source: other-projects/gs3-webservices-java-client/trunk/src/GS3Fedora/org/greenstone/fedora/services/ 21573

Last change on this file since 21573 was 21573, checked in by ak19, 14 years ago

Corrections to get things working again with GSearch2.2 for Fedora3.3: 1. gFindObjects takes the same parameters as before but in a different order; 2. Needed to extend fieldmaxlength, since the PID returned got truncated otherwise.

File size: 23.2 KB
2 *#########################################################################
3 * - works with the demo-client for Greenstone 3,
4 * of the Greenstone digital library suite from the New Zealand Digital
5 * Library Project at the * University of Waikato, New Zealand.
6 * <BR><BR>
7 * Copyright (C) 2008 New Zealand Digital Library Project
8 * <BR><BR>
9 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 * (at your option) any later version.
13 * <BR><BR>
14 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 * GNU General Public License for more details.
18 *########################################################################
19 */
23import java.util.Vector;
24import java.util.Iterator;
25import java.util.Map;
26import java.util.HashMap;
29import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
30import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
31import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
32import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
35import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
36import org.apache.axis.client.Service;
37import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
39import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
40import org.w3c.dom.Element;
41import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
45 * Class GSearchConnection connects to FedoraGSearch's web services.
46 * FedorGSearch offers indexing and full-text search functionality for
47 * Fedora repositories. Its search web service (method gFindObjects)
48 * returns the response of a search as XML.
49 * GSearchConnection offers more convenient methods that extract just
50 * the parts of search results that FedoraGS3Connection needs and returns
51 * that.
52 * @author ak19
54public class GSearchConnection implements FedoraToGS3Interface.Constants {
55 /** Logger for this class. */
56 private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(
57 GSearchConnection.class.getName());
59 /* Accessing the web services of Fedora Generic Search */
60 protected static String NAMESPACE_URI = "";
61 protected static String SERVICE_NAME = "OperationsService";
63 /** The names of the methods we use of Fedora Generic Search's web services
64 * are declared here as static final Strings. */
65 protected static final String G_FIND_OBJECTS = "gfindObjects";
67 /* Some fixed string literals that will be encountered in the response XMLs
68 * that FedoraGSearch's method gFindObjects() returns. */
69 protected static final String PID = "PID";
70 protected static final String HIT_TOTAL = "hitTotal";
71 protected static final String OBJECT = "object";
72 protected static final String FIELD = "field";
73 protected static final String NAME = "name";
74 protected static final String DC_TITLE_FIELD = "dc.title";
75 protected static final String FULLTEXT_FIELD = "ds.fulltext";
77 /** separator used internally to separate values of a search field */
78 protected static final String SPACE = " ";
80 /** The name of the Index wherein FedoraGSearch has indexed all the GS3 docs.
81 * This final member is public here so that others may read the indexName
82 * that this GSearchConnection works with. */
83 public final String indexName;
85 /** The Service object used to connect to the FedoraGSearch web services */
86 protected final Service service;
87 /** The Call object used to connect to the FedoraGSearch web services */
88 protected final Call call;
89 /** The portName object used when connecting to FedoraGSearch's web services */
90 protected final QName portName;
92 /** A DocumentBuilder object used to construct and parse XML */
93 protected final DocumentBuilder builder;
[15222]97 /** Constructor that takes a String representing the url of the WSDL
98 * file for FedoraGSearch's web services, and tries to establish a
99 * connection to those web services.
100 * @param wsdlFileLocation is a String representing the url of the WSDL file
[15437]101 * @param indexName is the name of the index that Fedora Generic Search
102 * should work with (the index wherein the indexed GS3 documents have been
103 * placed).
