source: main/trunk/model-sites-dev/heritage-nz/collect/reports-2019/etc/collectionConfig.xml@ 32806

Last change on this file since 32806 was 32806, checked in by davidb, 5 years ago

Initial setup for reports pdf collection (2019 spreadsheet)

  • Property svn:mime-type set to application/xml
File size: 12.6 KB
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<CollectionConfig xmlns:gsf="" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:gslib="">
3 <metadataList>
4 <metadata name="creator"></metadata>
5 <metadata name="maintainer"></metadata>
6 <metadata name="public">true</metadata>
7 </metadataList>
8 <displayItemList>
9 <displayItem assigned="true" lang="en" name="name">PDF Reports</displayItem>
10 <displayItem assigned="true" lang="en" name="description">
11 &lt;h1&gt;(Unofficial) Archaeological Reports Digital Library&lt;/h1&gt;
12 &lt;b&gt;(Experimental Demo using Greenstone 3)&lt;/b&gt;
14 &lt;p&gt;
15 Heritage New Zealand holds an extensive collection
16 of unpublished archaeological reports resulting from
17 site surveys, excavations, research programmes and
18 archaeological authorities. There are over 7000
19 volumes dating from the early 1970s to the present
20 in the collection.
21 &lt;/p&gt;
23 &lt;figure class=""&gt;
24 &lt;img src=";mw=920" width="220" alt="Archaeological digital library" /&gt;
25 &lt;/figure&gt;
27 &lt;p&gt;Should you prefer, you may contact us as follows:&lt;/p&gt;
28 &lt;p&gt;Archaeological Digital Library&lt;br&gt;
29 Heritage New Zealand&lt;br&gt;
30 National Office&lt;br&gt;
31 P O Box 2629&lt;br&gt;
32 Wellington 6140&lt;/p&gt;
33 &lt;p&gt;tel: (04) 472 4341&lt;/p&gt;
36 </displayItem>
37 <!-- shortDescription is used as a tooltip for collection icon on home page-->
38 <displayItem assigned="true" lang="en" name="shortDescription">Archaeological Reports Digital Library</displayItem>
39 </displayItemList>
40 <!-- Global format statement -->
41 <format>
42 <gsf:template name="choose-title">
43 <gsf:choose-metadata>
44 <gsf:metadata name="dc.Title"/>
45 <gsf:metadata name="exp.Title"/>
46 <gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Title"/>
47 <gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
48 <gsf:default>Untitled</gsf:default>
49 </gsf:choose-metadata>
50 </gsf:template>
51 </format>
52 <search type="solr">
53 <level name="document">
54 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">document</displayItem>
55 </level>
56 <level name="section">
57 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">section</displayItem>
58 </level>
59 <defaultLevel name="document"/>
60 <index name="text">
61 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">text</displayItem>
62 </index>
63 <index name="dc.Title,ex.dc.Title,Title">
64 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">titles</displayItem>
65 </index>
66 <index name="Author">
67 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">authors</displayItem>
68 </index>
69 <index name="AuthorityNo">
70 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">authority number</displayItem>
71 </index>
72 <index name="SiteNo">
73 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">site number</displayItem>
74 </index>
76 <defaultIndex name="text"/>
77 <sort name="rank">
78 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">rank</displayItem>
79 </sort>
80 <sort name="Date">
81 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">year</displayItem>
82 </sort>
83 <sort name="none">
84 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">natural (build) order</displayItem>
85 </sort>
88 <facet name="TLA">
89 <displayItem lang="en" name="name">Territorial Authorities</displayItem>
90 </facet>
92 <searchType name="plain"/>
93 <!--
94 <searchType name="simpleform"/>
95 -->
96 <searchType name="advancedform"/>
98 <format>
99 <gsf:template match="documentNode">
102 <gsf:switch>
103 <gsf:metadata name="Plugin"/>
104 <gsf:when test="equals" test-value="CSVPlugin">
105 <td valign="top">
106 <gsf:link type="document">
107 <gsf:icon type="document"/>
108 </gsf:link>
109 </td>
110 <td>
111 <gsf:link type="document">
112 <xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
113 </gsf:link>
114 </td>
116 </gsf:when>
117 <gsf:otherwise>
118 <td valign="top">
120 <gsf:link type="document">
121 <gsf:icon type="document"/>
122 </gsf:link>
125 <gsf:link type="source">
126 <gsf:choose-metadata>
127 <gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
128 <gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
129 </gsf:choose-metadata>
130 </gsf:link>
131 </td>
132 <td>
133 <gsf:link type="source">
