var SUCCESS = 1; var ACCEPTED = 2; var ERROR = 3; var CONTINUING = 10; var COMPLETED = 11; var HALTED = 12; gs.functions = {}; gs.jqGet = function(id) { return $("#" + id.replace(/\./g, "\\.").replace(/:/g,"\\:")); } // Debugging function to print a string's non-basic chars in hex. So does string2hex on all non-basic and non-printable ASCII chars // Dr Bainbridge said that printing anything with charCode over 128 in hex is okay, but I'd already made extra allowances for non-printable ASCII // Based on // gs.functions.debug_unicode_string = function(str) { var hex, i; var result = ""; for (i=0; i 126) { //doesn't work: if(str.charAt(i) < ' ' || str.charAt(i) > '~') { hex = charcode.toString(16); result += "x{" + ("000"+hex).slice(-4) + "}"; // looks like: x{4-char-codepoint} } else { result += str.charAt(i); } } return result; } gs.functions.ajaxRequest = function() { var activexmodes=["Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"]; if(window.ActiveXObject) { for (var i=0; i 0) { var errorString = gs.text.dse.error_saving_changes + ": "; for(var i = 0; i < errorElems.length; i++) { errorString += " " + errorElems.item(i).firstChild.nodeValue; } alert(errorString); return true; } return false; //No errors } gs.functions.validateXML = function(txt) { // code for IE if (window.ActiveXObject) { var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async = "false"; xmlDoc.loadXML(document.all(txt).value); if(xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode!=0) { txt = dse.error_code + ": " + xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode + "\n"; txt = txt + dse.error_reason + ": " + xmlDoc.parseError.reason; txt = txt + dse.error_line + ": " + xmlDoc.parseError.line; console.log(txt); return null; } return xmlDoc; } // code for Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc. else if (document.implementation.createDocument) { var parser = new DOMParser(); var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(txt,"text/xml"); if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length > 0) { console.log(gs.text.dse.xml_error); return null; } return xmlDoc; } else { console.log(gs.text.dse.browse_cannot_validate_xml); } return null; } gs.functions.buildCollections = function(collections, finalFunction) { if(!collections || collections.length == 0) { console.log("List of collections to build is empty"); return; } var counter = 0; var buildFunction = function() { var ajax = new gs.functions.ajaxRequest();"GET", gs.xsltParams.library_name + "?a=g&rt=r&ro=1&s=BuildCollection&s1.collection=" + collections[counter]); ajax.onreadystatechange = function() { if(ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200) { var text = ajax.responseText; var xml = gs.functions.validateXML(text); if(!xml || gs.functions.checkForErrors(xml)) { console.log("Could not build collection -> " + collections[counter] + ", aborting"); return; } var status = xml.getElementsByTagName("status")[0]; var pid = status.getAttribute("pid"); gs.functions.startCheckLoop(pid, "BuildCollection", function() { var localAjax = new gs.functions.ajaxRequest();"GET", gs.xsltParams.library_name + "?a=g&rt=r&ro=1&s=ActivateCollection&s1.collection=" + collections[counter], true); localAjax.onreadystatechange = function() { if(localAjax.readyState == 4 && localAjax.status == 200) { var localText = localAjax.responseText; var localXML = gs.functions.validateXML(localText); if(!xml || gs.functions.checkForErrors(xml)) { console.log("Could not activate collection -> " + collections[counter] + ", aborting"); return; } var localStatus = localXML.getElementsByTagName("status")[0]; if(localStatus) { var localPID = localStatus.getAttribute("pid"); gs.functions.startCheckLoop(localPID, "ActivateCollection", function() { if (++counter == collections.length) { //Run this function once we are done building all the collections if(finalFunction){finalFunction();} } else { buildFunction(); } }); } } } localAjax.send(); }); } } ajax.send(); } buildFunction(); } gs.functions.startCheckLoop = function(pid, serverFunction, callbackFunction) { var ajaxFunction = function() { var ajax = new gs.functions.ajaxRequest();"GET", gs.xsltParams.library_name + "?a=g&rt=s&ro=1&s=" + serverFunction + "&" + pid, true); ajax.onreadystatechange = function() { if(ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200) { var text = ajax.responseText; var xml = gs.functions.validateXML(text); if(!xml || gs.functions.checkForErrors(xml)) { console.log("Could not check status of " + serverFunction + ", there was