[15222]104 */
[15437]105 public GSearchConnection(String wsdlFileLocation, String indexName)
[15222]106 throws MalformedURLException, ServiceException,
107 ParserConfigurationException
108 {
[15437]109 this.indexName = indexName;
[15222]111 URL wsdlURL = new URL(wsdlFileLocation);
112 service = new Service(wsdlURL, new QName(NAMESPACE_URI, SERVICE_NAME));
113 //call = (Call) service.createCall(new QName(NAMESPACE_URI, PORT_NAME));
115 Iterator i = service.getPorts();
116 // FIXME: can we just assume it's the first port of service SERVICE_NAME?
117 // Do we need to work out which port to get??? Remember, the port names
118 // vary between wsdls though!
119 if(i.hasNext()) {
120 portName = (QName);
121 call = (Call) service.createCall(portName);
123 String endpointLocation = call.getTargetEndpointAddress();
124 LOG.debug("Wsdl file url: " + wsdlURL
125 + "\nEndpoint location is: " + endpointLocation);
126 } else { // should never happen: a service without a port
127 // portName = null;
128 call = (Call)service.createCall();
129 // FIXME: possibly manually get the ports and choose
130 // one containing "FEDORA" and "API-A" in its name?
131 throw new ServiceException(this.getClass() + ": No port in wsdl file");
132 }
134 // we can set the portName which remains constant for the various methods
135 // call.setPortName(portName);
137 DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
138 builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); // to create XML docs
139 }
142 /**
143 * Method to invoke gfindObjects operation of Fedora Generic Search
144 * web services.
145 *
146 * Parameter types, parameter order and return type of gFindObjects are as
147 * obtained from the wsdl file for the Fedora Generic Search web services
148 * located at:
149 * http://localhost:8080/fedoragsearch/services/FgsOperations?wsdl
150 * &lt;wsdl:message name="gfindObjectsRequest"&gt;
151 * &lt;wsdl:part name="query" type="xsd:string"/&gt;
152 * &lt;wsdl:part name="sort" type="xsd:string"/&gt;
153 * &lt;wsdl:part name="hitPageStart" type="xsd:int"/&gt;
154 * &lt;wsdl:part name="hitPageSize" type="xsd:int"/&gt;
155 * &lt;wsdl:part name="snippetsMax" type="xsd:int"/&gt;
156 * &lt;wsdl:part name="fieldMaxLength" type="xsd:int"/&gt;
157 * &lt;wsdl:part name="indexName" type="xsd:string"/&gt;
158 * &lt;wsdl:part name="resultPageXslt" type="xsd:string"/&gt;
159 * &lt;/wsdl:message&gt;
160 *
161 * &lt;wsdl:message name="gfindObjectsResponse"&gt;
162 * &lt;wsdl:part name="gfindObjectsReturn" type="xsd:string"/&gt;
163 * &lt;/wsdl:message&gt;
164 *
165 * &lt;wsdl:operation name="gfindObjects"
166 * parameterOrder="query sort hitPageStart hitPageSize snippetsMax
167 * fieldMaxLength indexName resultPageXslt"&gt;
168 *
169 * This method works: it searches the dc.title field of our FedoraIndex
170 * for the term (e.g. "interview") and the result returned is an XML String.
171 *
172 * There's no example on how to call gFindObjects with parameters. In
173 * particular, I don't know what values the parameter <b>sort</b> can take.
174 * But topazproject has an example on how to call updateIndex().
175 * @see <a href="">An example on how to call updateIndex() with parameters</a>
176 * @see <a href="">Axis Service class</a>
177 * @see <a href="">Axis RPC Call, for specification of interface Call</a>
178 * @see <a href="">Axis client Call class, for implementation of interface Call</a>
179 */
180 protected String gFindObjects(String searchFieldedTerms, String sort,
[21573]181 int hitPageStart, int hitPageSize, int snippetsMax,
182 /*int fieldMaxLength,*/ String indexName, String resultPageXslt) throws Exception
[15222]183 {
184 // "Prefills as much info from the WSDL as it can. Right now it's SOAPAction,
185 // operation qname, parameter types and return type of the Web Service.
186 // This method considers that port name and target endpoint address have
187 // already been set. This is useful when you want to use the same Call instance
188 // for several calls on the same Port. NOTE: Not part of JAX-RPC specification."
