function DebugWidget() { //************************ //Private member variables //************************ //Debugger state-keeping variables var _debugOn = false; var _pauseSelector = false; var _elements = new Array(); var _itemSelected = false; //Used to prevent multiple elements from being highlighted //Page elements var _mainDiv; var _textDiv; var _editor; var _editingDiv; var _unpauseButton; var _closeEditorButtonButton; var _xmlStatusBar; var _saveButton; //Editor state-keeping variables var _currentFilepath; var _currentNodename; var _currentName; var _currentMatch; var _currentNamespace; var createDebugDiv = function() { _mainDiv = $("
", {"id":"debugDiv"}); _mainDiv.css( { "position":"fixed", "font-size":"0.7em", "bottom":"0px", "height":"40px", "width":"100%", "background":"white", "border":"1px black solid", "padding":"5px", "z-index":100 }); _editingDiv = $("
"); var toolBarDiv = $("
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"); _textDiv.css({"overflow":"auto", "width":"100%", "height":"260px"}); var pickElementButton = $(""); { if(!_debugOn) { pickElementButton.attr("value", "Disable debugging"); $("a").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); _debugOn = true; } else { pickElementButton.attr("value", "Enable debugging"); $("a").off("click"); clearAll(); _unpauseButton.attr("disabled", "disabled"); _pauseSelector = false; _debugOn = false; } }); _unpauseButton = $(""); { if(_pauseSelector) { _pauseSelector = false; $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }); _closeEditorButton = $(""); { if($(this).val() == "Close editor") { $(this).val("Open editor"); _editingDiv.hide(); _mainDiv.css("height", (_mainDiv.height() - 200) + "px"); } else { $(this).val("Close editor");; _mainDiv.css("height", (_mainDiv.height() + 200) + "px"); } }); _xmlStatusBar = $(""); _xmlStatusBar.css("padding", "5px"); //Check the XML for errors every 2 seconds setInterval(function() { if(_editor) { var xmlString = _editor.getValue(); try { var xml = $.parseXML('' + xmlString + ""); } catch(error) { console.log(error); _xmlStatusBar.text("XML ERROR! (Mouse over for details)"); _xmlStatusBar.css({"color":"white", "background":"red"}); _xmlStatusBar.attr("title", error); _saveButton.attr("disabled", "disabled"); return; } _xmlStatusBar.text("XML OK!"); _xmlStatusBar.css({"color":"white", "background": "green"}); _xmlStatusBar.removeAttr("title"); if(_saveButton.val() == "Save changes") { _saveButton.removeAttr("disabled"); } } }, 2000); _saveButton = $(""); { if(_editor) { var xmlString = _editor.getValue().replace(/&/g, "&"); try { var xml = $.parseXML('' + xmlString + ""); } catch(error) { alert("Could not save as there is a problem with the XML."); return; } var url = gs.xsltParams.library_name; var parameters = {"a":"g", "rt":"r", "s":"SaveXMLTemplateToFile", "s1.filePath":_currentFilepath, "s1.namespace":_currentNamespace, "s1.nodename":_currentNodename, "s1.xml":xmlString}; if(_currentName && _currentName.length > 0){parameters[""] = _currentName;} if(_currentMatch && _currentMatch.length > 0){parameters["s1.match"] = _currentMatch;} _saveButton.val("Saving..."); _saveButton.attr("disabled", "disabled"); $.post(url, parameters) .success(function() { $.ajax(gs.xsltParams.library_name + "?a=s&sa=c") .success(function() { alert("The template has been saved successfully."); }) .error(function() { alert("Error reloading collection."); }) .complete(function() { _saveButton.val("Save changes"); _saveButton.removeAttr("disabled"); }); }) .error(function() { alert("There was an error sending the request to the server, please try again."); }); } }); var minimiseButton = $("", {"src":gs.imageURLs.expand}); minimiseButton.css({"cursor":"pointer", "float":"right", "margin-right":"20px"}); { if($(this).attr("src") == gs.imageURLs.collapse) { _textDiv.hide(); $(this).attr("src", gs.imageURLs.expand); _mainDiv.css("height", (_mainDiv.height() - 