134 <xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
135 </gsf:link>
136 </td>
138 </gsf:otherwise>
139 </gsf:switch>
142 </gsf:template>
143 </format>
144 </search>
146 <infodb type="jdbm"/>
148 <import>
149 <pluginList>
150 <plugin name="ZIPPlugin"/>
151 <plugin name="GreenstoneXMLPlugin"/>
152 <plugin name="MetadataCSVPlugin">
153 <option name="-process_exp" value="\/?PDF-BOUND.*\.csv$"/>
154 </plugin>
155 <plugin name="CSVPlugin">
156 <option name="-process_exp" value="\/?UNBOUND.*\.csv$"/>
157 <option name="-block_exp" value="\/?UNBOUND.*\.xls$"/>
158 </plugin>
159 <plugin name="TextPlugin"/>
160 <plugin name="HTMLPlugin"/>
161 <plugin name="EmailPlugin"/>
162 <plugin name="PDFv2Plugin">
163 <option name="-enable_cache"/>
164 </plugin>
165 <plugin name="RTFPlugin"/>
166 <plugin name="WordPlugin"/>
167 <plugin name="PostScriptPlugin"/>
168 <plugin name="PowerPointPlugin"/>
169 <plugin name="ExcelPlugin"/>
170 <plugin name="ImagePlugin"/>
171 <plugin name="ISISPlugin"/>
172 <plugin name="NulPlugin"/>
173 <plugin name="OAIPlugin"/>
174 <plugin name="MetadataXMLPlugin"/>
175 <plugin name="ArchivesInfPlugin"/>
176 <plugin name="DirectoryPlugin"/>
177 </pluginList>
178 <importOption name="OIDtype" value="assigned"/>
179 <importOption name="OIDmetadata" value="hnz.Identifier"/>
180 </import>
181 <browse>
183 <classifier name="List">
184 <option name="-metadata" value="dc.Title;Title"/>
185 <option name="-partition_type_within_level" value="approximate_size"/>
186 </classifier>
188 <classifier name="AZList">
189 <option name="-metadata" value="dc.Title,Title"/>
190 <option name="-removeprefix" value="\&quot;|\'|\(|(\d+\s*)"/>
191 <option name="-removesuffix" value="\):.*$"/>
192 </classifier>
193 <classifier name="AZCompactList">
194 <option name="-metadata" value="Author"/>
195 </classifier>
196 <classifier name="DateList">
197 <option name="-metadata" value="Date"/>
198 </classifier>
200 <classifier name="AZCompactList">
201 <option name="-metadata" value="TLA"/>
202 <option name="-buttonname" value="Territorial Authorities"/>
203 </classifier>
205 <format>
206 <gsf:template match="documentNode">
208 <gsf:switch>
209 <gsf:metadata name="Plugin"/>
210 <gsf:when test="equals" test-value="CSVPlugin">
211 <td valign="top">
212 <gsf:link type="document">
213 <gsf:icon type="document"/>
214 </gsf:link>
215 </td>
216 <td valign="top">
217 <gsf:link type="document">
218 <!-- Defined in the global format statement -->
219 <xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
220 <gsf:switch>
221 <gsf:metadata name="Date"/>
222 <gsf:when test="exists">&#160;<i>(<gsf:metadata name="Date"/>)</i></gsf:when>
223 </gsf:switch>
224 </gsf:link>
225 </td>
227 </gsf:when>
228 <gsf:otherwise>
229 <td valign="top">
231 <gsf:link type="document">
232 <gsf:icon type="document"/>
233 </gsf:link>
236 <gsf:link type="source">
237 <gsf:choose-metadata>
238 <gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
239 <gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
240 </gsf:choose-metadata>
241 </gsf:link>
242 </td>
243 <td valign="top">
244 <gsf:link type="source">
245 <!-- Defined in the global format statement -->
246 <xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
247 <gsf:switch>
248 <gsf:metadata name="Date"/>
249 <gsf:when test="exists">&#160;<i>(<gsf:metadata name="Date"/>)</i></gsf:when>
250 </gsf:switch>
251 </gsf:link>
252 </td>
254 </gsf:otherwise>
255 </gsf:switch>
257 </gsf:template>
258 <gsf:template match="classifierNode[@classifierStyle = 'VList']">
259 <td valign="top">
260 <gsf:link type="classifier">
261 <gsf:icon type="classifier"/>
262 </gsf:link>
263 </td>
264 <td valign="top">
265 <gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
266 </td>
267 </gsf:template>
268 <gsf:template match="classifierNode[@classifierStyle = 'HList']">
269 <gsf:link type="classifier">
270 <gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
271 </gsf:link>
272 </gsf:template>
273 </format>
274 </browse>
275 <display>
276 <format>
277 <gsf:option name="TOC" value="true"/>
279 <!--
280 Overwriting this template allows you to change the heading of the document.
281 -->
282 <!--
283 <gsf:template name="documentHeading">
284 <span style="font-weight:bold; font-size: 120%;">
285 <xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
286 </span>
287 </gsf:template>
288 -->
290 <!--
291 Overwriting this template can be used to redefine the content of the whole document.
292 This is useful for simple documents, but not recommended for more complex documents
293 (e.g. hierachical and paged documents) as it can prevent any sub-sections from showing.