an error in the XML, aborting"); return; } var status = xml.getElementsByTagName("status")[0]; var code = status.getAttribute("code"); if (code == COMPLETED || code == SUCCESS) { callbackFunction(); } else if (code == HALTED || code == ERROR) { console.log("Could not check status of " + serverFunction + ", there was an error on the server, aborting"); } else { setTimeout(ajaxFunction, 1000); } } } ajax.send(); } ajaxFunction(); } function inc(a, b) { var carry = 0; var num = 0; var i = 0; while((carry || (i < a.length) || (i < b.length)) && (i < 100)) { num = carry; if(i < a.length){num += a[i];} if(i < b.length){num += b[i];} if(num >= 256) { num -= 256; carry = 1; } else { carry = 0; } a[i] = num; i++; } } function ifposDec(a, b) { var carry = 0; var num = 0; var i = 0; if(b.length > a.length){return a;} if(b.length == a.length) { i = a.length - 1; while(i >= 0) { if(a[i] > b[i]){break;} if(a[i] < b[i]){return a;} i--; } } i = 0; var len = 0; var outString = ""; while((i < a.length) || (i < b.length)) { num = -carry; if(i < a.length){num += a[i];} if(i < b.length){num -= b[i];} if(num < 0) { num += 256; carry = 1; } else { carry = 0; } a[i] = num; outString += num + "," i++ if(num != 0){len = i} } if(len < a.length) { a = a.slice(0, len); } return a; } function convertNum(a) { var result = new Array(); var i; var convert = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]; if(a.length == 0) { result.push("0"); return result; } for(i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result.push(convert[Math.floor(a[i]/16)]); result.push(convert[Math.floor(a[i]%16)]); } var resultString = ""; for(var j = 0; j < result.length; j++) { resultString += result[j]; } return resultString; } gs.functions.hashString = function(str) { var remainder = new Array(); var primePow = new Array(); var pow = [ 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1 ]; for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { primePow.push(pow.slice()); //The javascript way to do an array copy (yuck!) inc(pow, pow); } for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var c = str.charCodeAt(i); if(remainder.length == 99) { return null; } for(var j = remainder.length; j > 0; j--) { remainder[j] = remainder[j-1]; } remainder[0] = c; for(var j = 7; j >= 0; j--) { remainder = ifposDec(remainder, primePow[j]); } } return convertNum(remainder); } // This method performs an AJAX call after working out, based on parameters and internal decision-making code, // if it's using GET or POST, // asynchronous or synchronous AJAX, // jQuery's .ajax() method or gsajaxapi.js' regular JavaScript way of calling AJAX (necessary functions // now ported from GS2 to GS3) // and whether it needs to transmit the payload in URL or data structure (Java object) form. // In the past, the AJAX calls to only dealt with URLs and used jQuery .ajax(). As a // consequence of this particular combination, the calls in the past were all GET operations. // // - payload param: contains both the URL form and the data object form of the package to transmit over // AJAX to Based on the parameters and some internal variables, _callMetadataServer() // determines which to use. // - opts param: No function overloading in JavaScript. Can pass a custom object, however can pass opts, // see // // BEWARE: // errorResponseFunction is at present only called on error if using jQuery ajax (sync/async) and not if using gsajaxapi (sync/async). gs.functions._callMetadataServer = function(callingFunction, payload, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction, opts) { // async AJAX by default for get operations: because internal processing of 'read' operations (get meta) // is not order dependent. // Set/remove operations will switch to synchronous AJAX, unless opt["forceSync"] is set otherwise var async_setting = true; var method = "POST"; // GET was the default before // Set to false if you wish to use the regular JavaScript AJAX way in gsajaxapi.js (will use payload.url) // Set to true if using jQuery AJAX (will use var _use_jQuery_ajax_not_gsajaxapi = true; // _use_payload_in_data_not_url_form is determined based on vars method and _use_jQuery_ajax_not_gsajaxapi // If using AJAX with payload data (with jQuery) rather than using URLs containing data (payload in url): // using data will allow us to use jQuery to POST stuff too. // For gsajaxapi, payload to be transmitted over AJAX must be in URL form, whether GET or POST. // For jQuery, AJAX calls ended up as GET when the payload is in URL form. // Default used to be