190 //call.removeAllParameters(); // no need for this when using setOpName below
191 call.setOperationName(G_FIND_OBJECTS);
[21573]193 // Max num of chars in field vals returned. Since return values exceeding
194 // maxlength will be truncated, ensure length suffices for long PIDs returned.
195 // The only element of the response XML we'll be using is the PID of the document
196 // in which the searchTerm occurred.
197 final int fieldMaxLength = 100; // NOT TRUE: max length in words of field values
198 // returned. E.g. snippet sizes will be reduced to fieldMaxLength words too.
200 // This is the method call for Fedora 2's GSearch
201 //String valueFound =(String)call.invoke( new Object[] {
202 // searchFieldedTerms, sort, hitPageStart, hitPageSize, snippetsMax,
203 // fieldMaxLength, indexName, resultPageXslt} );
205 // The method call for GSearch 2.2 of Fedora 3 takes the args in a different order:
[15222]206 String valueFound =(String)call.invoke( new Object[] {
[21573]207 searchFieldedTerms, hitPageStart, hitPageSize, snippetsMax,
208 fieldMaxLength, indexName, sort, resultPageXslt} );
210 // for debugging
211 //javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "GSearchConnection.gFindObjects:" + valueFound);
[15222]213 return valueFound;
214 }
216 /**
217 * Method that performs a search for the given searchTerm inside the given
218 * indexed field.
219 * @param searchFieldName is the name of the indexed field within which the
220 * given searchTerm is to be searched for.
221 * @param searchTerm is the term to be searched for.
222 * @param hitPageStart is the page of search results to start returning.
223 * @param hitPageSize is the number of search result pages to return,
224 * starting from hitPageStart.
225 * @param snippetsMax is the maximum number of separate snippets containing
226 * the searchTerm that are to be returned. (snippetsMax or a fewer number of
227 * occurrences of the word in the text will be returned)
228 */
229 public String search(String searchFieldName, String searchTerm,
230 int hitPageStart, int hitPageSize, int snippetsMax) throws Exception
231 {
232 final String sort = ""; // returns results from highest to lowest rank
233 final String resultPageXslt = "";
235 // when a fieldname is given to search in (ds.fulltext, dc.title)
236 // then prepend that followed by a COLON to the searchTerm.
237 final String fullSearchTerm = searchFieldName.equals("") ?
238 searchTerm : (searchFieldName+":"+searchTerm);
240 return gFindObjects(fullSearchTerm, sort,
241 hitPageStart, hitPageSize, snippetsMax,
[21573]242 indexName, resultPageXslt);
[15222]243 }
245 /**
246 * FedoraGSearch accepts a query of the form:
247 * <code>&lt;"cyclone val" "Gender Inequalities" ds.fulltext:"cyclone val"
248 * ds.fulltext:"worst storm"&gt;</code>
249 * where the first two phrases are searched for in all indexed fields,
250 * (in this case dc.title and ds.fulltext), while the last two are
251 * searched for in the ds.fulltext field.
252 * Another example:
253 * <code>&lt;gender dc.title:interview ds.fulltext:"cyclone val"&gt;
254 * titles and fulltexts are searched for "gender", while title index
255 * is searched for "interview" and fulltexts are searched for the phrase
256 * "cyclone val"</code>
257 * @param fieldsToSearchTerms is a Hashmap of searchfields and
258 * associated search terms (words or phrases). The terms are in a
259 * comma-separated list. fieldsToSearchTerms is a Hashmap of
260 * (Searchfields, associated-searchTerms) pairs. It can contain 3
261 * searchfields: allfields, titles, text. The value for each is a
262 * comma-separated list of search terms in that field.
263 * Internally the field names get converted to what FedoraGSearch's
264 * gfindObjects understands: titles becomes dc.title:, text becomes
265 * ds.fulltext and allfields becomes nothing.
266 * @param hitPageStart is the page of search results to start returning.
