source: other-projects/expeditee-release-kits/kits/rke/ant-scripts/compile.xml@ 30406

Last change on this file since 30406 was 30406, checked in by ak19, 8 years ago

Minor change. rke log for expeditee should have the os suffix on all OS.

File size: 1.9 KB
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2<project name="rke-compile">
4 <target name="compile">
5 <!-- checkout expeditee -->
6 <exec executable="svn">
7 <arg value="checkout"/>
8 <!--<arg value="MINUSMINUSforce-interactive"/>-->
9 <arg value=""/>
10 <arg value="${basedir}/expeditee"/>
12 </exec>
14 <!-- we do not want the *.app folders if we are not mac-->
15 <!--<if><bool><not><equals arg1="${rk.os}" arg2="mac"/></not></bool>
16 <delete dir="${basedir}/compiled/"/>
17 </if>-->
18 <ant dir="${basedir}/expeditee" antfile="${basedir}/expeditee/build.xml" target="inst" />
19 <move todir="compiled">
20 <fileset dir="expeditee/inst">
21 <include name="**"/>
22 </fileset>
23 </move>
25 <!-- copy search4j -->
26 <if><bool><equals arg1="${rk.os}" arg2="linux"/></bool>
27 <exec dir="${rk.home}/shared/core/search4j" executable="./configure" failonerror="true">
28 <arg line="LDFLAGS=-static" />
29 </exec>
30 <exec dir="${rk.home}/shared/core/search4j" executable="make" failonerror="true"/>
31 <copy file="${rk.home}/shared/core/search4j/search4j" todir="${basedir}/compiled/bin" />
32 </if>
33 <if><bool><equals arg1="${rk.os}" arg2="windows"/></bool>
34 <exec dir="${rk.home}/shared/core/search4j" executable="nmake"><arg value="/f"/><arg value="win32.mak"/></exec>
35 <copy file="${rk.home}/shared/core/search4j/search4j.exe" todir="${basedir}/compiled/bin" />
36 <!-- copy icon for windows -->
37 <mkdir dir="${basedir}/compiled/resources"/>
38 <copy file="${rk.home}/shared/core/icon/icon.ico" todir="${basedir}/compiled/resources" />
39 </if>
40 <!-- copy run scripts -->
41 <if><bool><or><equals arg1="${rk.os}" arg2="linux"/><equals arg1="${rk.os}" arg2="windows"/></or></bool>
42 <copy todir="${basedir}/compiled">
43 <fileset dir="${rk.home}/scripts">
44 <include name="**" />
45 </fileset>
46 </copy>
47 </if>
48 </target>
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