payload in url form. To get the default back, // set method = "GET" (above, but also in calling functions that specify this optional parameter!) // and set the default here below for _use_payload_in_data_not_url_form to false. var _use_payload_in_data_not_url_form = true; // code will anyway set this to true for jQuery $.ajax() with POST var _modifyingMeta = false; var url = payload["url"]; // for jQuery GET, and for GET and POST using JavaScript AJAX var data = payload["data"]; // for jQuery POST // check for any caller overrides if(opts != null) { if(opts["requestMethod"] != null) { method = opts["requestMethod"]; } } // sync or async? Generally, synchronous AJAX for set-meta operations, and asynchronous for get-meta ops var metaServerCommand = (data["s1.a"] == null) ? data["a"] : data["s1.a"]; if(metaServerCommand.indexOf("set-") != -1 || metaServerCommand.indexOf("remove-") != -1) { _modifyingMeta = true; async_setting = false; // for 'write' operations (set/remove meta), we force sequential processing of the internal operation. } // check for any overrides by calling code that knows what it's doing if (opts != null && opts["forceSync"] != null) { async_setting = (!opts["forceSync"]); } if(_use_jQuery_ajax_not_gsajaxapi) { if(method == "POST") { _use_payload_in_data_not_url_form = true; } // if GET, can use payload in URL form or in data form for jQuery AJAX // to put it another way: can't do jQuery POST operations with payload in URL form } else { // using gsajaxapi.js, which only accepts the payload in URL form, whether GET or POST _use_payload_in_data_not_url_form = false; } // use the URL form or the data form to transmit the payload over AJAX? // Payload in data form implies jQuery AJAX, not gsajaxapi calls, // since we can't use gsajaxapi.js AJAX GET/POST calls without payload in URL form if(_use_payload_in_data_not_url_form) { // using data payload to do AJAX (regardless of request method) // for get-meta operations, go directly through // for set-meta ops, should go via GS3 authentication, which is off the GS3 library servlet url = (_modifyingMeta) ? gs.xsltParams.library_name : "cgi-bin/"; } else { // uses data encoded into URL, rather than a data structure. data = null; // we're using the URL as payload, don't duplicate the payload to be transmitted into data url = payload["url"]; // payload["url"] contains the URL + data encoded in URL form // URL is already correct for get-meta vs meta-modification operations. // For meta-modification ops, it will through GS3 authentication first rather than } // finally, can do the AJAX call //console.log("*** Away to call: " + url); var ajaxResponse = async_setting ? "*** No response received yet, async ajax request" : null; if(_use_jQuery_ajax_not_gsajaxapi) { // ajax calls default to using method GET, we want to do POST operations for get-meta and set-meta requests // since get-meta-array and especially set-meta-array can be large, e.g. for user comments. $.ajax({url: url, async: async_setting, type: method, data: data}) .success(function(response) { ajaxResponse = response; // console.log("** (" + callingFunction + ") Response received from server: " + ajaxResponse); //var xml = $.parseXML(response); //console.log(xml); if(successResponseFunction != null) { //console.log("XXXX callMetaServer - Got response: " + response); successResponseFunction(response); } }) .error(function(response) { if(errorResponseFunction != null) { errorResponseFunction(response); } else { console.log("(" + callingFunction + ") Failed"); } }); } else { // USES GSAJAXAPI.JS to do AJAX. In this case, the payload must be in URL form var splitURL = url.split("?"); url = splitURL[0]; // base URL var params = splitURL[1]; // query-string // Don't need to delete objects created with 'new' in JavaScript. Garbage collection will do it. // var gsapi = new GSAjaxAPI(url); // ajax calls default to using method GET, we want to do POST operations for get-meta and set-meta requests // since get-meta-array and especially set-meta-array can be large, e.g. for user comments. if(async_setting) { gsapi.urlPostAsync(url, params, successResponseFunction); } else { ajaxResponse = gsapi.urlPostSync(url, params); ajaxResponse = ajaxResponse; } // console.log("*** (" + callingFunction + ") Response from server: " + ajaxResponse); } // console.log("*** Finished ajax call to: " + url); // console.log("*** Got response: " + ajaxResponse); return ajaxResponse; } // Prepare the payload (data package) to transmit to over AJAX. // These next 2 functions prepare both the