettyString(result)); return result; } protected Element processDocumentContentRetrieve(Element request) { Element result = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); result.setAttribute(GSXML.FROM_ATT, DOC_CONTENT_SERVICE); result.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_PROCESS); // Get the request doc_list Element query_doc_list = (Element) GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); if (query_doc_list == null) { logger.error("DocumentContentRetrieve request specified no doc nodes.\n"); return result; } Element doc_list = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM + GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); result.appendChild(doc_list); // Get the documents String[] doc_ids = GSXML.getAttributeValuesFromList(query_doc_list, GSXML.NODE_ID_ATT); for (int i = 0; i < doc_ids.length; i++) { String doc_id = doc_ids[i]; Element doc_node = getDocument(doc_id); doc_list.appendChild(doc_node); } return result; } /** * gets a document by sending a request to iVia, then processes it and * creates a documentNode around the text */ protected Element getDocument(String doc_id) { String url_string = ivia_server_url + "/cgi-bin/view_record?theme=gsdl3&record_id=" + doc_id; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); try { BufferedReader reader = makeConnection(url_string); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { buffer.append(line); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception happened"); e.printStackTrace(); } String node_content = buffer.toString(); String escaped_content = GSXML.xmlSafe(node_content); StringBuffer processed_content = new StringBuffer(escaped_content.length()); processed_content.append(""); int pos = 0; int lastpos = 0; while ((pos = escaped_content.indexOf("<a ", lastpos)) != -1) { processed_content.append(escaped_content.substring(lastpos, pos)); int endpos = escaped_content.indexOf("</a>", pos); if (endpos == -1) { break; } String link = escaped_content.substring(pos, endpos + 10); link = convertLink(link); processed_content.append(link); lastpos = endpos + 10; } processed_content.append(escaped_content.substring(lastpos)); // get the last bit processed_content.append(""); Element doc_node = this.doc.createElement(GSXML.DOC_NODE_ELEM); doc_node.setAttribute(GSXML.NODE_ID_ATT, doc_id); Document content_doc = this.converter.getDOM(processed_content.toString()); if (content_doc != null) { Element content_element = content_doc.getDocumentElement(); doc_node.appendChild(this.doc.importNode(content_element, true)); } else { logger.error("Couldn't parse the node content"); } return doc_node; } /** converts a url from an element into a greenstone suitable one */ protected String convertLink(String aref) { if (aref.indexOf("href="http") != -1) { return aref; // an external link } String type = "other"; if (aref.indexOf("/cgi-bin/canned_search") != -1) { type = "query"; } else if (aref.indexOf("/cgi-bin/click_through") != -1) { type = "external"; } else if (aref.indexOf("/cgi-bin/view_record") != -1) { type = "document"; } int href_start = aref.indexOf("href="") + 11; int href_end = aref.indexOf(">", href_start); String href = aref.substring(href_start, href_end); String link_content = aref.substring(href_end + 4, aref.length() - 10); if (type.equals("external")) { // the external link is everything after the http at the end. String address = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf("http")); address = address.replaceAll("%3[aA]", ":"); address = address.replaceAll("%2[fF]", "/"); return "<a href=\"" + address + "\">" + link_content + "</a>"; } if (type.equals("other")) { return "other type of link (" + link_content + ")"; } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(""); // add in the parameters href = href.substring(href.indexOf("?") + 1); String[] params = href.split("&"); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { String param = params[i]; int eq_pos = param.indexOf("="); if (eq_pos != -1) { result.append(""); } } result.append(link_content); result.append(""); return result.toString(); } // iVia craps out if we ask for a metadata which is not valid. So need // to make sure we only ask for acceptable fields. protected boolean isAcceptableMetadata(String meta) { String valid_metadata = ",title,url,ivia_description,keywords,subjects,"; if (valid_metadata.indexOf("," + meta + ",") != -1) { return true; } return false; } protected BufferedReader makeConnection(String url_string) { BufferedReader reader = null; try { URL url = new URL(url_string); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); InputStream input = connection.getInputStream(); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input)); } catch ( e) { logger.error("Malformed URL: " + url_string); } catch ( e) { logger.error("An error occurred during IO to url " + url_string); } return reader; } }