267 * @param hitPageSize is the number of search result pages to return,
268 * starting from hitPageStart.
269 * @return the XML (in string format) returned from Fedora Generic Search's
270 * gfindObjects method
271 *
272 */
273 public String search(Map fieldsToSearchTerms,
274 int hitPageStart, int hitPageSize)
275 throws Exception
276 {
277 LOG.debug("In FedoraGS3's,...)");
279 // HashMap consists of several (key, value) entries, 3 of
280 // which will be dealt with here:
281 // - allfields, <comma separated list of search terms/phrases>
282 // - titles, <comma separated list of search terms/phrases>
283 // - (full)text, <comma separated list of search terms/phrases>
284 // We need to obtain each value and change the separator to space:
285 String allfields = (String)fieldsToSearchTerms.get(ALL_FIELDS);
286 String titles = (String)fieldsToSearchTerms.get(ALL_TITLES);
287 String fulltexts = (String)fieldsToSearchTerms.get(FULLTEXT);
289 // Each field is a comma separated list of terms that may be
290 // either a word OR a phrase.
291 // We're going to separate each term from the list,
292 // and put quotes around phrases, then combine all the terms
293 // together again with spaces to separate them.
294 allfields = formatSearchTermsInField(allfields, ALL_FIELDS);
295 // ALL_FIELDS has no field name
296 titles = formatSearchTermsInField(titles, DC_TITLE_FIELD);
297 fulltexts = formatSearchTermsInField(fulltexts, FULLTEXT_FIELD);
299 String fullSearchTerm = allfields + titles + fulltexts;
300 if(fullSearchTerm.trim().equals("")) { // nothing to search on
301 return "";
302 }
304 // Finally, restrict the search to the Greenstone digital objects
305 // stored in Fedora
306 final String greenstonePID
308 //"PID:\"greenstone\"";
309 fullSearchTerm += greenstonePID;
310 //! Everything after the colon in the pid is ignored by FedoraGSearch:
311 // "PID:\"greenstone:gs2mgdemo\""; // ignores "gs2mgdemo"
313 // <snippet> tags interfere when PID field is searched on, set it to 0
314 return search(fullSearchTerm, hitPageStart, hitPageSize, 0);
315 // return search(fullSearchTerm, hitPageStart, hitPageSize, snippetsMax);
316 }
318 /** Each field is a comma separated list of terms that may be either a word
319 * OR a phrase. We're going to separate each term from the list, and put
320 * quotes around phrases, then combine all the terms together again with
321 * spaces to separate them. Examples:
322 * <pre>dc.title:"a phrase" word
323 * dc.fulltext: "cyclone val"
324 * (ALL_FIELDS) interview gender</pre>
325 * This is required to facilitate fielded searching with fedoraGSearch.
326 * @param field is a comma separated list of search terms (corresponding
327 * to one fieldName) to be reorganised
328 * @param fieldName is the name of the field to prepend to the reorganised
329 * field value. FieldName ALL_FIELDS is ignored.
330 * @return parameter field reorganised such that terms that are phrases
331 * are in quotes and each term is separated by a space from the previous one.
332 */
333 protected String formatSearchTermsInField(String field, String fieldName)
334 {
335 if(field != null) { // check that the field isn't empty
336 //LOG.debug("field: " + field);
337 String[] terms = field.split(",");
338 field = ""; // we'll build it up again
339 for(int i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) {
340 // if it contains a space, then the term's a phrase,
341 // put it in quotes
342 if(terms[i].indexOf(SPACE) != -1) {
343 terms[i] = "\"" + terms[i] + "\"";
344 }
345 field = field + terms[i] + SPACE;
346 }
348 // Prefix it with the name of the field we want to search for
349 // the term in. Every field other than allfields has a prefix
350 if(!fieldName.equals(ALL_FIELDS)) {
351 field = fieldName + ":" + field;
352 }
354 } else field = "";
355 return field;
356 }
358 /**
359 * Uses FedoraGSearch to perform a search where the query is embedded in
360 * fieldedSearchTerms, which not only provides the terms to search on, but
361 * also the fields to search the (various) given terms in.