URL version of the payload and the data object version of // of the payload. Then calling functions, and the _callMetadataServer() function they call, will control // and determine which of the two forms ultimately gets used. // (Constructing both URL and data structure, as I could not successfully convert old URL way to data structure // gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer = function(metaServerCommand, collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metamode, metadataValue, prevMetadataValue, metadataPosition) { // if we're doing set- or remove- metadata operations, // then we need change the data params that will make up the query string // to make sure we go through GS3's authentication // 1. prefix meta names with s1, // 2. use s1.collection for collectionName since c is a special param name for GS2Construct // 3. Additional parameters for rerouting through Authentication: a=g&rt=r&ro=1&s=ModifyMetadata var modifyingMeta = false; var prefix = ""; var colPropName = "c"; var baseURL = "cgi-bin/"; // if we need authentication: if(metaServerCommand.indexOf("set-") != -1 || metaServerCommand.indexOf("remove-") != -1) { modifyingMeta = true; prefix = "s1."; colPropName = prefix+"collection"; // "s1.collection" baseURL = gs.xsltParams.library_name + "?a=g&rt=r&ro=1&s=ModifyMetadata&"; } // 1. when using jQuery to POST, need to invoke AJAX with a data structure rather than a URL var data = {}; // customizable portion of ajax call data[prefix+"a"] = metaServerCommand; data[colPropName] = collection; data[prefix+"site"] = site; data[prefix+"d"] = documentID; data[prefix+"metaname"] = metadataName; data[prefix+"metapos"] = metadataPosition; data[prefix+"metavalue"] = metadataValue; data[prefix+"prevmetavalue"] = prevMetadataValue; data[prefix+"metamode"] = metamode; if(modifyingMeta) { // fixed portion of url: add the a=g&rt=r&ro=1&s=ModifyMetadata part of the GS3 URL for // going through authentication. Don't prefix "s1." to these! data["a"] = "g"; data["rt"] = "r"; data["ro"] = "1"; data["s"] = "ModifyMetadata"; } // 2. Construct the URL version of the operation: // for GET requests, the URL can contain the data. // Regular JavaScript AJAX code in gsajaxapi.js can also POST data in URL form, but not jQuery's .ajax(). // If doing set- or remove- (not get-) metadata, then rewrite URLs to call GS2Construct's ModfiyMetadata service instead (which will ensure this only works when authenticated). // From: // /cgi-bin/ // To: // /library?a=g&rt=r&ro=1&s=ModifyMetadata&s1.a=set-archives-metadata&s1.collection=smallcol& var extraParams = ""; if(metadataValue != null) { extraParams += "&"+prefix+"metavalue=" + metadataValue; } if(metadataPosition != null) { extraParams += "&"+prefix+"metapos=" + metadataPosition; } if(prevMetadataValue != null) { extraParams += "&"+prefix+"prevmetavalue=" + prevMetadataValue; } var url = baseURL + prefix+"a=" + metaServerCommand + "&"+colPropName+"=" + collection + "&"+prefix+"site=" + site + "&"+prefix+"d=" + documentID + "&"+prefix+"metaname=" + metadataName + extraParams + "&"+prefix+"metamode=" + metamode; // 3. Return both the constructed url & data variants of the payload to be transmitted over ajax var payload = { url: url, data: data }; return payload; } // See description for getBasicDataForMetadataServer() gs.functions.getComplexDataForMetadataServer = function(metaServerCommand, collection, site, docArray, metamode, where) { var docArrayJSON = JSON.stringify(docArray); // if we're doing set- or remove- metadata operations, // then we need change the data params that will make up the query string // to make sure we go through GS3's authentication // 1. prefix meta names with s1, // 2. use s1.collection for collectionName since c is a special param name for GS2Construct // 3. Additional parameters for rerouting through Authentication: a=g&rt=r&ro=1&s=ModifyMetadata var modifyingMeta = false; var prefix = ""; var colPropName = "c"; var baseURL = "cgi-bin/"; // if we need authentication: if(metaServerCommand.indexOf("set-") != -1 || metaServerCommand.indexOf("remove-") != -1) { modifyingMeta = true; prefix = "s1."; colPropName = prefix+"collection"; // "s1.collection" baseURL = gs.xsltParams.library_name + "?a=g&rt=r&ro=1&s=ModifyMetadata&"; } // 1. when using jQuery to POST, need to invoke AJAX with a data structure rather than a URL var data = {}; // customizable portion of ajax call data[prefix+"a"] = metaServerCommand; data[colPropName] = collection; data[prefix+"site"] = site; data[prefix+"json"] = docArrayJSON; if(where != null) { data[prefix+"where"] = where; } if (metamode!