260) + "px"); } else {; $(this).attr("src", gs.imageURLs.collapse); _mainDiv.css("height", (_mainDiv.height() + 260) + "px"); } }); var clear = $(""); clear.css("clear", "both"); toolBarDiv.append(minimiseButton); toolBarDiv.append(clear); buttonDiv.append(pickElementButton); buttonDiv.append(_unpauseButton); buttonDiv.append(_closeEditorButton); buttonDiv.append(_xmlStatusBar); buttonDiv.append(_saveButton); _mainDiv.append(_editingDiv); _mainDiv.append(toolBarDiv); _mainDiv.append(_textDiv); } var clearAll = function() { _itemSelected = false; $(_elements).each(function() { $(this).remove(); }); } var highlightElement = function(e) { var topBorderDiv = $("
"); var bottomBorderDiv = $("
"); var leftBorderDiv = $("
"); var rightBorderDiv = $("
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", {"id":"textEditor"}); editArea.css({"width":"98%", "height":"180px"}); editArea.val(template); _editingDiv.empty(); _editingDiv.append(editArea); _editingDiv.css({"height":"190px"}); _editor = ace.edit("textEditor"); _editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/xml"); _editor.setValue(template); _editor.clearSelection(); console.log(_editor); _mainDiv.css({"height":"500px"}); _closeEditorButton.removeAttr("disabled"); }) .error(function() { console.log("ERROR"); }); }); infoContainer.mouseover(function() { $(this).data("background", $(this).css("background")); $(this).css("background", "yellow"); }); infoContainer.mouseout(function() { $(this).css("background", $(this).data("background")); }); } var addMouseEventsToDebugElements = function(debugElems) { { if(_debugOn) { _pauseSelector = true; _unpauseButton.removeAttr("disabled"); } }); debugElems.mouseover(function() { if(_debugOn && !_pauseSelector) { var nodes = new Array(); if($(this).is("table, tr")) { var size = parseInt($(this).attr("debugSize")); for(var i = 0; i < size; i++) { var tempNode = $("
"); tempNode.tempAttrs = new Array(); $(this.attributes).each(function() { if(this.value.charAt(0) == '[') { var values = eval(this.value); if(values[i] == "") { return; } tempNode.attr(, values[i]); tempNode.tempAttrs.push({, value:values[i]}); } }); nodes.push(tempNode); } } else { nodes.push(this); } $(nodes).each(function() { var filepath = $(this).attr("filename"); var fullNodename = $(this).attr("nodename"); var colonIndex = fullNodename.indexOf(":"); var namespace = fullNodename.substring(0, colonIndex); var nodename = fullNodename.substring(colonIndex + 1); var name = $(this).attr("name"); var match = $(this).attr("match"); var infoContainer = $("
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"); elementDIV.css("font-size", "1.1em"); fromDIV.css("font-size", "0.9em"); infoContainer.append(fromDIV); infoContainer.append(elementDIV); _elements.push(infoContainer); addMouseEventsToInfoContainer(infoContainer, filepath, nodename, namespace, name, match); var attrstr = ""; var illegalNames = ["nodename", "filename", "style", "debug", "id", "class"]; var attributes = ((this.tempAttrs) ? this.tempAttrs : this.attributes); $(attributes).each(function() { for(var i = 0; i < illegalNames.length; i++) { if( == illegalNames[i]){return;} } attrstr += + "=\"" + this.value + "\" "; }); fromDIV.text("From " + filepath + ":"); elementDIV.text("<" + fullNodename + " " + attrstr + ">"); _textDiv.prepend(infoContainer); }); if(!_itemSelected) { _itemSelected = true; highlightElement($(this)); } } }); debugElems.mouseout(function() { if(_debugOn && !_pauseSelector) { clearAll(); } }); } this.init = function() { //We only want this on if we have debug elements in the page var debugElems = $('debug, [debug="true"]'); if(!debugElems.length) { console.log("No debug tags present, debugging disabled."); return; } createDebugDiv(); $("body").append(_mainDiv); addMouseEventsToDebugElements(debugElems); } } $(window).load(function() { var debugWidget = new DebugWidget(); debugWidget.init(); });