294 -->
296 <gsf:template name="documentContent">
297 <style>
298 tr:nth-child(odd) {background: #dddddd}
299 tr:nth-child(even) {background: #f5f3e5}
300 i { font-style: italic; }
301 td { padding: 2px; }
302 </style>
303 <gsf:switch>
304 <gsf:metadata name="Plugin"/>
305 <gsf:when test="equals" test-value="CSVPlugin">
306 <table>
307 <tbody>
308 <tr>
309 <td>
310 Identifier:
311 </td>
312 <td>
313 <i><gsf:metadata name="hnz.Identifier"/></i>
314 </td>
315 </tr>
317 <tr>
318 <td>
319 Title:
320 </td>
321 <td>
322 <i>
323 <!--
324 <gsf:link type="source">
325 <gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
326 </gsf:link>
327 -->
328 <gsf:metadata name="dc.Title" highlight="true"/>
329 </i>
330 </td>
331 </tr>
333 <tr>
334 <td>
335 Author(s):
336 </td>
337 <td>
338 <gsf:foreach-metadata name="Author" separator="; ">
339 <i><gsf:meta-value/></i>
340 </gsf:foreach-metadata>
341 </td>
342 </tr>
344 <tr>
345 <td>
346 Date:
347 </td>
348 <td>
349 <i><gsf:metadata name="Date"/></i>
350 </td>
351 </tr>
353 <tr>
354 <td>
355 Territorial Authorities:
356 </td>
357 <td>
358 <i><gsf:metadata name="TLA"/></i>
359 </td>
360 </tr>
362 <tr>
363 <td>
364 Authority No:
365 </td>
366 <td>
367 <i><gsf:metadata name="AuthorityNo"/></i>
368 </td>
369 </tr>
371 <tr>
372 <td>
373 Site No:
374 </td>
375 <td>
376 <i><gsf:metadata name="SiteNo"/></i>
377 </td>
378 </tr>
379 </tbody>
380 </table>
381 </gsf:when>
382 <gsf:otherwise>
383 <xsl:call-template name="wrappedSectionImage"/>
384 <xsl:call-template name="wrappedSectionText"/>
385 </gsf:otherwise>
386 </gsf:switch>
387 </gsf:template>
389 <gsf:template name="wrappedDocument">
390 <xsl:call-template name="documentHeading"/><br/>
391 <xsl:call-template name="documentContent"/>
392 </gsf:template>
394 <!--
395 Overwriting this template can be used to change the content of section headings.
396 -->
397 <!--
398 <gsf:template name="sectionHeading">
399 <xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
400 </gsf:template>
401 -->
403 <!--
404 Overwriting this template can be used to change the content of the top-level section.
405 -->
406 <!--
407 <gsf:template name="topLevelSectionContent">
409 <xsl:call-template name="wrappedSectionImage"/>
410 <xsl:call-template name="wrappedSectionText"/>
411 </gsf:template>
412 -->
414 <!--
415 Overwriting this template can be used to change the content of sections.
416 -->
417 <!--
418 <gsf:template name="sectionContent">
419 <xsl:call-template name="wrappedSectionImage"/>
420 <xsl:call-template name="wrappedSectionText"/>
421 </gsf:template>
422 -->
423 </format>
424 </display>
425 <replaceListRef id="gs2-standard"/>
426 <replaceListRef id="gs2-image" />
427 <serviceRackList>
428 <!-- comment out the following serviceRack if you want to disable RSS for this collection -->
429 <serviceRack name="RSSRetrieve"/>
430 <!-- comment out the following serviceRack if you want to disable OAI for this collection -->
431 <serviceRack name="OAIPMH">
432 <setName>reports</setName>
433 <setDescription></setDescription>
434 <!-- uncomment the following and set the name attribute if
435 you want this collection to be part of a super set. -->
436 <!--<oaiSuperSet name="xxx"/>-->
437 <ListMetadataFormats>
438 <!--What metadata sets to support for this collection. You can select any set that is specified in OAIConfig.xml. To use a new set, you need to add a set definition in OAIConfig.xml, then reference it here, like:
439 <metadataFormat metadataPrefix="prefix"/> -->
441 <metadataFormat metadataPrefix="oai_dc">
442 <!-- you can customize the mappings by adding elements in here. See resources/oai/OAIConfig.xml for the format-->
443 </metadataFormat>
444 </ListMetadataFormats>
445 </serviceRack>
446 </serviceRackList>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.