=null) { data[prefix+"metamode"] = metamode; } if(modifyingMeta) { // fixed portion of url: add the a=g&rt=r&ro=1&s=ModifyMetadata part of the GS3 URL for // going through authentication. Don't prefix "s1." to these! data["a"] = "g"; data["rt"] = "r"; data["ro"] = "1"; data["s"] = "ModifyMetadata"; } // 2. URL for when doing AJAX in URL mode. GET with jQuery allows the data to be part of the URL, but // not jQuery POST. But our regular JavaScript AJAX code in gsajaxapi.js allows GET and POST with URLs // containing the data. var params = prefix+"a=" + escape(metaServerCommand); //"a=set-metadata-array"; if(where != null) { params += "&"+prefix+"where=" + escape(where); // if where not specified, meta-server will default to setting index meta //} else { // params += "&"+prefix+"where=import|archives|index"; } params += "&"+colPropName+"="+escape(collection); params += "&"+prefix+"site="+escape(site); params += "&"+prefix+"json="+escape(docArrayJSON); if (metamode!=null) { params += "&"+prefix+"metamode=" + escape(metamode); } // 3. Return both the constructed url & data variants of the payload to be transmitted over ajax var payload = { url: baseURL + params, data: data }; return payload; } /************************* * SET METADATA FUNCTIONS * *************************/ gs.functions.setImportMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metadataValue, prevMetadataValue, metamode, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value gs.functions._callMetadataServer( "setImportMetadata", gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("set-import-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metamode, metadataValue, prevMetadataValue, null /*metapos*/), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } gs.functions.setArchivesMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metadataPosition, metadataValue, prevMetadataValue, metamode, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if(metadataValue) console.log("metaval: " + metadataValue + " | " + gs.functions.debug_unicode_string(metadataValue)); //metadataValue.hexEncode() if(prevMetadataValue) console.log("prevmetaval: " + prevMetadataValue + " | " + gs.functions.debug_unicode_string(prevMetadataValue)); if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value if(metadataPosition != null) { prevMetadataValue = null; // to force the same ultimate behaviour as in the old version of this code } gs.functions._callMetadataServer( "setArchivesMetadata", gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("set-archives-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metamode, metadataValue, prevMetadataValue, metadataPosition), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } gs.functions.setIndexMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metadataPosition, metadataValue, prevMetadataValue, metamode, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value if(metadataPosition != null) { prevMetadataValue = null; // to force the same ultimate behaviour as in the old version of this code } // old version of this function would only call _callMetadataServer if either metapos // or prevMetaValue had a value. So sticking to the same behaviour in rewriting this function. if(metadataPosition != null || prevMetadataValue != null) { gs.functions._callMetadataServer( "setIndexMetadata", gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("set-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metamode, metadataValue, prevMetadataValue, metadataPosition), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } } gs.functions.setMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metadataValue, metamode, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value var nameArray = ["setImportMetadata", "setArchivesMetadata", "setIndexMetadata"]; var functionArray = ["set-import-metadata", "set-archives-metadata", "set-metadata"]; for(var i = 0; i < nameArray.length; i++) { // previous version of this function did not allow setting metapos or prevMetavalue // so leaving the behaviour the same along with function signature. gs.functions._callMetadataServer( nameArray[i], gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer(functionArray[i], collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metamode, metadataValue, null /*prevMetadataValue*/, null /*metadataPosition*/), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } } // New. Modified version of the GS2 version of this method in