var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; var Event = YAHOO.util.Event; var DDM = YAHOO.util.DragDropMgr; //var tempPlaceholderList; //var tempPlaceholder; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // custom drag and drop implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// YAHOO.example.DDList = function(id, sGroup, config) {, id, sGroup, config); this.logger = this.logger || YAHOO; var el = this.getDragEl(); Dom.setStyle(el, "opacity", 0.67); // The proxy is slightly transparent this.goingUp = false; this.lastY = 0; }; YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.example.DDList, YAHOO.util.DDProxy, { startDrag: function(x, y) { this.logger.log( + " startDrag"); /* if(!tempPlaceholder) { tempPlaceholderList = document.createElement("UL"); tempPlaceholderList.setAttribute("class", "emptyList"); tempPlaceHolder = createPlaceholder(null, null, false); tempPlaceholderList.appendChild(tempPlaceHolder); } */ // make the proxy look like the source element var dragEl = this.getDragEl(); var clickEl = this.getEl(); this.sourcePrevSibling = getPrevSiblingOfType(clickEl, "li"); this.sourceNextSibling = getNextSiblingOfType(clickEl, "li"); this.sourceParentList = clickEl.parentList; closeAllOpenContents(); Dom.setStyle(clickEl, "visibility", "hidden"); dragEl.innerHTML = clickEl.innerHTML; var child = clickEl.childList; var contents = clickEl.textDiv; if(child) { this.dragElChild = child; Dom.setStyle(child, "display", "none"); } else { this.dragElChild = null; } if(contents) { this.contents = contents; } else { this.contents = null; } Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "color", Dom.getStyle(clickEl, "color")); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "backgroundColor", Dom.getStyle(clickEl, "backgroundColor")); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "border", "2px solid gray"); }, endDrag: function(e) { var srcEl = this.getEl(); var proxy = this.getDragEl(); // Show the proxy element and animate it to the src element's location Dom.setStyle(proxy, "visibility", ""); var a = new YAHOO.util.Motion( proxy, { points: { to: Dom.getXY(srcEl) } }, 0.1, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut ); var proxyElem = proxy; var thisElem = this; var last = this.lastMoved; // Hide the proxy and show the source element when finished with the animation a.onComplete.subscribe(function() { //Make the helper invisible Dom.setStyle(, "visibility", "hidden"); //Make the actual item visible again Dom.setStyle(, "visibility", ""); //Show the child list if the section has one if(srcEl.childList) { Dom.setStyle(srcEl.childList, "display", "block"); insertAfter(srcEl.childList, srcEl); } //Move the element's text div if it has one if(srcEl.textDiv) { insertAfter(srcEl.textDiv, srcEl); } var reverse = false; var newNodeID = null; //Make sure we have the ID of the last section moved if(last.nodeID) { newNodeID = last.nodeID; //We only want to modify the new node ID if the two sections are at the same level in the same document if(!srcEl.nodeID || (newNodeID.split(".").length == srcEl.nodeID.split(".").length && srcEl.nodeID.split(".")[0] == newNodeID.split(".")[0])) { if(thisElem.goingUp && (last.index > srcEl.index)) { var lastDigit = parseInt(newNodeID.substring(newNodeID.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)); if(lastDigit == 1){lastDigit = 2;} //Make sure we never get 0 newNodeID = newNodeID.replace(/\.[^\.]*$/, "." + --lastDigit); reverse = true; } else if(!srcEl.nodeID || (!thisElem.goingUp && (last.index < srcEl.index))) { var lastDigit = parseInt(newNodeID.substring(newNodeID.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)); newNodeID = newNodeID.replace(/\.[^\.]*$/, "." + ++lastDigit); reverse = true; } } } var operation; if(thisElem.goingUp) { operation = reverse ? "insertAfter" : "insertBefore"; } else { operation = reverse ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"; } //If a new section has just been dragged in if(srcEl.newSection) { srcEl.newSection = null; //Create a new draggable section to replace the one we just moved createDraggableNewSection(srcEl.parent); //Add the normal things to the new section var textDiv = createSectionTextDiv(null); srcEl.textDiv = textDiv; insertAfter(textDiv, srcEl); textDiv.parentItem = srcEl; createSectionMenu(srcEl); setMouseOverAndOutFunctions(srcEl); srcEl.setAttribute("class", srcEl.getAttribute("class").replace(/newSection/g, "")); srcEl.dbID = _idCounter++; srcEl.collection = last.collection; _allContents.push(srcEl); var undo = new Array(); undo.op = "del"; undo.srcElem = srcEl; undo.removeTransaction = true; _undoOperations.push(undo); saveTransaction('{"operation":"create", "subOperation":"' + operation + '", "collection":"' + last.collection + '", "oid":"' + newNodeID + '"}'); addCollectionToBuild(last.collection); } else { var needsUndo = false; if(gs.functions.hasClass(last, "placeHolder")) { //Removed the dashed border that surrounds an empty section if(last.parentNode) { removeFromParent(last); } if(last.isEmptyList) { saveTransaction('{"operation":"move", "subOperation":"append", "collection":"' + srcEl.collection + '", "oid":"' + srcEl.nodeID + '", "newCollection":"' + last.collection + '", "newOID":"' + last.nodeID + '"}'); } else { saveTransaction('{"operation":"move", "subOperation":"insertAfter", "collection":"' + srcEl.collection + '", "oid":"' + srcEl.nodeID + '", "newCollection":"' + last.collection + '", "newOID":"' + last.nodeID + '"}'); } addCollectionToBuild(srcEl.collection); addCollectionToBuild(last.collection); needsUndo = true; } else { if(srcEl.collection != last.collection || srcEl.nodeID != newNodeID) { saveTransaction('{"operation":"move", "subOperation":"' + operation + '", "collection":"' + srcEl.collection + '", "oid":"' + srcEl.nodeID + '", "newCollection":"' + last.collection + '", "newOID":"' + newNodeID + '"}'); addCollectionToBuild(srcEl.collection); addCollectionToBuild(last.collection); needsUndo = true; } } //Save the undo operation if necessary if(needsUndo) { var undo = new Array(); if(thisElem.sourceNextSibling) { undo.op = "mvb"; undo.refElem = thisElem.sourceNextSibling; } else if(thisElem.sourcePrevSibling) { undo.op = "mva"; undo.refElem = thisElem.sourcePrevSibling; } else { undo.op = "mvi"; undo.refElem = thisElem.sourceParentList; } undo.srcElem = srcEl; undo.removeTransaction = true; _undoOperations.push(undo); } } updateFromTop(); }); a.animate(); if(gs.functions.hasClass(srcEl.previousSibling, "placeHolder")) { removeFromParent(srcEl.previousSibling); new YAHOO.example.DDList(srcEl.parentNode.previousSibling); } if(gs.functions.hasClass(srcEl, "topLevelItem")) { srcEl.setAttribute("class", srcEl.getAttribute("class").replace(/topLevelItem/g, "")); } }, onDragDrop: function(e, id) { // If there is one drop interaction, the li was dropped either on the list, // or it was dropped on the current location of the source element. if (DDM.interactionInfo.drop.length === 1) { // The position of the cursor at the time of the drop (YAHOO.util.Point) var pt = DDM.interactionInfo.point; // The region occupied by the source element at the time of the drop var region = DDM.interactionInfo.sourceRegion; // Check to see if we are over the source element's location. We will // append to the bottom of the list once we are sure it was a drop in // the negative space (the area of the list without any list items) if (!region.intersect(pt)) { var destEl = Dom.get(id); var destDD = DDM.getDDById(id); if(gs.functions.hasClass(destEl, "topLevelItem") && gs.functions.hasClass(destEl, "dragList")) { destEl.appendChild(this.getEl()); } destDD.isEmpty = false; DDM.refreshCache(); } } }, onDrag: function(e) { // Keep track of the direction of the drag for use during onDragOver var y = Event.getPageY(e); if (y < this.lastY) { this.goingUp = true; } else if (y > this.lastY) { this.goingUp = false; } this.lastY = y; }, onDragOver: function(e, id) { var srcEl = this.getEl(); var destEl = Dom.get(id); // We are only concerned with list items, we ignore the dragover // notifications for the list. if(destEl.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li") { if((gs.functions.hasClass(destEl, "dragItem") || gs.functions.hasClass(destEl, "placeHolder")) && !gs.functions.hasClass(destEl, "topLevelItem") && !gs.functions.hasClass(destEl, "newSection")) { var orig_p = srcEl.parentNode; var p = destEl.parentNode; var child = destEl.childList; var contents = destEl.textDiv; if (this.goingUp) { p.insertBefore(srcEl, destEl); } else { p.insertBefore(srcEl, destEl.nextSibling); } //This is to stop items being inserted between a section and its children if(child) { insertAfter(child, destEl); } if(contents) { insertAfter(contents, destEl); } this.lastMoved = destEl; DDM.refreshCache(); } } } });