362 * @param fieldedSearchTerms is the String specifying all the search terms
363 * with their fields (or no field if it should search for the terms in
364 * all fields). The terms with no associated search-fields should come first.
365 * Search terms may be in quotes.
366 * @param snippetsMax is the maximum number of separate snippets containing
367 * the searchTerm (snippetsMax number of occurrences of the word in the text)
368 * returned.
369 * @param hitPageStart is the page of search results to start returning.
370 * @param hitPageSize is the number of search result pages to return,
371 * starting from hitPageStart.
372 * @return the XML (in string format) returned from Fedora Generic Search's
373 * gfindObjects method
374 */
375 public String search(String fieldedSearchTerms,
376 int hitPageStart, int hitPageSize, int snippetsMax) throws Exception
377 {
378 LOG.debug("In method search(String fieldedSearchTerms,...). "
379 + "Query is:\n" + fieldedSearchTerms);
381 final String sort = ""; // returns results from highest to lowest rank
382 final String resultPageXslt = "";
383 return gFindObjects(fieldedSearchTerms, sort,
384 hitPageStart, hitPageSize, snippetsMax,
[21573]385 indexName, resultPageXslt);
[15222]386 }
388 /** Call this method with the return value of calling search().
389 * Search results are returned in GSearch's XML response format,
390 * containing information that includes the PIDs of the documents that
391 * matched the search. These PIDs are returned in the array.
392 * @param collectionName is the name of the collection to restrict the
393 * search results by. If it's "", then results from all collections are
394 * returned. Generally, don't want to pass "", because, theoretically,
395 * all indexed collections in the repository could be considered and
396 * not all of them may be Greenstone collections. If all Greenstone
397 * collections should be searched for, pass "greenstone" as the
398 * collection name instead.
399 * @param searchResult is the Fedora Generic Search XML response returned
400 * from performing a gfindObjects() operations.
401 * @return an array of the pids of documents found for the search. */
402 public String[] getPIDsFromSearchResult(String collectionName,
403 String searchResult)
404 throws Exception
405 {
406 final String[] empty = {};
407 if(searchResult.equals("")) {
408 return empty;
409 }
411 // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
412 // <resultPage xmlns:dc="" xmlns:foxml="info:fedora/fedora-system:def/foxml#" xmlns:zs="" indexName="FedoraIndex" dateTime="Sat Feb 09 16:43:04 NZDT 2008">
413 // <gfindObjects hitTotal="1" resultPageXslt="" hitPageSize="10" hitPageStart="1" query="ds.fulltext:Cyclone">
414 // <objects>
415 // <object no="1" score="0.24639596">
416 // <field name="PID">greenstone:gs2mgdemo-HASH01d667303fe98545f03c14ae</field>
417 // <field name="repositoryName">Fedora</field>
418 // <field name="object.type">FedoraObject</field>
419 // <field name="object.state">Active</field>
420 // <field name="object.label">The Courier - N°159 - Sept- Oct 1996 Dossier Inves ... </field>
421 // <field name="object.createdDate">2007-11-23T04:23:15.363Z</field>
422 // <field name="object.lastModifiedDate">2008-01-15T04:37:49.518Z</field>
423 // <field name="dc.title">some title</field>
424 // <field name="dc.title">some title2</field>
425 // ...
426 // <field name="ds.fulltext" snippet="yes">(The 1993 <span class="highlight">cyclone</span>, although</field>
427 // <field name="ds.label">Metadata</field>
428 // ...
