/* * SimpleCollectionDatabase.java * Copyright (C) 2008 New Zealand Digital Library, http://www.nzdl.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package org.greenstone.gsdl3.util; import org.apache.log4j.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class SimpleCollectionDatabase implements OID.OIDTranslatable { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.SimpleCollectionDatabase.class.getName()); /* just read access, many readers can share a database */ public final static int READ = FlatDatabaseWrapper.READ; /* read/write, exclusive access */ public final static int WRITE = FlatDatabaseWrapper.WRITE; protected FlatDatabaseWrapper coll_db = null; public SimpleCollectionDatabase(String db_type) { // Access databaseWrapper through reflection (forName) so code // can be more dynamic as to the database backends that are // supported for this installation of Greenstone String dbwrap_name = db_type.toUpperCase() + "Wrapper"; Class dbwrap_class = null; try { String full_dbwrap_name = "org.greenstone.gsdl3.util."+dbwrap_name; dbwrap_class = Class.forName(full_dbwrap_name); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { try { //try the dbwrap_name alone in case the package name is //already specified dbwrap_class = Class.forName(dbwrap_name); } catch(ClassNotFoundException ae) { logger.error("Couldn't create SimpleCollectionDatabase of type "+db_type); logger.info(ae.getMessage()); } } try { this.coll_db = (FlatDatabaseWrapper)dbwrap_class.newInstance(); } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to call the constructor "+dbwrap_name+"()"); } } public boolean databaseOK() { // Previously failed to open database // Most likely cause is that this installation of Greenstone3 has not // been compiled with support for this database type return coll_db != null; } /** open the database filename, with mode mode - uses the FlatDatabaseWrapper modes */ public boolean openDatabase(String filename, int mode){ return this.coll_db.openDatabase(filename, mode); } /** close the database */ public void closeDatabase() { this.coll_db.closeDatabase(); } /** Returns a DBInfo structure of the key-value pairs associated with a particular main key in the database */ public DBInfo getInfo(String main_key) { // logger.warn("All the entries of the db are:"); // this.coll_db.displayAllEntries(); if (this.coll_db==null) { // Most likely cause is that this installation of Greenstone3 has not // been compiled with support for this database type return null; } String key_info = this.coll_db.getValue(main_key); if (key_info == null || key_info.equals("")) { return null; } DBInfo info = new DBInfo(); String [] lines = StringUtils.split(key_info, "\n"); String key; String value; for (int i=0; i'); if (a==-1 || b==-1) { logger.error("bad format in db"); } else { key=lines[i].substring(a+1, b); value=lines[i].substring(b+1); logger.debug("key="+key+", val="+value); info.addInfo(key, value); } } return info; } /** converts a greenstone OID to internal docnum */ public String OID2Docnum(String OID) { DBInfo info = getInfo(OID); if (info != null) { return info.getInfo("docnum"); } return null; } /** converts a greenstone OID to an internal docnum, returning a Long - convenience method*/ public long OID2DocnumLong(String OID) { DBInfo info = getInfo(OID); if (info != null) { long real_num = Long.parseLong(info.getInfo("docnum")); return real_num; } return -1; } /** converts a docnum to greenstone OID */ public String docnum2OID(String docnum) { DBInfo info = getInfo(docnum); if (info!=null){ String oid = info.getInfo("section"); return oid; } else{ return null; } } /** converts a docnum to greenstone OID - convenience method */ public String docnum2OID(long docnum) { return docnum2OID(Long.toString(docnum)); } /** converts an external id to greenstone OID */ public String externalId2OID(String extid) { DBInfo info = getInfo(extid); if (info != null) { String oid = info.getInfo("section"); return oid; } return null; } /** After OID.translateOID() is through, this method processes OID further * to translate relative oids into proper oids: * .pr (parent), .rt (root) .fc (first child), .lc (last child), * .ns (next sibling), .ps (previous sibling) * .np (next page), .pp (previous page) : links sections in the order that you'd read the document * a suffix is expected to be present so test before using */ public String processOID(String doc_id, String top, String suff, int sibling_num) { DBInfo info = getInfo(doc_id); if (info==null) { logger.info("info is null!!"); return top; } String contains = info.getInfo("contains"); if (contains.equals("")) { // something is wrong return top; } contains = StringUtils.replace(contains, "\"", doc_id); String [] children = StringUtils.split(contains, ";"); if (suff.equals("fc")) { return children[0]; } else if (suff.equals("lc")) { return children[children.length-1]; } else { if (suff.equals("ss")) { return children[sibling_num-1]; } // find the position that we are at. int i=0; while (i