gsajaxapi.js. // The where parameter can be specified as one or more of: import, archives, index, live // separated by |. If null, it is assumed to be index which is the original default // behaviour of calling set-metadata-array. E.g. where=import|archives|index // THIS METHOD IS SYNCHRONOUS by default. Set forceSync to false to override this default behaviour gs.functions.setMetadataArray = function(collection, site, docArray, metamode, where, successResponseFunction, forceSync, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value var payload = gs.functions.getComplexDataForMetadataServer("set-metadata-array", collection, site, docArray, metamode, where); // set operations are generally synchronous, but allow calling function to force ajax call // to be synchronous or not. Default is synchronous, as it was for GS2 if(forceSync == null) { forceSync = true; } //console.log("cgi-bin/"+params); var response = gs.functions._callMetadataServer("Setting metadata in "+where, payload, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction, {"forceSync": forceSync, "requestMethod": "POST"}); return response; } /************************* * GET METADATA FUNCTIONS * *************************/ // New. Modified version of the GS2 version of this method in gsajaxapi.js. // See description for setMetadataArray above for information about the 'where' parameter. // THIS METHOD IS SYNCHRONOUS BY DEFAULT. Set forceSync to false to override this default behaviour gs.functions.getMetadataArray = function(collection, site, docArray, where, successResponseFunction, forceSync, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value var payload = gs.functions.getComplexDataForMetadataServer("get-metadata-array", collection, site, docArray, null /*metamode*/, where); // get operations are generally asynchronous, but allow calling function to force ajax call // to be synchronous or not. Default for get-metadata-array is synchronous, as it was for GS2 if(forceSync == null) { forceSync = true; } // Objects/maps can use identifiers or strings for property names // // var response = gs.functions._callMetadataServer("Getting metadata from "+where, payload, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction, {"forceSync":forceSync, "requestMethod": "POST"}); return response; } gs.functions.getImportMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value var payload = gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("get-import-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName); gs.functions._callMetadataServer("getImportMetadata", payload, function(responseText) { var metadata = new GSMetadata(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, null, null, responseText); if(successResponseFunction != null) { successResponseFunction(metadata); } }, errorResponseFunction); } gs.functions.getArchivesMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metadataPosition, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value var payload = gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("get-archives-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName, null /*metamode*/, null /*metavalue*/, null /*prevmetavalue*/, metadataPosition); gs.functions._callMetadataServer("getArchivesMetadata", payload, function(responseText) { var metadata = new GSMetadata(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, null, metadataPosition, responseText); // indexPos, archivesPos, metaval (responseText) if(successResponseFunction != null) { successResponseFunction(metadata); } }, errorResponseFunction); } gs.functions.getIndexMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metadataPosition, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value var payload = gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("get-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName, null /*metamode*/, null /*metavalue*/, null /*prevmetavalue*/, metadataPosition); gs.functions._callMetadataServer("getIndexMetadata", payload, function(responseText) { var metadata = new GSMetadata(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metadataPosition, null, responseText); // indexPos, archivesPos, metaval (responseText) if(successResponseFunction != null) { successResponseFunction(metadata); } }, errorResponseFunction); } /**************************** * REMOVE METADATA FUNCTIONS * ****************************/ gs.functions.removeImportMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metadataValue, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value