429 // </object>
430 // </objects>
431 // </gfindObjects>
432 // 1. Get documentElement, which is <resultPage>
433 Element resultPage = FedoraCommons.getResponseAsDOM(builder, searchResult);
434 // 2. find the hitTotal value which is the number of results
435 // it's an attribute of the sole compulsory <gFindObjects> element
436 int hitTotal = 0;
437 Element gfindObjectsEl
438 = (Element)resultPage.getElementsByTagName(G_FIND_OBJECTS).item(0);
439 String value = gfindObjectsEl.getAttribute(HIT_TOTAL);
440 hitTotal = Integer.parseInt(value);
441 if(hitTotal == 0) {
442 return new String[]{};
443 }
445 // Our resulting list of pids will be no more than hitTotal,
446 // but may be fewer if we constrain the results to a collection
447 Vector pidsInCollection = new Vector(hitTotal);
449 // Returns a NodeList of all descendant Elements with object tagname
450 NodeList objects = gfindObjectsEl.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT);
451 for(int i = 0; i < objects.getLength(); i++) {
452 // should be the case that pids.length == (digital)objects.getLength()
453 // get the PID of each object
454 Element object = (Element)objects.item(i);
455 NodeList fields = object.getElementsByTagName(FIELD);
457 for(int j = 0; j < fields.getLength(); j++) {
458 // find the sole <field> of <object> where NAME attribute == PID
459 Element field = (Element)fields.item(j);
460 if(field.getAttribute(NAME).equals(PID)) {
461 String pid = FedoraCommons.getValue(field);
462 // Either store only the pids which are part of the collection,
463 // or, if no collection is specified (=""),then store the pid too
464 if(collectionName.equals("") || pid.contains(collectionName)) {
465 pidsInCollection.add(pid);
466 }
467 break; // found pid field, meaning that we have
468 // finished for loop on <field>s of this <object>,
469 // consider next <object>
470 }
471 }
472 }
473 String[] pids = new String[pidsInCollection.size()];
474 pidsInCollection.toArray(pids);
475 return pids;
476 }
478 public static void main(String[] args) {
479 try {
480 GSearchConnection searcher = new GSearchConnection(
[15437]481 "http://localhost:8080/fedoragsearch/services/FgsOperations?wsdl", "FedoraIndex");
484 HashMap map = new HashMap();
485 map.put(GSearchConnection.ALL_FIELDS, "gender inequalities");
486 map.put(GSearchConnection.FULLTEXT, "cyclone val,worst storm");
487 //map.put(GSearchConnection.ALL_FIELDS, "\"gender inequalities\"");
488 //map.put(GSearchConnection.FULLTEXT, "\"cyclone val\",\"worst storm\"");
489 String searchResult =, 1, 10); //snippetsMax: 3);
490 System.out.println(searchResult);
492 String[] pids = searcher.getPIDsFromSearchResult("gs2mgdemo", searchResult);
493 System.err.println("Found pids for search:\n");
494 for(int i = 0; i < pids.length; i++) {
495 System.out.println(pids[i]);
496 }
498 //searchResult ="", "minh", 0, 50, 50);
499 //System.err.println(searchResult);
501 //String searchTerms = "cyclone dc.title:interview dc.title:gender";
502 String searchTerms="\"gender inequalities\" ds.fulltext:\"cyclone val\" ds.fulltext:\"worst storm\"";
503 searchResult =, 1, 10, 3);
504 System.out.println(searchResult);
506 // Not restricting results to any collection (search results from
507 // all collections)
508 pids = searcher.getPIDsFromSearchResult("", searchResult);
509 System.err.println("Found pids for search: ");
510 for(int i = 0; i < pids.length; i++) {
511 System.out.println(pids[i]);
512 }
514 searchResult ="ds.fulltext", "cyclone", 1, 10, 3);
515 //String searchResult ="ds.label", "hierarchical", 1, 10, 3);
516 // System.out.println("ds.fulltext", "Pinky", 1, 10, 3));
517 System.out.println(searchResult);
519 pids = null;
520 pids = searcher.getPIDsFromSearchResult("", searchResult);
521 System.err.println("Found pids for search: ");
522 for(int i = 0; i < pids.length; i++) {
523 System.out.println(pids[i]);
524 }
526 }catch(Exception e) {
527 System.err.println(e.getMessage());
528 }
530 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.