function performRefinedSearch() { var allCheckBoxes = $("#facetSelector input"); var counts = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < allCheckBoxes.length; i++) { var current = $(allCheckBoxes[i]); if(current.prop("checked")) { counts.push(current.parent().parent().attr("indexName") + ":(\"" + current.siblings("span").first().html() + "\")"); } } var searchString = ""; for(var key in gs.cgiParams) { if (gs.cgiParams.hasOwnProperty(key)) { searchString += key.replace(/_/g, ".") + "=" + gs.cgiParams[key] + "&"; } } var countsString = "s1.facetQueries="; if(counts.length > 0) { var countsStringBuffer = "["; for(var i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) { // escape any apostrophes in facet query terms // (ext/solr's Greenstone3SearchHandler does the other half of handling them) //countsStringBuffer += "\"" + encodeURI(counts[i]).replace(/'/g, "%2527") + "\""; // calling makeURLSafe() here will ensure percent signs are escaped away too // by the end of makeURLComponentSafe() call below countsStringBuffer += "\"" + makeURLSafe(counts[i]).replace(/'/g, "%2527") + "\""; if(i < counts.length - 1) { countsStringBuffer += ", "; } } countsStringBuffer += "]"; // We need to ensure that the *value* of s1.facetQueries (so everything after // s1.facetQueries= and before the connecting &) are safe, which requires escaping, // and are further also escaped to not be mistaken for their reserved meaning. // : is a reserved character in URLs, [] are unsafe characters. All need escaping. // So call makeURLComponentSafe(), not makeURLSafe() countsString = countsString + makeURLComponentSafe(countsStringBuffer, 1); } countsString += "&"; console.log("STRING IS " + countsString); $.ajax(gs.xsltParams.library_name + "/collection/" + gs.cgiParams.c + "/search/" + gs.cgiParams.s + "?" + searchString + countsString + "excerptid=resultsArea") .done(function(response) { $("#resultsArea").html(""); $("#resultsArea").html(response.substring(response.indexOf(">") + 1, response.lastIndexOf("<"))); }); } function expandFacetList(indexName, countSize) { var tables = $(".facetTable"); for(var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) { var current = $(tables[i]); if(current.attr("indexName") == indexName) { var items = current.children("li"); for(var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) { $(items[j]).css("display", "block"); } break; } } // the above code has made both see more and see less links display=block, so we need to hide // see more var morelink = $(".expandFacetList" + indexName); morelink.css("display", "none"); } function collapseFacetList(indexName, countSize) { var tables = $(".facetTable"); for(var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) { var current = $(tables[i]); if(current.attr("indexName") == indexName) { var items = current.children("li"); for(var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) { if(j > countSize) { $(items[j]).css("display", "none"); } } break; } } // the above code has hidden both the see more and see less links. // display the see more one var morelink = $(".expandFacetList" + indexName); morelink.css("display", "block"); }