gs.functions._callMetadataServer( "removeImportMetadata", gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("remove-import-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName, null /*metamode*/, metadataValue, null /*prevmetavalue*/, null /*metapos*/), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } gs.functions.removeArchivesMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metadataPosition, metadataValue, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value if(metadataPosition != null) { metadataValue = null; // retaining behaviour of previous version of this function removeArchivesMetadata() } gs.functions._callMetadataServer( "removeArchivesMetadata", gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("remove-archives-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName, null /*metamode*/, metadataValue, null /*prevmetavalue*/, metadataPosition), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } gs.functions.removeIndexMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metadataPosition, metadataValue, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value if(metadataPosition != null) { metadataValue = null; // retaining behaviour of previous version of this function removeIndexMetadata() } gs.functions._callMetadataServer( "removeIndexMetadata", gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("remove-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName, null /*metamode*/, metadataValue, null /*prevmetavalue*/, metadataPosition), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } gs.functions.removeMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, metadataValue, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value var nameArray = ["removeImportMetadata", "removeArchivesMetadata", "removeIndexMetadata"]; var functionArray = ["remove-import-metadata", "remove-archives-metadata", "remove-metadata"]; for(var i = 0; i < nameArray.length; i++) { gs.functions._callMetadataServer( nameArray[i], gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer(functionArray[i], collection, site, documentID, metadataName, null /*metamode*/, metadataValue, null /*prevmetavalue*/, null /*metapos*/), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } } /*********************************************************** * ERASE METADATA FUNCTIONS * * Erase all meta in docID (sectionID) that match metaname. * ***********************************************************/ gs.functions.eraseImportMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value gs.functions._callMetadataServer( "eraseImportMetadata", gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("erase-import-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName, "override" /*metamode*/, null /*metadataValue*/, null /*prevmetavalue*/, null /*metadataPosition*/), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } gs.functions.eraseArchivesMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value gs.functions._callMetadataServer( "eraseArchivesMetadata", gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("erase-archives-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName, "override" /*metamode*/, null /*metadataValue*/, null /*prevmetavalue*/, null /*metadataPosition*/), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } gs.functions.eraseIndexMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value gs.functions._callMetadataServer( "eraseIndexMetadata", gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer("erase-metadata", collection, site, documentID, metadataName, "override" /*metamode*/, null /*metadataValue*/, null /*prevmetavalue*/, null /*metadataPosition*/), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } gs.functions.eraseMetadata = function(collection, site, documentID, metadataName, successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction) { if( typeof errorResponseFunction === 'undefined' ) { errorResponseFunction = null; } // force error callback to be defined: either null or has value var nameArray = ["eraseImportMetadata", "eraseArchivesMetadata", "eraseIndexMetadata"]; var functionArray = ["erase-import-metadata", "erase-archives-metadata", "erase-metadata"]; for(var i = 0; i < nameArray.length; i++) { gs.functions._callMetadataServer( nameArray[i], gs.functions.getBasicDataForMetadataServer(functionArray[i], collection, site, documentID, metadataName, "override" /*metamode*/, null /*metadataValue*/, null /*prevmetavalue*/, null /*metadataPosition*/), successResponseFunction, errorResponseFunction); } }